path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
diff options
authorAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2016-10-19 13:12:57 +0200
committerAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2016-10-19 13:12:57 +0200
commit595a171407debfa67436e13e1390d298a3899e74 (patch)
treef36d85988e33ea8c6b86356d137fd78bb816b2aa /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
parentaca695ab0bb5e18e3a2ea6d7b81d9814885c1b00 (diff)
Add option for top-level division type
The `--chapters` option is replaced with `--top-level-division` which allows users to specify the type as which top-level headers should be output. Possible values are `section` (the default), `chapter`, or `part`. The formats LaTeX, ConTeXt, and Docbook allow `part` as top-level division, TEI only allows to set the `type` attribute on `div` containers. The writers are altered to respect this option in a sensible way.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
index 076c1ae3a..6120330ca 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/TEI.hs
@@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ writeTEI opts (Pandoc meta blocks) =
then Just $ writerColumns opts
else Nothing
render' = render colwidth
- startLvl = if writerChapters opts then 0 else 1
+ startLvl = case writerTopLevelDivision opts of
+ Part -> -1
+ Chapter -> 0
+ Section -> 1
auths' = map (authorToTEI opts) $ docAuthors meta
meta' = B.setMeta "author" auths' meta
Just metadata = metaToJSON opts
@@ -86,8 +89,10 @@ elementToTEI opts lvl (Sec _ _num (id',_,_) title elements) =
let elements' = if null elements
then [Blk (Para [])]
else elements
+ -- level numbering correspond to LaTeX internals
divType = case lvl of
- n | n == 0 -> "chapter"
+ n | n == -1 -> "part"
+ | n == 0 -> "chapter"
| n >= 1 && n <= 5 -> "level" ++ show n
| otherwise -> "section"
in inTags True "div" [("type", divType) | not (null id')] $