path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint
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authorJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2019-04-01 14:18:25 -0400
committerJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2019-04-01 14:45:56 -0400
commitda802c1a2ef3961854761c988ef946de8677e9c3 (patch)
tree664853aec824055028ee4a691dd8d1e99ecfb3b7 /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint
parent0fa6951dc15b162b7157739bb0787441aaf48014 (diff)
PowerPoint writer: Make default placeholder type for template lookup
This is the first step toward making templating work better. It seems that content shapes have a default ph type. In other words, shapes with *NO PH TYPE* should be considered to have an "obj" ph type, and used as content shapes. see https://github.com/scanny/python-pptx/blob/master/docs/dev/analysis/placeholders/slide-placeholders/placeholders-in-new-slide.rst
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
index 8c0aee696..00845b987 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -975,21 +975,45 @@ graphicToElement tableWidth (Tbl tblPr hdrCells rows) = do
-getShapeByPlaceHolderType :: NameSpaces -> Element -> String -> Maybe Element
+-- We get the shape by placeholder type. If there is NO type, it
+-- defaults to a content placeholder.
+data PHType = PHType String | ObjType
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+findPHType :: NameSpaces -> Element -> PHType -> Bool
+findPHType ns spElem phType
+ | isElem ns "p" "sp" spElem =
+ let mbPHElem = (Just spElem >>=
+ findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") >>=
+ findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvPr") >>=
+ findChild (elemName ns "p" "ph"))
+ in
+ case mbPHElem of
+ -- if it's a named PHType, we want to check that the attribute
+ -- value matches.
+ Just phElem | (PHType tp) <- phType ->
+ case findAttr (QName "type" Nothing Nothing) phElem of
+ Just tp' -> tp == tp'
+ Nothing -> False
+ -- if it's an ObjType, we want to check that there is NO
+ -- "type" attribute. In other words, a lookup should return nothing.
+ Just phElem | ObjType <- phType ->
+ case findAttr (QName "type" Nothing Nothing) phElem of
+ Just _ -> False
+ Nothing -> True
+ Nothing -> False
+findPHType _ _ _ = False
+getShapeByPlaceHolderType :: NameSpaces -> Element -> PHType -> Maybe Element
getShapeByPlaceHolderType ns spTreeElem phType
| isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
- let findPhType element = isElem ns "p" "sp" element &&
- Just phType == (Just element >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvPr") >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "p" "ph") >>=
- findAttr (QName "type" Nothing Nothing))
- in
- filterChild findPhType spTreeElem
+ filterChild (\e -> findPHType ns e phType) spTreeElem
| otherwise = Nothing
-- Like the above, but it tries a number of different placeholder types
-getShapeByPlaceHolderTypes :: NameSpaces -> Element -> [String] -> Maybe Element
+getShapeByPlaceHolderTypes :: NameSpaces -> Element -> [PHType] -> Maybe Element
getShapeByPlaceHolderTypes _ _ [] = Nothing
getShapeByPlaceHolderTypes ns spTreeElem (s:ss) =
case getShapeByPlaceHolderType ns spTreeElem s of
@@ -1010,7 +1034,7 @@ getShapeByPlaceHolderIndex ns spTreeElem phIdx
| otherwise = Nothing
-nonBodyTextToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [String] -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
+nonBodyTextToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [PHType] -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
nonBodyTextToElement layout phTypes paraElements
| ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
, Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
@@ -1030,7 +1054,7 @@ contentToElement layout hdrShape shapes
| ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
, Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
, Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout ["title"] hdrShape
+ element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "title"] hdrShape
let hdrShapeElements = if null hdrShape
then []
else [element]
@@ -1048,7 +1072,7 @@ twoColumnToElement layout hdrShape shapesL shapesR
| ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
, Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
, Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout ["title"] hdrShape
+ element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "title"] hdrShape
let hdrShapeElements = if null hdrShape
then []
else [element]
@@ -1072,7 +1096,7 @@ titleToElement layout titleElems
| ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
, Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
, Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout ["title", "ctrTitle"] titleElems
+ element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "title", PHType "ctrTitle"] titleElems
let titleShapeElements = if null titleElems
then []
else [element]
@@ -1086,15 +1110,15 @@ metadataToElement layout titleElems subtitleElems authorsElems dateElems
, Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
titleShapeElements <- if null titleElems
then return []
- else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout ["ctrTitle"] titleElems]
+ else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "ctrTitle"] titleElems]
let combinedAuthorElems = intercalate [Break] authorsElems
subtitleAndAuthorElems = intercalate [Break, Break] [subtitleElems, combinedAuthorElems]
subtitleShapeElements <- if null subtitleAndAuthorElems
then return []
- else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout ["subTitle"] subtitleAndAuthorElems]
+ else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "subTitle"] subtitleAndAuthorElems]
dateShapeElements <- if null dateElems
then return []
- else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout ["dt"] dateElems]
+ else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout [PHType "dt"] dateElems]
return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
(titleShapeElements ++ subtitleShapeElements ++ dateShapeElements)
@@ -1155,7 +1179,7 @@ getSlideNumberFieldId notesMaster
| ns <- elemToNameSpaces notesMaster
, Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") notesMaster
, Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
- , Just sp <- getShapeByPlaceHolderType ns spTree "sldNum"
+ , Just sp <- getShapeByPlaceHolderType ns spTree (PHType "sldNum")
, Just txBody <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "txBody") sp
, Just p <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "p") txBody
, Just fld <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "fld") p