path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-03-02 21:06:56 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-03-02 21:08:13 -0800
commit2097411e4f4da0f0cd2fb4fdbb4759b6da600289 (patch)
tree4321eef82ee91bac2211859ffd4d06bb1504bd74 /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
parent50e6d3ed23953d0d9a90d94a164c25390086efbb (diff)
Split up T.P.Writers.Markdown...
with T.P.Writers.Markdown.Types and T.P.Writers.Markdown.Inline. The module was difficult to compile on low-memory system.s
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 591 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
index d33246a63..533bcc071 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Markdown.hs
@@ -22,15 +22,13 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown (
writePlain) where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
-import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isDigit)
import Data.Default
-import Data.List (find, intersperse, sortOn, transpose)
+import Data.List (intersperse, sortOn, transpose)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Network.HTTP (urlEncode)
import Text.HTML.TagSoup (Tag (..), isTagText, parseTags)
import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad, report)
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
@@ -44,59 +42,11 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Templates (renderTemplate)
import Text.DocTemplates (Val(..), Context(..), FromContext(..))
import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML (writeHtml5String)
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (texMathToInlines)
-import Text.Pandoc.XML (toHtml5Entities)
-import Data.Coerce (coerce)
-type Notes = [[Block]]
-type Ref = (Text, Target, Attr)
-type Refs = [Ref]
-type MD m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
-evalMD :: PandocMonad m => MD m a -> WriterEnv -> WriterState -> m a
-evalMD md env st = evalStateT (runReaderT md env) st
-data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envInList :: Bool
- , envVariant :: MarkdownVariant
- , envRefShortcutable :: Bool
- , envBlockLevel :: Int
- , envEscapeSpaces :: Bool
- }
-data MarkdownVariant =
- PlainText
- | Commonmark
- | Markdown
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Default WriterEnv
- where def = WriterEnv { envInList = False
- , envVariant = Markdown
- , envRefShortcutable = True
- , envBlockLevel = 0
- , envEscapeSpaces = False
- }
-data WriterState = WriterState { stNotes :: Notes
- , stPrevRefs :: Refs
- , stRefs :: Refs
- , stKeys :: M.Map Key
- (M.Map (Target, Attr) Int)
- , stLastIdx :: Int
- , stIds :: Set.Set Text
- , stNoteNum :: Int
- }
-instance Default WriterState
- where def = WriterState{ stNotes = []
- , stPrevRefs = []
- , stRefs = []
- , stKeys = M.empty
- , stLastIdx = 0
- , stIds = Set.empty
- , stNoteNum = 1
- }
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown.Inline (inlineListToMarkdown)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown.Types (MarkdownVariant(..),
+ WriterState(..),
+ WriterEnv(..),
+ Ref, Refs, MD, evalMD)
-- | Convert Pandoc to Markdown.
writeMarkdown :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m Text
@@ -297,49 +247,6 @@ noteToMarkdown opts num blocks = do
then hang (writerTabStop opts) (marker <> spacer) contents
else marker <> spacer <> contents
--- | Escape special characters for Markdown.
-escapeText :: WriterOptions -> Text -> Text
-escapeText opts = T.pack . go . T.unpack
- where
- go [] = []
- go (c:cs) =
- case c of
- '<' | isEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable opts ->
- '\\' : '<' : go cs
- | otherwise -> "&lt;" ++ go cs
- '>' | isEnabled Ext_all_symbols_escapable opts ->
- '\\' : '>' : go cs
- | otherwise -> "&gt;" ++ go cs
- '@' | isEnabled Ext_citations opts ->
- case cs of
- (d:_)
- | isAlphaNum d || d == '_'
- -> '\\':'@':go cs
- _ -> '@':go cs
- _ | c `elem` ['\\','`','*','_','[',']','#'] ->
- '\\':c:go cs
- '|' | isEnabled Ext_pipe_tables opts -> '\\':'|':go cs
- '^' | isEnabled Ext_superscript opts -> '\\':'^':go cs
- '~' | isEnabled Ext_subscript opts ||
- isEnabled Ext_strikeout opts -> '\\':'~':go cs
- '$' | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_dollars opts -> '\\':'$':go cs
- '\'' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'\'':go cs
- '"' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts -> '\\':'"':go cs
- '-' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ->
- case cs of
- '-':_ -> '\\':'-':go cs
- _ -> '-':go cs
- '.' | isEnabled Ext_smart opts ->
- case cs of
- '.':'.':rest -> '\\':'.':'.':'.':go rest
- _ -> '.':go cs
- _ -> case cs of
- '_':x:xs
- | isEnabled Ext_intraword_underscores opts
- , isAlphaNum c
- , isAlphaNum x -> c : '_' : x : go xs
- _ -> c : go cs
attrsToMarkdown :: Attr -> Doc Text
attrsToMarkdown attribs = braces $ hsep [attribId, attribClasses, attribKeys]
where attribId = case attribs of
@@ -912,499 +819,7 @@ blockListToMarkdown opts blocks = do
| otherwise = RawBlock "markdown" "&nbsp;\n"
mconcat <$> mapM (blockToMarkdown opts) (fixBlocks blocks)
-getKey :: Doc Text -> Key
-getKey = toKey . render Nothing
-findUsableIndex :: [Text] -> Int -> Int
-findUsableIndex lbls i = if tshow i `elem` lbls
- then findUsableIndex lbls (i + 1)
- else i
-getNextIndex :: PandocMonad m => MD m Int
-getNextIndex = do
- prevRefs <- gets stPrevRefs
- refs <- gets stRefs
- i <- (+ 1) <$> gets stLastIdx
- modify $ \s -> s{ stLastIdx = i }
- let refLbls = map (\(r,_,_) -> r) $ prevRefs ++ refs
- return $ findUsableIndex refLbls i
--- | Get reference for target; if none exists, create unique one and return.
--- Prefer label if possible; otherwise, generate a unique key.
-getReference :: PandocMonad m => Attr -> Doc Text -> Target -> MD m Text
-getReference attr label target = do
- refs <- gets stRefs
- case find (\(_,t,a) -> t == target && a == attr) refs of
- Just (ref, _, _) -> return ref
- Nothing -> do
- keys <- gets stKeys
- let key = getKey label
- let rawkey = coerce key
- case M.lookup key keys of
- Nothing -> do -- no other refs with this label
- (lab', idx) <- if T.null rawkey ||
- T.length rawkey > 999 ||
- T.any (\c -> c == '[' || c == ']') rawkey
- then do
- i <- getNextIndex
- return (tshow i, i)
- else
- return (render Nothing label, 0)
- modify (\s -> s{
- stRefs = (lab', target, attr) : refs,
- stKeys = M.insert (getKey label)
- (M.insert (target, attr) idx mempty)
- (stKeys s) })
- return lab'
- Just km -> -- we have refs with this label
- case M.lookup (target, attr) km of
- Just i -> do
- let lab' = render Nothing $
- label <> if i == 0
- then mempty
- else literal (tshow i)
- -- make sure it's in stRefs; it may be
- -- a duplicate that was printed in a previous
- -- block:
- when ((lab', target, attr) `notElem` refs) $
- modify (\s -> s{
- stRefs = (lab', target, attr) : refs })
- return lab'
- Nothing -> do -- but this one is to a new target
- i <- getNextIndex
- let lab' = tshow i
- modify (\s -> s{
- stRefs = (lab', target, attr) : refs,
- stKeys = M.insert key
- (M.insert (target, attr) i km)
- (stKeys s) })
- return lab'
--- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to markdown.
-inlineListToMarkdown :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> MD m (Doc Text)
-inlineListToMarkdown opts lst = do
- inlist <- asks envInList
- go (if inlist then avoidBadWrapsInList lst else lst)
- where go [] = return empty
- go (x@Math{}:y@(Str t):zs)
- | T.all isDigit (T.take 1 t) -- starts with digit -- see #7058
- = liftM2 (<>) (inlineToMarkdown opts x)
- (go (RawInline (Format "html") "<!-- -->" : y : zs))
- go (i:is) = case i of
- Link {} -> case is of
- -- If a link is followed by another link, or '[', '(' or ':'
- -- then we don't shortcut
- Link {}:_ -> unshortcutable
- Space:Link {}:_ -> unshortcutable
- Space:(Str(thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- Space:(RawInline _ (thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- Space:(Cite _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
- SoftBreak:Link {}:_ -> unshortcutable
- SoftBreak:(Str(thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- SoftBreak:(RawInline _ (thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- SoftBreak:(Cite _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
- LineBreak:Link {}:_ -> unshortcutable
- LineBreak:(Str(thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- LineBreak:(RawInline _ (thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- LineBreak:(Cite _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
- (Cite _ _):_ -> unshortcutable
- Str (thead -> Just '['):_ -> unshortcutable
- Str (thead -> Just '('):_ -> unshortcutable
- Str (thead -> Just ':'):_ -> unshortcutable
- (RawInline _ (thead -> Just '[')):_ -> unshortcutable
- (RawInline _ (thead -> Just '(')):_ -> unshortcutable
- (RawInline _ (thead -> Just ':')):_ -> unshortcutable
- (RawInline _ (T.stripPrefix " [" -> Just _ )):_ -> unshortcutable
- _ -> shortcutable
- _ -> shortcutable
- where shortcutable = liftM2 (<>) (inlineToMarkdown opts i) (go is)
- unshortcutable = do
- iMark <- local
- (\env -> env { envRefShortcutable = False })
- (inlineToMarkdown opts i)
- fmap (iMark <>) (go is)
- thead = fmap fst . T.uncons
-isSp :: Inline -> Bool
-isSp Space = True
-isSp SoftBreak = True
-isSp _ = False
-avoidBadWrapsInList :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
-avoidBadWrapsInList [] = []
-avoidBadWrapsInList (s:Str (T.uncons -> Just ('>',cs)):xs) | isSp s =
- Str (" >" <> cs) : avoidBadWrapsInList xs
-avoidBadWrapsInList [s, Str (T.uncons -> Just (c, cs))]
- | T.null cs && isSp s && c `elem` ['-','*','+'] = [Str $ T.pack [' ', c]]
-avoidBadWrapsInList (s:Str (T.uncons -> Just (c, cs)):Space:xs)
- | T.null cs && isSp s && c `elem` ['-','*','+'] =
- Str (T.pack [' ', c]) : Space : avoidBadWrapsInList xs
-avoidBadWrapsInList (s:Str cs:Space:xs)
- | isSp s && isOrderedListMarker cs =
- Str (" " <> cs) : Space : avoidBadWrapsInList xs
-avoidBadWrapsInList [s, Str cs]
- | isSp s && isOrderedListMarker cs = [Str $ " " <> cs]
-avoidBadWrapsInList (x:xs) = x : avoidBadWrapsInList xs
-isOrderedListMarker :: Text -> Bool
-isOrderedListMarker xs = not (T.null xs) && (T.last xs `elem` ['.',')']) &&
- isRight (runParser (anyOrderedListMarker >> eof)
- defaultParserState "" xs)
-isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
-isRight (Right _) = True
-isRight (Left _) = False
--- | Convert Pandoc inline element to markdown.
-inlineToMarkdown :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> MD m (Doc Text)
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Span ("",["emoji"],kvs) [Str s]) =
- case lookup "data-emoji" kvs of
- Just emojiname | isEnabled Ext_emoji opts ->
- return $ ":" <> literal emojiname <> ":"
- _ -> inlineToMarkdown opts (Str s)
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Span attrs ils) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts ils
- return $ case attrs of
- (_,["csl-block"],_) -> (cr <>)
- (_,["csl-left-margin"],_) -> (cr <>)
- (_,["csl-indent"],_) -> (cr <>)
- _ -> id
- $ case variant of
- PlainText -> contents
- _ | attrs == nullAttr -> contents
- | isEnabled Ext_bracketed_spans opts ->
- let attrs' = if attrs /= nullAttr
- then attrsToMarkdown attrs
- else empty
- in "[" <> contents <> "]" <> attrs'
- | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts ||
- isEnabled Ext_native_spans opts ->
- tagWithAttrs "span" attrs <> contents <> literal "</span>"
- | otherwise -> contents
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Emph []) = return empty
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Emph lst) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- return $ case variant of
- PlainText
- | isEnabled Ext_gutenberg opts -> "_" <> contents <> "_"
- | otherwise -> contents
- _ -> "*" <> contents <> "*"
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Underline []) = return empty
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Underline lst) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- case variant of
- PlainText -> return contents
- _ | isEnabled Ext_bracketed_spans opts ->
- return $ "[" <> contents <> "]" <> "{.ul}"
- | isEnabled Ext_native_spans opts ->
- return $ tagWithAttrs "span" ("", ["underline"], [])
- <> contents
- <> literal "</span>"
- | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts ->
- return $ "<u>" <> contents <> "</u>"
- | otherwise -> inlineToMarkdown opts (Emph lst)
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Strong []) = return empty
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Strong lst) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- case variant of
- PlainText ->
- inlineListToMarkdown opts $
- if isEnabled Ext_gutenberg opts
- then capitalize lst
- else lst
- _ -> do
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- return $ "**" <> contents <> "**"
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Strikeout []) = return empty
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Strikeout lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- return $ if isEnabled Ext_strikeout opts
- then "~~" <> contents <> "~~"
- else if isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
- then "<s>" <> contents <> "</s>"
- else contents
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Superscript []) = return empty
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Superscript lst) =
- local (\env -> env {envEscapeSpaces = envVariant env == Markdown}) $ do
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- if isEnabled Ext_superscript opts
- then return $ "^" <> contents <> "^"
- else if isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
- then return $ "<sup>" <> contents <> "</sup>"
- else
- case traverse toSuperscriptInline lst of
- Just xs' | not (writerPreferAscii opts)
- -> inlineListToMarkdown opts xs'
- _ -> do
- let rendered = render Nothing contents
- return $
- case mapM toSuperscript (T.unpack rendered) of
- Just r -> literal $ T.pack r
- Nothing -> literal $ "^(" <> rendered <> ")"
-inlineToMarkdown _ (Subscript []) = return empty
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Subscript lst) =
- local (\env -> env {envEscapeSpaces = envVariant env == Markdown}) $ do
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- if isEnabled Ext_subscript opts
- then return $ "~" <> contents <> "~"
- else if isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
- then return $ "<sub>" <> contents <> "</sub>"
- else
- case traverse toSubscriptInline lst of
- Just xs' | not (writerPreferAscii opts)
- -> inlineListToMarkdown opts xs'
- _ -> do
- let rendered = render Nothing contents
- return $
- case mapM toSuperscript (T.unpack rendered) of
- Just r -> literal $ T.pack r
- Nothing -> literal $ "_(" <> rendered <> ")"
-inlineToMarkdown opts (SmallCaps lst) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- if variant /= PlainText &&
- (isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts || isEnabled Ext_native_spans opts)
- then inlineToMarkdown opts (Span ("",["smallcaps"],[]) lst)
- else inlineListToMarkdown opts $ capitalize lst
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- return $ if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
- then "'" <> contents <> "'"
- else
- if writerPreferAscii opts
- then "&lsquo;" <> contents <> "&rsquo;"
- else "‘" <> contents <> "’"
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
- contents <- inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- return $ if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
- then "\"" <> contents <> "\""
- else
- if writerPreferAscii opts
- then "&ldquo;" <> contents <> "&rdquo;"
- else "“" <> contents <> "”"
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Code attr str) = do
- let tickGroups = filter (T.any (== '`')) $ T.group str
- let longest = if null tickGroups
- then 0
- else maximum $ map T.length tickGroups
- let marker = T.replicate (longest + 1) "`"
- let spacer = if longest == 0 then "" else " "
- let attrs = if isEnabled Ext_inline_code_attributes opts && attr /= nullAttr
- then attrsToMarkdown attr
- else empty
- variant <- asks envVariant
- case variant of
- PlainText -> return $ literal str
- _ -> return $ literal
- (marker <> spacer <> str <> spacer <> marker) <> attrs
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Str str) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- let str' = (if writerPreferAscii opts
- then toHtml5Entities
- else id) .
- (if isEnabled Ext_smart opts
- then unsmartify opts
- else id) .
- (if variant == PlainText
- then id
- else escapeText opts) $ str
- return $ literal str'
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Math InlineMath str) =
- case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
- WebTeX url -> inlineToMarkdown opts
- (Image nullAttr [Str str] (url <> T.pack (urlEncode $ T.unpack str), str))
- _ | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_dollars opts ->
- return $ "$" <> literal str <> "$"
- | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_single_backslash opts ->
- return $ "\\(" <> literal str <> "\\)"
- | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_double_backslash opts ->
- return $ "\\\\(" <> literal str <> "\\\\)"
- | otherwise -> do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- texMathToInlines InlineMath str >>=
- inlineListToMarkdown opts .
- (if variant == PlainText then makeMathPlainer else id)
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Math DisplayMath str) =
- case writerHTMLMathMethod opts of
- WebTeX url -> (\x -> blankline <> x <> blankline) `fmap`
- inlineToMarkdown opts (Image nullAttr [Str str]
- (url <> T.pack (urlEncode $ T.unpack str), str))
- _ | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_dollars opts ->
- return $ "$$" <> literal str <> "$$"
- | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_single_backslash opts ->
- return $ "\\[" <> literal str <> "\\]"
- | isEnabled Ext_tex_math_double_backslash opts ->
- return $ "\\\\[" <> literal str <> "\\\\]"
- | otherwise -> (\x -> cr <> x <> cr) `fmap`
- (texMathToInlines DisplayMath str >>= inlineListToMarkdown opts)
-inlineToMarkdown opts il@(RawInline f str) = do
- let tickGroups = filter (T.any (== '`')) $ T.group str
- let numticks = if null tickGroups
- then 1
- else 1 + maximum (map T.length tickGroups)
- variant <- asks envVariant
- let Format fmt = f
- let rawAttribInline = return $
- literal (T.replicate numticks "`") <> literal str <>
- literal (T.replicate numticks "`") <> literal "{=" <> literal fmt <> literal "}"
- let renderEmpty = mempty <$ report (InlineNotRendered il)
- case variant of
- PlainText -> renderEmpty
- Commonmark
- | f `elem` ["gfm", "commonmark", "commonmark_x", "markdown"]
- -> return $ literal str
- Markdown
- | f `elem` ["markdown", "markdown_github", "markdown_phpextra",
- "markdown_mmd", "markdown_strict"]
- -> return $ literal str
- _ | isEnabled Ext_raw_attribute opts -> rawAttribInline
- | f `elem` ["html", "html5", "html4"]
- , isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
- -> return $ literal str
- | f `elem` ["latex", "tex"]
- , isEnabled Ext_raw_tex opts
- -> return $ literal str
- _ -> renderEmpty
-inlineToMarkdown opts LineBreak = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- if variant == PlainText || isEnabled Ext_hard_line_breaks opts
- then return cr
- else return $
- if isEnabled Ext_escaped_line_breaks opts
- then "\\" <> cr
- else " " <> cr
-inlineToMarkdown _ Space = do
- escapeSpaces <- asks envEscapeSpaces
- return $ if escapeSpaces then "\\ " else space
-inlineToMarkdown opts SoftBreak = do
- escapeSpaces <- asks envEscapeSpaces
- let space' = if escapeSpaces then "\\ " else space
- return $ case writerWrapText opts of
- WrapNone -> space'
- WrapAuto -> space'
- WrapPreserve -> cr
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Cite [] lst) = inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Cite (c:cs) lst)
- | not (isEnabled Ext_citations opts) = inlineListToMarkdown opts lst
- | otherwise =
- if citationMode c == AuthorInText
- then do
- suffs <- inlineListToMarkdown opts $ citationSuffix c
- rest <- mapM convertOne cs
- let inbr = suffs <+> joincits rest
- br = if isEmpty inbr then empty else char '[' <> inbr <> char ']'
- return $ literal ("@" <> citationId c) <+> br
- else do
- cits <- mapM convertOne (c:cs)
- return $ literal "[" <> joincits cits <> literal "]"
- where
- joincits = hcat . intersperse (literal "; ") . filter (not . isEmpty)
- convertOne Citation { citationId = k
- , citationPrefix = pinlines
- , citationSuffix = sinlines
- , citationMode = m }
- = do
- pdoc <- inlineListToMarkdown opts pinlines
- sdoc <- inlineListToMarkdown opts sinlines
- let k' = literal (modekey m <> "@" <> k)
- r = case sinlines of
- Str (T.uncons -> Just (y,_)):_ | y `elem` (",;]@" :: String) -> k' <> sdoc
- _ -> k' <+> sdoc
- return $ pdoc <+> r
- modekey SuppressAuthor = "-"
- modekey _ = ""
-inlineToMarkdown opts lnk@(Link attr txt (src, tit)) = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- linktext <- inlineListToMarkdown opts txt
- let linktitle = if T.null tit
- then empty
- else literal $ " \"" <> tit <> "\""
- let srcSuffix = fromMaybe src (T.stripPrefix "mailto:" src)
- let useAuto = isURI src &&
- case txt of
- [Str s] | escapeURI s == srcSuffix -> True
- _ -> False
- let useRefLinks = writerReferenceLinks opts && not useAuto
- shortcutable <- asks envRefShortcutable
- let useShortcutRefLinks = shortcutable &&
- isEnabled Ext_shortcut_reference_links opts
- reftext <- if useRefLinks
- then literal <$> getReference attr linktext (src, tit)
- else return mempty
- case variant of
- PlainText
- | useAuto -> return $ literal srcSuffix
- | otherwise -> return linktext
- _ | useAuto -> return $ "<" <> literal srcSuffix <> ">"
- | useRefLinks ->
- let first = "[" <> linktext <> "]"
- second = if getKey linktext == getKey reftext
- then if useShortcutRefLinks
- then ""
- else "[]"
- else "[" <> reftext <> "]"
- in return $ first <> second
- | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts
- , not (isEnabled Ext_link_attributes opts)
- , attr /= nullAttr -> -- use raw HTML to render attributes
- literal . T.strip <$>
- writeHtml5String opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing }
- (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [lnk]])
- | otherwise -> return $
- "[" <> linktext <> "](" <> literal src <> linktitle <> ")" <>
- linkAttributes opts attr
-inlineToMarkdown opts img@(Image attr alternate (source, tit))
- | isEnabled Ext_raw_html opts &&
- not (isEnabled Ext_link_attributes opts) &&
- attr /= nullAttr = -- use raw HTML
- literal . T.strip <$>
- writeHtml5String opts{ writerTemplate = Nothing } (Pandoc nullMeta [Plain [img]])
- | otherwise = do
- variant <- asks envVariant
- let txt = if null alternate || alternate == [Str source]
- -- to prevent autolinks
- then [Str ""]
- else alternate
- linkPart <- inlineToMarkdown opts (Link attr txt (source, tit))
- return $ case variant of
- PlainText -> "[" <> linkPart <> "]"
- _ -> "!" <> linkPart
-inlineToMarkdown opts (Note contents) = do
- modify (\st -> st{ stNotes = contents : stNotes st })
- st <- get
- let ref = literal $ writerIdentifierPrefix opts <> tshow (stNoteNum st + length (stNotes st) - 1)
- if isEnabled Ext_footnotes opts
- then return $ "[^" <> ref <> "]"
- else return $ "[" <> ref <> "]"
-makeMathPlainer :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
-makeMathPlainer = walk go
- where
- go (Emph xs) = Span nullAttr xs
- go x = x
lineBreakToSpace :: Inline -> Inline
lineBreakToSpace LineBreak = Space
lineBreakToSpace SoftBreak = Space
lineBreakToSpace x = x
-toSubscriptInline :: Inline -> Maybe Inline
-toSubscriptInline Space = Just Space
-toSubscriptInline (Span attr ils) = Span attr <$> traverse toSubscriptInline ils
-toSubscriptInline (Str s) = Str . T.pack <$> traverse toSubscript (T.unpack s)
-toSubscriptInline LineBreak = Just LineBreak
-toSubscriptInline SoftBreak = Just SoftBreak
-toSubscriptInline _ = Nothing
-toSuperscriptInline :: Inline -> Maybe Inline
-toSuperscriptInline Space = Just Space
-toSuperscriptInline (Span attr ils) = Span attr <$> traverse toSuperscriptInline ils
-toSuperscriptInline (Str s) = Str . T.pack <$> traverse toSuperscript (T.unpack s)
-toSuperscriptInline LineBreak = Just LineBreak
-toSuperscriptInline SoftBreak = Just SoftBreak
-toSuperscriptInline _ = Nothing