path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2018-10-14 22:50:59 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2018-10-15 00:37:17 -0700
commit8f5cd946dbbce7e356df237390b5094f7b6da1e7 (patch)
tree99627ba538069e04989f8abd33c755d032ed940e /src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX
parent22f81f78bdc14b30a266ecf470447cd5be989364 (diff)
T.P.R.LaTeX.Parsing: moved more functions.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs
index 556d0ca97..825dc53a9 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs
@@ -398,63 +398,70 @@ doMacros n = do
Tok spos (CtrlSeq name) _ : ts
-> handleMacros spos name ts
_ -> return ()
- where combineTok (Tok spos (CtrlSeq name) x) (Tok _ Word w : ts)
- | T.all isLetterOrAt w =
- Tok spos (CtrlSeq (name <> w)) (x1 <> w <> x2) : ts
- where (x1, x2) = T.break isSpaceOrTab x
- combineTok t ts = t:ts
- matchTok (Tok _ toktype txt) =
- satisfyTok (\(Tok _ toktype' txt') ->
- toktype == toktype' &&
- txt == txt')
- matchPattern toks = try $ mapM_ matchTok toks
- getargs argmap [] = return argmap
- getargs argmap (Pattern toks : rest) = try $ do
- matchPattern toks
- getargs argmap rest
- getargs argmap (ArgNum i : Pattern toks : rest) =
- try $ do
- x <- mconcat <$> manyTill
- (braced <|> ((:[]) <$> anyTok))
- (matchPattern toks)
- getargs (M.insert i x argmap) rest
- getargs argmap (ArgNum i : rest) = do
- x <- try $ spaces >> bracedOrToken
- getargs (M.insert i x argmap) rest
- handleMacros spos name ts = do
- macros <- sMacros <$> getState
- case M.lookup name macros of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just (Macro expansionPoint argspecs optarg newtoks) -> do
- setInput ts
- args <- case optarg of
- Nothing -> getargs M.empty argspecs
- Just o -> do
- x <- option o bracketedToks
- getargs (M.singleton 1 x) argspecs
- -- first boolean param is true if we're tokenizing
- -- an argument (in which case we don't want to
- -- expand #1 etc.)
- let addTok False (Tok _ (Arg i) _) acc =
- case M.lookup i args of
- Nothing -> mzero
- Just xs -> foldr (addTok True) acc xs
- -- see #4007
- addTok _ (Tok _ (CtrlSeq x) txt)
- acc@(Tok _ Word _ : _)
- | not (T.null txt)
- , isLetter (T.last txt) =
- Tok spos (CtrlSeq x) (txt <> " ") : acc
- addTok _ t acc = setpos spos t : acc
- ts' <- getInput
- setInput $ foldr (addTok False) ts' newtoks
- case expansionPoint of
- ExpandWhenUsed ->
- if n > 20 -- detect macro expansion loops
- then throwError $ PandocMacroLoop (T.unpack name)
- else doMacros (n + 1)
- ExpandWhenDefined -> return ()
+ where
+ combineTok (Tok spos (CtrlSeq name) x) (Tok _ Word w : ts)
+ | T.all isLetterOrAt w =
+ Tok spos (CtrlSeq (name <> w)) (x1 <> w <> x2) : ts
+ where (x1, x2) = T.break isSpaceOrTab x
+ combineTok t ts = t:ts
+ matchTok (Tok _ toktype txt) =
+ satisfyTok (\(Tok _ toktype' txt') ->
+ toktype == toktype' &&
+ txt == txt')
+ matchPattern toks = try $ mapM_ matchTok toks
+ getargs argmap [] = return argmap
+ getargs argmap (Pattern toks : rest) = try $ do
+ matchPattern toks
+ getargs argmap rest
+ getargs argmap (ArgNum i : Pattern toks : rest) =
+ try $ do
+ x <- mconcat <$> manyTill
+ (braced <|> ((:[]) <$> anyTok))
+ (matchPattern toks)
+ getargs (M.insert i x argmap) rest
+ getargs argmap (ArgNum i : rest) = do
+ x <- try $ spaces >> bracedOrToken
+ getargs (M.insert i x argmap) rest
+ addTok False args spos (Tok _ (Arg i) _) acc =
+ case M.lookup i args of
+ Nothing -> mzero
+ Just xs -> foldr (addTok True args spos) acc xs
+ -- see #4007
+ addTok _ _ spos (Tok _ (CtrlSeq x) txt)
+ acc@(Tok _ Word _ : _)
+ | not (T.null txt)
+ , isLetter (T.last txt) =
+ Tok spos (CtrlSeq x) (txt <> " ") : acc
+ addTok _ _ spos t acc = setpos spos t : acc
+ handleMacros spos name ts = do
+ macros <- sMacros <$> getState
+ case M.lookup name macros of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just (Macro expansionPoint argspecs optarg newtoks) -> do
+ setInput ts
+ args <- case optarg of
+ Nothing -> getargs M.empty argspecs
+ Just o -> do
+ x <- option o bracketedToks
+ getargs (M.singleton 1 x) argspecs
+ -- first boolean param is true if we're tokenizing
+ -- an argument (in which case we don't want to
+ -- expand #1 etc.)
+ ts' <- getInput
+ setInput $ foldr (addTok False args spos) ts' newtoks
+ case expansionPoint of
+ ExpandWhenUsed ->
+ if n > 20 -- detect macro expansion loops
+ then throwError $ PandocMacroLoop (T.unpack name)
+ else doMacros (n + 1)
+ ExpandWhenDefined -> return ()
setpos :: SourcePos -> Tok -> Tok