path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2018-10-15 14:52:34 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2018-10-15 15:54:49 -0700
commit1db585689ad6de5c829851a1e7b3aa0192e4e808 (patch)
treeacd8bbf9e7e4b8f1e5e183e63389f0d73e299dce /src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX
parent7e9e24b8bc602e6b3690648f5f25149d810f1e13 (diff)
LaTeX reader: tokenize before pulling tokens,
rather than after. This has some performance penalty but is more reliable. Closes #4408.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs
index c348ba572..40853c5d0 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX/Parsing.hs
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ data LaTeXState = LaTeXState{ sOptions :: ReaderOptions
, sLabels :: M.Map String [Inline]
, sHasChapters :: Bool
, sToggles :: M.Map String Bool
+ , sExpanded :: Bool
deriving Show
@@ -164,6 +165,7 @@ defaultLaTeXState = LaTeXState{ sOptions = def
, sLabels = M.empty
, sHasChapters = False
, sToggles = M.empty
+ , sExpanded = False
instance PandocMonad m => HasQuoteContext LaTeXState m where
@@ -249,8 +251,7 @@ rawLaTeXParser retokenize parser valParser = do
applyMacros :: (PandocMonad m, HasMacros s, HasReaderOptions s)
=> String -> ParserT String s m String
applyMacros s = (guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros >> return s) <|>
- do let retokenize = doMacros *>
- (toksToString <$> many (satisfyTok (const True)))
+ do let retokenize = toksToString <$> many (satisfyTok (const True))
pstate <- getState
let lstate = def{ sOptions = extractReaderOptions pstate
, sMacros = extractMacros pstate }
@@ -258,6 +259,7 @@ applyMacros s = (guardDisabled Ext_latex_macros >> return s) <|>
case res of
Left e -> fail (show e)
Right s' -> return s'
tokenize :: SourceName -> Text -> [Tok]
tokenize sourcename = totoks (initialPos sourcename)
@@ -371,11 +373,10 @@ toksToString :: [Tok] -> String
toksToString = T.unpack . untokenize
satisfyTok :: PandocMonad m => (Tok -> Bool) -> LP m Tok
-satisfyTok f =
- try $ do
- res <- tokenPrim (T.unpack . untoken) updatePos matcher
+satisfyTok f = do
doMacros -- apply macros on remaining input stream
- return res
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ sExpanded = False }
+ tokenPrim (T.unpack . untoken) updatePos matcher
where matcher t | f t = Just t
| otherwise = Nothing
updatePos :: SourcePos -> Tok -> [Tok] -> SourcePos
@@ -384,12 +385,14 @@ satisfyTok f =
doMacros :: PandocMonad m => LP m ()
doMacros = do
+ expanded <- sExpanded <$> getState
verbatimMode <- sVerbatimMode <$> getState
- unless verbatimMode $ do
- mbNewInp <- getInput >>= doMacros' 1
- case mbNewInp of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just inp -> setInput inp
+ unless (expanded || verbatimMode) $ do
+ mbNewInp <- getInput >>= doMacros' 1
+ case mbNewInp of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just inp -> setInput inp
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ sExpanded = True }
doMacros' :: PandocMonad m => Int -> [Tok] -> LP m (Maybe [Tok])
doMacros' n inp = do