path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx
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authorNikolay Yakimov <root@livid.pp.ru>2020-07-07 09:04:38 +0300
committerNikolay Yakimov <root@livid.pp.ru>2020-07-07 09:04:38 +0300
commit48cef91d1819387e4f81d0e0c4346d3b156c1101 (patch)
tree85fd60287599025416ffe5a634c866a0b43bd2c7 /src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx
parent804e8eeed2fbcd0b4a52ad908b8ccccf89563097 (diff)
[Docx Reader] Refactor/update smushInlines
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Combine.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Combine.hs
index 54736cd0e..7abb4ae23 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Combine.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Docx/Combine.hs
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
{- |
Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Combine
Copyright : © 2014-2020 Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>,
- 2014-2020 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+ 2014-2020 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>,
+ 2020 Nikolay Yakimov <root@livid.pp.ru>
License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer : Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
@@ -59,7 +60,9 @@ module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Docx.Combine ( smushInlines
import Data.List
-import Data.Sequence (ViewL (..), ViewR (..), viewl, viewr, (><), (|>))
+import Data.Bifunctor
+import Data.Sequence ( ViewL (..), ViewR (..), viewl, viewr, spanr, spanl
+ , (><), (|>) )
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq (null)
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
@@ -80,14 +83,14 @@ spaceOutInlinesR ms = (stackInlines fs (l <> m'), r)
spaceOutInlines :: Inlines -> (Inlines, Inlines, Inlines)
spaceOutInlines ils =
let (fs, ils') = unstackInlines ils
- contents = unMany ils'
- left = case viewl contents of
- (Space :< _) -> space
- _ -> mempty
- right = case viewr contents of
- (_ :> Space) -> space
- _ -> mempty in
- (left, stackInlines fs $ trimInlines . Many $ contents, right)
+ (left, (right, contents')) = second (spanr isSpace) $ spanl isSpace $ unMany ils'
+ -- NOTE: spanr counterintuitively returns suffix as the FIRST tuple element
+ in (Many left, stackInlines fs $ Many contents', Many right)
+isSpace :: Inline -> Bool
+isSpace Space = True
+isSpace SoftBreak = True
+isSpace _ = False
stackInlines :: [Modifier Inlines] -> Inlines -> Inlines
stackInlines [] ms = ms
@@ -99,39 +102,24 @@ stackInlines (Modifier f : fs) ms =
stackInlines (AttrModifier f attr : fs) ms = f attr $ stackInlines fs ms
unstackInlines :: Inlines -> ([Modifier Inlines], Inlines)
-unstackInlines ms = case ilModifier ms of
- NullModifier -> ([], ms)
- _ -> (f : fs, ms') where
- f = ilModifier ms
- (fs, ms') = unstackInlines $ ilInnards ms
-ilModifier :: Inlines -> Modifier Inlines
-ilModifier ils = case viewl (unMany ils) of
- (x :< xs) | Seq.null xs -> case x of
- (Emph _) -> Modifier emph
- (Strong _) -> Modifier strong
- (SmallCaps _) -> Modifier smallcaps
- (Strikeout _) -> Modifier strikeout
- (Superscript _) -> Modifier superscript
- (Subscript _) -> Modifier subscript
- (Link attr _ tgt) -> Modifier $ linkWith attr (fst tgt) (snd tgt)
- (Span attr _) -> AttrModifier spanWith attr
- _ -> NullModifier
- _ -> NullModifier
-ilInnards :: Inlines -> Inlines
-ilInnards ils = case viewl (unMany ils) of
- (x :< xs) | Seq.null xs -> case x of
- (Emph lst) -> fromList lst
- (Strong lst) -> fromList lst
- (SmallCaps lst) -> fromList lst
- (Strikeout lst) -> fromList lst
- (Superscript lst) -> fromList lst
- (Subscript lst) -> fromList lst
- (Link _ lst _) -> fromList lst
- (Span _ lst) -> fromList lst
- _ -> ils
- _ -> ils
+unstackInlines ms = case ilModifierAndInnards ms of
+ (NullModifier, _) -> ([], ms)
+ (f, innards ) -> first (f :) $ unstackInlines innards
+ilModifierAndInnards :: Inlines -> (Modifier Inlines, Inlines)
+ilModifierAndInnards ils = case viewl $ unMany ils of
+ x :< xs | Seq.null xs -> case x of
+ Emph lst -> (Modifier emph, fromList lst)
+ Strong lst -> (Modifier strong, fromList lst)
+ SmallCaps lst -> (Modifier smallcaps, fromList lst)
+ Strikeout lst -> (Modifier strikeout, fromList lst)
+ Underline lst -> (Modifier underline, fromList lst)
+ Superscript lst -> (Modifier superscript, fromList lst)
+ Subscript lst -> (Modifier subscript, fromList lst)
+ Link attr lst tgt -> (Modifier $ linkWith attr (fst tgt) (snd tgt), fromList lst)
+ Span attr lst -> (AttrModifier spanWith attr, fromList lst)
+ _ -> (NullModifier, ils)
+ _ -> (NullModifier, ils)
inlinesL :: Inlines -> (Inlines, Inlines)
inlinesL ils = case viewl $ unMany ils of
@@ -162,7 +150,7 @@ combineSingletonInlines x y =
case null shared of
True | isEmpty xs && isEmpty ys ->
- stackInlines (x_rem_attr ++ y_rem_attr) mempty
+ stackInlines (x_rem_attr <> y_rem_attr) mempty
| isEmpty xs ->
let (sp, y') = spaceOutInlinesL y in
stackInlines x_rem_attr mempty <> sp <> y'