path: root/doc
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-07-03 15:19:39 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-07-03 15:19:39 -0700
commite00e5a4cc27dd5b995887f8152bb71da4f2792c9 (patch)
treeec72426188818e56116c5151944647213fdb0bd8 /doc
parent40a78ea05d7cf6f7b1e7b2ae7054fed1e5aa6772 (diff)
Add doc/faqs.md.
This is imported from the website; in the future the website version will be drawn from here. Added a FAQ on the use of `\AtEndPreamble` for cases when the contents of `header-includes` need to refer to definitions that come later in the preamble. See #7422.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/faqs.md b/doc/faqs.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0b53730f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/faqs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+% FAQs
+::: faqs
+## How can I convert a whole directory of files from Markdown to RTF?
+On linux or OSX:
+ for f in *.txt; do pandoc "$f" -s -o "${f%.txt}.rtf"; done
+In Windows Powershell:
+ gci -r -i *.txt |foreach{$rtf=$_.directoryname+"\"+$_.basename+".rtf";pandoc -f markdown -s $_.name -o $rtf}
+## I used pandoc to convert a document to ICML (or OPML or RTF), and when I try to open it I'm told it's invalid. What have I done wrong?
+Be sure to use the `-s` or `--standalone` flag, or you just get a
+fragment, not a full document with the required header:
+ pandoc -s -f markdown -t icml -o my.icml my.md
+## I get a blank document when I try to convert a markdown document in Chinese to PDF.
+By default, pandoc uses pdflatex to generate the PDF, and pdflatex
+doesn't handle Chinese characters. But you can change the default to
+use xelatex instead. You should also make sure you're using a font
+with Chinese glyphs. For example:
+ pandoc -o c.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex -V mainfont='Adobe Ming Std'
+## The Windows installer does a single user install, rather than installing pandoc for all users. How can I install pandoc for all users?
+Run the following command as admin:
+ msiexec /i pandoc-VERSION.msi ALLUSERS=1
+This will put pandoc in `C:\Program Files\Pandoc`.
+You can install Pandoc to a different directory by setting APPLICATIONFOLDER parameter,
+for example:
+ msiexec /i pandoc-1.11.1.msi ALLUSERS=1 APPLICATIONFOLDER="C:\Pandoc"
+## How do I change the margins in PDF output?
+The option
+ -V geometry:margin=1in
+will set the margins to one inch on each side. If you don't want uniform
+margins, you can do something like
+ -V geometry:"top=2cm, bottom=1.5cm, left=1cm, right=1cm"
+ -V geometry:"left=3cm, width=10cm"
+For more options, see the documentation for the LaTeX [geometry
+## How does pandoc compare to multimarkdown?
+Here is a [wiki
+comparing the two.
+## When I specify an image width of 50% and convert to LaTeX, pandoc sets the height to textheight and the aspect ratio isn't preserved. How can I prevent this?
+For example, if you convert an image with `{width="50%"}`, the LaTeX produced
+will be `\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth,height=\textheight]`.
+This output presupposes the following code in pandoc's default latex
+% Scale images if necessary, so that they will not overflow the page
+% margins by default, and it is still possible to overwrite the defaults
+% using explicit options in \includegraphics[width, height, ...]{}
+If you don't have this in your custom template, you should
+add it. If we didn't set the `height` explicitly in this way,
+the image would not be resized correctly unless it was
+being resized to smaller than its original size.
+## Pandoc sometimes uses too much memory. How can I limit the memory used by pandoc?
+`pandoc +RTS -M30m -RTS` will limit heap memory to 30MB.
+When converting a document requires more than this, an out of
+memory error will be issued.
+## When using `--include-in-header` with PDF or LaTeX output, how do I reference tex declarations coming after `$header-includes$` in the default template?
+For various reasons, the `$header-includes$` are not at the very
+end of the LaTeX preamble. This poses a problem when the code
+you are inserting depends on declarations in the preamble coming
+after the `$header-includes$` location. For example, you might
+want to reference the `\author` and `\title` metadata values
+(set at the very bottom of the preamble) and present them in
+margins. In that case you can wrap your code in `etoolbox`'s
+`\AtEndPreamble`. The technique is demonstrated in [this
+When using `\AtEndPreamble`, keep any `makeatletter` or
+`makeatother` outside of the `\AtEndPreamble`, as shown in the