path: root/Text
diff options
authorfiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>2008-07-31 23:16:31 +0000
committerfiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>2008-07-31 23:16:31 +0000
commitebcebccc3226eae6461fececdcca49fbdfb291e7 (patch)
tree2bf260c9b399b860f56f527b8de309d0630bd5b6 /Text
parent774dc0776d5b99c8c7816f0c26eaa8206936cfba (diff)
Use utf8-string's System.IO.UTF8 to replace Text.Pandoc.UTF8.
+ removed Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs + removed UTF8.hs notice from debian/copyright + adjusted main.hs, Text/Pandoc.hs, and Text/Pandoc/ODT.hs to use System.IO.UTF8 instead of Text.Pandoc.UTF8 + Added dependency on utf8-string to pandoc.cabal git-svn-id: https://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1347 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
Diffstat (limited to 'Text')
3 files changed, 5 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc.hs b/Text/Pandoc.hs
index d5026587d..9be9f28c7 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc.hs
@@ -36,13 +36,14 @@ inline links:
> module Main where
> import Text.Pandoc
+> import qualified System.IO.UTF8 as U
> markdownToRST :: String -> String
-> markdownToRST = toUTF8 .
+> markdownToRST =
> (writeRST defaultWriterOptions {writerReferenceLinks = True}) .
-> (readMarkdown defaultParserState) . fromUTF8
+> readMarkdown defaultParserState
-> main = interact markdownToRST
+> main = U.getContents >>= U.putStrLn . markdownToRST
@@ -84,8 +85,6 @@ module Text.Pandoc
, defaultWriterOptions
-- * Default headers for various output formats
, module Text.Pandoc.DefaultHeaders
- -- * Functions for converting to and from UTF-8
- , module Text.Pandoc.UTF8
-- * Version
, pandocVersion
) where
@@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.MediaWiki
import Text.Pandoc.DefaultHeaders
-import Text.Pandoc.UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Shared
-- | Version number of pandoc library.
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/ODT.hs b/Text/Pandoc/ODT.hs
index f388515fb..487bcdedc 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/ODT.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/ODT.hs
@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ handlePictures tempODT sourceDirRelative xml = do
Just x -> x
cursor' <- scanPictures tempODT sourceDirRelative cursor
let modified = parsed { elContent = toForest $ root cursor' }
- putStrLn $ showTopElement modified
return $ showTopElement modified
scanPictures :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Cursor -> IO Cursor
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs b/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 16bdb9218..000000000
--- a/Text/Pandoc/UTF8.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
--- | Functions for converting Unicode strings to UTF-8 and vice versa.
--- Taken from <http://www.cse.ogi.edu/~hallgren/Talks/LHiH/base/lib/UTF8.hs>.
--- (c) 2003, OGI School of Science & Engineering, Oregon Health and
--- Science University.
--- Modified by Martin Norbaeck
--- to pass illegal UTF-8 sequences through unchanged.
-module Text.Pandoc.UTF8 (
- fromUTF8,
- toUTF8
- ) where
--- From the Char module supplied with HBC.
--- | Take a UTF-8 string and decode it into a Unicode string.
-fromUTF8 :: String -> String
-fromUTF8 "" = ""
-fromUTF8 ('\xef':'\xbb':'\xbf':cs) = fromUTF8 cs -- skip BOM (byte order marker)
-fromUTF8 (c:c':cs) | '\xc0' <= c && c <= '\xdf' &&
- '\x80' <= c' && c' <= '\xbf' =
- toEnum ((fromEnum c `mod` 0x20) * 0x40 + fromEnum c' `mod` 0x40) : fromUTF8 cs
-fromUTF8 (c:c':c'':cs) | '\xe0' <= c && c <= '\xef' &&
- '\x80' <= c' && c' <= '\xbf' &&
- '\x80' <= c'' && c'' <= '\xbf' =
- toEnum ((fromEnum c `mod` 0x10 * 0x1000) + (fromEnum c' `mod` 0x40) * 0x40 + fromEnum c'' `mod` 0x40) : fromUTF8 cs
-fromUTF8 (c:cs) = c : fromUTF8 cs
--- | Take a Unicode string and encode it as a UTF-8 string.
-toUTF8 :: String -> String
-toUTF8 "" = ""
-toUTF8 (c:cs) =
- if c > '\x0000' && c < '\x0080' then
- c : toUTF8 cs
- else if c < toEnum 0x0800 then
- let i = fromEnum c
- in toEnum (0xc0 + i `div` 0x40) :
- toEnum (0x80 + i `mod` 0x40) :
- toUTF8 cs
- else
- let i = fromEnum c
- in toEnum (0xe0 + i `div` 0x1000) :
- toEnum (0x80 + (i `mod` 0x1000) `div` 0x40) :
- toEnum (0x80 + i `mod` 0x40) :
- toUTF8 cs