path: root/Text
diff options
authorfiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>2008-07-11 01:24:15 +0000
committerfiddlosopher <fiddlosopher@788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b>2008-07-11 01:24:15 +0000
commit8ed710bc9d771a25e73be2582b379485a3e240dc (patch)
treeeb086d34e2863a3af8e0dfa42f05290c83992cdb /Text
parent275f9dc94c1ff15e2fafae9e3b5fe7bab2d9c88f (diff)
Treat '\ ' in (extended) markdown as nonbreaking space.
Print nonbreaking space appropriately in each writer (e.g. ~ in LaTeX). git-svn-id: https://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1297 788f1e2b-df1e-0410-8736-df70ead52e1b
Diffstat (limited to 'Text')
4 files changed, 21 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
index 7c4a778fe..c9fbbe2d9 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Markdown.hs
@@ -733,7 +733,10 @@ escapedChar = do
result <- option '\\' $ if stateStrict state
then oneOf "\\`*_{}[]()>#+-.!~"
else satisfy (not . isAlphaNum)
- return $ Str [result]
+ let result' = if result == ' '
+ then '\160' -- '\ ' is a nonbreaking space
+ else result
+ return $ Str [result']
ltSign = do
st <- getState
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
index 1695d70e7..35314758a 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/ConTeXt.hs
@@ -102,20 +102,21 @@ contextHeader options (Meta title authors date) = do
escapeCharForConTeXt :: Char -> String
escapeCharForConTeXt ch =
case ch of
- '{' -> "\\letteropenbrace{}"
- '}' -> "\\letterclosebrace{}"
- '\\' -> "\\letterbackslash{}"
- '$' -> "\\$"
- '|' -> "\\letterbar{}"
- '^' -> "\\letterhat{}"
- '%' -> "\\%"
- '~' -> "\\lettertilde{}"
- '&' -> "\\&"
- '#' -> "\\#"
- '<' -> "\\letterless{}"
- '>' -> "\\lettermore{}"
- '_' -> "\\letterunderscore{}"
- x -> [x]
+ '{' -> "\\letteropenbrace{}"
+ '}' -> "\\letterclosebrace{}"
+ '\\' -> "\\letterbackslash{}"
+ '$' -> "\\$"
+ '|' -> "\\letterbar{}"
+ '^' -> "\\letterhat{}"
+ '%' -> "\\%"
+ '~' -> "\\lettertilde{}"
+ '&' -> "\\&"
+ '#' -> "\\#"
+ '<' -> "\\letterless{}"
+ '>' -> "\\lettermore{}"
+ '_' -> "\\letterunderscore{}"
+ '\160' -> "~"
+ x -> [x]
-- | Escape string for ConTeXt
stringToConTeXt :: String -> String
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index a2e6eec2c..686e98cf4 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ stringToLaTeX = escapeStringUsing latexEscapes
, ('|', "\\textbar{}")
, ('<', "\\textless{}")
, ('>', "\\textgreater{}")
+ , ('\160', "~")
-- | Puts contents into LaTeX command.
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
index ac8778274..513fae847 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Texinfo.hs
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ stringToTexinfo = escapeStringUsing texinfoEscapes
, ('}', "@}")
, ('@', "@@")
, (',', "@comma{}") -- only needed in argument lists
+ , ('\160', "@ ")
-- | Puts contents into Texinfo command.