path: root/MANUAL.txt
diff options
authorAndrew Dunning <adunning@users.noreply.github.com>2019-04-02 20:18:36 -0400
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2019-04-02 18:18:36 -0600
commit3d1409347a221ee79de568627892eab16c5198d4 (patch)
treea8661ccf957328027e10e05ada9df208c6c33727 /MANUAL.txt
parent40b60a911c222a00407726d5ce606abbafcea29c (diff)
LaTeX template: Ensure correct heading/table order (#5421)
Improve the workaround for #1658, adapting a solution by @u-fischer in <https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/131> that works whether or not the `indent` variable is enabled. Remove `subparagraph` variable in LaTeX template. The default is now to use run-in style for level 4 and 5 headings (`\paragraph` and `\subparagraph`). To get the previous default behavior (where these were formatted as blocks, like `\subsubsection`), set the `block-headings` variable. An example is given in the manual of reformatting the appearance of headings more thoroughly using KOMA-Script. Closes #5365.
Diffstat (limited to 'MANUAL.txt')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/MANUAL.txt b/MANUAL.txt
index b9f8dc351..837d05140 100644
--- a/MANUAL.txt
+++ b/MANUAL.txt
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ General options {.options}
[XHTML]: http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/
[LaTeX]: http://latex-project.org
[`beamer`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/beamer
-[Beamer User's Guide]: http://ctan.math.utah.edu/ctan/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf
+[Beamer User's Guide]: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameruserguide.pdf
[ConTeXt]: http://www.contextgarden.net/
[Rich Text Format]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Text_Format
[DocBook]: http://docbook.org
@@ -1550,17 +1550,51 @@ Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with a LaTeX engine.
### Layout
+: make `\paragraph` and `\subparagraph` (fourth- and fifth-level headings, or
+ fifth- and sixth-level with book classes) free-standing rather than run-in;
+ requires further formatting to distinguish from `\subsubsection` (third- or
+ fourth-level headings). Instead of using this option, [KOMA-Script] can adjust
+ headings more extensively:
+ ---
+ documentclass: scrartcl
+ header-includes: |
+ \RedeclareSectionCommand[
+ beforeskip=-10pt plus -2pt minus -1pt,
+ afterskip=1sp plus -1sp minus 1sp,
+ font=\normalfont\itshape]{paragraph}
+ \RedeclareSectionCommand[
+ beforeskip=-10pt plus -2pt minus -1pt,
+ afterskip=1sp plus -1sp minus 1sp,
+ font=\normalfont\scshape,
+ indent=0pt]{subparagraph}
+ ...
-: option for document class, e.g. `oneside`; repeat for multiple options
+: option for document class, e.g. `oneside`; repeat for multiple options:
+ ---
+ classoption:
+ - twocolumn
+ - landscape
+ ...
-: document class: usually one of the standard classes, [`article`], [`report`],
- and [`book`]; the [KOMA-Script] equivalents, `scrartcl`, `scrreprt`,
- and `scrbook`, which default to smaller margins; or [`memoir`]
+: document class: usually one of the standard classes, [`article`], [`book`],
+ and [`report`]; the [KOMA-Script] equivalents, `scrartcl`, `scrbook`,
+ and `scrreprt`, which default to smaller margins; or [`memoir`]
: option for [`geometry`] package, e.g. `margin=1in`;
- repeat for multiple options
+ repeat for multiple options:
+ ---
+ geometry:
+ - top=30mm
+ - left=20mm
+ - heightrounded
+ ...
: uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
@@ -1586,10 +1620,6 @@ Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with a LaTeX engine.
: numbering depth for sections (with `--number-sections` option
or `numbersections` variable)
-: disables default behavior of LaTeX template that redefines (sub)paragraphs
- as sections, changing the appearance of nested headings in some classes
### Fonts