path: root/INSTALL.md
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-10-25 16:36:17 +0200
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-10-25 16:36:17 +0200
commitbb20f919c324c549b4c0574a987ddf665692e669 (patch)
tree87b85ac2bcfb3777aa5c0923d07f99495457ab17 /INSTALL.md
parentb4fbe226a57be1e25c3935f8bf313a92b21de3e8 (diff)
Added INSTALL.md, incorporating INSTALL + installing page from website.
Diffstat (limited to 'INSTALL.md')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL.md b/INSTALL.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3a853f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/INSTALL.md
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+# Installing pandoc
+## Windows
+ - There is a package installer at pandoc's [download page].
+ - For PDF output, you'll also need to install LaTeX.
+ We recommend [MiKTeX](http://miktex.org/).
+## Mac OS X
+ - There is a package installer at pandoc's [download page].
+ If you later want to uninstall the package, you can do so
+ by downloading [this script][uninstaller]
+ and running it with `perl uninstall-pandoc.pl`.
+ - You can also install pandoc using
+ [homebrew](http://brew.sh): `brew install pandoc`.
+ - For PDF output, you'll also need LaTeX. Because a full [MacTeX]
+ installation takes more than a gigabyte of disk space, we recommend
+ installing [BasicTeX](http://www.tug.org/mactex/morepackages.html)
+ (64M) and using the `tlmgr` tool to install additional packages
+ as needed. If you get errors warning of fonts not found, try
+ tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended
+## Linux
+ - First, try your package manager.
+ Pandoc is in the [Debian], [Ubuntu], [Slackware],
+ [Arch], [Fedora], [NiXOS], [openSUSE], and [gentoo] repositories.
+ Note, however, that versions in the repositories are often
+ old.
+ - For 64-bit [Debian] and [Ubuntu], we provide a debian package
+ on the [download page].
+ sudo dpkg -i $DEB
+ where `$DEB` is the path to the downloaded deb, will
+ will install the `pandoc` and `pandoc-citeproc` executables
+ and man pages. If you use an RPM-based distro, you may be
+ able to install this deb using `alien`, or try
+ ar p $DEB data.tar.gz | sudo tar xvz --strip-components 2 -C /usr/local
+ - If you'd rather install pandoc in your home directory, say
+ in `$HOME/.local`, then you can extract the files manually
+ from the deb:
+ ar p $DEB data.tar.gz | tar xvz --strip-components 2 -C $HOME/.local/
+ where, again, `$DEB` is the path to the downloaded deb.
+ - If the version in your repository is too old and you cannot
+ use the deb we provide, you can install from source, using the
+ instructions below under [Installing from source].
+ Note that most distros have the Haskell platform in their
+ package repositories. For example, on Debian/Ubuntu,
+ you can install it with `apt-get install haskell-platform`.
+ - For PDF output, you'll need LaTeX. We recommend installing
+ [TeX Live](http://www.tug.org/texlive/) via your package
+ manager. (On Debian/Ubuntu, `apt-get install texlive`.)
+## BSD
+ - Pandoc is in the [NetBSD] and [FreeBSD ports] repositories.
+## Compiling from source
+If for some reason a binary package is not available for your
+platform, or if you want to hack on pandoc or use a non-released
+version, you can install from source.
+### Getting the pandoc source code
+Source tarballs can be found at
+<https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc>. For example, to
+fetch the source for version
+ wget https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc-
+ tar xvzf pandoc-
+ cd pandoc-
+Or you can fetch the development code by cloning the repository:
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
+ cd pandoc
+ git submodule update --init # to fetch the templates
+Note: there may be times when the development code is broken
+or depends on other libraries which must be installed
+separately. Unless you really know what you're doing, install
+the last released version.
+### Quick stack method
+The easiest way to build pandoc from source is to use [stack]:
+1. Install [stack].
+2. Change to the pandoc source directory and issue the following commands:
+ stack setup
+ stack install --test
+ `stack setup` will automatically download the ghc compiler
+ if you don't have it. `stack install` will install the
+ `pandoc` executable into `~/.local/bin`, which you should
+ add to your `PATH`. This process will take a while, and
+ will consume a considerable amount of disk space.
+### Quick cabal method
+1. Install the [Haskell platform]. This will give you [GHC] and
+ the [cabal-install] build tool. Note that pandoc requires
+ GHC >= 7.8.
+2. Update your package database:
+ cabal update
+3. Use `cabal` to install pandoc and its dependencies:
+ cabal install pandoc --enable-tests
+ This procedure will install the released version of pandoc,
+ which will be downloaded automatically from HackageDB.
+ If you want to install a modified or development version
+ of pandoc instead, switch to the source directory and do
+ as above, but without the 'pandoc':
+ cabal install
+ Note: If you obtained the source from the git repository (rather
+ than a release tarball), you'll need to do
+ git submodule update --init
+ to fetch the contents of `data/templates` before `cabal install`.
+4. Make sure the `$CABALDIR/bin` directory is in your path. You should
+ now be able to run `pandoc`:
+ pandoc --help
+ [Not sure where `$CABALDIR` is?](http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Cabal-Install#The_cabal-install_configuration_file)
+5. If you want to process citations with pandoc, you will also need to
+ install a separate package, `pandoc-citeproc`. This can be installed
+ using cabal:
+ cabal install pandoc-citeproc
+ By default `pandoc-citeproc` uses the "i;unicode-casemap" method
+ to sort bibliography entries (RFC 5051). If you would like to
+ use the locale-sensitive unicode collation algorithm instead,
+ specify the `unicode_collation` flag:
+ cabal install pandoc-citeproc -funicode_collation
+ Note that this requires the `text-icu` library, which in turn
+ depends on the C library `icu4c`. Installation directions
+ vary by platform. Here is how it might work on OSX with homebrew:
+ brew install icu4c
+ cabal install --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/51.1/lib \
+ --extra-include-dirs=/usr/local/Cellar/icu4c/51.1/include \
+ -funicode_collation text-icu pandoc-citeproc
+6. The `pandoc.1` man page will be installed automatically. cabal shows
+ you where it is installed: you may need to set your `MANPATH`
+ accordingly. If `MANUAL.txt` has been modified, the man page can be
+ rebuilt: `make man/pandoc.1`.
+ The `pandoc-citeproc.1` man page will also be installed automatically.
+[GHC]: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
+[Haskell platform]: http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/
+[cabal-install]: http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/wiki/CabalInstall
+### Custom cabal method
+This is a step-by-step procedure that offers maximal control
+over the build and installation. Most users should use the
+quick install, but this information may be of use to packagers.
+For more details, see the [Cabal User's Guide]. These instructions
+assume that the pandoc source directory is your working directory.
+1. Install dependencies: in addition to the [Haskell platform],
+ you will need a number of additional libraries. You can install
+ them all with
+ cabal update
+ cabal install --only-dependencies
+2. Configure:
+ cabal configure --prefix=DIR --bindir=DIR --libdir=DIR \
+ --datadir=DIR --libsubdir=DIR --datasubdir=DIR --docdir=DIR \
+ --htmldir=DIR --program-prefix=PREFIX --program-suffix=SUFFIX \
+ --mandir=DIR --flags=FLAGSPEC --enable-tests
+ All of the options have sensible defaults that can be overridden
+ as needed.
+ `FLAGSPEC` is a list of Cabal configuration flags, optionally
+ preceded by a `-` (to force the flag to `false`), and separated
+ by spaces. Pandoc's flags include:
+ - `embed_data_files`: embed all data files into the binary (default no).
+ This is helpful if you want to create a relocatable binary.
+ Note: if this option is selected, you need to install the
+ `hsb2hs` preprocessor: `cabal install hsb2hs` (version 0.3.1 or
+ higher is required).
+ - `https`: enable support for downloading resources over https
+ (using the `http-client` and `http-client-tls` libraries).
+3. Build:
+ cabal build
+ cabal test
+4. Build API documentation:
+ cabal haddock --html-location=URL --hyperlink-source
+5. Copy the files:
+ cabal copy --destdir=PATH
+ The default destdir is `/`.
+6. Register pandoc as a GHC package:
+ cabal register
+ Package managers may want to use the `--gen-script` option to
+ generate a script that can be run to register the package at
+ install time.
+### Creating a relocatable binary
+It is possible to compile pandoc such that the data files
+pandoc uses are embedded in the binary. The resulting binary
+can be run from any directory and is completely self-contained.
+With cabal, add `-fembed_data_files` to the `cabal configure`
+or `cabal install` commands.
+With stack, use `--flag pandoc:embed_data_files`.
+### Running tests
+Pandoc comes with an automated test suite.
+To run with cabal, `cabal test`; to run with stack, `stack
+To run particular tests (pattern-matching on their names), use
+the `-t` option:
+ cabal test --test-options='-t markdown'
+If you add a new feature to pandoc, please add tests as well, following
+the pattern of the existing tests. The test suite code is in
+`tests/test-pandoc.hs`. If you are adding a new reader or writer, it is
+probably easiest to add some data files to the `tests` directory, and
+modify `tests/Tests/Old.hs`. Otherwise, it is better to modify the module
+under the `tests/Tests` hierarchy corresponding to the pandoc module you
+are changing.
+### Running benchmarks
+To build and run the benchmarks:
+ cabal configure --enable-benchmarks && cabal build
+ cabal bench
+or with stack:
+ stack bench
+To use a smaller sample size so the benchmarks run faster:
+ cabal bench --benchmark-options='-s 20'
+To run just the markdown benchmarks:
+ cabal bench --benchmark-options='markdown'
+### Building the whole pandoc ecosystem
+Sometimes pandoc's development code depends on unreleased versions
+of dependent libraries. You'll need to build these as well. A
+maximal build method would be
+ mkdir pandoc-build
+ cd pandoc-build
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-types
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/texmath
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/pandoc-citeproc
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/cmark-hs
+ git clone https://github.com/jgm/zip-archive
+ cd pandoc
+ git submodule update --init
+ stack install --test --install-ghc --stack-yaml stack.full.yaml
+To pull in the latest changes, after you've done this and there have been
+changes in the repositories: Visit each repository in pandoc-build
+(pandoc-types, texmath, pandoc-citeproc, pandoc, zip-archive, cmark-hs) and do
+`git pull`. In the pandoc repo, also do `git submodule update` and `stack
+install --test --stack-yaml stack.full.yaml`.
+[Arch]: https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/pandoc/
+[Cabal User's Guide]: http://www.haskell.org/cabal/release/latest/doc/users-guide/builders.html#setup-configure-paths
+[Debian]: http://packages.debian.org/lenny/pandoc
+[Fedora]: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/packages/pandoc
+[FreeBSD ports]: http://www.freshports.org/textproc/pandoc/
+[GHC]: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/
+[GPL]: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+[Haskell platform]: http://hackage.haskell.org/platform/
+[MacPorts]: http://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/textproc/pandoc/Portfile
+[MacTeX]: https://tug.org/mactex/
+[NetBSD]: http://pkgsrc.se/wip/pandoc
+[NixOS]: http://nixos.org/nixos/
+[Slackware]: http://www.linuxpackages.net/search_view.php?by=name&name=pandoc&ver=
+[Ubuntu]: http://www.ubuntu.com
+[download page]: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/releases/latest
+[gentoo]: http://packages.gentoo.org/package/app-text/pandoc
+[haskell repository]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Haskell_Package_Guidelines#.5Bhaskell.5D
+[openSUSE]: https://software.opensuse.org/package/pandoc
+[source tarball]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc
+[stack]: http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/install_and_upgrade.html
+[uninstaller]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jgm/pandoc/master/osx/uninstall-pandoc.pl