diff options
authorAndrew Dunning <adunning@users.noreply.github.com>2019-01-23 18:36:11 -0500
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2019-01-23 15:36:11 -0800
commite18d9ba5427c67a4a50675311ee180d54790a60a (patch)
parentc5ccfabd9b998793d4f4b9a7488038900a0423cc (diff)
Manual: Reorganize template variables (#5249)
Add additional headings to categorize variables, and alphabetize when there is large number; add more examples.
1 files changed, 305 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/MANUAL.txt b/MANUAL.txt
index 3823f3eb6..9d26c61fa 100644
--- a/MANUAL.txt
+++ b/MANUAL.txt
@@ -128,12 +128,9 @@ To do this, specify an output file with a `.pdf` extension, as before,
but add the `--pdf-engine` option or `-t context`, `-t html`, or `-t ms`
to the command line (`-t html` defaults to `--pdf-engine=wkhtmltopdf`).
-PDF output can be controlled using [variables for LaTeX] (if
-LaTeX is used) and [variables for ConTeXt] (if ConTeXt is used).
-When using an HTML/CSS-to-PDF-engine, `--css` affects the output.
-If `wkhtmltopdf` is used, then the variables `margin-left`,
-`margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`, `footer-html`,
-`header-html` and `papersize` will affect the output.
+PDF output uses [variables for LaTeX] (with a LaTeX engine);
+[variables for ConTeXt] (with ConTeXt); or [variables for `wkhtmltopdf`]
+(an HTML/CSS-to-PDF engine; `--css` also affects the output).
To debug the PDF creation, it can be useful to look at the intermediate
representation: instead of `-o test.pdf`, use for example `-s -o test.tex`
@@ -1027,16 +1024,51 @@ Options affecting specific writers {.options}
custom-reference.docx`. Then open `custom-reference.docx`
in Word, modify the styles as you wish, and save the file.
For best results, do not make changes to this file other
- than modifying the styles used by pandoc: [paragraph]
- Normal, Body Text, First Paragraph, Compact, Title,
- Subtitle, Author, Date, Abstract, Bibliography, Heading 1,
- Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, Heading 5, Heading 6,
- Heading 7, Heading 8, Heading 9, Block Text, Footnote Text,
- Definition Term, Definition, Caption, Table Caption,
- Image Caption, Figure, Captioned Figure, TOC Heading;
- [character] Default Paragraph Font, Body Text Char,
- Verbatim Char, Footnote Reference, Hyperlink; [table]
- Table.
+ than modifying the styles used by pandoc:
+ Paragraph styles:
+ - Normal
+ - Body Text
+ - First Paragraph
+ - Compact
+ - Title
+ - Subtitle
+ - Author
+ - Date
+ - Abstract
+ - Bibliography
+ - Heading 1
+ - Heading 2
+ - Heading 3
+ - Heading 4
+ - Heading 5
+ - Heading 6
+ - Heading 7
+ - Heading 8
+ - Heading 9
+ - Block Text
+ - Footnote Text
+ - Definition Term
+ - Definition
+ - Caption
+ - Table Caption
+ - Image Caption
+ - Figure
+ - Captioned Figure
+ - TOC Heading
+ Character styles:
+ - Default Paragraph Font
+ - Body Text Char
+ - Verbatim Char
+ - Footnote Reference
+ - Hyperlink
+ Table style:
+ - Table
@@ -1333,27 +1365,8 @@ pandoc will look for the key in the document's metadata – which can be set
using either [YAML metadata blocks][Extension: `yaml_metadata_block`]
or with the `--metadata` option.
-Variables set by pandoc
-Some variables are set automatically by pandoc. These vary somewhat
-depending on the output format, but include the following:
-`sourcefile`, `outputfile`
-: source and destination filenames, as given on the command line.
- `sourcefile` can also be a list if input comes from multiple files, or empty
- if input is from stdin. You can use the following snippet in your template
- to distinguish them:
- $if(sourcefile)$
- $for(sourcefile)$
- $sourcefile$
- $endfor$
- $else$
- (stdin)
- $endif$
- Similarly, `outputfile` can be `-` if output goes to the terminal.
+Metadata variables
`title`, `author`, `date`
: allow identification of basic aspects of the document. Included
@@ -1375,53 +1388,35 @@ depending on the output format, but include the following:
: list of keywords to be included in HTML, PDF, and AsciiDoc metadata;
- may be repeated as for `author`, above
-: contents specified by `-H/--include-in-header` (may have multiple
- values)
-: non-null value if `--toc/--table-of-contents` was specified
-: title of table of contents (works only with EPUB,
- opendocument, odt, docx, pptx, beamer, LaTeX)
-: contents specified by `-B/--include-before-body` (may have
- multiple values)
-: contents specified by `-A/--include-after-body` (may have
- multiple values)
-: body of document
-: JSON representation of all of the document's metadata. Field
- values are transformed to the selected output format.
+ repeat as for `author`, above
Language variables
-: identifies the main language of the document,
- using a code according to [BCP 47] (e.g. `en` or `en-GB`).
- For some output formats, pandoc will convert it to an appropriate
- format stored in the additional variables `babel-lang`,
- `polyglossia-lang` (LaTeX) and `context-lang` (ConTeXt).
- Native pandoc Spans and Divs with the lang attribute
- (value in BCP 47) can be used to switch the language in
- that range. In LaTeX output, `babel-otherlangs` and
- `polyglossia-otherlangs` variables will be generated
- automatically based on the `lang` attributes of Spans
- and Divs in the document.
+: identifies the main language of the document using IETF language
+ tags (following the [BCP 47] standard), such as `en` or `en-GB`.
+ The [Language subtag lookup] tool can look up or verify these tags.
+ This affects most formats, and controls hyphenation in PDF output
+ when using LaTeX (through [`babel`] and [`polyglossia`]) or ConTeXt.
+ Use native pandoc [Divs and Spans] with the `lang` attribute to
+ switch the language:
+ ---
+ lang: en-GB
+ ...
+ Text in the main document language (British English).
+ ::: {lang=fr-CA}
+ > Cette citation est écrite en français canadien.
+ :::
+ More text in English. ['Zitat auf Deutsch.']{lang=de}
-: the base direction of the document, either `rtl` (right-to-left)
+: the base script direction, either `rtl` (right-to-left)
or `ltr` (left-to-right).
For bidirectional documents, native pandoc `span`s and `div`s
@@ -1436,22 +1431,19 @@ Language variables
[BCP 47]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47
[Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm]: http://www.w3.org/International/articles/inline-bidi-markup/uba-basics
+[Language subtag lookup]: https://r12a.github.io/app-subtags/
-Variables for slides
-Variables are available for [producing slide shows with pandoc],
-including all [reveal.js configuration options].
+Variables for HTML slides
-: title graphic for Beamer documents
+These affect HTML output when [producing slide shows with pandoc].
+All [reveal.js configuration options] are available as variables.
-: logo for Beamer documents
+: base URL for reveal.js documents (defaults to `reveal.js`)
-: author affiliations in Beamer. Can be a
- list when there are multiple authors.
+: base URL for S5 documents (defaults to `s5/default`)
: base URL for Slidy documents (defaults to
@@ -1460,80 +1452,120 @@ including all [reveal.js configuration options].
: base URL for Slideous documents (defaults to `slideous`)
-: base URL for S5 documents (defaults to `s5/default`)
+[reveal.js configuration options]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#configuration
-: base URL for reveal.js documents (defaults to `reveal.js`)
+Variables for Beamer slides
-`theme`, `colortheme`, `fonttheme`, `innertheme`, `outertheme`
-: themes for LaTeX [`beamer`] documents
+These variables change the appearance of PDF slides using [`beamer`].
-: options for LaTeX beamer themes (a list).
+: slide aspect ratio (`43` for 4:3 [default], `169` for 16:9,
+ `1610` for 16:10, `149` for 14:9, `141` for 1.41:1, `54` for 5:4,
+ `32` for 3:2)
+: produce an article from Beamer slides
+: add extra beamer option with `\setbeameroption{}`
+: author affiliations: can be a list when there are multiple authors
+: logo image for slides
-: controls navigation symbols in `beamer` documents
- (default is `empty` for no navigation symbols; other valid values
- are `frame`, `vertical`, and `horizontal`).
+: controls navigation symbols (default is `empty` for no navigation
+ symbols; other valid values are `frame`, `vertical`, and `horizontal`)
-: enables on "title pages" for new sections in `beamer`
- documents (default = true).
+: enables "title pages" for new sections (default is true)
-: when true, the `beamerarticle` package is loaded (for
- producing an article from beamer slides).
+`theme`, `colortheme`, `fonttheme`, `innertheme`, `outertheme`
+: beamer themes:
-: aspect ratio of slides (for beamer only, `1610` for 16:10, `169` for 16:9,
- `149` for 14:9, `141` for 1.41:1, `54` for 5:4, `43` for 4:3 which is the
- default, and `32` for 3:2).
+: options for LaTeX beamer themes (a list).
-[reveal.js configuration options]: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#configuration
+: image for title slide
Variables for LaTeX
-LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
-: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `a4`
-: font size for body text (e.g. `10pt`, `12pt`)
+Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with a LaTeX engine.
-: document class, e.g. [`article`], [`report`], [`book`], [`memoir`]
+### Layout
-: option for document class, e.g. `oneside`; may be repeated
- for multiple options
+: option for document class, e.g. `oneside`; repeat for multiple options
-: In beamer, add extra beamer option with `\setbeameroption{}`
+: document class: usually one of the standard classes, [`article`], [`report`],
+ and [`book`]; the [KOMA-Script] equivalents, `scrartcl`, `scrreprt`,
+ and `scrbook`, which default to smaller margins; or [`memoir`]
: option for [`geometry`] package, e.g. `margin=1in`;
- may be repeated for multiple options
+ repeat for multiple options
-`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
-: sets margins, if `geometry` is not used (otherwise `geometry`
- overrides these)
+: uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
+ otherwise removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs)
: adjusts line spacing using the [`setspace`]
package, e.g. `1.25`, `1.5`
+`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
+: sets margins if `geometry` is not used (otherwise `geometry`
+ overrides these)
+: control `\pagestyle{}`: the default article class
+ supports `plain` (default), `empty` (no running heads or page numbers),
+ and `headings` (section titles in running heads)
+: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `a4`
+: numbering depth for sections (with `--number-sections` option
+ or `numbersections` variable)
+: disables default behavior of LaTeX template that redefines (sub)paragraphs
+ as sections, changing the appearance of nested headings in some classes
+### Fonts
+: allows font encoding to be specified through `fontenc` package (with `pdflatex`);
+ default is `T1` (see [LaTeX font encodings guide])
: font package for use with `pdflatex`:
[TeX Live] includes many options, documented in the [LaTeX Font Catalogue].
The default is [Latin Modern][`lm`].
-: options for package used as `fontfamily`: e.g. `osf,sc` with
- `fontfamily` set to [`mathpazo`] provides Palatino with old-style
- figures and true small caps; may be repeated for multiple options
+: options for package used as `fontfamily`; repeat for multiple options.
+ For example, to use the Libertine font with proportional lowercase
+ (old-style) figures through the [`libertinus`] package:
+ ---
+ fontfamily: libertinus
+ fontfamilyoptions:
+ - osf
+ - p
+ ...
+: font size for body text. The standard classes allow 10pt, 11pt, and 12pt.
+ To use another size, set `documentclass` to one of the [KOMA-Script] classes,
+ such as `scrartcl` or `scrbook`.
`mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`, `CJKmainfont`
: font families for use with `xelatex` or
@@ -1543,16 +1575,21 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
`mainfontoptions`, `sansfontoptions`, `monofontoptions`, `mathfontoptions`, `CJKoptions`
: options to use with `mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`,
`CJKmainfont` in `xelatex` and `lualatex`. Allow for any choices
- available through [`fontspec`], such as the OpenType features
- `Numbers=OldStyle,Numbers=Proportional`. May be repeated for multiple options.
+ available through [`fontspec`]; repeat for multiple options. For example,
+ to use the [TeX Gyre] version of Palatino with lowercase figures:
-: allows font encoding to be specified through `fontenc` package (with `pdflatex`);
- default is `T1` (see guide to [LaTeX font encodings])
+ ---
+ mainfont: TeX Gyre Pagella
+ mainfontoptions:
+ - Numbers=Lowercase
+ - Numbers=Proportional
+ ...
: options to pass to the microtype package
+### Links
: add color to link text; automatically enabled if any of
`linkcolor`, `filecolor`, `citecolor`, `urlcolor`, or `toccolor` are set
@@ -1566,16 +1603,13 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
: causes links to be printed as footnotes
-: uses document class settings for indentation (the default LaTeX template
- otherwise removes indentation and adds space between paragraphs)
+### Front matter
-: disables default behavior of LaTeX template that redefines (sub)paragraphs
- as sections, changing the appearance of nested headings in some classes
+`lof`, `lot`
+: include list of figures, list of tables
-: specifies contents of acknowledgments footnote after document title.
+: contents of acknowledgments footnote after document title
: include table of contents (can also be set using `--toc/--table-of-contents`)
@@ -1583,14 +1617,12 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
: level of section to include in table of contents
-: numbering depth for sections, if sections are numbered
+### BibLaTeX Bibliographies
-`lof`, `lot`
-: include list of figures, list of tables
+These variables function when using BibLaTeX for [citation rendering].
-: bibliography to use for resolving references
+: list of options for biblatex
: bibliography style, when used with `--natbib` and `--biblatex`.
@@ -1598,46 +1630,45 @@ LaTeX variables are used when [creating a PDF].
: bibliography title, when used with `--natbib` and `--biblatex`.
-: list of options for biblatex.
+: bibliography to use for resolving references
-: list of options for natbib.
-: An option for LaTeX's `\pagestyle{}`. The default article class
- supports 'plain' (default), 'empty', and 'headings'; headings puts
- section titles in the header.
+: list of options for natbib
+[KOMA-Script]: https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script
+[LaTeX Font Catalogue]: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/
+[LaTeX font encodings guide]: https://ctan.org/pkg/encguide
+[TeX Gyre]: http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/tex-gyre
[`article`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/article
-[`report`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/report
[`book`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/book
-[KOMA-Script]: https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script
+[`libertinus`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/libertinus
[`memoir`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/memoir
-[LaTeX Font Catalogue]: http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/
-[`mathpazo`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/mathpazo
-[LaTeX font encodings]: https://ctan.org/pkg/encguide
+[`report`]: https://ctan.org/pkg/report
Variables for ConTeXt
-: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `A4`, `landscape` (see [ConTeXt Paper Setup]);
- may be repeated for multiple options
-: options for page margins and text arrangement (see [ConTeXt Layout]);
- may be repeated for multiple options
-`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
-: sets margins, if `layout` is not used (otherwise `layout`
- overrides these)
+Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with ConTeXt.
: font size for body text (e.g. `10pt`, `12pt`)
-`mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`
-: font families: take the name of any system font (see [ConTeXt Font Switching])
+`headertext`, `footertext`
+: text to be placed in running header or footer (see [ConTeXt Headers and Footers]);
+ repeat up to four times for different placement
+: controls indentation of paragraphs, e.g. `yes,small,next` (see [ConTeXt Indentation]);
+ repeat for multiple options
+: adjusts line spacing, e.g. `4ex` (using [`setupinterlinespace`]);
+ repeat for multiple options
+: options for page margins and text arrangement (see [ConTeXt Layout]);
+ repeat for multiple options
`linkcolor`, `contrastcolor`
: color for links outside and inside a page, e.g. `red`, `blue` (see [ConTeXt Color])
@@ -1645,30 +1676,23 @@ Variables for ConTeXt
: typeface style for links, e.g. `normal`, `bold`, `slanted`, `boldslanted`, `type`, `cap`, `small`
-: controls indentation of paragraphs, e.g. `yes,small,next` (see [ConTeXt Indentation]);
- may be repeated for multiple options
-: spacing between paragraphs, e.g. `none`, `small` (using [`setupwhitespace`])
+`lof`, `lot`
+: include list of figures, list of tables
-: adjusts line spacing, e.g. `4ex` (using [`setupinterlinespace`]);
- may be repeated for multiple options
+`mainfont`, `sansfont`, `monofont`, `mathfont`
+: font families: take the name of any system font (see [ConTeXt Font Switching])
-`headertext`, `footertext`
-: text to be placed in running header or footer (see [ConTeXt Headers and Footers]);
- may be repeated up to four times for different placement
+`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
+: sets margins, if `layout` is not used (otherwise `layout`
+ overrides these)
: page number style and location (using [`setuppagenumbering`]);
- may be repeated for multiple options
+ repeat for multiple options
-: include table of contents (can also be set using `--toc/--table-of-contents`)
-`lof`, `lot`
-: include list of figures, list of tables
+: paper size, e.g. `letter`, `A4`, `landscape` (see [ConTeXt Paper Setup]);
+ repeat for multiple options
: adds to the preamble the setup necessary to generate PDF/A-1b:2005.
@@ -1678,6 +1702,12 @@ Variables for ConTeXt
from [ConTeXt ICC Profiles]. See also [ConTeXt PDFA] for more
+: include table of contents (can also be set using `--toc/--table-of-contents`)
+: spacing between paragraphs, e.g. `none`, `small` (using [`setupwhitespace`])
[ConTeXt Paper Setup]: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/PaperSetup
[ConTeXt Layout]: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Layout
[ConTeXt Font Switching]: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Font_Switching
@@ -1690,40 +1720,107 @@ Variables for ConTeXt
[`setupinterlinespace`]: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/setupinterlinespace
[`setuppagenumbering`]: https://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/setuppagenumbering
-Variables for man pages
+Variables for `wkhtmltopdf`
-: section number in man pages
+Pandoc uses these variables when [creating a PDF] with [`wkhtmltopdf`].
+The `--css` option also affects the output.
-: header in man pages
+`footer-html`, `header-html`
+: add information to the header and footer
-: footer in man pages
+`margin-left`, `margin-right`, `margin-top`, `margin-bottom`
+: set the page margins
+: sets the PDF paper size
+Variables for man pages
: adjusts text to left (`l`), right (`r`), center (`c`),
or both (`b`) margins
+: footer in man pages
+: header in man pages
: if `true` (the default), hyphenation will be used
+: section number in man pages
Variables for ms
-: point size (e.g. `10p`)
-: line height (e.g. `12p`)
: font family (e.g. `T` or `P`)
: paragraph indent (e.g. `2m`)
+: line height (e.g. `12p`)
+: point size (e.g. `10p`)
+Structural variables
+Pandoc sets these variables automatically in response to [options] or
+document contents; users can also modify them. These vary depending
+on the output format, and include the following:
+: body of document
+: contents specified by `-H/--include-in-header` (may have multiple
+ values)
+: contents specified by `-B/--include-before-body` (may have
+ multiple values)
+: contents specified by `-A/--include-after-body` (may have
+ multiple values)
+: JSON representation of all of the document's metadata. Field
+ values are transformed to the selected output format.
+: non-null value if `-N/--number-sections` was specified
+`sourcefile`, `outputfile`
+: source and destination filenames, as given on the command line.
+ `sourcefile` can also be a list if input comes from multiple files, or empty
+ if input is from stdin. You can use the following snippet in your template
+ to distinguish them:
+ $if(sourcefile)$
+ $for(sourcefile)$
+ $sourcefile$
+ $endfor$
+ $else$
+ (stdin)
+ $endif$
+ Similarly, `outputfile` can be `-` if output goes to the terminal.
+: non-null value if `--toc/--table-of-contents` was specified
+: title of table of contents (works only with EPUB,
+ opendocument, odt, docx, pptx, beamer, LaTeX)
Using variables in templates
@@ -4352,7 +4449,7 @@ For Slidy, Slideous, reveal.js, and S5, the file produced by pandoc with the
assumed to be available at the relative path `s5/default` (for S5), `slideous`
(for Slideous), `reveal.js` (for reveal.js), or at the Slidy website at
`w3.org` (for Slidy). (These paths can be changed by setting the `slidy-url`,
-`slideous-url`, `revealjs-url`, or `s5-url` variables; see [Variables for slides],
+`slideous-url`, `revealjs-url`, or `s5-url` variables; see [Variables for HTML slides],
above.) For DZSlides, the (relatively short) JavaScript and CSS are included in
the file by default.
@@ -5059,7 +5156,7 @@ application, here are some things to keep in mind:
-Copyright 2006-2017 John MacFarlane (jgm@berkeley.edu). Released
+Copyright 2006--2019 John MacFarlane (jgm@berkeley.edu). Released
under the [GPL], version 2 or greater. This software carries no
warranty of any kind. (See COPYRIGHT for full copyright and
warranty notices.) For a full list of contributors, see the file