diff options
authorMatej Kollar <208115@mail.muni.cz>2014-07-04 22:09:36 +0200
committerMatej Kollar <208115@mail.muni.cz>2014-07-04 23:42:10 +0200
commitd2c81346e72e8f7a2e8fe3340e8767530087b2fd (patch)
parent0bc900e36a2c9385ff0163c77993d58fd753d512 (diff)
Move more things to Reader.
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs
index edd9771a4..77ae27681 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/MediaWiki.hs
@@ -44,22 +44,27 @@ import Control.Monad.State
data WriterState = WriterState {
stNotes :: Bool -- True if there are notes
- , stListLevel :: String -- String at beginning of list items, e.g. "**"
- , stUseTags :: Bool -- True if we should use HTML tags because we're in a complex list
-type MediaWikiWriter = ReaderT WriterOptions (State WriterState)
+data WriterReader = WriterReader {
+ options :: WriterOptions -- Writer options
+ , stListLevel :: String -- String at beginning of list items, e.g. "**"
+ , stUseTags :: Bool -- True if we should use HTML tags because we're in a complex list
+ }
+type MediaWikiWriter = ReaderT WriterReader (State WriterState)
-- | Convert Pandoc to MediaWiki.
writeMediaWiki :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> String
writeMediaWiki opts document =
- evalState (runReaderT (pandocToMediaWiki document) opts)
- WriterState { stNotes = False, stListLevel = [], stUseTags = False }
+ let initialState = WriterState { stNotes = False }
+ env = WriterReader { options = opts, stListLevel = [], stUseTags = False }
+ in evalState (runReaderT (pandocToMediaWiki document) env) initialState
-- | Return MediaWiki representation of document.
pandocToMediaWiki :: Pandoc -> MediaWikiWriter String
pandocToMediaWiki (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
- opts <- ask
+ opts <- asks options
metadata <- metaToJSON opts
(fmap trimr . blockListToMediaWiki)
@@ -105,8 +110,8 @@ blockToMediaWiki (Para [Image txt (src,'f':'i':'g':':':tit)]) = do
return $ "[[Image:" ++ src ++ "|frame|none" ++ opt ++ "]]\n"
blockToMediaWiki (Para inlines) = do
- useTags <- gets stUseTags
- listLevel <- gets stListLevel
+ useTags <- asks stUseTags
+ listLevel <- asks stListLevel
contents <- inlineListToMediaWiki inlines
return $ if useTags
then "<p>" ++ contents ++ "</p>"
@@ -157,51 +162,39 @@ blockToMediaWiki (Table capt aligns widths headers rows') = do
return $ "{|\n" ++ caption ++ tableBody ++ "|}\n"
blockToMediaWiki x@(BulletList items) = do
- oldUseTags <- gets stUseTags
- listLevel <- gets stListLevel
+ oldUseTags <- asks stUseTags
+ listLevel <- asks stListLevel
let useTags = oldUseTags || not (isSimpleList x)
if useTags
then do
- modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = True }
- contents <- mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
- modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = oldUseTags }
+ contents <- local (\ s -> s { stUseTags = True }) $ mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
return $ "<ul>\n" ++ vcat contents ++ "</ul>\n"
else do
- modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ "*" }
- contents <- mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
- modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = init (stListLevel s) }
+ contents <- local (\s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ "*" }) $ mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
return $ vcat contents ++ if null listLevel then "\n" else ""
blockToMediaWiki x@(OrderedList attribs items) = do
- oldUseTags <- gets stUseTags
- listLevel <- gets stListLevel
+ oldUseTags <- asks stUseTags
+ listLevel <- asks stListLevel
let useTags = oldUseTags || not (isSimpleList x)
if useTags
then do
- modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = True }
- contents <- mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
- modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = oldUseTags }
+ contents <- local (\s -> s { stUseTags = True }) $ mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
return $ "<ol" ++ listAttribsToString attribs ++ ">\n" ++ vcat contents ++ "</ol>\n"
else do
- modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ "#" }
- contents <- mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
- modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = init (stListLevel s) }
+ contents <- local (\s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ "#" }) $ mapM listItemToMediaWiki items
return $ vcat contents ++ if null listLevel then "\n" else ""
blockToMediaWiki x@(DefinitionList items) = do
- oldUseTags <- gets stUseTags
- listLevel <- gets stListLevel
+ oldUseTags <- asks stUseTags
+ listLevel <- asks stListLevel
let useTags = oldUseTags || not (isSimpleList x)
if useTags
then do
- modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = True }
- contents <- mapM definitionListItemToMediaWiki items
- modify $ \s -> s { stUseTags = oldUseTags }
+ contents <- local (\s -> s { stUseTags = True }) $ mapM definitionListItemToMediaWiki items
return $ "<dl>\n" ++ vcat contents ++ "</dl>\n"
else do
- modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ ";" }
- contents <- mapM definitionListItemToMediaWiki items
- modify $ \s -> s { stListLevel = init (stListLevel s) }
+ contents <- local (\s -> s { stListLevel = stListLevel s ++ ";" }) $ mapM definitionListItemToMediaWiki items
return $ vcat contents ++ if null listLevel then "\n" else ""
-- Auxiliary functions for lists:
@@ -221,11 +214,11 @@ listAttribsToString (startnum, numstyle, _) =
listItemToMediaWiki :: [Block] -> MediaWikiWriter String
listItemToMediaWiki items = do
contents <- blockListToMediaWiki items
- useTags <- gets stUseTags
+ useTags <- asks stUseTags
if useTags
then return $ "<li>" ++ contents ++ "</li>"
else do
- marker <- gets stListLevel
+ marker <- asks stListLevel
return $ marker ++ " " ++ contents
-- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to MediaWiki.
@@ -234,12 +227,12 @@ definitionListItemToMediaWiki :: ([Inline],[[Block]])
definitionListItemToMediaWiki (label, items) = do
labelText <- inlineListToMediaWiki label
contents <- mapM blockListToMediaWiki items
- useTags <- gets stUseTags
+ useTags <- asks stUseTags
if useTags
then return $ "<dt>" ++ labelText ++ "</dt>\n" ++
intercalate "\n" (map (\d -> "<dd>" ++ d ++ "</dd>") contents)
else do
- marker <- gets stListLevel
+ marker <- asks stListLevel
return $ marker ++ " " ++ labelText ++ "\n" ++
intercalate "\n" (map (\d -> init marker ++ ": " ++ d) contents)