diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-11-12 19:43:37 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2015-11-12 19:43:37 -0800
commitc17238314c29e2202e4f57cd8dc52a1ae5f579ad (patch)
parent03743a3596735bff8a0f30fe9eb0a7a223f57355 (diff)
Updated changelog.
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/changelog b/changelog
index 09a2eb18e..46a8eb128 100644
--- a/changelog
+++ b/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,179 @@
+pandoc (1.15.2)
+ * `pandoc my.md -t context -o my.pdf` will now create a PDF using
+ ConTeXt rather than LaTeX (#2463).
+ * Fixed omitted `url(...)` in CSS data-uri with `--self-contained` (#2489).
+ * `Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML.parseTags`: Fixed over-eager raw HTML inline
+ parsing (#2469). Tightened up the inline HTML parser so it disallows
+ TagWarnings.
+ * Org reader:
+ + Fix paragraph/list interaction (Albert Krewinkel, #2464).
+ Paragraphs can be followed by lists, even if there is no blank line
+ between the two blocks. However, this should only be true if the
+ paragraph is not within a list, were the preceding block should be
+ parsed as a plain instead of paragraph (to allow for compact lists).
+ Thanks to @rgaiacs for bringing this up.
+ + Allow toggling header args (Albert Krewinkel, #2269).
+ Org-mode allows to skip the argument of a code block header argument if
+ it's toggling a value. Argument-less headers are now recognized,
+ avoiding weird parsing errors.
+ + Fix markup parsing in headers (Albert Krewinkel, #2504).
+ Markup as the very first item in a header wasn't recognized. This was
+ caused by an incorrect parser state: positions at which inline markup
+ can start need to be marked explicitly by changing the parser state.
+ This wasn't done for headers. The proper function to update the state
+ is now called at the beginning of the header parser, fixing this issue.
+ * Markdown reader:
+ + Pipe tables with long lines now get relative cell widths (#2471).
+ If a pipe table contains a line longer than the column width (as set by
+ `--columns` or 80 by default), relative widths are computed based on the
+ widths of the separator lines relative to the column width. This should
+ solve persistent problems with long pipe tables in LaTeX/PDF output, and
+ give more flexibility for determining relative column widths in other
+ formats, too. For narrower pipe tables, column widths of 0 are used,
+ telling pandoc not to specify widths explicitly in output formats that
+ permit this.
+ + Improved parser for `mmd_title_block`. We now allow blank metadata
+ fields. These were explicitly disallowed before.
+ * Beamer template: fix incompatibility of section slides with natbib.
+ Natbib (and presumably biblatex) bibliography commands create
+ their own section. Since these are in frame environments,
+ we have an incompatibility with the `\AtBeginSection` macro
+ which creates a special frame when a new section occurs.
+ (We can't have a frame inside another frame.) This change disables
+ `\AtBeginSection` inside bibliography slides. Thinks to Yihui Xie for
+ bringing the problem to my attention. This supersedes #145. See
+ discussion there.
+ * Textile reader: don't do smart punctuation unless explicitly asked
+ (#2480). Note that although smart punctuation is part of the textile
+ spec, it's not always wanted when converting from textile
+ to, say, Markdown. So it seems better to make this an option.
+ * LaTeX reader: Handle `comment` environment (Arata Mizuki).
+ The `comment` environment is handled in a similar way to the
+ `verbatim` environment, except that its content is discarded.
+ * LaTeX and ConTeXt writers: support `lang` attribute on divs and spans
+ (mb21). For LaTeX, also collect `lang` and `dir` attributes on spans and
+ divs to set the `lang`, `otherlangs` and `dir` variables if they aren’t set
+ already. See #895.
+ * LaTeX writer:
+ + Use proper command for `\textarabic` (mb21).
+ + Added `de-CH-1901`, fixed `el-polyton` in `toPloyglossia` (Nick Bart).
+ + Use `\hypertarget` and `\hyperlink` for links. This works correctly
+ to link to Div or Span elements. We now don't bother defining `\label`
+ for Div or Span elements. Closes jgm/pandoc-citeproc#174.
+ + Avoid footnotes in list of figures (#1506).
+ + Properly handle footnotes in captions (#1506).
+ + Add `\protect` to `\hyperlink` (#2490). Thanks to Hadrien Mary.
+ + Set `colorlinks` if `linkcolor`, `urlcolor`, `citecolor`, or
+ `toccolor` is set (#2508).
+ * Textile writer: support start number in ordered lists (#2465).
+ * EPUB writer: don't download linked media when `data-external` attribute
+ set (#2473). By default pandoc downloads all linked media and includes it
+ in the EPUB container. This can be disabled by setting `data-external` on
+ the tags linking to media that should not be downloaded. Example:
+ <audio controls="1">
+ <source src="http://www.sixbarsjail.it/tmp/bach_toccata.mp3"
+ type="audio/mpeg"></source>
+ </audio>
+ * HTML writer: use width on whole table if col widths sum to < 100%.
+ Otherwise some browsers display the table with the columns
+ separated far apart.
+ * Updated dzslides template from source (Andrew Dunning).
+ * Asciidoc template: Fixed `author` and `date`; added `keywords`,
+ `abstract` (Andrew Dunning).
+ * HTML-based templates:
+ + Use en dash instead of hypehn between title prefix & title
+ (Andrew Dunning.)
+ + Added `keywords` and fixed alignment (Andrew Dunning).
+ + Added `lang`, `dir`, `quotes` (Andrew Dunning).
+ + Always make author and date display conditional (Andrew Dunning).
+ * Man template: make "generated by" comment conditional.
+ * LaTeX template:
+ + Simplify hyperref usage (Andrew Dunning, #139).
+ + Improved formatting of conditionals.
+ + `$for$` is always provided where the user might want to use
+ multiple options (does not change existing functionality).
+ + `hyperref` link rendering revised:
+ - the `hidelinks` option is now effectively the default (and has
+ been removed as a separate option), rather than setting all links to
+ black;
+ - link colours can be enabled more easily (using a slightly darker
+ version of the old Pandoc defaults) using a new `colorlinks` variable
+ - `pdfborder={0 0 0}` is automatically enabled in `hyperref` when
+ `colorlinks` is enabled, and is now only applied.
+ * ConTeXt template (Andrew Dunning):
+ + Default link color to black.
+ + Define all sections.
+ + microtype applied to both regular text and small caps.
+ + `indenting` variable added.
+ + Renamed `style` to `linkstyle` for consistency.
+ + Separated `linkcontrastcolor` from `linkcolor`.
+ + Matching LaTeX `hyperref` usage, only disable link styling rather
+ than providing a specific setting.
+ + Improved formatting of conditionals.
+ * Beamer template: added code to prevent slide breaks inside paragraphs
+ (#2422, thanks to Nick Bart). This will matter, in practice, only when
+ `allowframebreaks` is used. It is especially helpful for bibliography
+ slides.
+ * Updated latex, beamer templates to support language divs/spans.
+ This adds a template variable that can be filled
+ by commands that make babel understand the polyglossia-style
+ language directives. Thanks to mb21.
+ * Restored Text.Pandoc.Compat.Monoid.
+ * Do not export (<>) from custom Prelude. The Prelude now matches
+ base 4.8 Prelude's API.
+ * Don't use custom prelude with ghc 7.10. Use the custom prelude
+ only for earlier versions. This change makes `stack ghci` and
+ `cabal repl` work (#2503), at least with ghc 7.10.
+ * Changed § to % in operators from Odt.Arrows.Utils (#2457).
+ This prevents problems building haddocks with "C" locale.
+ * Change default for old-locale flag to False.
+ * Use stack in deb and osx package generators.
+ * Added Vagrantfile for building deb in vm.
+ This should help in automating binary package creation. 'make package'
+ will make the package. 'make package COMMIT=blah' will make the package
+ from commit blah.
+ + Consistent capitalization for pandoc and Markdown.
+ + Fixed `auto_identifiers` examples (Benoit Schweblin).
+ + Improved documentation of template variables (Andrew Dunning).
pandoc (
* `Text.Pandoc.Data`: store paths in dataFiles using posix separators.