diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2014-03-04 10:12:16 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2014-03-04 10:12:16 -0800
commitb1e6ea80fde0c3a21336747cd34a3ab0ddfe3cfe (patch)
parent4d0bf3c5d685cbee3b13f562503a572af803ab95 (diff)
parent8909229671fb41101bc12b7ed3e1ccbdcdfd631a (diff)
Merge pull request #1179 from tarleb/org
Add a simple Emacs Org-mode reader
7 files changed, 1110 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 337e097dc..527d63a1a 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ Description
Pandoc is a [Haskell] library for converting from one markup format to
another, and a command-line tool that uses this library. It can read
[markdown] and (subsets of) [Textile], [reStructuredText], [HTML],
-[LaTeX], [MediaWiki markup], [Haddock markup], [OPML], and [DocBook]; and
-it can write plain text, [markdown], [reStructuredText], [XHTML], [HTML 5],
-[LaTeX] (including [beamer] slide shows), [ConTeXt], [RTF], [OPML], [DocBook],
-[OpenDocument], [ODT], [Word docx], [GNU Texinfo], [MediaWiki markup],
-[EPUB] (v2 or v3), [FictionBook2], [Textile], [groff man] pages, [Emacs
-Org-Mode], [AsciiDoc], and [Slidy], [Slideous], [DZSlides], [reveal.js]
-or [S5] HTML slide shows. It can also produce [PDF] output on systems
-where LaTeX is installed.
+[LaTeX], [MediaWiki markup], [Haddock markup], [OPML], [Emacs Org-mode]
+and [DocBook]; and it can write plain text, [markdown],
+[reStructuredText], [XHTML], [HTML 5], [LaTeX] (including [beamer] slide
+shows), [ConTeXt], [RTF], [OPML], [DocBook], [OpenDocument], [ODT],
+[Word docx], [GNU Texinfo], [MediaWiki markup], [EPUB] (v2 or v3),
+[FictionBook2], [Textile], [groff man] pages, [Emacs Org-Mode],
+[AsciiDoc], and [Slidy], [Slideous], [DZSlides], [reveal.js] or [S5]
+HTML slide shows. It can also produce [PDF] output on systems where
+LaTeX is installed.
Pandoc's enhanced version of markdown includes syntax for footnotes,
tables, flexible ordered lists, definition lists, fenced code blocks,
@@ -143,14 +144,14 @@ General options
`markdown_phpextra` (PHP Markdown Extra extended markdown),
`markdown_github` (github extended markdown),
`textile` (Textile), `rst` (reStructuredText), `html` (HTML),
- `docbook` (DocBook), `opml` (OPML), `mediawiki` (MediaWiki markup),
- `haddock` (Haddock markup), or `latex` (LaTeX).
- If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`, `latex`, or `html`,
- the input will be treated as literate Haskell source:
- see [Literate Haskell support](#literate-haskell-support), below.
- Markdown syntax extensions can be individually enabled or disabled
- by appending `+EXTENSION` or `-EXTENSION` to the format name.
- So, for example, `markdown_strict+footnotes+definition_lists`
+ `docbook` (DocBook), `opml` (OPML), `org` (Emacs Org-mode),
+ `mediawiki` (MediaWiki markup), `haddock` (Haddock markup), or
+ latex` (LaTeX). If `+lhs` is appended to `markdown`, `rst`,
+ `latex`, or `html`, the input will be treated as literate Haskell
+ source: see [Literate Haskell support](#literate-haskell-support),
+ below. Markdown syntax extensions can be individually enabled or
+ disabled by appending `+EXTENSION` or `-EXTENSION` to the format
+ name. So, for example, `markdown_strict+footnotes+definition_lists`
is strict markdown with footnotes and definition lists enabled,
and `markdown-pipe_tables+hard_line_breaks` is pandoc's markdown
without pipe tables and with hard line breaks. See [Pandoc's
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index bbf963672..ccd23e551 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -263,6 +263,7 @@ Library
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org,
@@ -381,6 +382,7 @@ Test-Suite test-pandoc
+ Tests.Readers.Org
diff --git a/pandoc.hs b/pandoc.hs
index 677101746..709b5a777 100644
--- a/pandoc.hs
+++ b/pandoc.hs
@@ -834,6 +834,7 @@ defaultReaderName fallback (x:xs) =
".latex" -> "latex"
".ltx" -> "latex"
".rst" -> "rst"
+ ".org" -> "org"
".lhs" -> "markdown+lhs"
".db" -> "docbook"
".opml" -> "opml"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
index 3ae81db00..e511ed861 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc
, readMarkdown
, readMediaWiki
, readRST
+ , readOrg
, readLaTeX
, readHtml
, readTextile
@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.JSON
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.MediaWiki
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.DocBook
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.OPML
import Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX
@@ -201,6 +203,7 @@ readers = [ ("native" , \_ s -> return $ readNative s)
,("mediawiki" , \o s -> return $ readMediaWiki o s)
,("docbook" , \o s -> return $ readDocBook o s)
,("opml" , \o s -> return $ readOPML o s)
+ ,("org" , \o s -> return $ readOrg o s)
,("textile" , \o s -> return $ readTextile o s) -- TODO : textile+lhs
,("html" , \o s -> return $ readHtml o s)
,("latex" , \o s -> return $ readLaTeX o s)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dc250f04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/Org.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2014 Albert Krewinkel
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel <tarleb@moltkeplatz.de>
+Conversion of Org-Mode to 'Pandoc' document.
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Org ( readOrg ) where
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Inlines, Blocks, trimInlines, (<>))
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Options
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing hiding (orderedListMarker)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (compactify')
+import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<$), (<*>), (<*), (*>), (<**>))
+import Control.Monad (guard, mzero)
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import Data.List (foldl')
+import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, fromMaybe)
+import Data.Monoid (mconcat, mempty, mappend)
+-- | Parse org-mode string and return a Pandoc document.
+readOrg :: ReaderOptions -- ^ Reader options
+ -> String -- ^ String to parse (assuming @'\n'@ line endings)
+ -> Pandoc
+readOrg opts s = (readWith parseOrg) def{ stateOptions = opts } (s ++ "\n\n")
+type OrgParser = Parser [Char] ParserState
+parseOrg:: OrgParser Pandoc
+parseOrg = do
+ blocks' <- B.toList <$> parseBlocks
+ st <- getState
+ let meta = stateMeta st
+ return $ Pandoc meta $ filter (/= Null) blocks'
+-- parsing blocks
+parseBlocks :: OrgParser Blocks
+parseBlocks = mconcat <$> manyTill block eof
+block :: OrgParser Blocks
+block = choice [ mempty <$ blanklines
+ , orgBlock
+ , example
+ , drawer
+ , specialLine
+ , header
+ , hline
+ , list
+ , table
+ , paraOrPlain
+ ] <?> "block"
+-- Org Blocks (#+BEGIN_... / #+END_...)
+orgBlock :: OrgParser Blocks
+orgBlock = try $ do
+ (indent, blockType, args) <- blockHeader
+ blockStr <- rawBlockContent indent blockType
+ let classArgs = [ translateLang . fromMaybe [] $ listToMaybe args ]
+ case blockType of
+ "comment" -> return mempty
+ "src" -> return $ B.codeBlockWith ("", classArgs, []) blockStr
+ _ -> B.divWith ("", [blockType], [])
+ <$> (parseFromString parseBlocks blockStr)
+blockHeader :: OrgParser (Int, String, [String])
+blockHeader = (,,) <$> blockIndent
+ <*> blockType
+ <*> (skipSpaces *> blockArgs)
+ where blockIndent = length <$> many spaceChar
+ blockType = map toLower <$> (stringAnyCase "#+begin_" *> many letter)
+ blockArgs = manyTill (many nonspaceChar <* skipSpaces) newline
+rawBlockContent :: Int -> String -> OrgParser String
+rawBlockContent indent blockType =
+ unlines . map commaEscaped <$> manyTill indentedLine blockEnder
+ where
+ indentedLine = try $ choice [ blankline *> pure "\n"
+ , indentWith indent *> anyLine
+ ]
+ blockEnder = try $ indentWith indent *> stringAnyCase ("#+end_" <> blockType)
+-- indent by specified number of spaces (or equiv. tabs)
+indentWith :: Int -> OrgParser String
+indentWith num = do
+ tabStop <- getOption readerTabStop
+ if (num < tabStop)
+ then count num (char ' ')
+ else choice [ try (count num (char ' '))
+ , try (char '\t' >> count (num - tabStop) (char ' ')) ]
+translateLang :: String -> String
+translateLang "sh" = "bash"
+translateLang cs = cs
+commaEscaped :: String -> String
+commaEscaped (',':cs@('*':_)) = cs
+commaEscaped (',':cs@('#':'+':_)) = cs
+commaEscaped cs = cs
+example :: OrgParser Blocks
+example = try $
+ B.codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], []) . unlines <$> many1 exampleLine
+exampleLine :: OrgParser String
+exampleLine = try $ string ": " *> anyLine
+-- Drawers for properties or a logbook
+drawer :: OrgParser Blocks
+drawer = try $ do
+ drawerStart
+ manyTill drawerLine (try drawerEnd)
+ return mempty
+drawerStart :: OrgParser String
+drawerStart = try $
+ skipSpaces *> drawerName <* skipSpaces <* newline
+ where drawerName = try $ char ':' *> validDrawerName <* char ':'
+ validDrawerName = stringAnyCase "PROPERTIES"
+ <|> stringAnyCase "LOGBOOK"
+drawerLine :: OrgParser String
+drawerLine = try $ anyLine
+drawerEnd :: OrgParser String
+drawerEnd = try $
+ skipSpaces *> stringAnyCase ":END:" <* skipSpaces <* newline
+-- Comments, Options and Metadata
+specialLine :: OrgParser Blocks
+specialLine = try $ metaLine <|> commentLine
+metaLine :: OrgParser Blocks
+metaLine = try $ metaLineStart *> declarationLine
+commentLine :: OrgParser Blocks
+commentLine = try $ commentLineStart *> anyLine *> pure mempty
+-- The order, in which blocks are tried, makes sure that we're not looking at
+-- the beginning of a block, so we don't need to check for it
+metaLineStart :: OrgParser String
+metaLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "#+"
+commentLineStart :: OrgParser String
+commentLineStart = try $ mappend <$> many spaceChar <*> string "# "
+declarationLine :: OrgParser Blocks
+declarationLine = try $ do
+ meta' <- B.setMeta <$> metaKey <*> metaValue <*> pure nullMeta
+ updateState $ \st -> st { stateMeta = stateMeta st <> meta' }
+ return mempty
+metaValue :: OrgParser MetaValue
+metaValue = MetaInlines . B.toList . trimInlines <$> restOfLine
+metaKey :: OrgParser [Char]
+metaKey = map toLower <$> many1 (noneOf ": \n\r")
+ <* char ':'
+ <* skipSpaces
+-- | Headers
+header :: OrgParser Blocks
+header = try $
+ B.header <$> headerStart
+ <*> (trimInlines <$> restOfLine)
+headerStart :: OrgParser Int
+headerStart = try $
+ (length <$> many1 (char '*')) <* many1 (char ' ')
+-- Horizontal Line (five dashes or more)
+hline :: OrgParser Blocks
+hline = try $ do
+ skipSpaces
+ string "-----"
+ many (char '-')
+ skipSpaces
+ newline
+ return B.horizontalRule
+-- Tables
+data OrgTableRow = OrgContentRow [Blocks]
+ | OrgAlignRow [Alignment]
+ | OrgHlineRow
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+type OrgTableContent = (Int, [Alignment], [Double], [Blocks], [[Blocks]])
+table :: OrgParser Blocks
+table = try $ do
+ lookAhead tableStart
+ (_, aligns, widths, heads, lns) <- normalizeTable . tableContent <$> tableRows
+ return $ B.table "" (zip aligns widths) heads lns
+tableStart :: OrgParser Char
+tableStart = try $ skipSpaces *> char '|'
+tableRows :: OrgParser [OrgTableRow]
+tableRows = try $ many (tableAlignRow <|> tableHline <|> tableContentRow)
+tableContentRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
+tableContentRow = try $
+ OrgContentRow <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableContentCell newline)
+tableContentCell :: OrgParser Blocks
+tableContentCell = try $
+ B.plain . trimInlines . mconcat <$> many1Till inline (try endOfCell)
+endOfCell :: OrgParser Char
+-- endOfCell = char '|' <|> newline
+endOfCell = try $ char '|' <|> lookAhead newline
+tableAlignRow :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
+tableAlignRow = try $
+ OrgAlignRow <$> (tableStart *> manyTill tableAlignCell newline)
+tableAlignCell :: OrgParser Alignment
+tableAlignCell =
+ choice [ try $ emptyCell *> return (AlignDefault)
+ , try $ skipSpaces
+ *> char '<'
+ *> tableAlignFromChar
+ <* many digit
+ <* char '>'
+ <* emptyCell
+ ] <?> "alignment info"
+ where emptyCell = try $ skipSpaces *> endOfCell
+tableAlignFromChar :: OrgParser Alignment
+tableAlignFromChar = try $ choice [ char 'l' *> return AlignLeft
+ , char 'c' *> return AlignCenter
+ , char 'r' *> return AlignRight
+ ]
+tableHline :: OrgParser OrgTableRow
+tableHline = try $
+ OrgHlineRow <$ (tableStart *> char '-' *> anyLine)
+tableContent :: [OrgTableRow]
+ -> OrgTableContent
+tableContent = foldl' (flip rowToContent) (0, mempty, repeat 0, mempty, mempty)
+normalizeTable :: OrgTableContent
+ -> OrgTableContent
+normalizeTable (cols, aligns, widths, heads, lns) =
+ let aligns' = fillColumns aligns AlignDefault
+ widths' = fillColumns widths 0.0
+ heads' = if heads == mempty
+ then heads
+ else fillColumns heads (B.plain mempty)
+ lns' = map (flip fillColumns (B.plain mempty)) lns
+ fillColumns base padding = take cols $ base ++ repeat padding
+ in (cols, aligns', widths', heads', lns')
+-- One or more horizontal rules after the first content line mark the previous
+-- line as a header. All other horizontal lines are discarded.
+rowToContent :: OrgTableRow
+ -> OrgTableContent
+ -> OrgTableContent
+rowToContent OrgHlineRow = maybeBodyToHeader
+rowToContent (OrgContentRow rs) = setLongestRow rs . appendToBody rs
+rowToContent (OrgAlignRow as) = setLongestRow as . setAligns as
+setLongestRow :: [a]
+ -> OrgTableContent
+ -> OrgTableContent
+setLongestRow r (cols, aligns, widths, heads, lns) =
+ (max cols (length r), aligns, widths, heads, lns)
+maybeBodyToHeader :: OrgTableContent
+ -> OrgTableContent
+maybeBodyToHeader (cols, aligns, widths, [], b:[]) = (cols, aligns, widths, b, [])
+maybeBodyToHeader content = content
+appendToBody :: [Blocks]
+ -> OrgTableContent
+ -> OrgTableContent
+appendToBody r (cols, aligns, widths, heads, lns) =
+ (cols, aligns, widths, heads, lns ++ [r])
+setAligns :: [Alignment]
+ -> OrgTableContent
+ -> OrgTableContent
+setAligns aligns (cols, _, widths, heads, lns) =
+ (cols, aligns, widths, heads, lns)
+-- Paragraphs or Plain text
+paraOrPlain :: OrgParser Blocks
+paraOrPlain = try $
+ trimInlines . mconcat
+ <$> many1 inline
+ <**> option B.plain
+ (try $ newline *> pure B.para)
+restOfLine :: OrgParser Inlines
+restOfLine = mconcat <$> manyTill inline newline
+-- list blocks
+list :: OrgParser Blocks
+list = choice [ bulletList, orderedList ] <?> "list"
+bulletList :: OrgParser Blocks
+bulletList = B.bulletList . compactify' <$> many1 (listItem bulletListStart)
+orderedList :: OrgParser Blocks
+orderedList = B.orderedList . compactify' <$> many1 (listItem orderedListStart)
+genericListStart :: OrgParser String
+ -> OrgParser Int
+genericListStart listMarker = try $
+ (+) <$> (length <$> many spaceChar)
+ <*> (length <$> listMarker <* many1 spaceChar)
+-- parses bullet list start and returns its length (excl. following whitespace)
+bulletListStart :: OrgParser Int
+bulletListStart = genericListStart bulletListMarker
+ where bulletListMarker = pure <$> oneOf "*-+"
+orderedListStart :: OrgParser Int
+orderedListStart = genericListStart orderedListMarker
+ -- Ordered list markers allowed in org-mode
+ where orderedListMarker = mappend <$> many1 digit <*> (pure <$> oneOf ".)")
+listItem :: OrgParser Int
+ -> OrgParser Blocks
+listItem start = try $ do
+ (markerLength, first) <- try (start >>= rawListItem)
+ rest <- many (listContinuation markerLength)
+ parseFromString parseBlocks $ concat (first:rest)
+-- parse raw text for one list item, excluding start marker and continuations
+rawListItem :: Int
+ -> OrgParser (Int, String)
+rawListItem markerLength = try $ do
+ firstLine <- anyLine
+ restLines <- many (listLine markerLength)
+ return (markerLength, (firstLine ++ "\n" ++ (concat restLines)))
+-- continuation of a list item - indented and separated by blankline or endline.
+-- Note: nested lists are parsed as continuations.
+listContinuation :: Int
+ -> OrgParser String
+listContinuation markerLength = try $
+ mappend <$> many blankline
+ <*> (concat <$> many1 (listLine markerLength))
+-- parse a line of a list item
+listLine :: Int
+ -> OrgParser String
+listLine markerLength = try $
+ indentWith markerLength *> anyLine
+ <**> pure (++ "\n")
+-- inline
+inline :: OrgParser Inlines
+inline = choice inlineParsers <?> "inline"
+ where inlineParsers = [ whitespace
+ , link
+ , str
+ , endline
+ , emph
+ , strong
+ , strikeout
+ , underline
+ , code
+ , verbatim
+ , subscript
+ , superscript
+ , symbol
+ ]
+-- treat these as potentially non-text when parsing inline:
+specialChars :: [Char]
+specialChars = "\"$'()*+-./:<=>[\\]^_{|}~"
+whitespace :: OrgParser Inlines
+whitespace = B.space <$ skipMany1 spaceChar <?> "whitespace"
+str :: OrgParser Inlines
+str = B.str <$> many1 (noneOf $ specialChars ++ "\n\r ")
+ <* updateLastStrPos
+-- an endline character that can be treated as a space, not a structural break
+endline :: OrgParser Inlines
+endline = try $ do
+ newline
+ notFollowedBy blankline
+ notFollowedBy' exampleLine
+ notFollowedBy' hline
+ notFollowedBy' tableStart
+ notFollowedBy' drawerStart
+ notFollowedBy' headerStart
+ notFollowedBy' metaLineStart
+ notFollowedBy' commentLineStart
+ notFollowedBy' bulletListStart
+ notFollowedBy' orderedListStart
+ return B.space
+link :: OrgParser Inlines
+link = explicitLink <|> selfLink <?> "link"
+explicitLink :: OrgParser Inlines
+explicitLink = try $ do
+ char '['
+ src <- enclosedRaw (char '[') (char ']')
+ title <- enclosedInlines (char '[') (char ']')
+ char ']'
+ return $ B.link src "" title
+selfLink :: OrgParser Inlines
+selfLink = try $ do
+ src <- enclosedRaw (string "[[") (string "]]")
+ return $ B.link src "" (B.str src)
+emph :: OrgParser Inlines
+emph = B.emph <$> inlinesEnclosedBy '/'
+strong :: OrgParser Inlines
+strong = B.strong <$> inlinesEnclosedBy '*'
+strikeout :: OrgParser Inlines
+strikeout = B.strikeout <$> inlinesEnclosedBy '+'
+-- There is no underline, so we use strong instead.
+underline :: OrgParser Inlines
+underline = B.strong <$> inlinesEnclosedBy '_'
+code :: OrgParser Inlines
+code = B.code <$> rawEnclosedBy '='
+verbatim :: OrgParser Inlines
+verbatim = B.rawInline "" <$> rawEnclosedBy '~'
+subscript :: OrgParser Inlines
+subscript = B.subscript <$> (try $ char '_' *> maybeGroupedByBraces)
+superscript :: OrgParser Inlines
+superscript = B.superscript <$> (try $ char '^' *> maybeGroupedByBraces)
+maybeGroupedByBraces :: OrgParser Inlines
+maybeGroupedByBraces = try $
+ choice [ try $ enclosedInlines (char '{') (char '}')
+ , B.str . (:"") <$> anyChar
+ ]
+symbol :: OrgParser Inlines
+symbol = B.str . (: "") <$> oneOf specialChars
+enclosedInlines :: OrgParser a
+ -> OrgParser b
+ -> OrgParser Inlines
+enclosedInlines start end = try $
+ trimInlines . mconcat <$> enclosed start end inline
+-- FIXME: This is a hack
+inlinesEnclosedBy :: Char
+ -> OrgParser Inlines
+inlinesEnclosedBy c = enclosedInlines (atStart (char c) <* endsOnThisOrNextLine c)
+ (atEnd $ char c)
+enclosedRaw :: OrgParser a
+ -> OrgParser b
+ -> OrgParser String
+enclosedRaw start end = try $
+ start *> (onSingleLine <|> spanningTwoLines)
+ where onSingleLine = try $ many1Till (noneOf "\n\r") end
+ spanningTwoLines = try $
+ anyLine >>= \f -> mappend (f <> " ") <$> onSingleLine
+rawEnclosedBy :: Char
+ -> OrgParser String
+rawEnclosedBy c = enclosedRaw (atStart $ char c) (atEnd $ char c)
+-- succeeds only if we're not right after a str (ie. in middle of word)
+atStart :: OrgParser a -> OrgParser a
+atStart p = do
+ pos <- getPosition
+ st <- getState
+ guard $ stateLastStrPos st /= Just pos
+ p
+-- | succeeds only if we're at the end of a word
+atEnd :: OrgParser a -> OrgParser a
+atEnd p = try $ p <* lookingAtEndOfWord
+ where lookingAtEndOfWord = lookAhead . oneOf $ postWordChars
+postWordChars :: [Char]
+postWordChars = "\t\n\r !\"'),-.:?}"
+-- FIXME: These functions are hacks and should be replaced
+endsOnThisOrNextLine :: Char
+ -> OrgParser ()
+endsOnThisOrNextLine c = do
+ inp <- getInput
+ let doOtherwise = \rest -> endsOnThisLine rest c (const mzero)
+ endsOnThisLine inp c doOtherwise
+endsOnThisLine :: [Char]
+ -> Char
+ -> ([Char] -> OrgParser ())
+ -> OrgParser ()
+endsOnThisLine input c doOnOtherLines = do
+ case break (`elem` c:"\n") input of
+ (_,'\n':rest) -> doOnOtherLines rest
+ (_,_:rest@(n:_)) -> if n `elem` postWordChars
+ then return ()
+ else endsOnThisLine rest c doOnOtherLines
+ _ -> mzero
diff --git a/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs b/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c5982302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Tests/Readers/Org.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Tests.Readers.Org (tests) where
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Test.Framework
+import Tests.Helpers
+import Tests.Arbitrary()
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder
+import Text.Pandoc
+import Data.List (intersperse)
+import Data.Monoid (mempty, mconcat)
+org :: String -> Pandoc
+org = readOrg def
+infix 4 =:
+(=:) :: ToString c
+ => String -> (String, c) -> Test
+(=:) = test org
+spcSep :: [Inlines] -> Inlines
+spcSep = mconcat . intersperse space
+simpleTable' :: Int
+ -> [Blocks]
+ -> [[Blocks]]
+ -> Blocks
+simpleTable' n = table "" (take n $ repeat (AlignDefault, 0.0))
+tests :: [Test]
+tests =
+ [ testGroup "Inlines" $
+ [ "Plain String" =:
+ "Hello, World" =?>
+ para (spcSep [ "Hello,", "World" ])
+ , "Emphasis" =:
+ "/Planet Punk/" =?>
+ para (emph . spcSep $ ["Planet", "Punk"])
+ , "Strong" =:
+ "*Cider*" =?>
+ para (strong "Cider")
+ , "Strikeout" =:
+ "+Kill Bill+" =?>
+ para (strikeout . spcSep $ [ "Kill", "Bill" ])
+ , "Code" =:
+ "=Robot.rock()=" =?>
+ para (code "Robot.rock()")
+ , "Verbatim" =:
+ "~word for word~" =?>
+ para (rawInline "" "word for word")
+ , "Symbol" =:
+ "A * symbol" =?>
+ para (str "A" <> space <> str "*" <> space <> "symbol")
+ , "Superscript single char" =:
+ "2^n" =?>
+ para (str "2" <> superscript "n")
+ , "Superscript multi char" =:
+ "2^{n-1}" =?>
+ para (str "2" <> superscript "n-1")
+ , "Subscript single char" =:
+ "a_n" =?>
+ para (str "a" <> subscript "n")
+ , "Subscript multi char" =:
+ "a_{n+1}" =?>
+ para (str "a" <> subscript "n+1")
+ , "Markup-chars not occuring on word break are symbols" =:
+ unlines [ "this+that+ +so+on"
+ , "seven*eight* nine*"
+ , "+not+funny+"
+ ] =?>
+ para (spcSep [ "this+that+", "+so+on"
+ , "seven*eight*", "nine*"
+ , strikeout "not+funny"
+ ])
+ , "Markup may not span more than two lines" =:
+ unlines [ "/this *is", "not*", "emph/" ] =?>
+ para (spcSep [ "/this"
+ , (strong ("is" <> space <> "not"))
+ , "emph/" ])
+ , "Explicit link" =:
+ "[[http://zeitlens.com/][pseudo-random nonsense]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "http://zeitlens.com/" ""
+ ("pseudo-random" <> space <> "nonsense"))
+ , "Self-link" =:
+ "[[http://zeitlens.com/]]" =?>
+ (para $ link "http://zeitlens.com/" "" "http://zeitlens.com/")
+ ]
+ , testGroup "Meta Information" $
+ [ "Comment" =:
+ "# Nothing to see here" =?>
+ (mempty::Blocks)
+ , "Not a comment" =:
+ "#-tag" =?>
+ para "#-tag"
+ , "Comment surrounded by Text" =:
+ unlines [ "Before"
+ , "# Comment"
+ , "After"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ para "Before"
+ , para "After"
+ ]
+ , "Title" =:
+ "#+TITLE: Hello, World" =?>
+ let titleInline = toList $ "Hello," <> space <> "World"
+ meta = setMeta "title" (MetaInlines titleInline) $ nullMeta
+ in Pandoc meta mempty
+ , "Author" =:
+ "#+author: Albert /Emacs-Fanboy/ Krewinkel" =?>
+ let author = toList . spcSep $ [ "Albert", emph "Emacs-Fanboy", "Krewinkel" ]
+ meta = setMeta "author" (MetaInlines author) $ nullMeta
+ in Pandoc meta mempty
+ , "Date" =:
+ "#+Date: Feb. *28*, 2014" =?>
+ let date = toList . spcSep $ [ "Feb.", (strong "28") <> ",", "2014" ]
+ meta = setMeta "date" (MetaInlines date) $ nullMeta
+ in Pandoc meta mempty
+ , "Description" =:
+ "#+DESCRIPTION: Explanatory text" =?>
+ let description = toList . spcSep $ [ "Explanatory", "text" ]
+ meta = setMeta "description" (MetaInlines description) $ nullMeta
+ in Pandoc meta mempty
+ , "Properties drawer" =:
+ unlines [ " :PROPERTIES:"
+ , " :setting: foo"
+ , " :END:"
+ ] =?>
+ (mempty::Blocks)
+ , "Logbook drawer" =:
+ unlines [ " :LogBook:"
+ , " - State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" [2014-03-03 Mon 11:00]"
+ , " :END:"
+ ] =?>
+ (mempty::Blocks)
+ , "Drawer surrounded by text" =:
+ unlines [ "Before"
+ , ":END:"
+ , "After"
+ ] =?>
+ para "Before" <> para "After"
+ , "Drawer start is the only text in first line of a drawer" =:
+ unlines [ " :LOGBOOK: foo"
+ , " :END:"
+ ] =?>
+ para (spcSep [ ":LOGBOOK:", "foo", ":END:" ])
+ , "Drawers with unknown names are just text" =:
+ unlines [ ":FOO:"
+ , ":END:"
+ ] =?>
+ para (":FOO:" <> space <> ":END:")
+ ]
+ , testGroup "Basic Blocks" $
+ [ "Paragraph" =:
+ "Paragraph\n" =?>
+ para "Paragraph"
+ , "First Level Header" =:
+ "* Headline\n" =?>
+ header 1 "Headline"
+ , "Third Level Header" =:
+ "*** Third Level Headline\n" =?>
+ header 3 ("Third" <> space <>
+ "Level" <> space <>
+ "Headline")
+ , "Compact Headers with Paragraph" =:
+ unlines [ "* First Level"
+ , "** Second Level"
+ , " Text"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ header 1 ("First" <> space <> "Level")
+ , header 2 ("Second" <> space <> "Level")
+ , para "Text"
+ ]
+ , "Separated Headers with Paragraph" =:
+ unlines [ "* First Level"
+ , ""
+ , "** Second Level"
+ , ""
+ , " Text"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ header 1 ("First" <> space <> "Level")
+ , header 2 ("Second" <> space <> "Level")
+ , para "Text"
+ ]
+ , "Headers not preceded by a blank line" =:
+ unlines [ "** eat dinner"
+ , "Spaghetti and meatballs tonight."
+ , "** walk dog"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ header 2 ("eat" <> space <> "dinner")
+ , para $ spcSep [ "Spaghetti", "and", "meatballs", "tonight." ]
+ , header 2 ("walk" <> space <> "dog")
+ ]
+ , "Paragraph starting with an asterisk" =:
+ "*five" =?>
+ para "*five"
+ , "Paragraph containing asterisk at beginning of line" =:
+ unlines [ "lucky"
+ , "*star"
+ ] =?>
+ para ("lucky" <> space <> "*star")
+ , "Example block" =:
+ unlines [ ": echo hello"
+ , ": echo dear tester"
+ ] =?>
+ codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], []) "echo hello\necho dear tester\n"
+ , "Example block surrounded by text" =:
+ unlines [ "Greetings"
+ , ": echo hello"
+ , ": echo dear tester"
+ , "Bye"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ para "Greetings"
+ , codeBlockWith ("", ["example"], [])
+ "echo hello\necho dear tester\n"
+ , para "Bye"
+ ]
+ , "Horizontal Rule" =:
+ unlines [ "before"
+ , "-----"
+ , "after"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ para "before"
+ , horizontalRule
+ , para "after"
+ ]
+ , "Not a Horizontal Rule" =:
+ "----- five dashes" =?>
+ (para $ spcSep [ "-----", "five", "dashes" ])
+ , "Comment Block" =:
+ unlines [ "#+BEGIN_COMMENT"
+ , "stuff"
+ , "bla"
+ , "#+END_COMMENT"] =?>
+ (mempty::Blocks)
+ , "Source Block in Text" =:
+ unlines [ "Low German greeting"
+ , " #+BEGIN_SRC haskell"
+ , " main = putStrLn greeting"
+ , " where greeting = \"moin\""
+ , " #+END_SRC" ] =?>
+ let attr' = ("", ["haskell"], [])
+ code' = "main = putStrLn greeting\n" ++
+ " where greeting = \"moin\"\n"
+ in mconcat [ para $ spcSep [ "Low", "German", "greeting" ]
+ , codeBlockWith attr' code'
+ ]
+ , "Source Block" =:
+ unlines [ " #+BEGIN_SRC haskell"
+ , " main = putStrLn greeting"
+ , " where greeting = \"moin\""
+ , " #+END_SRC" ] =?>
+ let attr' = ("", ["haskell"], [])
+ code' = "main = putStrLn greeting\n" ++
+ " where greeting = \"moin\"\n"
+ in codeBlockWith attr' code'
+ ]
+ , testGroup "Lists" $
+ [ "Simple Bullet Lists" =:
+ ("- Item1\n" ++
+ "- Item2\n") =?>
+ bulletList [ plain "Item1"
+ , plain "Item2"
+ ]
+ , "Indented Bullet Lists" =:
+ (" - Item1\n" ++
+ " - Item2\n") =?>
+ bulletList [ plain "Item1"
+ , plain "Item2"
+ ]
+ , "Multi-line Bullet Lists" =:
+ ("- *Fat\n" ++
+ " Tony*\n" ++
+ "- /Sideshow\n" ++
+ " Bob/") =?>
+ bulletList [ plain $ strong ("Fat" <> space <> "Tony")
+ , plain $ emph ("Sideshow" <> space <> "Bob")
+ ]
+ , "Nested Bullet Lists" =:
+ ("- Discovery\n" ++
+ " + One More Time\n" ++
+ " + Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger\n" ++
+ "- Homework\n" ++
+ " + Around the World\n"++
+ "- Human After All\n" ++
+ " + Technologic\n" ++
+ " + Robot Rock\n") =?>
+ bulletList [ mconcat
+ [ para "Discovery"
+ , bulletList [ plain ("One" <> space <>
+ "More" <> space <>
+ "Time")
+ , plain ("Harder," <> space <>
+ "Better," <> space <>
+ "Faster," <> space <>
+ "Stronger")
+ ]
+ ]
+ , mconcat
+ [ para "Homework"
+ , bulletList [ plain ("Around" <> space <>
+ "the" <> space <>
+ "World")
+ ]
+ ]
+ , mconcat
+ [ para ("Human" <> space <> "After" <> space <> "All")
+ , bulletList [ plain "Technologic"
+ , plain ("Robot" <> space <> "Rock")
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , "Simple Ordered List" =:
+ ("1. Item1\n" ++
+ "2. Item2\n") =?>
+ let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
+ listStructure = [ plain "Item1"
+ , plain "Item2"
+ ]
+ in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
+ , "Simple Ordered List with Parens" =:
+ ("1) Item1\n" ++
+ "2) Item2\n") =?>
+ let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
+ listStructure = [ plain "Item1"
+ , plain "Item2"
+ ]
+ in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
+ , "Indented Ordered List" =:
+ (" 1. Item1\n" ++
+ " 2. Item2\n") =?>
+ let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
+ listStructure = [ plain "Item1"
+ , plain "Item2"
+ ]
+ in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
+ , "Nested Ordered Lists" =:
+ ("1. One\n" ++
+ " 1. One-One\n" ++
+ " 2. One-Two\n" ++
+ "2. Two\n" ++
+ " 1. Two-One\n"++
+ " 2. Two-Two\n") =?>
+ let listStyle = (1, DefaultStyle, DefaultDelim)
+ listStructure = [ mconcat
+ [ para "One"
+ , orderedList [ plain "One-One"
+ , plain "One-Two"
+ ]
+ ]
+ , mconcat
+ [ para "Two"
+ , orderedList [ plain "Two-One"
+ , plain "Two-Two"
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ in orderedListWith listStyle listStructure
+ , "Ordered List in Bullet List" =:
+ ("- Emacs\n" ++
+ " 1. Org\n") =?>
+ bulletList [ (para "Emacs") <>
+ (orderedList [ plain "Org"])
+ ]
+ , "Bullet List in Ordered List" =:
+ ("1. GNU\n" ++
+ " - Freedom\n") =?>
+ orderedList [ (para "GNU") <> bulletList [ (plain "Freedom") ] ]
+ ]
+ , testGroup "Tables"
+ [ "Single cell table" =:
+ "|Test|" =?>
+ simpleTable' 1 mempty [[plain "Test"]]
+ , "Multi cell table" =:
+ "| One | Two |" =?>
+ simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ]
+ , "Multi line table" =:
+ unlines [ "| One |"
+ , "| Two |"
+ , "| Three |"
+ ] =?>
+ simpleTable' 1 mempty
+ [ [ plain "One" ]
+ , [ plain "Two" ]
+ , [ plain "Three" ]
+ ]
+ , "Empty table" =:
+ "||" =?>
+ simpleTable' 1 mempty mempty
+ , "Glider Table" =:
+ unlines [ "| 1 | 0 | 0 |"
+ , "| 0 | 1 | 1 |"
+ , "| 1 | 1 | 0 |"
+ ] =?>
+ simpleTable' 3 mempty
+ [ [ plain "1", plain "0", plain "0" ]
+ , [ plain "0", plain "1", plain "1" ]
+ , [ plain "1", plain "1", plain "0" ]
+ ]
+ , "Table between Paragraphs" =:
+ unlines [ "Before"
+ , "| One | Two |"
+ , "After"
+ ] =?>
+ mconcat [ para "Before"
+ , simpleTable' 2 mempty [ [ plain "One", plain "Two" ] ]
+ , para "After"
+ ]
+ , "Table with Header" =:
+ unlines [ "| Species | Status |"
+ , "|--------------+--------------|"
+ , "| cervisiae | domesticated |"
+ , "| paradoxus | wild |"
+ ] =?>
+ simpleTable [ plain "Species", plain "Status" ]
+ [ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ]
+ , [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ]
+ ]
+ , "Table with final hline" =:
+ unlines [ "| cervisiae | domesticated |"
+ , "| paradoxus | wild |"
+ , "|--------------+--------------|"
+ ] =?>
+ simpleTable' 2 mempty
+ [ [ plain "cervisiae", plain "domesticated" ]
+ , [ plain "paradoxus", plain "wild" ]
+ ]
+ , "Table in a box" =:
+ unlines [ "|---------|---------|"
+ , "| static | Haskell |"
+ , "| dynamic | Lisp |"
+ , "|---------+---------|"
+ ] =?>
+ simpleTable' 2 mempty
+ [ [ plain "static", plain "Haskell" ]
+ , [ plain "dynamic", plain "Lisp" ]
+ ]
+ , "Table with alignment row" =:
+ unlines [ "| Numbers | Text | More |"
+ , "| <c> | <r> | |"
+ , "| 1 | One | foo |"
+ , "| 2 | Two | bar |"
+ ] =?>
+ table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0])
+ []
+ [ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text", plain "More" ]
+ , [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
+ , [ plain "2" , plain "Two" , plain "bar" ]
+ ]
+ , "Pipe within text doesn't start a table" =:
+ "Ceci n'est pas une | pipe " =?>
+ para (spcSep [ "Ceci", "n'est", "pas", "une", "|", "pipe" ])
+ , "Missing pipe at end of row" =:
+ "|incomplete-but-valid" =?>
+ simpleTable' 1 mempty [ [ plain "incomplete-but-valid" ] ]
+ , "Table with differing row lengths" =:
+ unlines [ "| Numbers | Text "
+ , "|-"
+ , "| <c> | <r> |"
+ , "| 1 | One | foo |"
+ , "| 2"
+ ] =?>
+ table "" (zip [AlignCenter, AlignRight, AlignDefault] [0, 0, 0])
+ [ plain "Numbers", plain "Text" , plain mempty ]
+ [ [ plain "1" , plain "One" , plain "foo" ]
+ , [ plain "2" , plain mempty , plain mempty ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/tests/test-pandoc.hs b/tests/test-pandoc.hs
index ae521541a..74f8e5044 100644
--- a/tests/test-pandoc.hs
+++ b/tests/test-pandoc.hs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified Tests.Old
import qualified Tests.Readers.LaTeX
import qualified Tests.Readers.Markdown
+import qualified Tests.Readers.Org
import qualified Tests.Readers.RST
import qualified Tests.Writers.ConTeXt
import qualified Tests.Writers.LaTeX
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ tests = [ testGroup "Old" Tests.Old.tests
, testGroup "Readers"
[ testGroup "LaTeX" Tests.Readers.LaTeX.tests
, testGroup "Markdown" Tests.Readers.Markdown.tests
+ , testGroup "Org" Tests.Readers.Org.tests
, testGroup "RST" Tests.Readers.RST.tests