diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-06-28 22:41:14 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2021-06-28 22:41:14 -0700
commit851d037b3eee4516fde50b81eb8a0fc9b2f1545b (patch)
parent97b0aa667cce07e6552d0abb4f93469ba14f4eb0 (diff)
Improve punctuation moving with `--citeproc`.
Previously, using `--citeproc` could cause punctuation to move in quotes even when there aer no citations. This has been changed; now, punctuation moving is limited to citations. In addition, we only move footnotes around punctuation if the style is a note style, even if `notes-after-punctuation` is `true`.
3 files changed, 18 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs
index a5b26c9b4..a2fca106a 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Citeproc.hs
@@ -90,21 +90,15 @@ processCitations (Pandoc meta bs) = do
walk (convertQuotes locale) .
insertSpace $ out)
(resultBibliography result)
- let moveNotes = maybe True truish $
- lookupMeta "notes-after-punctuation" meta
+ let moveNotes = styleIsNoteStyle sopts &&
+ maybe True truish (lookupMeta "notes-after-punctuation" meta)
let cits = map (walk (convertQuotes locale)) $
resultCitations result
- let fixQuotes = case localePunctuationInQuote locale of
- Just True ->
- B.toList . movePunctuationInsideQuotes . B.fromList
- _ -> id
let metanocites = lookupMeta "nocite" meta
let Pandoc meta'' bs' =
maybe id (setMeta "nocite") metanocites .
- walk (map capitalizeNoteCitation .
- fixQuotes . mvPunct moveNotes locale) .
+ walk (map capitalizeNoteCitation . mvPunct moveNotes locale) .
walk deNote .
evalState (walkM insertResolvedCitations $ Pandoc meta' bs)
$ cits
@@ -375,7 +369,6 @@ formatFromExtension fp = case dropWhile (== '.') $ takeExtension fp of
isNote :: Inline -> Bool
-isNote (Note _) = True
isNote (Cite _ [Note _]) = True
-- the following allows citation styles that are "in-text" but use superscript
-- references to be treated as if they are "notes" for the purposes of moving
@@ -388,6 +381,12 @@ isSpacy Space = True
isSpacy SoftBreak = True
isSpacy _ = False
+movePunctInsideQuotes :: Locale -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
+movePunctInsideQuotes locale
+ | localePunctuationInQuote locale == Just True
+ = B.toList . movePunctuationInsideQuotes . B.fromList
+ | otherwise
+ = id
mvPunct :: Bool -> Locale -> [Inline] -> [Inline]
mvPunct moveNotes locale (x : xs)
@@ -400,7 +399,8 @@ mvPunct moveNotes locale (q : s : x : ys)
in if moveNotes
then if T.null spunct
then q : x : mvPunct moveNotes locale ys
- else q : Str spunct : x : mvPunct moveNotes locale
+ else movePunctInsideQuotes locale
+ [q , Str spunct , x] ++ mvPunct moveNotes locale
(dropTextWhile isPunctuation (B.fromList ys)))
else q : x : mvPunct moveNotes locale ys
@@ -412,9 +412,10 @@ mvPunct moveNotes locale (Cite cs ils : ys)
, moveNotes
= let s = stringify ys
spunct = T.takeWhile isPunctuation s
- in Cite cs (init ils
- ++ [Str spunct | not (endWithPunct False (init ils))]
- ++ [last ils]) :
+ in Cite cs (movePunctInsideQuotes locale $
+ init ils
+ ++ [Str spunct | not (endWithPunct False (init ils))]
+ ++ [last ils]) :
mvPunct moveNotes locale
(B.toList (dropTextWhile isPunctuation (B.fromList ys)))
mvPunct moveNotes locale (s : x : ys) | isSpacy s, isNote x =
diff --git a/test/command/6890.md b/test/command/6890.md
index e4129e2a9..e36c12771 100644
--- a/test/command/6890.md
+++ b/test/command/6890.md
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ references:
-Some text [^1].
+Some text.[^1]
[^1]: @fruchtel-sozialer-2013a
[Para [Cite [Citation {citationId = "fruchtel-sozialer-2013a", citationPrefix = [], citationSuffix = [], citationMode = AuthorInText, citationNoteNum = 1, citationHash = 0}] [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Cyprian",Space,Str "(2013)"]]
-,Para [Str "Some",Space,Str "text",Str ".",Note [Para [Cite [Citation {citationId = "fruchtel-sozialer-2013a", citationPrefix = [], citationSuffix = [], citationMode = AuthorInText, citationNoteNum = 2, citationHash = 0}] [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Cyprian",Space,Str "(2013)"]]],Str ""]
+,Para [Str "Some",Space,Str "text.",Note [Para [Cite [Citation {citationId = "fruchtel-sozialer-2013a", citationPrefix = [], citationSuffix = [], citationMode = AuthorInText, citationNoteNum = 2, citationHash = 0}] [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Cyprian",Space,Str "(2013)"]]]]
,Div ("refs",["references","csl-bib-body","hanging-indent"],[])
[Div ("ref-fruchtel-sozialer-2013a",["csl-entry"],[])
[Para [Str "Fr\252chtel,",Space,Str "Frank,",Space,Str "Wolfgang",Space,Str "Budde,",Space,Str "and",Space,Str "Gudrun",Space,Str "Cyprian.",Space,Str "2013.",Space,Emph [Str "Sozialer",Space,Str "Raum",Space,Str "und",Space,Str "Soziale",Space,Str "Arbeit",Space,Str "Fieldbook:",Space,Str "Methoden",Space,Str "und",Space,Str "Techniken"],Str ".",Space,Str "3rd",Space,Str "ed.",Space,Str "Wiesbaden,",Space,Str "Germany:",Space,Str "Springer",Space,Str "VS."]]]]
diff --git a/test/command/pandoc-citeproc-322.md b/test/command/pandoc-citeproc-322.md
index 78494f0c4..c70eae755 100644
--- a/test/command/pandoc-citeproc-322.md
+++ b/test/command/pandoc-citeproc-322.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ references:
type: 'article-journal'
+Foo [@timmory__justice_1950].