diff options
authorAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2018-01-08 23:26:38 +0100
committerAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2018-01-08 23:26:38 +0100
commit78b142b880730bceaae7b9c0491e7f645d133380 (patch)
parent9f2707818bc125c0c14ab9d6c238c48bc00f2447 (diff)
data/pandoc.lua: cleanup code, remove cruft
2 files changed, 92 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/data/pandoc.lua b/data/pandoc.lua
index cc18cae61..670e4a738 100644
--- a/data/pandoc.lua
+++ b/data/pandoc.lua
@@ -29,6 +29,84 @@ local M = {
local List = require 'pandoc.List'
+-- Accessor objects
+-- Create metatables which allow to access numerical indices via accessor
+-- methods.
+-- @section
+-- @local
+--- Create a new indexing function.
+-- @param template function template
+-- @param indices list of indices, starting with the most significant
+-- @return newly created function
+-- @local
+function make_indexing_function(template, indices)
+ local loadstring = loadstring or load
+ local bracketed = {}
+ for i = 1, #indices do bracketed[i] = string.format('[%d]', indices[i]) end
+ local fnstr = string.format('return ' .. template, table.concat(bracketed))
+ return assert(loadstring(fnstr))()
+--- Create accessor functions using a function template.
+-- @param fn_template function template in which '%s' is replacd with indices
+-- @param accessors list of accessors
+-- @return mapping from accessor names to accessor functions
+-- @local
+local function create_accessor_functions (fn_template, accessors)
+ local res = {}
+ function add_accessors(acc, ...)
+ local indices = {...} -- ensure a fresh indices table
+ if type(acc) == "string" then
+ res[acc] = make_indexing_function(fn_template, indices)
+ else
+ local ind_len = #indices
+ local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
+ for i = 1, #(acc or {}) do
+ indices[ind_len + 1] = i
+ add_accessors(acc[i], unpack(indices))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ add_accessors(accessors)
+ return res
+--- Create a new table which allows to access numerical indices via accessor
+-- functions.
+-- @local
+local function create_accessor_behavior (tag, accessors)
+ local behavior = {tag = tag}
+ behavior.getters = create_accessor_functions(
+ 'function (x) return x.c%s end',
+ accessors
+ )
+ behavior.setters = create_accessor_functions(
+ 'function (x, v) x.c%s = v end',
+ accessors
+ )
+ behavior.__index = function(t, k)
+ if getmetatable(t).getters[k] then
+ return getmetatable(t).getters[k](t)
+ elseif k == "t" then
+ return getmetatable(t)["tag"]
+ else
+ return getmetatable(t)[k]
+ end
+ end
+ behavior.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
+ if getmetatable(t).setters[k] then
+ getmetatable(t).setters[k](t, v)
+ else
+ rawset(t, k, v)
+ end
+ end
+ return behavior
-- The base class for types
-- @type Type
-- @local
@@ -79,7 +157,7 @@ end
-- @local
local AstElement = Type:make_subtype 'AstElement'
AstElement.__call = function(t, ...)
- local success, ret = pcall(t.constructor, ...)
+ local success, ret = pcall(t.new, t, ...)
if success then
return setmetatable(ret, t.behavior)
@@ -87,6 +165,12 @@ AstElement.__call = function(t, ...)
+function AstElement:make_subtype(...)
+ local newtype = Type.make_subtype(self, ...)
+ newtype.__call = self.__call
+ return newtype
--- Create a new constructor
-- @local
-- @param tag Tag used to identify the constructor
@@ -94,55 +178,7 @@ end
-- @param accessors names to use as accessors for numerical fields
-- @return function that constructs a new element
function AstElement:create_constructor(tag, fn, accessors)
- local constr = self:make_subtype(tag, {tag = tag, getters = {}, setters = {}})
- behavior = constr.behavior
- behavior.__index = function(t, k)
- if getmetatable(t).getters[k] then
- return getmetatable(t).getters[k](t)
- elseif k == "t" then
- return getmetatable(t)["tag"]
- else
- return getmetatable(t)[k]
- end
- end
- behavior.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
- if getmetatable(t).setters[k] then
- getmetatable(t).setters[k](t, v)
- else
- rawset(t, k, v)
- end
- end
- -- Add accessors to the metatable
- if type(accessors) == "string" then
- behavior.getters[accessors] = function(elem)
- return elem.c
- end
- behavior.setters[accessors] = function(elem, v)
- elem.c = v
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #(accessors or {}) do
- if type(accessors[i]) == "string" then
- behavior.getters[accessors[i]] = function(elem)
- return elem.c[i]
- end
- behavior.setters[accessors[i]] = function(elem, v)
- elem.c[i] = v
- end
- else -- only two levels of nesting are supported
- for k, v in ipairs(accessors[i]) do
- behavior.getters[v] = function(elem)
- return elem.c[i][k]
- end
- behavior.setters[v] = function(elem, v)
- elem.c[i][k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ local constr = self:make_subtype(tag, create_accessor_behavior(tag, accessors))
function constr:new(...)
return setmetatable(fn(...), self.behavior)
@@ -151,24 +187,6 @@ function AstElement:create_constructor(tag, fn, accessors)
return constr
---- Create a new element given its tag and arguments
--- @local
-function AstElement.new(constr, ...)
- local element = {}
- local content = {...}
- -- special case for unary constructors
- if #content == 1 then
- element.c = content[1]
- -- Don't set 'c' field if no further arguments were given. This is important
- -- for nullary constructors like `Space` and `HorizontalRule`.
- elseif #content > 0 then
- element.c = content
- end
- setmetatable(element, constr)
- element.__index = element
- return element
--- Pandoc Document
-- @section document
@@ -178,7 +196,7 @@ end
-- @tparam {Block,...} blocks document content
-- @tparam[opt] Meta meta document meta data
M.Pandoc = AstElement:make_subtype'Pandoc'
-function M.Pandoc.constructor (blocks, meta)
+function M.Pandoc:new (blocks, meta)
return {
blocks = List:new(blocks),
meta = meta or {},
@@ -197,16 +215,13 @@ M.Doc = M.Pandoc
-- @function Meta
-- @tparam meta table table containing document meta information
M.Meta = AstElement:make_subtype'Meta'
-M.Meta.constructor = function (meta) return meta end
+function M.Meta:new (meta) return meta end
-- MetaValue
-- @section MetaValue
M.MetaValue = AstElement:make_subtype('MetaValue')
-M.MetaValue.__call = function (t, ...)
- return t:new(...)
--- Meta blocks
-- @function MetaBlocks
@@ -263,9 +278,6 @@ end
--- Block elements
M.Block = AstElement:make_subtype'Block'
-M.Block.__call = function (t, ...)
- return t:new(...)
--- Creates a block quote element
-- @function BlockQuote
@@ -437,9 +449,6 @@ M.Table = M.Block:create_constructor(
--- Inline element class
M.Inline = AstElement:make_subtype'Inline'
-M.Inline.__call = function (t, ...)
- return t:new(...)
--- Creates a Cite inline element
-- @function Cite
@@ -785,7 +794,7 @@ end
-- @tparam[opt] table attributes table containing string keys and values
-- @return element attributes
M.Attr = AstElement:make_subtype'Attr'
-M.Attr.constructor = function(identifier, classes, attributes)
+function M.Attr:new (identifier, classes, attributes)
identifier = identifier or ''
classes = List:new(classes or {})
attributes = setmetatable(to_alist(attributes or {}), AttributeList)
@@ -816,7 +825,7 @@ M.Citation = AstElement:make_subtype'Citation'
-- @tparam[opt] {Inline,...} suffix citation suffix
-- @tparam[opt] int note_num note number
-- @tparam[opt] int hash hash number
-function M.Citation.constructor (id, mode, prefix, suffix, note_num, hash)
+function M.Citation:new (id, mode, prefix, suffix, note_num, hash)
return {
id = id,
mode = mode,
diff --git a/test/Tests/Lua.hs b/test/Tests/Lua.hs
index 0f6619240..66dc2a6dd 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Lua.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Lua.hs
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ tests = map (localOption (QuickCheckTests 20))
, testCase "Pandoc types version is set" . runPandocLua' $ do
let versionNums = versionBranch pandocTypesVersion
Lua.getglobal "PANDOC_API_VERSION"
- Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "pandoc version is wrong" versionNums
+ Lua.liftIO . assertEqual "pandoc-types version is wrong" versionNums
=<< Lua.peek Lua.stackTop
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ roundtripEqual x = (x ==) <$> roundtripped
error ("not exactly one additional element on the stack: " ++ show size)
res <- Lua.peekEither (-1)
case res of
- Left _ -> error "could not read from stack"
+ Left e -> error (show e)
Right y -> return y
runPandocLua' :: Lua.Lua a -> IO a