diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-11-21 22:18:05 +0100
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2016-11-21 22:18:05 +0100
commit77753747d111966610b9c3cdcbe75712540bc816 (patch)
parentac6dfe0b4efb601f24e444ac8a4059c4103881ef (diff)
Cleaned up filter-finding.
* Removed a hardcoded '/' that may have caused problems with Windows paths. * Cleaned up the logic.
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/pandoc.hs b/pandoc.hs
index 983089515..ecd080dd9 100644
--- a/pandoc.hs
+++ b/pandoc.hs
@@ -115,46 +115,33 @@ isTextFormat s = s `notElem` ["odt","docx","epub","epub3"]
externalFilter :: FilePath -> [String] -> Pandoc -> IO Pandoc
externalFilter f args' d = do
- mbexe <- if '/' `elem` f
- -- don't check PATH if filter name has a path
- then return Nothing
- -- we catch isDoesNotExistError because this will
- -- be triggered if PATH not set:
- else E.catch (findExecutable f)
- (\e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
- then return Nothing
- else throwIO e)
- (f', args'') <- case mbexe of
- Just x -> return (x, args')
- Nothing -> do
- exists <- doesFileExist f
- if exists
- then do
- isExecutable <- executable `fmap`
- getPermissions f
- return $
- case map toLower $ takeExtension f of
- _ | isExecutable -> (f, args')
- ".py" -> ("python", f:args')
- ".hs" -> ("runhaskell", f:args')
- ".pl" -> ("perl", f:args')
- ".rb" -> ("ruby", f:args')
- ".php" -> ("php", f:args')
- ".js" -> ("node", f:args')
- _ -> (f, args')
- else err 85 $ "Filter " ++ f ++ " not found"
- when (f' /= f) $ do
- mbExe <- findExecutable f'
- when (isNothing mbExe) $
- err 83 $ "Error running filter " ++ f ++ "\n" ++
- show f' ++ " not found in path."
- (exitcode, outbs, errbs) <- E.handle filterException $
- pipeProcess Nothing f' args'' $ encode d
- unless (B.null errbs) $ B.hPutStr stderr errbs
- case exitcode of
- ExitSuccess -> return $ either error id $ eitherDecode' outbs
- ExitFailure ec -> err 83 $ "Error running filter " ++ f ++ "\n" ++
- "Filter returned error status " ++ show ec
+ exists <- doesFileExist f
+ isExecutable <- if exists
+ then executable <$> getPermissions f
+ else return True
+ let (f', args'') = if exists
+ then case map toLower (takeExtension f) of
+ _ | isExecutable -> ("." </> f, args')
+ ".py" -> ("python", f:args')
+ ".hs" -> ("runhaskell", f:args')
+ ".pl" -> ("perl", f:args')
+ ".rb" -> ("ruby", f:args')
+ ".php" -> ("php", f:args')
+ ".js" -> ("node", f:args')
+ _ -> (f, args')
+ else (f, args')
+ unless (exists && isExecutable) $ do
+ mbExe <- findExecutable f'
+ when (isNothing mbExe) $
+ err 83 $ "Error running filter " ++ f ++ ":\n" ++
+ "Could not find executable '" ++ f' ++ "'."
+ (exitcode, outbs, errbs) <- E.handle filterException $
+ pipeProcess Nothing f' args'' $ encode d
+ unless (B.null errbs) $ B.hPutStr stderr errbs
+ case exitcode of
+ ExitSuccess -> return $ either error id $ eitherDecode' outbs
+ ExitFailure ec -> err 83 $ "Error running filter " ++ f ++ "\n" ++
+ "Filter returned error status " ++ show ec
where filterException :: E.SomeException -> IO a
filterException e = err 83 $ "Error running filter " ++ f ++ "\n" ++
show e