diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2017-03-15 21:04:14 +0100
committerJohn MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>2017-03-23 10:14:16 +0100
commit6c204ea2bd9b9526af3b60485d3787da6b7bf8ac (patch)
parentf4ac0edf2a5087f3f988147726813a6240288945 (diff)
Initial addition of groff ms writer.
* New module: Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms. * New template: default.ms. * The writer uses texmath's new eqn writer to convert math to eqn format, so a ms file produced with this writer should be processed with `groff -ms -e` if it contains math.
9 files changed, 1690 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/default.ms b/data/templates/default.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ca8a8e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/default.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+.ad $adjusting$
+.nh \" Turn off hyphenation by default.
+delim ||
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index b524dbf4f..b59befd75 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Data-Files:
+ data/templates/default.ms
@@ -161,6 +162,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
+ test/tables.ms
@@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ Extra-Source-Files:
+ test/writer.ms
@@ -280,7 +283,7 @@ Library
safe >= 0.3 && < 0.4,
zip-archive >= && < 0.4,
HTTP >= 4000.0.5 && < 4000.4,
- texmath >= 0.9.3 && < 0.10,
+ texmath >= 0.9.4 && < 0.10,
xml >= 1.3.12 && < 1.4,
random >= 1 && < 1.2,
extensible-exceptions >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
@@ -382,6 +385,7 @@ Library
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
index 1577491df..e77bc6d45 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc.hs
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ module Text.Pandoc
, writeOPML
, writeOpenDocument
, writeMan
+ , writeMs
, writeMediaWiki
, writeDokuWiki
, writeZimWiki
@@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.ICML
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.MediaWiki
import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Muse
@@ -292,6 +294,7 @@ writers = [
,("context" , StringWriter writeConTeXt)
,("texinfo" , StringWriter writeTexinfo)
,("man" , StringWriter writeMan)
+ ,("ms" , StringWriter writeMs)
,("markdown" , StringWriter writeMarkdown)
,("markdown_strict" , StringWriter writeMarkdown)
,("markdown_phpextra" , StringWriter writeMarkdown)
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
index d555f6f5f..b9cd04631 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/App.hs
@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ defaultWriterName x =
".icml" -> "icml"
".tei.xml" -> "tei"
".tei" -> "tei"
+ ".ms" -> "ms"
['.',y] | y `elem` ['1'..'9'] -> "man"
_ -> "html"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Data.hsb b/src/Text/Pandoc/Data.hsb
index 8786647c5..02c109816 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Data.hsb
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Data.hsb
@@ -13,3 +13,4 @@ dataFiles = map (\(fp, contents) ->
dataFiles' :: [(FilePath, B.ByteString)]
dataFiles' = ("MANUAL.txt", %blob "MANUAL.txt") : %blobs "data"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..194475304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Ms.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+Copyright (C) 2007-2015 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2007-2015 John MacFarlane
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to groff man page format.
+[ ] warning for non-rendered raw content
+[ ] is there a better way to do strikeout?
+[ ] strong + em doesn't seem to work
+[ ] super + subscript don't seem to work
+[ ] options for hyperlink rendering (currently footnote)
+[ ] avoid note-in-note (which we currently get easily with
+ links in footnotes)
+[ ] can we get prettier output using .B, etc. instead of
+ the inline forms?
+[ ] tight/loose list distinction
+[ ] internal hyperlinks (this seems to be possible since
+ they exist in the groff manual PDF version)
+[ ] use a custom macro for defn lists so they're configurable
+[ ] better handling of accented characters and other non-ascii
+ characters (e.g. curly quotes) -- we shouldn't rely on a
+ utf8 compatible groff
+[ ] avoid blank line after footnote marker when footnote has a
+ paragraph
+[ ] add via groff option to PDF module
+[ ] better handling of autolinks?
+[ ] better handling of images, perhaps converting to eps when
+ going to PDF?
+[ ] better template, with configurable page number, table of contents,
+ columns, etc.
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Ms ( writeMs ) where
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Templates
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared
+import Text.Pandoc.Options
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math
+import Text.Printf ( printf )
+import Data.List ( stripPrefix, intersperse, intercalate )
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (deleteMeta)
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Char ( isDigit )
+import Text.TeXMath (writeEqn)
+data WriterState = WriterState { stHasInlineMath :: Bool
+ , stNotes :: [Note] }
+type Note = [Block]
+type MS = StateT WriterState
+-- | Convert Pandoc to Ms.
+writeMs :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> m String
+writeMs opts document =
+ evalStateT (pandocToMs opts document) (WriterState False [])
+-- | Return groff man representation of document.
+pandocToMs :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> MS m String
+pandocToMs opts (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
+ let colwidth = if writerWrapText opts == WrapAuto
+ then Just $ writerColumns opts
+ else Nothing
+ let render' = render colwidth
+ titleText <- inlineListToMs' opts $ docTitle meta
+ let title' = render' titleText
+ let setFieldsFromTitle =
+ case break (== ' ') title' of
+ (cmdName, rest) -> case reverse cmdName of
+ (')':d:'(':xs) | isDigit d ->
+ defField "title" (reverse xs) .
+ defField "section" [d] .
+ case splitBy (=='|') rest of
+ (ft:hds) ->
+ defField "footer" (trim ft) .
+ defField "header"
+ (trim $ concat hds)
+ [] -> id
+ _ -> defField "title" title'
+ metadata <- metaToJSON opts
+ (fmap (render colwidth) . blockListToMs opts)
+ (fmap (render colwidth) . inlineListToMs' opts)
+ $ deleteMeta "title" meta
+ body <- blockListToMs opts blocks
+ let main = render' body
+ hasInlineMath <- gets stHasInlineMath
+ let context = defField "body" main
+ $ setFieldsFromTitle
+ $ defField "has-inline-math" hasInlineMath
+ $ defField "hyphenate" True
+ $ defField "pandoc-version" pandocVersion
+ $ metadata
+ case writerTemplate opts of
+ Nothing -> return main
+ Just tpl -> return $ renderTemplate' tpl context
+-- | Association list of characters to escape.
+manEscapes :: [(Char, String)]
+manEscapes = [ ('\160', "\\ ")
+ , ('\'', "\\[aq]")
+ , ('’', "'")
+ , ('\x2014', "\\[em]")
+ , ('\x2013', "\\[en]")
+ , ('\x2026', "\\&...")
+ , ('|', "\\[u007C]") -- because we use | for inline math
+ ] ++ backslashEscapes "-@\\"
+-- | Escape | character, used to mark inline math, inside math.
+escapeBar :: String -> String
+escapeBar = concatMap go
+ where go '|' = "\\[u007C]"
+ go c = [c]
+-- | Escape special characters for Ms.
+escapeString :: String -> String
+escapeString = escapeStringUsing manEscapes
+-- | Escape a literal (code) section for Ms.
+escapeCode :: String -> String
+escapeCode = concat . intersperse "\n" . map escapeLine . lines where
+ escapeLine codeline =
+ case escapeStringUsing (manEscapes ++ backslashEscapes "\t ") codeline of
+ a@('.':_) -> "\\&" ++ a
+ b -> b
+-- We split inline lists into sentences, and print one sentence per
+-- line. groff/troff treats the line-ending period differently.
+-- See http://code.google.com/p/pandoc/issues/detail?id=148.
+-- | Returns the first sentence in a list of inlines, and the rest.
+breakSentence :: [Inline] -> ([Inline], [Inline])
+breakSentence [] = ([],[])
+breakSentence xs =
+ let isSentenceEndInline (Str ys@(_:_)) | last ys == '.' = True
+ isSentenceEndInline (Str ys@(_:_)) | last ys == '?' = True
+ isSentenceEndInline (LineBreak) = True
+ isSentenceEndInline _ = False
+ (as, bs) = break isSentenceEndInline xs
+ in case bs of
+ [] -> (as, [])
+ [c] -> (as ++ [c], [])
+ (c:Space:cs) -> (as ++ [c], cs)
+ (c:SoftBreak:cs) -> (as ++ [c], cs)
+ (Str ".":Str (')':ys):cs) -> (as ++ [Str ".", Str (')':ys)], cs)
+ (x@(Str ('.':')':_)):cs) -> (as ++ [x], cs)
+ (LineBreak:x@(Str ('.':_)):cs) -> (as ++[LineBreak], x:cs)
+ (c:cs) -> (as ++ [c] ++ ds, es)
+ where (ds, es) = breakSentence cs
+-- | Split a list of inlines into sentences.
+splitSentences :: [Inline] -> [[Inline]]
+splitSentences xs =
+ let (sent, rest) = breakSentence xs
+ in if null rest then [sent] else sent : splitSentences rest
+blockToMs :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -- ^ Options
+ -> Block -- ^ Block element
+ -> MS m Doc
+blockToMs _ Null = return empty
+blockToMs opts (Div _ bs) = blockListToMs opts bs
+blockToMs opts (Plain inlines) =
+ liftM vcat $ mapM (inlineListToMs' opts) $ splitSentences inlines
+blockToMs opts (Para inlines) = do
+ contents <- liftM vcat $ mapM (inlineListToMs' opts) $
+ splitSentences inlines
+ return $ text ".LP" $$ contents
+blockToMs _ (RawBlock f str)
+ | f == Format "man" = return $ text str
+ | otherwise = return empty
+blockToMs _ HorizontalRule = return $ text ".PP" $$ text " * * * * *"
+blockToMs opts (Header level _ inlines) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs' opts inlines
+ let heading = if writerNumberSections opts
+ then ".NH"
+ else ".SH"
+ return $ text heading <> space <> text (show level) $$ contents
+blockToMs _ (CodeBlock _ str) = return $
+ text ".IP" $$
+ text ".nf" $$
+ text "\\f[C]" $$
+ text (escapeCode str) $$
+ text "\\f[]" $$
+ text ".fi"
+blockToMs opts (LineBlock ls) = do
+ blockToMs opts $ Para $ intercalate [LineBreak] ls
+blockToMs opts (BlockQuote blocks) = do
+ contents <- blockListToMs opts blocks
+ return $ text ".RS" $$ contents $$ text ".RE"
+blockToMs opts (Table caption alignments widths headers rows) =
+ let aligncode AlignLeft = "l"
+ aligncode AlignRight = "r"
+ aligncode AlignCenter = "c"
+ aligncode AlignDefault = "l"
+ in do
+ caption' <- inlineListToMs' opts caption
+ let iwidths = if all (== 0) widths
+ then repeat ""
+ else map (printf "w(%0.1fn)" . (70 *)) widths
+ -- 78n default width - 8n indent = 70n
+ let coldescriptions = text $ intercalate " "
+ (zipWith (\align width -> aligncode align ++ width)
+ alignments iwidths) ++ "."
+ colheadings <- mapM (blockListToMs opts) headers
+ let makeRow cols = text "T{" $$
+ (vcat $ intersperse (text "T}@T{") cols) $$
+ text "T}"
+ let colheadings' = if all null headers
+ then empty
+ else makeRow colheadings $$ char '_'
+ body <- mapM (\row -> do
+ cols <- mapM (blockListToMs opts) row
+ return $ makeRow cols) rows
+ return $ text ".PP" $$ caption' $$
+ text ".TS" $$ text "tab(@);" $$ coldescriptions $$
+ colheadings' $$ vcat body $$ text ".TE"
+blockToMs opts (BulletList items) = do
+ contents <- mapM (bulletListItemToMs opts) items
+ return (vcat contents)
+blockToMs opts (OrderedList attribs items) = do
+ let markers = take (length items) $ orderedListMarkers attribs
+ let indent = 1 + (maximum $ map length markers)
+ contents <- mapM (\(num, item) -> orderedListItemToMs opts num indent item) $
+ zip markers items
+ return (vcat contents)
+blockToMs opts (DefinitionList items) = do
+ contents <- mapM (definitionListItemToMs opts) items
+ return (vcat contents)
+-- | Convert bullet list item (list of blocks) to man.
+bulletListItemToMs :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Block] -> MS m Doc
+bulletListItemToMs _ [] = return empty
+bulletListItemToMs opts ((Para first):rest) =
+ bulletListItemToMs opts ((Plain first):rest)
+bulletListItemToMs opts ((Plain first):rest) = do
+ first' <- blockToMs opts (Plain first)
+ rest' <- blockListToMs opts rest
+ let first'' = text ".IP \\[bu] 2" $$ first'
+ let rest'' = if null rest
+ then empty
+ else text ".RS 2" $$ rest' $$ text ".RE"
+ return (first'' $$ rest'')
+bulletListItemToMs opts (first:rest) = do
+ first' <- blockToMs opts first
+ rest' <- blockListToMs opts rest
+ return $ text "\\[bu] .RS 2" $$ first' $$ rest' $$ text ".RE"
+-- | Convert ordered list item (a list of blocks) to man.
+orderedListItemToMs :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -- ^ options
+ -> String -- ^ order marker for list item
+ -> Int -- ^ number of spaces to indent
+ -> [Block] -- ^ list item (list of blocks)
+ -> MS m Doc
+orderedListItemToMs _ _ _ [] = return empty
+orderedListItemToMs opts num indent ((Para first):rest) =
+ orderedListItemToMs opts num indent ((Plain first):rest)
+orderedListItemToMs opts num indent (first:rest) = do
+ first' <- blockToMs opts first
+ rest' <- blockListToMs opts rest
+ let num' = printf ("%" ++ show (indent - 1) ++ "s") num
+ let first'' = text (".IP \"" ++ num' ++ "\" " ++ show indent) $$ first'
+ let rest'' = if null rest
+ then empty
+ else text ".RS 4" $$ rest' $$ text ".RE"
+ return $ first'' $$ rest''
+-- | Convert definition list item (label, list of blocks) to man.
+definitionListItemToMs :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> ([Inline],[[Block]])
+ -> MS m Doc
+definitionListItemToMs opts (label, defs) = do
+ labelText <- inlineListToMs' opts label
+ contents <- if null defs
+ then return empty
+ else liftM vcat $ forM defs $ \blocks -> do
+ let (first, rest) = case blocks of
+ ((Para x):y) -> (Plain x,y)
+ (x:y) -> (x,y)
+ [] -> error "blocks is null"
+ rest' <- liftM vcat $
+ mapM (\item -> blockToMs opts item) rest
+ first' <- blockToMs opts first
+ return $ first' $$ text ".RS" $$ rest' $$ text ".RE"
+ return $ text ".XP" $$ nowrap (text ".B \"" <> labelText <> text "\"")
+ $$ text "\\~\\~" <> contents
+-- | Convert list of Pandoc block elements to man.
+blockListToMs :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions -- ^ Options
+ -> [Block] -- ^ List of block elements
+ -> MS m Doc
+blockListToMs opts blocks =
+ mapM (blockToMs opts) blocks >>= (return . vcat)
+-- | Convert list of Pandoc inline elements to ms.
+inlineListToMs :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> MS m Doc
+-- if list starts with ., insert a zero-width character \& so it
+-- won't be interpreted as markup if it falls at the beginning of a line.
+inlineListToMs opts lst@(Str ('.':_) : _) = mapM (inlineToMs opts) lst >>=
+ (return . (text "\\&" <>) . hcat)
+inlineListToMs opts lst = hcat <$> mapM (inlineToMs opts) lst
+-- This version to be used when there is no further inline content;
+-- forces a note at the end.
+inlineListToMs' :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Inline] -> MS m Doc
+inlineListToMs' opts lst = do
+ x <- hcat <$> mapM (inlineToMs opts) lst
+ y <- handleNotes opts empty
+ return $ x <> y
+-- | Convert Pandoc inline element to man.
+inlineToMs :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Inline -> MS m Doc
+inlineToMs opts (Span _ ils) = inlineListToMs opts ils
+inlineToMs opts (Emph lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ text "\\f[I]" <> contents <> text "\\f[]"
+inlineToMs opts (Strong lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ text "\\f[B]" <> contents <> text "\\f[]"
+inlineToMs opts (Strikeout lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ text "[STRIKEOUT:" <> contents <> char ']'
+inlineToMs opts (Superscript lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ char '^' <> contents <> char '^'
+inlineToMs opts (Subscript lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ char '~' <> contents <> char '~'
+inlineToMs opts (SmallCaps lst) = inlineListToMs opts lst -- not supported
+inlineToMs opts (Quoted SingleQuote lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ char '`' <> contents <> char '\''
+inlineToMs opts (Quoted DoubleQuote lst) = do
+ contents <- inlineListToMs opts lst
+ return $ text "\\[lq]" <> contents <> text "\\[rq]"
+inlineToMs opts (Cite _ lst) =
+ inlineListToMs opts lst
+inlineToMs _ (Code _ str) =
+ return $ text $ "\\f[C]" ++ escapeCode str ++ "\\f[]"
+inlineToMs _ (Str str) = return $ text $ escapeString str
+inlineToMs opts (Math InlineMath str) = do
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stHasInlineMath = True }
+ res <- convertMath writeEqn InlineMath str
+ case res of
+ Left il -> inlineToMs opts il
+ Right r -> return $ text "|" <> text (escapeBar r) <> text "|"
+inlineToMs opts (Math DisplayMath str) = do
+ res <- convertMath writeEqn InlineMath str
+ case res of
+ Left il -> do
+ contents <- inlineToMs opts il
+ return $ cr <> text ".RS" $$ contents $$ text ".RE"
+ Right r -> return $
+ cr <> text ".EQ" $$ text (escapeBar r) $$ text ".EN"
+inlineToMs _ (RawInline f str)
+ | f == Format "man" = return $ text str
+ | otherwise = return empty
+inlineToMs _ (LineBreak) = return $
+ cr <> text ".PD 0" $$ text ".P" $$ text ".PD" <> cr
+inlineToMs opts SoftBreak = handleNotes opts cr
+inlineToMs opts Space = handleNotes opts space
+inlineToMs opts (Link _ txt (src, _)) = do
+ let srcSuffix = fromMaybe src (stripPrefix "mailto:" src)
+ case txt of
+ [Str s]
+ | escapeURI s == srcSuffix ->
+ return $ char '<' <> text srcSuffix <> char '>'
+ _ -> do
+ let linknote = [Plain [Str src]]
+ inlineListToMs opts (txt ++ [Note linknote])
+inlineToMs opts (Image attr alternate (source, tit)) = do
+ let txt = if (null alternate) || (alternate == [Str ""]) ||
+ (alternate == [Str source]) -- to prevent autolinks
+ then [Str "image"]
+ else alternate
+ linkPart <- inlineToMs opts (Link attr txt (source, tit))
+ return $ char '[' <> text "IMAGE: " <> linkPart <> char ']'
+inlineToMs _ (Note contents) = do
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stNotes = contents : stNotes st }
+ return $ text "\\**"
+handleNotes :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Doc -> MS m Doc
+handleNotes opts fallback = do
+ notes <- gets stNotes
+ if null notes
+ then return fallback
+ else do
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stNotes = [] }
+ vcat <$> mapM (handleNote opts) notes
+handleNote :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Note -> MS m Doc
+handleNote opts bs = do
+ contents <- blockListToMs opts bs
+ return $ cr <> text ".FS" $$ contents $$ text ".FE" <> cr
diff --git a/test/Tests/Old.hs b/test/Tests/Old.hs
index 9e772e791..3c473792f 100644
--- a/test/Tests/Old.hs
+++ b/test/Tests/Old.hs
@@ -143,6 +143,9 @@ tests = [ testGroup "markdown"
, testGroup "muse"
[ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests "muse"
+ , testGroup "ms"
+ [ testGroup "writer" $ writerTests "ms"
+ ]
-- makes sure file is fully closed after reading
diff --git a/test/tables.ms b/test/tables.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0784a5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tables.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+Simple table with caption:
+Demonstration of simple table syntax.
+r l c l.
+Simple table without caption:
+r l c l.
+Simple table indented two spaces:
+Demonstration of simple table syntax.
+r l c l.
+Multiline table with caption:
+Here's the caption.
+It may span multiple lines.
+cw(10.5n) lw(9.6n) rw(11.4n) lw(23.6n).
+Default aligned
+Example of a row that spans
+multiple lines.
+Here's another one.
+the blank line between rows.
+Multiline table without caption:
+cw(10.5n) lw(9.6n) rw(11.4n) lw(23.6n).
+Default aligned
+Example of a row that spans
+multiple lines.
+Here's another one.
+the blank line between rows.
+Table without column headers:
+r l c r.
+Multiline table without column headers:
+cw(10.5n) lw(9.6n) rw(11.4n) lw(23.6n).
+Example of a row that spans
+multiple lines.
+Here's another one.
+the blank line between rows.
diff --git a/test/writer.ms b/test/writer.ms
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..14be570e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/writer.ms
@@ -0,0 +1,940 @@
+delim ||
+Pandoc Test Suite
+John MacFarlane
+This is a set of tests for pandoc.
+Most of them are adapted from
+John Gruber's markdown test suite.
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+.SH 2
+Level 2 with an embedded link\**
+.SH 3
+Level 3 with \f[I]emphasis\f[]
+.SH 4
+Level 4
+.SH 5
+Level 5
+.SH 1
+Level 1
+.SH 2
+Level 2 with \f[I]emphasis\f[]
+.SH 3
+Level 3
+with no blank line
+.SH 2
+Level 2
+with no blank line
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Here's a regular paragraph.
+In Markdown 1.0.0 and earlier.
+This line turns into a list item.
+Because a hard\-wrapped line in the
+middle of a paragraph looked like a
+list item.
+Here's one with a bullet.
+* criminey.
+There should be a hard line break
+.PD 0
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Block Quotes
+E\-mail style:
+This is a block quote.
+It is pretty short.
+Code in a block quote:
+sub\ status\ {
+\ \ \ \ print\ "working";
+A list:
+.IP "1." 3
+item one
+.IP "2." 3
+item two
+Nested block quotes:
+This should not be a block quote: 2
+> 1.
+And a following paragraph.
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Code Blocks
+\-\-\-\-\ (should\ be\ four\ hyphens)
+sub\ status\ {
+\ \ \ \ print\ "working";
+this\ code\ block\ is\ indented\ by\ one\ tab
+\ \ \ \ this\ code\ block\ is\ indented\ by\ two\ tabs
+These\ should\ not\ be\ escaped:\ \ \\$\ \\\\\ \\>\ \\[\ \\{
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+.SH 2
+Asterisks tight:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+asterisk 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+asterisk 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+asterisk 3
+Asterisks loose:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+asterisk 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+asterisk 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+asterisk 3
+Pluses tight:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Plus 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Plus 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Plus 3
+Pluses loose:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Plus 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Plus 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Plus 3
+Minuses tight:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Minus 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Minus 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Minus 3
+Minuses loose:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Minus 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Minus 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Minus 3
+.SH 2
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.IP "3." 3
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.IP "3." 3
+Loose using tabs:
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.IP "3." 3
+and using spaces:
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.IP "3." 3
+Multiple paragraphs:
+.IP "1." 3
+Item 1, graf one.
+.RS 4
+Item 1.
+graf two.
+The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog's
+.IP "2." 3
+Item 2.
+.IP "3." 3
+Item 3.
+.SH 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.RS 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.RS 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Here's another:
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.RS 4
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP "3." 3
+Same thing but with paragraphs:
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.RS 4
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP "3." 3
+.SH 2
+Tabs and spaces
+.IP \[bu] 2
+this is a list item
+indented with tabs
+.IP \[bu] 2
+this is a list item
+indented with spaces
+.RS 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+this is an example list item
+indented with tabs
+.IP \[bu] 2
+this is an example list item
+indented with spaces
+.SH 2
+Fancy list markers
+.IP "(2)" 4
+begins with 2
+.IP "(3)" 4
+and now 3
+.RS 4
+with a continuation
+.IP "iv." 4
+sublist with roman numerals,
+starting with 4
+.IP " v." 4
+more items
+.RS 4
+.IP "(A)" 4
+a subsublist
+.IP "(B)" 4
+a subsublist
+.IP "A." 3
+Upper Alpha
+.RS 4
+.IP "I." 3
+Upper Roman.
+.RS 4
+.IP "(6)" 4
+Decimal start with 6
+.RS 4
+.IP "c)" 3
+Lower alpha with paren
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.RS 4
+.IP "1." 3
+Should not be a list item:
+M.A.\ 2007
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Definition Lists
+Tight using spaces:
+.B "apple"
+\~\~red fruit
+.B "orange"
+\~\~orange fruit
+.B "banana"
+\~\~yellow fruit
+Tight using tabs:
+.B "apple"
+\~\~red fruit
+.B "orange"
+\~\~orange fruit
+.B "banana"
+\~\~yellow fruit
+.B "apple"
+\~\~red fruit
+.B "orange"
+\~\~orange fruit
+.B "banana"
+\~\~yellow fruit
+Multiple blocks with italics:
+.B "\f[I]apple\f[]"
+\~\~red fruit
+contains seeds,
+crisp, pleasant to taste
+.B "\f[I]orange\f[]"
+\~\~orange fruit
+{\ orange\ code\ block\ }
+orange block quote
+Multiple definitions, tight:
+.B "apple"
+\~\~red fruit
+.B "orange"
+\~\~orange fruit
+Multiple definitions, loose:
+.B "apple"
+\~\~red fruit
+.B "orange"
+\~\~orange fruit
+Blank line after term, indented marker, alternate markers:
+.B "apple"
+\~\~red fruit
+.B "orange"
+\~\~orange fruit
+.IP "1." 3
+.IP "2." 3
+.SH 1
+HTML Blocks
+Simple block on one line:
+And nested without indentation:
+Interpreted markdown in a table:
+This is \f[I]emphasized\f[]
+And this is \f[B]strong\f[]
+Here's a simple block:
+This should be a code block, though:
+\ \ \ \ foo
+As should this:
+Now, nested:
+This should just be an HTML comment:
+Code block:
+<!\-\-\ Comment\ \-\->
+Just plain comment, with trailing spaces on the line:
+<hr\ />
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Inline Markup
+This is \f[I]emphasized\f[], and so \f[I]is this\f[].
+This is \f[B]strong\f[], and so \f[B]is this\f[].
+An \f[I]emphasized link\**\f[].
+\f[B]\f[I]This is strong and em.\f[]\f[]
+So is \f[B]\f[I]this\f[]\f[] word.
+\f[B]\f[I]This is strong and em.\f[]\f[]
+So is \f[B]\f[I]this\f[]\f[] word.
+This is code: \f[C]>\f[], \f[C]$\f[], \f[C]\\\f[], \f[C]\\$\f[],
+[STRIKEOUT:This is \f[I]strikeout\f[].]
+Superscripts: a^bc^d a^\f[I]hello\f[]^ a^hello\ there^.
+Subscripts: H~2~O, H~23~O, H~many\ of\ them~O.
+These should not be superscripts or subscripts,
+because of the unescaped spaces: a^b c^d, a~b c~d.
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Smart quotes, ellipses, dashes
+\[lq]Hello,\[rq] said the spider.
+\[lq]`Shelob' is my name.\[rq]
+`A', `B', and `C' are letters.
+`Oak,' `elm,' and `beech' are names of trees.
+So is `pine.'
+`He said, \[lq]I want to go.\[rq]' Were you alive in the
+Here is some quoted `\f[C]code\f[]' and a \[lq]quoted link\**\[rq].
+Some dashes: one\[em]two \[em] three\[em]four \[em] five.
+Dashes between numbers: 5\[en]7, 255\[en]66, 1987\[en]1999.
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+|2 + 2 = 4|
+.IP \[bu] 2
+|x \[u2208] y|
+.IP \[bu] 2
+|alpha \[u2227] omega|
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Here's some display math:
+d over {d x} f ( x ) = lim sub {h -> 0} {f ( x + h ) \[u2212] f ( x )} over h
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Here's one that has a line break in it: |alpha + omega times x sup 2|.
+These shouldn't be math:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+To get the famous equation, write \f[C]$e\ =\ mc^2$\f[].
+.IP \[bu] 2
+$22,000 is a \f[I]lot\f[] of money.
+So is $34,000.
+(It worked if \[lq]lot\[rq] is emphasized.)
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Shoes ($20) and socks ($5).
+.IP \[bu] 2
+Escaped \f[C]$\f[]: $73 \f[I]this should be emphasized\f[] 23$.
+Here's a LaTeX table:
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Special Characters
+Here is some unicode:
+.IP \[bu] 2
+I hat: Î
+.IP \[bu] 2
+o umlaut: ö
+.IP \[bu] 2
+section: §
+.IP \[bu] 2
+set membership: ∈
+.IP \[bu] 2
+copyright: ©
+AT&T has an ampersand in their name.
+AT&T is another way to write it.
+This & that.
+4 < 5.
+6 > 5.
+Backslash: \\
+Backtick: `
+Asterisk: *
+Underscore: _
+Left brace: {
+Right brace: }
+Left bracket: [
+Right bracket: ]
+Left paren: (
+Right paren: )
+Greater\-than: >
+Hash: #
+Period: .
+Bang: !
+Plus: +
+Minus: \-
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+.SH 2
+Just a URL\**.
+URL and title\**.
+URL and title\**.
+URL and title\**.
+URL and title\**
+URL and title\**
+Email link\**
+.SH 2
+Foo bar\**.
+Foo bar\**.
+Foo bar\**.
+With embedded [brackets]\**.
+by itself should be a link.
+Indented once\**.
+Indented twice\**.
+Indented thrice\**.
+This should [not][] be a link.
+[not]:\ /url
+Foo bar\**.
+Foo biz\**.
+.SH 2
+With ampersands
+Here's a link with an ampersand in the URL\**.
+Here's a link with an amersand in the link text: AT&T\**.
+Here's an inline link\**.
+Here's an inline link in pointy braces\**.
+.SH 2
+With an ampersand: <http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2>
+.IP \[bu] 2
+In a list?
+.IP \[bu] 2
+.IP \[bu] 2
+It should.
+An e\-mail address: <nobody@nowhere.net>
+Blockquoted: <http://example.com/>
+Auto\-links should not occur here: \f[C]<http://example.com/>\f[]
+or\ here:\ <http://example.com/>
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+From \[lq]Voyage dans la Lune\[rq] by Georges Melies (1902):
+[IMAGE: lalune\**]
+Here is a movie [IMAGE: movie\**]
+ * * * * *
+.SH 1
+Here is a footnote reference,\**
+Here is the footnote.
+It can go anywhere after the footnote
+It need not be placed at the end of the document.
+and another.\**
+Here's the long note.
+This one contains multiple
+Subsequent blocks are indented to show that they belong to the
+footnote (as with list items).
+\ \ {\ <code>\ }
+If you want, you can indent every line, but you can also be
+lazy and just indent the first line of each block.
+This should \f[I]not\f[] be a footnote reference, because it
+contains a space.[^my note] Here is an inline note.\**
+is \f[I]easier\f[] to type.
+Inline notes may contain
+and \f[C]]\f[] verbatim characters,
+as well as [bracketed text].
+Notes can go in quotes.\**
+In quote.
+.IP "1." 3
+And in list items.\**
+In list.
+This paragraph should not be part of the note, as it is not indented.