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authorAlbert Krewinkel <albert@zeitkraut.de>2020-11-03 20:39:59 +0100
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2020-11-03 11:39:59 -0800
commit6463901fac4c00e316f785e22b862e57d061cf28 (patch)
parente7a9d88a0e6cb1dd8ed2376b330f7f5a1ce74658 (diff)
Document pandoc's handling of metadata in JATS output (#6794)
1 files changed, 299 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/jats.md b/doc/jats.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63c740521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/jats.md
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+title: JATS
+author: Albert Krewinkel
+This document describes pandoc's handling of JATS.
+Metadata Values
+: Article summary. Added via the document's front matter via the
+ [`<abstract>`][elem:abstract] element.
+: list of article contributors. Each author should have a surname
+ and a given name listed in the entry; if the author has no
+ `surname` value, then the item will be used as the contributors
+ [`string-name`][elem:string-name].
+ `orcid`
+ : the contributor's ORCID identifier.
+ `surname`
+ : surname of the contributor. Usually the family name in
+ western names.
+ See [`<surname>`][elem:surname].
+ `given-names`
+ : personal names of the contributor; this includes middle
+ names (if any) in western-style names.
+ See [`<given-names>`][elem:given-names].
+ `email`
+ : the contributor's email address.
+ Used as the contents of the [`<email>`][elem:given-names]
+ element.
+ `cor-id`
+ : identifier linking to the contributor's correspondence
+ information. The info itself must be stored in as an item in
+ `article.author-notes.corresp`. If the `cor-id` value is
+ then, an [`<xref>`][elem:xref] link of
+ [`ref-type`][attr:ref-type] `corresp` is added. The
+ [`rid`][attr:rid] attribute is set to `cor-<ID>`, where
+ `<ID>` is the stringified value of this attribute.
+: Licensing and copyright information. This information is
+ rendered via the [`<permissions>`][elem:permissions] element.
+ The variables `type`, `link`, and `text` should always be used
+ together.
+ `statement`
+ : the year of copyright; used as content of the
+ [`<copyright-statement>`][elem:copyright-statement]
+ `year`
+ : the year of copyright; used as content of the
+ [`<copyright-year>`][elem:copyright-year]
+ `holder`
+ : the copyright holder; included via the
+ [`<copyright-holder>`][elem:copyright-holder] element.
+ `text`
+ : inline text setting the license under which the text is
+ published; included via the
+ [`<license-p>`][elem:copyright-holder] element.
+ `type`
+ : type of the license; used as value of the
+ [`license-type`][attr:license-type] attribute.
+ `link`
+ : external link describing the license; used as value of a
+ `xlink:href` attribute in the `<license>` element.
+: publication date. This value should usually be a string
+ representation of a date. Pandoc will parse and deconstruct the
+ date into the components given below. It is also possible to
+ pass these components directly.
+ The publication date is recorded in the document via the
+ [`<pub-date>`][elem:pub-date] element and its sub-elements. The
+ [`pub-type`][attr:pub-type] attribute is always set to `epub`.
+ `iso-8601`
+ : ISO-8601 representation of the publication date. Used as the
+ value of the [`pub-date`][elem:pub-date] element's
+ [`iso-8601-date`][attr:iso-8601-date] attribute.
+ This value is set automatically if pandoc can parse the
+ `date` value as a date.
+ `day`, `month`, `year`
+ : Day, month, and year of the publication date. Only the
+ publication year is required. The values are used as the
+ contents of the elements with the respective names.
+ The values are set automatically if pandoc can parse the
+ `date` value as a date.
+: information concerning the article that identifies or describes
+ it. The key-value pairs within this map are typically used
+ within the [`<article-meta>`][elem:article-meta] element.
+ `publisher-id`
+ : external article identifier assigned by the publisher. Used
+ as the content of the [`<article-id>`][elem:article-id]
+ element with attribute [`pub-id-type`][attr:pub-id-type] set
+ to `publisher-id`.
+ `doi`
+ : Digital Object Identifier (DOI) assigned to the article.
+ Used as the content of the [`<article-id>`][elem:article-id]
+ element with attribute [`pub-id-type`][attr:pub-id-type] set
+ to `doi`.
+ `pmid`
+ : PubMed Identifier (PubMed ID) assigned to the article. Used
+ as the content of the [`<article-id>`][elem:article-id]
+ element with attribute [`pub-id-type`][attr:pub-id-type] set
+ to `pmid`.
+ `pmcid`
+ : PubMed Central Identifier assigned to the article. Used as
+ the content of the [`<article-id>`][elem:article-id] element
+ with attribute [`pub-id-type`][attr:pub-id-type] set to
+ `pmcid`.
+ `art-access-id`
+ : generic article accession identifier. Used as the content of
+ the [`<article-id>`][elem:article-id] element with attribute
+ [`pub-id-type`][attr:pub-id-type] set to `art-access-id`.
+ `heading`
+ : name of a subject or topic describing the article. Used as
+ the content of the [`<subject>`][elem:subject] element,
+ nested in a [`<subj-group>`][elem:subj-group] element which
+ has `heading` as its
+ [`subj-group-type`][attr:subj-group-type] attribute.
+ `categories`
+ : list a subject or topic describing the article. Items are
+ each used as the content a the [`<subject>`][elem:subject]
+ element, grouped in a single
+ [`<subj-group>`][elem:subj-group] element with its
+ [`subj-group-type`][attr:subj-group-type] attribute set to
+ `categories`.
+ `author-notes`
+ : Additional information about authors, like conflict of
+ interest statements and corresponding author contact info.
+ Wrapped in an [`<author-notes>`][elem:author-notes] element.
+ `conflict`
+ : Conflict of interest statement. Rendered as a footnote
+ ([`<fn>`][elem:fn]) of [`fn-type`](attr:fn-type)
+ `conflict`.
+ `con`
+ : Contributed-by information. Rendered as a footnote
+ ([`<fn>`][elem:fn]) of [`fn-type`](attr:fn-type) `con`.
+ `corresp`
+ : Correspondence information. This must be a list of
+ contributor correspondence items, where each item must
+ have the properties `id` and `email`. The info is then
+ rendered via a [`<corresp>`][elem:corresp] element.
+ `funding-statement`
+ : Prose describing the funding. Added to the article's
+ frontmatter via the
+ [`funding-statement`][elem:funding-statement] element.
+: information on the journal in which the article is published.
+ This must be a map; the following key/value pairs are
+ recognized.
+ `publisher-id`
+ : journal identifier assigned by the publisher. Used as
+ content of element [`<journal-id>`][elem:journal-id] with
+ attribute [`journal-id-type`][attr:journal-id-type] set to
+ `publisher-id`.
+ `nlm-ta`
+ : journal identifier assigned by PubMed. Used as content of
+ element [`<journal-id>`][elem:journal-id] with attribute
+ [`journal-id-type`][attr:journal-id-type] set to `nlm-ta`.
+ `pmc`
+ : journal identifier assigned by PubMed Central. Used as
+ content of element [`<journal-id>`][elem:journal-id] with
+ attribute [`journal-id-type`][attr:journal-id-type] set to
+ `pmc`.
+ `title`
+ : full title of the journal in which the article is published.
+ Used as content of the
+ [`<journal-title>`][elem:journal-title] element.
+ `abbrev-title`
+ : short form of the journal title. Used as content of the
+ [`<abbrev-journal-title>`][elem:abbrev-journal-title]
+ element.
+ `pissn`
+ : ISSN identifier of the publication's print version. Used as
+ content of the [`<issn>`][elem:issn] element with the
+ [`pub-type`][attr:pub-type] attribute set to `ppub`.
+ `eissn`
+ : ISSN identifier of the publication's electronic version.
+ Used as content of the [`<issn>`][elem:issn] element with
+ the [`pub-type`][attr:pub-type] attribute set to `epub`.
+ `publisher-name`
+ : name of the publishing entity (person, company, or other).
+ Used as the content of the
+ [`<publisher-name>`][elem:publisher-name] element.
+ `publisher-loc`
+ : place of publication. Used as the content of the
+ [`<publisher-loc>`][elem:publisher-loc] element.
+: Additional notes concerning the whole article. Added to the
+ article's frontmatter via the [`<notes>`][elem:notes] element.
+: list of keywords. Items are used as contents of the
+ [`<kwd>`][elem:kwd] element; the elements are grouped in a
+ [`<kwd-group>`][elem:kwd-group] with the
+ [`kwd-group-type`][attr:kwd-group-type] value `author`.
+Required Metadata
+Pandoc will try to generate a valid JATS document even when
+information is missing, filling in placeholders or using empty
+values. This circumvents the intend to ensure a minimum set of
+information being present in documents of a certain tag set. It is
+hence recommended to always provide the information listed below.
+### Publishing Tag Set
+Required metadata values:
+- One or more of `journal.publisher-id`, `journal.nlm-ta`,
+ `journal.pmc`.
+- One or more of `journal.pissn`, `journal.eissn`.
+[attr:fn-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/fn-type.html
+[attr:iso-8601-date]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/iso-8601-date.html
+[attr:journal-id-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/journal-id-type.html
+[attr:kwd-group-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/kwd-group-type.html
+[attr:license-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/license-type.html
+[attr:pub-id-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/pub-id-type.html
+[attr:pub-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/pub-type.html
+[attr:ref-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/ref-type.html
+[attr:rid]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/rid.html
+[attr:subj-group-type]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/attribute/subj-group-type.html
+[elem:abbrev-journal-title]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/abbrev-journal-title.html
+[elem:abstract]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/abstract.html
+[elem:article-id]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/article-id.html
+[elem:article-meta]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/article-meta.html
+[elem:copyright-holder]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/copyright-holder.html
+[elem:copyright-statement]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/copyright-statement.html
+[elem:copyright-year]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/copyright-year.html
+[elem:corresp]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/corresp.html
+[elem:email]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/email.html
+[elem:fn]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/fn.html
+[elem:funding-statement]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/funding-statement.html
+[elem:given-names]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/given-names.html
+[elem:issn]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/issn.html
+[elem:journal-id]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/journal-id.html
+[elem:journal-title]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/journal-title.html
+[elem:kwd-group]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/kwd-group.html
+[elem:kwd]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/kwd.html
+[elem:license-p]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/license-p.html
+[elem:license]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/license.html
+[elem:notes]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/notes.html
+[elem:permissions]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/permissions.html
+[elem:pub-date]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/pub-date.html
+[elem:publisher-loc]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/publisher-loc.html
+[elem:publisher-name]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/publisher-name.html
+[elem:string-name]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/string-name.html
+[elem:subj-group]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/subj-group.html
+[elem:subject]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/subject.html
+[elem:surname]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/surname.html
+[elem:xref]: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/publishing/tag-library/1.2/element/xref.html