diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2013-04-14 22:11:19 -0700
committerJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2013-04-14 22:13:27 -0700
commit4b151fb68452d0531d5f0d6c3b48aaeb2fb02d10 (patch)
parent5c03275a632767f300be371c6c15fcb2f905e897 (diff)
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 20 deletions
index a3c9ac874..8225449a2 100644
@@ -23,15 +23,17 @@ including
* the output you expected instead
A small test case (just a few lines) is ideal. If your input is large,
-spend some time trying to whittle it down to the minimum necessary to
-illustrate the problem.
+try to whittle it down to the minimum necessary to illustrate the problem.
Have an idea for a new feature?
-Lay out the rationale for the feature you're requesting. Why would this
-feature be useful? Consider also any possible drawbacks, including breaking
-old documents.
+First, search [pandoc-discuss] and the issue tracker (both open and closed
+issues) to make sure that the idea has not been discussed before.
+Explain the rationale for the feature you're requesting. Why would this
+feature be useful? Consider also any possible drawbacks, including backwards
+compatibility, new library dependencies, and performance issues.
It is best to discuss a potential new feature on [pandoc-discuss]
before opening an issue.
@@ -39,31 +41,36 @@ before opening an issue.
Patches and pull requests
-Patches and pull requests are welcome. Please follow these guidelines:
+Patches and pull requests are welcome. Before you put time into a nontrivial
+patch, it is a good idea to discuss it on [pandoc-discuss], especially if it is
+for a new feature (rather than fixing a bug).
+Please follow these guidelines:
-1. Each patch should make a single logical change (fix a bug, add
+1. Each patch (commit) should make a single logical change (fix a bug, add
a feature, clean up some code, add documentation). Everything
related to that change should be included (including tests and
documentation), and nothing unrelated should be included.
-2. Follow the stylistic conventions you find in the existing
- panadoc code. Use spaces, not tabs, and wrap code to 80 columns.
+2. The first line of the commit message should be a short description
+ of the whole commit (ideally <= 50 characters). Then there should
+ be a blank line, followed by a more detailed description of the
+ change.
+3. Follow the stylistic conventions you find in the existing
+ pandoc code. Use spaces, not tabs, and wrap code to 80 columns.
Always include type signatures for top-level functions.
-3. Your code should compile without warnings (`-Wall` clean).
+4. Your code should compile without warnings (`-Wall` clean).
-4. Run the tests to make sure your code does not introduce new bugs.
- (See below under [Tests](#tests).)
+5. Run the tests to make sure your code does not introduce new bugs.
+ (See below under [Tests](#tests).) All tests should pass.
-5. It is a good idea to add test cases for the bug you are fixing. (See below
- under [Tests](#tests).) If you are adding a new writer or reader,
+6. It is a good idea to add test cases for the bug you are fixing. (See
+ below under [Tests](#tests).) If you are adding a new writer or reader,
you must include tests.
-6. If you are adding a new feature, include updates to the README.
-7. Before you put time into a nontrivial patch, it is a good idea to
- discuss it on [pandoc-discuss], especially if it is for a new feature
- (rather than fixing a bug).
+7. If you are adding a new feature, include updates to the README.
8. All code must be released under the general license governing pandoc
(GPL v2).
@@ -82,9 +89,90 @@ Tests can be run as follows:
The test program is `tests/test-pandoc.hs`.
+Benchmarks can be enabled by passing the `--enable-benchmarks` flag
+to `cabal configure`, and run using `cabal bench`.
+The code
+Pandoc has a publicly accessible git repository on
+github: <http://github.com/jgm/pandoc>. To get a local copy of the source:
+ git clone git://github.com/jgm/pandoc.git
+Note: after cloning the repository (and in the future after pulling from it),
+you should do
+ git submodule update --init
+to pull in changes to the templates (`data/templates/`). You can automate this
+by creating a file `.git/hooks/post-merge` with the contents:
+ #!/bin/sh
+ git submodule update --init
+and making it executable:
+ chmod +x .git/hooks/post-merge
+The source for the main pandoc program is `pandoc.hs`. The source for
+the pandoc library is in `src/`, the source for the tests is in
+`tests/`, and the source for the benchmarks is in `benchmark/`.
+The modules `Text.Pandoc.Definition`, `Text.Pandoc.Builder`, and
+`Text.Pandoc.Generics` are in a separate library `pandoc-types`. The code can
+be found in a <http://github.com/jgm/pandoc-types>.
+To build pandoc, you will need a working installation of the
+[Haskell platform].
+The library is structured as follows:
+ - `Text.Pandoc` is a top-level module that exports what is needed
+ by most users of the library. Any patches that add new readers
+ or writers will need to make changes here, too.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Definition` (in `pandoc-types`) defines the types
+ used for representing a pandoc document.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Builder` (in `pandoc-types`) provides functions for
+ building pandoc documents programatically.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Generics` (in `pandoc-types`) provides functions allowing
+ you to promote functions that operate on parts of pandoc documents
+ to functions that operate on whole pandoc documents, walking the
+ tree automatically.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Readers.*` are the readers, and `Text.Pandoc.Writers.*`
+ are the writers.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Biblio` is a utility module for formatting citations
+ using citeproc-hs.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Data` is used to embed data files when the `embed_data_files`
+ cabal flag is used. It is generated from `src/Text/Pandoc/Data.hsb` using
+ the preprocessor [hsb2hs].
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Highlighting` contains the interface to the
+ highlighting-kate library, which is used for code syntax highlighting.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.ImageSize` is a utility module containing functions for
+ calculating image sizes from the contents of image files.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.MIME` contains functions for associating MIME types
+ with extensions.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Options` defines reader and writer options.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.PDF` contains functions for producing a PDF from a
+ LaTeX source.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Parsing` contains parsing functions used in multiple readers.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Pretty` is a pretty-printing library specialized to
+ the needs of pandoc.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.SelfContained` contains functions for making an HTML
+ file "self-contained," by importing remotely linked images, CSS,
+ and javascript and turning them into `data:` URLs.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Shared` is a grab-bag of shared utility functions.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Slides` contains functions for splitting a markdown document
+ into slides, using the conventions described in the README.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.Templates` defines pandoc's templating system.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.UTF8` contains functions for converting text to and from
+ UTF8 bytestrings (strict and lazy).
+ - `Text.Pandoc.UUID` contains functions for generating UUIDs.
+ - `Text.Pandoc.XML` contains functions for formatting XML.
[pandoc-discuss]: http://groups.google.com/group/pandoc-discuss
[issue tracker]: https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues
[User's Guide]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html
[FAQs]: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/faqs.html
+[Haskell platform]: http://www.haskell.org/platform/
+[hsb2hs]: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/hsb2hs