diff options
authorJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2018-01-14 08:59:10 -0500
committerJesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>2018-01-14 09:39:39 -0500
commit431f6166fa7dc6670fb5cff4a9bd5499c67e0bed (patch)
parent90dcd0bc8795796583a6c895d15827b1c99cfb75 (diff)
Powerpoint writer: Refactor into separate modules.
There are two steps in the conversion: a conversion from pandoc to a Presentation datatype modeling pptx, and a conversion from Presentation to a pptx archive. The two steps were sharing the same state and environment, and the code was getting a bit spaghetti-ish. This separates the conversion into separate modules (T.P.W.Powerpoint.Presentation, which defineds the Presentation datatype and goes Pandoc->Presentation) and (T.P.W.Pandoc.Output, which goes Presentation->Archive). Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint a thin wrapper around the two modules.
4 files changed, 2153 insertions, 1979 deletions
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index 87f85cf00..c00d95ebc 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -527,6 +527,8 @@ library
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Output,
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
index 647c37a0b..3d6b736f2 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, MultiWayIf, OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
@@ -27,44 +27,29 @@ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Stability : alpha
Portability : portable
-Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to powerpoint (pptx).
+Conversion of 'Pandoc' documents to powerpoint (pptx). -}
+This is a wrapper around two modules:
+ - Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation (which converts a
+ pandoc document into a Presentation datatype), and
+ - Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Output (which converts a
+ Presentation into a zip archive, which can be output).
module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint (writePowerpoint) where
-import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, catchError)
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Monad.State
import Codec.Archive.Zip
-import Data.List (intercalate, stripPrefix, nub, union)
-import Data.Default
-import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
-import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
-import System.FilePath.Posix (splitDirectories, splitExtension, takeExtension)
-import Text.XML.Light
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
-import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk
import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
-import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError(..))
-import Text.Pandoc.Slides (getSlideLevel)
-import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as P
-import Text.Pandoc.Options
-import Text.Pandoc.MIME
-import Text.Pandoc.Logging
+import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (fixDisplayMath)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation (documentToPresentation)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Output (presentationToArchive)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
-import Text.Pandoc.Walk
-import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as Shared -- so we don't overlap "Element"
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (fixDisplayMath, metaValueToInlines)
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers.OOXML
-import qualified Data.Map as M
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, listToMaybe, maybeToList, catMaybes)
-import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
-import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
-import System.FilePath.Glob
-import Text.TeXMath
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (convertMath)
writePowerpoint :: (PandocMonad m)
=> WriterOptions -- ^ Writer options
@@ -72,1951 +57,6 @@ writePowerpoint :: (PandocMonad m)
-> m BL.ByteString
writePowerpoint opts (Pandoc meta blks) = do
let blks' = walk fixDisplayMath blks
- distArchive <- (toArchive . BL.fromStrict) <$>
- P.readDefaultDataFile "reference.pptx"
- refArchive <- case writerReferenceDoc opts of
- Just f -> toArchive <$> P.readFileLazy f
- Nothing -> (toArchive . BL.fromStrict) <$>
- P.readDataFile "reference.pptx"
- utctime <- P.getCurrentTime
- presSize <- case getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive of
- Just sz -> return sz
- Nothing -> throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- "Could not determine presentation size"
- let env = def { envMetadata = meta
- , envRefArchive = refArchive
- , envDistArchive = distArchive
- , envUTCTime = utctime
- , envOpts = opts
- , envSlideLevel = case writerSlideLevel opts of
- Just n -> n
- Nothing -> getSlideLevel blks'
- , envPresentationSize = presSize
- }
- let st = def { stMediaGlobalIds = initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive
- }
- runP env st $ do pres <- blocksToPresentation blks'
- archv <- presentationToArchive pres
- return $ fromArchive archv
-concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
-concatMapM f xs = liftM concat (mapM f xs)
-data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envMetadata :: Meta
- , envRunProps :: RunProps
- , envParaProps :: ParaProps
- , envSlideLevel :: Int
- , envRefArchive :: Archive
- , envDistArchive :: Archive
- , envUTCTime :: UTCTime
- , envOpts :: WriterOptions
- , envPresentationSize :: (Integer, Integer)
- , envSlideHasHeader :: Bool
- , envInList :: Bool
- , envInNoteSlide :: Bool
- , envCurSlideId :: Int
- -- the difference between the number at
- -- the end of the slide file name and
- -- the rId number
- , envSlideIdOffset :: Int
- , envContentType :: ContentType
- }
- deriving (Show)
-instance Default WriterEnv where
- def = WriterEnv { envMetadata = mempty
- , envRunProps = def
- , envParaProps = def
- , envSlideLevel = 2
- , envRefArchive = emptyArchive
- , envDistArchive = emptyArchive
- , envUTCTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime 0
- , envOpts = def
- , envPresentationSize = (720, 540)
- , envSlideHasHeader = False
- , envInList = False
- , envInNoteSlide = False
- , envCurSlideId = 1
- , envSlideIdOffset = 1
- , envContentType = NormalContent
- }
-data ContentType = NormalContent
- | TwoColumnLeftContent
- | TwoColumnRightContent
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data MediaInfo = MediaInfo { mInfoFilePath :: FilePath
- , mInfoLocalId :: Int
- , mInfoGlobalId :: Int
- , mInfoMimeType :: Maybe MimeType
- , mInfoExt :: Maybe String
- , mInfoCaption :: Bool
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-data WriterState = WriterState { stLinkIds :: M.Map Int (M.Map Int (URL, String))
- -- (FP, Local ID, Global ID, Maybe Mime)
- , stMediaIds :: M.Map Int [MediaInfo]
- , stMediaGlobalIds :: M.Map FilePath Int
- , stNoteIds :: M.Map Int [Block]
- -- associate anchors with slide id
- , stAnchorMap :: M.Map String Int
- -- media inherited from the template.
- , stTemplateMedia :: [FilePath]
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Default WriterState where
- def = WriterState { stLinkIds = mempty
- , stMediaIds = mempty
- , stMediaGlobalIds = mempty
- , stNoteIds = mempty
- , stAnchorMap= mempty
- , stTemplateMedia = []
- }
--- This populates the global ids map with images already in the
--- template, so the ids won't be used by images introduced by the
--- user.
-initialGlobalIds :: Archive -> Archive -> M.Map FilePath Int
-initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive =
- let archiveFiles = filesInArchive refArchive `union` filesInArchive distArchive
- mediaPaths = filter (match (compile "ppt/media/image")) archiveFiles
- go :: FilePath -> Maybe (FilePath, Int)
- go fp = do
- s <- stripPrefix "ppt/media/image" $ fst $ splitExtension fp
- (n, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads s
- return (fp, n)
- in
- M.fromList $ mapMaybe go mediaPaths
-getPresentationSize :: Archive -> Archive -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
-getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive = do
- entry <- findEntryByPath "ppt/presentation.xml" refArchive `mplus`
- findEntryByPath "ppt/presentation.xml" distArchive
- presElement <- parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toStringLazy $ fromEntry entry
- let ns = elemToNameSpaces presElement
- sldSize <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "sldSz") presElement
- cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
- cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
- (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
- (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
- return (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700)
-type P m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
-runP :: Monad m => WriterEnv -> WriterState -> P m a -> m a
-runP env st p = evalStateT (runReaderT p env) st
-type Pixels = Integer
-data Presentation = Presentation [Slide]
- deriving (Show)
-data Slide = MetadataSlide { metadataSlideTitle :: [ParaElem]
- , metadataSlideSubtitle :: [ParaElem]
- , metadataSlideAuthors :: [[ParaElem]]
- , metadataSlideDate :: [ParaElem]
- }
- | TitleSlide { titleSlideHeader :: [ParaElem]}
- | ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader :: [ParaElem]
- , contentSlideContent :: [Shape]
- }
- | TwoColumnSlide { twoColumnSlideHeader :: [ParaElem]
- , twoColumnSlideLeft :: [Shape]
- , twoColumnSlideRight :: [Shape]
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data SlideElement = SlideElement Pixels Pixels Pixels Pixels Shape
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Shape = Pic PicProps FilePath Text.Pandoc.Definition.Attr [ParaElem]
- | GraphicFrame [Graphic] [ParaElem]
- | TextBox [Paragraph]
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Cell = [Paragraph]
-data TableProps = TableProps { tblPrFirstRow :: Bool
- , tblPrBandRow :: Bool
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-type ColWidth = Integer
-data Graphic = Tbl TableProps [ColWidth] [Cell] [[Cell]]
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Paragraph = Paragraph { paraProps :: ParaProps
- , paraElems :: [ParaElem]
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-autoNumberingToType :: ListAttributes -> String
-autoNumberingToType (_, numStyle, numDelim) =
- typeString ++ delimString
- where
- typeString = case numStyle of
- Decimal -> "arabic"
- UpperAlpha -> "alphaUc"
- LowerAlpha -> "alphaLc"
- UpperRoman -> "romanUc"
- LowerRoman -> "romanLc"
- _ -> "arabic"
- delimString = case numDelim of
- Period -> "Period"
- OneParen -> "ParenR"
- TwoParens -> "ParenBoth"
- _ -> "Period"
-data BulletType = Bullet
- | AutoNumbering ListAttributes
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Algnment = AlgnLeft | AlgnRight | AlgnCenter
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data ParaProps = ParaProps { pPropMarginLeft :: Maybe Pixels
- , pPropMarginRight :: Maybe Pixels
- , pPropLevel :: Int
- , pPropBullet :: Maybe BulletType
- , pPropAlign :: Maybe Algnment
- , pPropSpaceBefore :: Maybe Pixels
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Default ParaProps where
- def = ParaProps { pPropMarginLeft = Just 0
- , pPropMarginRight = Just 0
- , pPropLevel = 0
- , pPropBullet = Nothing
- , pPropAlign = Nothing
- , pPropSpaceBefore = Nothing
- }
-newtype TeXString = TeXString {unTeXString :: String}
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-data ParaElem = Break
- | Run RunProps String
- -- It would be more elegant to have native TeXMath
- -- Expressions here, but this allows us to use
- -- `convertmath` from T.P.Writers.Math. Will perhaps
- -- revisit in the future.
- | MathElem MathType TeXString
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Strikethrough = NoStrike | SingleStrike | DoubleStrike
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Capitals = NoCapitals | SmallCapitals | AllCapitals
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-type URL = String
-data RunProps = RunProps { rPropBold :: Bool
- , rPropItalics :: Bool
- , rStrikethrough :: Maybe Strikethrough
- , rBaseline :: Maybe Int
- , rCap :: Maybe Capitals
- , rLink :: Maybe (URL, String)
- , rPropCode :: Bool
- , rPropBlockQuote :: Bool
- , rPropForceSize :: Maybe Pixels
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Default RunProps where
- def = RunProps { rPropBold = False
- , rPropItalics = False
- , rStrikethrough = Nothing
- , rBaseline = Nothing
- , rCap = Nothing
- , rLink = Nothing
- , rPropCode = False
- , rPropBlockQuote = False
- , rPropForceSize = Nothing
- }
-data PicProps = PicProps { picPropLink :: Maybe (URL, String)
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Default PicProps where
- def = PicProps { picPropLink = Nothing
- }
-inlinesToParElems :: Monad m => [Inline] -> P m [ParaElem]
-inlinesToParElems ils = concatMapM inlineToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems :: Monad m => Inline -> P m [ParaElem]
-inlineToParElems (Str s) = do
- pr <- asks envRunProps
- return [Run pr s]
-inlineToParElems (Emph ils) =
- local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropItalics=True}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (Strong ils) =
- local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropBold=True}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (Strikeout ils) =
- local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rStrikethrough=Just SingleStrike}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (Superscript ils) =
- local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rBaseline=Just 30000}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (Subscript ils) =
- local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rBaseline=Just (-25000)}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (SmallCaps ils) =
- local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rCap = Just SmallCapitals}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems Space = inlineToParElems (Str " ")
-inlineToParElems SoftBreak = inlineToParElems (Str " ")
-inlineToParElems LineBreak = return [Break]
-inlineToParElems (Link _ ils (url, title)) = do
- local (\r ->r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rLink = Just (url, title)}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (Code _ str) = do
- local (\r ->r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropCode = True}}) $
- inlineToParElems $ Str str
-inlineToParElems (Math mathtype str) =
- return [MathElem mathtype (TeXString str)]
-inlineToParElems (Note blks) = do
- notes <- gets stNoteIds
- let maxNoteId = case M.keys notes of
- [] -> 0
- lst -> maximum lst
- curNoteId = maxNoteId + 1
- modify $ \st -> st { stNoteIds = M.insert curNoteId blks notes }
- inlineToParElems $ Superscript [Str $ show curNoteId]
-inlineToParElems (Span _ ils) = concatMapM inlineToParElems ils
-inlineToParElems (RawInline _ _) = return []
-inlineToParElems _ = return []
-isListType :: Block -> Bool
-isListType (OrderedList _ _) = True
-isListType (BulletList _) = True
-isListType (DefinitionList _) = True
-isListType _ = False
-registerAnchorId :: PandocMonad m => String -> P m ()
-registerAnchorId anchor = do
- anchorMap <- gets stAnchorMap
- slideId <- asks envCurSlideId
- unless (null anchor) $
- modify $ \st -> st {stAnchorMap = M.insert anchor slideId anchorMap}
-blockToParagraphs :: PandocMonad m => Block -> P m [Paragraph]
-blockToParagraphs (Plain ils) = do
- parElems <- inlinesToParElems ils
- pProps <- asks envParaProps
- return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
-blockToParagraphs (Para ils) = do
- parElems <- inlinesToParElems ils
- pProps <- asks envParaProps
- return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
-blockToParagraphs (LineBlock ilsList) = do
- parElems <- inlinesToParElems $ intercalate [LineBreak] ilsList
- pProps <- asks envParaProps
- return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
--- TODO: work out the attributes
-blockToParagraphs (CodeBlock attr str) =
- local (\r -> r{envParaProps = def{pPropMarginLeft = Just 100}}) $
- blockToParagraphs $ Para [Code attr str]
--- We can't yet do incremental lists, but we should render a
--- (BlockQuote List) as a list to maintain compatibility with other
--- formats.
-blockToParagraphs (BlockQuote (blk : blks)) | isListType blk = do
- ps <- blockToParagraphs blk
- ps' <- blockToParagraphs $ BlockQuote blks
- return $ ps ++ ps'
-blockToParagraphs (BlockQuote blks) =
- local (\r -> r{ envParaProps = (envParaProps r){pPropMarginLeft = Just 100}
- , envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropForceSize = Just blockQuoteSize}})$
- concatMapM blockToParagraphs blks
--- TODO: work out the format
-blockToParagraphs (RawBlock _ _) = return []
-blockToParagraphs (Header _ (ident, _, _) ils) = do
- -- Note that this function only deals with content blocks, so it
- -- will only touch headers that are above the current slide level --
- -- slides at or below the slidelevel will be taken care of by
- -- `blocksToSlide'`. We have the register anchors in both of them.
- registerAnchorId ident
- -- we set the subeader to bold
- parElems <- local (\e->e{envRunProps = (envRunProps e){rPropBold=True}}) $
- inlinesToParElems ils
- -- and give it a bit of space before it.
- return [Paragraph def{pPropSpaceBefore = Just 30} parElems]
-blockToParagraphs (BulletList blksLst) = do
- pProps <- asks envParaProps
- let lvl = pPropLevel pProps
- local (\env -> env{ envInList = True
- , envParaProps = pProps{ pPropLevel = lvl + 1
- , pPropBullet = Just Bullet
- , pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
- }}) $
- concatMapM multiParBullet blksLst
-blockToParagraphs (OrderedList listAttr blksLst) = do
- pProps <- asks envParaProps
- let lvl = pPropLevel pProps
- local (\env -> env{ envInList = True
- , envParaProps = pProps{ pPropLevel = lvl + 1
- , pPropBullet = Just (AutoNumbering listAttr)
- , pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
- }}) $
- concatMapM multiParBullet blksLst
-blockToParagraphs (DefinitionList entries) = do
- let go :: PandocMonad m => ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> P m [Paragraph]
- go (ils, blksLst) = do
- term <-blockToParagraphs $ Para [Strong ils]
- -- For now, we'll treat each definition term as a
- -- blockquote. We can extend this further later.
- definition <- concatMapM (blockToParagraphs . BlockQuote) blksLst
- return $ term ++ definition
- concatMapM go entries
-blockToParagraphs (Div (_, ("notes" : []), _) _) = return []
-blockToParagraphs (Div _ blks) = concatMapM blockToParagraphs blks
-blockToParagraphs blk = do
- P.report $ BlockNotRendered blk
- return []
--- Make sure the bullet env gets turned off after the first para.
-multiParBullet :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> P m [Paragraph]
-multiParBullet [] = return []
-multiParBullet (b:bs) = do
- pProps <- asks envParaProps
- p <- blockToParagraphs b
- ps <- local (\env -> env{envParaProps = pProps{pPropBullet = Nothing}}) $
- concatMapM blockToParagraphs bs
- return $ p ++ ps
-cellToParagraphs :: PandocMonad m => Alignment -> TableCell -> P m [Paragraph]
-cellToParagraphs algn tblCell = do
- paras <- mapM (blockToParagraphs) tblCell
- let alignment = case algn of
- AlignLeft -> Just AlgnLeft
- AlignRight -> Just AlgnRight
- AlignCenter -> Just AlgnCenter
- AlignDefault -> Nothing
- paras' = map (map (\p -> p{paraProps = (paraProps p){pPropAlign = alignment}})) paras
- return $ concat paras'
-rowToParagraphs :: PandocMonad m => [Alignment] -> [TableCell] -> P m [[Paragraph]]
-rowToParagraphs algns tblCells = do
- -- We have to make sure we have the right number of alignments
- let pairs = zip (algns ++ repeat AlignDefault) tblCells
- mapM (\(a, tc) -> cellToParagraphs a tc) pairs
-blockToShape :: PandocMonad m => Block -> P m Shape
-blockToShape (Plain (il:_)) | Image attr ils (url, _) <- il =
- Pic def url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
-blockToShape (Para (il:_)) | Image attr ils (url, _) <- il =
- Pic def url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
-blockToShape (Plain (il:_)) | Link _ (il':_) target <- il
- , Image attr ils (url, _) <- il' =
- Pic def{picPropLink = Just target} url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
-blockToShape (Para (il:_)) | Link _ (il':_) target <- il
- , Image attr ils (url, _) <- il' =
- Pic def{picPropLink = Just target} url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
-blockToShape (Table caption algn _ hdrCells rows) = do
- caption' <- inlinesToParElems caption
- (pageWidth, _) <- asks envPresentationSize
- hdrCells' <- rowToParagraphs algn hdrCells
- rows' <- mapM (rowToParagraphs algn) rows
- let tblPr = if null hdrCells
- then TableProps { tblPrFirstRow = False
- , tblPrBandRow = True
- }
- else TableProps { tblPrFirstRow = True
- , tblPrBandRow = True
- }
- colWidths = if null hdrCells
- then case rows of
- r : _ | not (null r) -> replicate (length r) $
- (pageWidth - (2 * hardcodedTableMargin))`div` (toInteger $ length r)
- -- satisfy the compiler. This is the same as
- -- saying that rows is empty, but the compiler
- -- won't understand that `[]` exhausts the
- -- alternatives.
- _ -> []
- else replicate (length hdrCells) $
- (pageWidth - (2 * hardcodedTableMargin)) `div` (toInteger $ length hdrCells)
- return $ GraphicFrame [Tbl tblPr colWidths hdrCells' rows'] caption'
-blockToShape blk = TextBox <$> blockToParagraphs blk
-blocksToShapes :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> P m [Shape]
-blocksToShapes blks = combineShapes <$> mapM blockToShape blks
-isImage :: Inline -> Bool
-isImage (Image _ _ _) = True
-isImage (Link _ ((Image _ _ _) : _) _) = True
-isImage _ = False
-splitBlocks' :: Monad m => [Block] -> [[Block]] -> [Block] -> P m [[Block]]
-splitBlocks' cur acc [] = return $ acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur])
-splitBlocks' cur acc (HorizontalRule : blks) =
- splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur])) blks
-splitBlocks' cur acc (h@(Header n _ _) : blks) = do
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- case compare n slideLevel of
- LT -> splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[h]]) blks
- EQ -> splitBlocks' [h] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur])) blks
- GT -> splitBlocks' (cur ++ [h]) acc blks
--- `blockToParagraphs` treats Plain and Para the same, so we can save
--- some code duplication by treating them the same here.
-splitBlocks' cur acc ((Plain ils) : blks) = splitBlocks' cur acc ((Para ils) : blks)
-splitBlocks' cur acc ((Para (il:ils)) : blks) | isImage il = do
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- case cur of
- (Header n _ _) : [] | n == slideLevel ->
- splitBlocks' []
- (acc ++ [cur ++ [Para [il]]])
- (if null ils then blks else (Para ils) : blks)
- _ -> splitBlocks' []
- (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[Para [il]]])
- (if null ils then blks else (Para ils) : blks)
-splitBlocks' cur acc (tbl@(Table _ _ _ _ _) : blks) = do
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- case cur of
- (Header n _ _) : [] | n == slideLevel ->
- splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ [cur ++ [tbl]]) blks
- _ -> splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[tbl]]) blks
-splitBlocks' cur acc (d@(Div (_, classes, _) _): blks) | "columns" `elem` classes = do
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- case cur of
- (Header n _ _) : [] | n == slideLevel ->
- splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ [cur ++ [d]]) blks
- _ -> splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[d]]) blks
-splitBlocks' cur acc (blk : blks) = splitBlocks' (cur ++ [blk]) acc blks
-splitBlocks :: Monad m => [Block] -> P m [[Block]]
-splitBlocks = splitBlocks' [] []
-blocksToSlide' :: PandocMonad m => Int -> [Block] -> P m Slide
-blocksToSlide' lvl ((Header n (ident, _, _) ils) : blks)
- | n < lvl = do
- registerAnchorId ident
- hdr <- inlinesToParElems ils
- return $ TitleSlide {titleSlideHeader = hdr}
- | n == lvl = do
- registerAnchorId ident
- hdr <- inlinesToParElems ils
- -- Now get the slide without the header, and then add the header
- -- in.
- slide <- blocksToSlide' lvl blks
- return $ case slide of
- ContentSlide _ cont -> ContentSlide hdr cont
- TwoColumnSlide _ contL contR -> TwoColumnSlide hdr contL contR
- slide' -> slide'
-blocksToSlide' _ (blk : blks)
- | Div (_, classes, _) divBlks <- blk
- , "columns" `elem` classes
- , (Div (_, clsL, _) blksL) : (Div (_, clsR, _) blksR) : remaining <- divBlks
- , "column" `elem` clsL, "column" `elem` clsR = do
- unless (null blks)
- (mapM (P.report . BlockNotRendered) blks >> return ())
- unless (null remaining)
- (mapM (P.report . BlockNotRendered) remaining >> return ())
- mbSplitBlksL <- splitBlocks blksL
- mbSplitBlksR <- splitBlocks blksR
- let blksL' = case mbSplitBlksL of
- bs : _ -> bs
- [] -> []
- let blksR' = case mbSplitBlksR of
- bs : _ -> bs
- [] -> []
- shapesL <- blocksToShapes blksL'
- shapesR <- blocksToShapes blksR'
- return $ TwoColumnSlide { twoColumnSlideHeader = []
- , twoColumnSlideLeft = shapesL
- , twoColumnSlideRight = shapesR
- }
-blocksToSlide' _ (blk : blks) = do
- inNoteSlide <- asks envInNoteSlide
- shapes <- if inNoteSlide
- then forceFontSize noteSize $ blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
- else blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
- return $ ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader = []
- , contentSlideContent = shapes
- }
-blocksToSlide' _ [] = return $ ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader = []
- , contentSlideContent = []
- }
-blocksToSlide :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> P m Slide
-blocksToSlide blks = do
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- blocksToSlide' slideLevel blks
-makeNoteEntry :: Int -> [Block] -> [Block]
-makeNoteEntry n blks =
- let enum = Str (show n ++ ".")
- in
- case blks of
- (Para ils : blks') -> (Para $ enum : Space : ils) : blks'
- _ -> (Para [enum]) : blks
-forceFontSize :: PandocMonad m => Pixels -> P m a -> P m a
-forceFontSize px x = do
- rpr <- asks envRunProps
- local (\r -> r {envRunProps = rpr{rPropForceSize = Just px}}) x
--- We leave these as blocks because we will want to include them in
--- the TOC.
-makeNotesSlideBlocks :: PandocMonad m => P m [Block]
-makeNotesSlideBlocks = do
- noteIds <- gets stNoteIds
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- meta <- asks envMetadata
- -- Get identifiers so we can give the notes section a unique ident.
- anchorSet <- M.keysSet <$> gets stAnchorMap
- if M.null noteIds
- then return []
- else do let title = case lookupMeta "notes-title" meta of
- Just val -> metaValueToInlines val
- Nothing -> [Str "Notes"]
- ident = Shared.uniqueIdent title anchorSet
- hdr = Header slideLevel (ident, [], []) title
- blks <- return $
- concatMap (\(n, bs) -> makeNoteEntry n bs) $
- M.toList noteIds
- return $ hdr : blks
-getMetaSlide :: PandocMonad m => P m (Maybe Slide)
-getMetaSlide = do
- meta <- asks envMetadata
- title <- inlinesToParElems $ docTitle meta
- subtitle <- inlinesToParElems $
- case lookupMeta "subtitle" meta of
- Just (MetaString s) -> [Str s]
- Just (MetaInlines ils) -> ils
- Just (MetaBlocks [Plain ils]) -> ils
- Just (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) -> ils
- _ -> []
- authors <- mapM inlinesToParElems $ docAuthors meta
- date <- inlinesToParElems $ docDate meta
- if null title && null subtitle && null authors && null date
- then return Nothing
- else return $ Just $ MetadataSlide { metadataSlideTitle = title
- , metadataSlideSubtitle = subtitle
- , metadataSlideAuthors = authors
- , metadataSlideDate = date
- }
--- adapted from the markdown writer
-elementToListItem :: PandocMonad m => Shared.Element -> P m [Block]
-elementToListItem (Shared.Sec lev _nums (ident,_,_) headerText subsecs) = do
- opts <- asks envOpts
- let headerLink = if null ident
- then walk Shared.deNote headerText
- else [Link nullAttr (walk Shared.deNote headerText)
- ('#':ident, "")]
- listContents <- if null subsecs || lev >= writerTOCDepth opts
- then return []
- else mapM elementToListItem subsecs
- return [Plain headerLink, BulletList listContents]
-elementToListItem (Shared.Blk _) = return []
-makeTOCSlide :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> P m Slide
-makeTOCSlide blks = do
- contents <- BulletList <$> mapM elementToListItem (Shared.hierarchicalize blks)
- meta <- asks envMetadata
- slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
- let tocTitle = case lookupMeta "toc-title" meta of
- Just val -> metaValueToInlines val
- Nothing -> [Str "Table of Contents"]
- hdr = Header slideLevel nullAttr tocTitle
- sld <- blocksToSlide [hdr, contents]
- return sld
-blocksToPresentation :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> P m Presentation
-blocksToPresentation blks = do
- opts <- asks envOpts
- let metadataStartNum = 1
- metadataslides <- maybeToList <$> getMetaSlide
- let tocStartNum = metadataStartNum + length metadataslides
- -- As far as I can tell, if we want to have a variable-length toc in
- -- the future, we'll have to make it twice. Once to get the length,
- -- and a second time to include the notes slide. We can't make the
- -- notes slide before the body slides because we need to know if
- -- there are notes, and we can't make either before the toc slide,
- -- because we need to know its length to get slide numbers right.
- --
- -- For now, though, since the TOC slide is only length 1, if it
- -- exists, we'll just get the length, and then come back to make the
- -- slide later
- let tocSlidesLength = if writerTableOfContents opts then 1 else 0
- let bodyStartNum = tocStartNum + tocSlidesLength
- blksLst <- splitBlocks blks
- bodyslides <- mapM
- (\(bs, n) -> local (\st -> st{envCurSlideId = n}) (blocksToSlide bs))
- (zip blksLst [bodyStartNum..])
- let noteStartNum = bodyStartNum + length bodyslides
- notesSlideBlocks <- makeNotesSlideBlocks
- -- now we come back and make the real toc...
- tocSlides <- if writerTableOfContents opts
- then do toc <- makeTOCSlide $ blks ++ notesSlideBlocks
- return [toc]
- else return []
- -- ... and the notes slide. We test to see if the blocks are empty,
- -- because we don't want to make an empty slide.
- notesSlides <- if null notesSlideBlocks
- then return []
- else do notesSlide <- local
- (\env -> env { envCurSlideId = noteStartNum
- , envInNoteSlide = True
- })
- (blocksToSlide $ notesSlideBlocks)
- return [notesSlide]
- return $
- Presentation $
- metadataslides ++ tocSlides ++ bodyslides ++ notesSlides
-copyFileToArchive :: PandocMonad m => Archive -> FilePath -> P m Archive
-copyFileToArchive arch fp = do
- refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- case findEntryByPath fp refArchive `mplus` findEntryByPath fp distArchive of
- Nothing -> fail $ fp ++ " missing in reference file"
- Just e -> return $ addEntryToArchive e arch
-inheritedPatterns :: [Pattern]
-inheritedPatterns = map compile [ "_rels/.rels"
- , "docProps/app.xml"
- , "docProps/core.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout*.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout*.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
- , "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/theme/theme1.xml"
- , "ppt/theme/_rels/theme1.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/presProps.xml"
- , "ppt/viewProps.xml"
- , "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
- , "ppt/media/image*"
- ]
-patternToFilePaths :: PandocMonad m => Pattern -> P m [FilePath]
-patternToFilePaths pat = do
- refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- let archiveFiles = filesInArchive refArchive `union` filesInArchive distArchive
- return $ filter (match pat) archiveFiles
-patternsToFilePaths :: PandocMonad m => [Pattern] -> P m [FilePath]
-patternsToFilePaths pats = concat <$> mapM patternToFilePaths pats
--- Here are the files we'll require to make a Powerpoint document. If
--- any of these are missing, we should error out of our build.
-requiredFiles :: [FilePath]
-requiredFiles = [ "_rels/.rels"
- , "docProps/app.xml"
- , "docProps/core.xml"
- , "ppt/presProps.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout1.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout2.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout3.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
- , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout4.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
- , "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
- , "ppt/theme/theme1.xml"
- , "ppt/viewProps.xml"
- , "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
- ]
-presentationToArchive :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Archive
-presentationToArchive p@(Presentation slides) = do
- filePaths <- patternsToFilePaths inheritedPatterns
- -- make sure all required files are available:
- let missingFiles = filter (\fp -> not (fp `elem` filePaths)) requiredFiles
- unless (null missingFiles)
- (throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- "The following required files are missing:\n" ++
- (unlines $ map (" " ++) missingFiles)
- )
- newArch' <- foldM copyFileToArchive emptyArchive filePaths
- -- presentation entry and rels. We have to do the rels first to make
- -- sure we know the correct offset for the rIds.
- presEntry <- presentationToPresEntry p
- presRelsEntry <- presentationToRelsEntry p
- slideEntries <- mapM (\(s, n) -> slideToEntry s n) $ zip slides [1..]
- slideRelEntries <- mapM (\(s,n) -> slideToSlideRelEntry s n) $ zip slides [1..]
- -- These have to come after everything, because they need the info
- -- built up in the state.
- mediaEntries <- makeMediaEntries
- contentTypesEntry <- presentationToContentTypes p >>= contentTypesToEntry
- -- fold everything into our inherited archive and return it.
- return $ foldr addEntryToArchive newArch' $
- slideEntries ++
- slideRelEntries ++
- mediaEntries ++
- [contentTypesEntry, presEntry, presRelsEntry]
-combineShapes :: [Shape] -> [Shape]
-combineShapes [] = []
-combineShapes (s : []) = [s]
-combineShapes (pic@(Pic _ _ _ _) : ss) = pic : combineShapes ss
-combineShapes ((TextBox []) : ss) = combineShapes ss
-combineShapes (s : TextBox [] : ss) = combineShapes (s : ss)
-combineShapes ((TextBox (p:ps)) : (TextBox (p':ps')) : ss) =
- combineShapes $ TextBox ((p:ps) ++ (p':ps')) : ss
-combineShapes (s:ss) = s : combineShapes ss
-getLayout :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
-getLayout slide = do
- let layoutpath = case slide of
- (MetadataSlide _ _ _ _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
- (TitleSlide _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
- (ContentSlide _ _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
- (TwoColumnSlide _ _ _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- root <- case findEntryByPath layoutpath distArchive of
- Just e -> case parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toStringLazy $ fromEntry e of
- Just element -> return $ element
- Nothing -> throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- layoutpath ++ " corrupt in reference file"
- Nothing -> throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- layoutpath ++ " missing in reference file"
- return root
-shapeHasName :: NameSpaces -> String -> Element -> Bool
-shapeHasName ns name element
- | Just nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") element
- , Just cNvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") nvSpPr
- , Just nm <- findAttr (QName "name" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
- nm == name
- | otherwise = False
-shapeHasId :: NameSpaces -> String -> Element -> Bool
-shapeHasId ns ident element
- | Just nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") element
- , Just cNvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") nvSpPr
- , Just nm <- findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
- nm == ident
- | otherwise = False
--- The content shape in slideLayout2 (Title/Content) has id=3 In
--- slideLayout4 (two column) the left column is id=3, and the right
--- column is id=4.
-getContentShape :: PandocMonad m => NameSpaces -> Element -> P m Element
-getContentShape ns spTreeElem
- | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem = do
- contentType <- asks envContentType
- let ident = case contentType of
- NormalContent -> "3"
- TwoColumnLeftContent -> "3"
- TwoColumnRightContent -> "4"
- case filterChild
- (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e))
- spTreeElem
- of
- Just e -> return e
- Nothing -> throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- "Could not find shape for Powerpoint content"
-getContentShape _ _ = throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- "Attempted to find content on non shapeTree"
-getShapeDimensions :: NameSpaces
- -> Element
- -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
-getShapeDimensions ns element
- | isElem ns "p" "sp" element = do
- spPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") element
- xfrm <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm") spPr
- off <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") xfrm
- xS <- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) off
- yS <- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) off
- ext <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") xfrm
- cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) ext
- cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) ext
- (x, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads xS
- (y, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads yS
- (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS
- (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS
- return $ ((x `div` 12700, y `div` 12700), (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700))
- | otherwise = Nothing
-getMasterShapeDimensionsById :: String
- -> Element
- -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
-getMasterShapeDimensionsById ident master = do
- let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
- cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") master
- spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
- sp <- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e)) spTree
- getShapeDimensions ns sp
-getContentShapeSize :: PandocMonad m
- => NameSpaces
- -> Element
- -> Element
- -> P m ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
-getContentShapeSize ns layout master
- | isElem ns "p" "sldLayout" layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- sp <- getContentShape ns spTree
- case getShapeDimensions ns sp of
- Just sz -> return sz
- Nothing -> do let mbSz =
- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") sp >>=
- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") >>=
- findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) >>=
- flip getMasterShapeDimensionsById master
- case mbSz of
- Just sz' -> return sz'
- Nothing -> throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- "Couldn't find necessary content shape size"
-getContentShapeSize _ _ _ = throwError $
- PandocSomeError $
- "Attempted to find content shape size in non-layout"
-replaceNamedChildren :: NameSpaces
- -> String
- -> String
- -> [Element]
- -> Element
- -> Element
-replaceNamedChildren ns prefix name newKids element =
- element { elContent = concat $ fun True $ elContent element }
- where
- fun :: Bool -> [Content] -> [[Content]]
- fun _ [] = []
- fun switch ((Elem e) : conts) | isElem ns prefix name e =
- if switch
- then (map Elem $ newKids) : fun False conts
- else fun False conts
- fun switch (cont : conts) = [cont] : fun switch conts
-registerLink :: PandocMonad m => (URL, String) -> P m Int
-registerLink link = do
- curSlideId <- asks envCurSlideId
- linkReg <- gets stLinkIds
- mediaReg <- gets stMediaIds
- let maxLinkId = case M.lookup curSlideId linkReg of
- Just mp -> case M.keys mp of
- [] -> 1
- ks -> maximum ks
- Nothing -> 1
- maxMediaId = case M.lookup curSlideId mediaReg of
- Just [] -> 1
- Just mInfos -> maximum $ map mInfoLocalId mInfos
- Nothing -> 1
- maxId = max maxLinkId maxMediaId
- slideLinks = case M.lookup curSlideId linkReg of
- Just mp -> M.insert (maxId + 1) link mp
- Nothing -> M.singleton (maxId + 1) link
- modify $ \st -> st{ stLinkIds = M.insert curSlideId slideLinks linkReg}
- return $ maxId + 1
-registerMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> [ParaElem] -> P m MediaInfo
-registerMedia fp caption = do
- curSlideId <- asks envCurSlideId
- linkReg <- gets stLinkIds
- mediaReg <- gets stMediaIds
- globalIds <- gets stMediaGlobalIds
- let maxLinkId = case M.lookup curSlideId linkReg of
- Just mp -> case M.keys mp of
- [] -> 1
- ks -> maximum ks
- Nothing -> 1
- maxMediaId = case M.lookup curSlideId mediaReg of
- Just [] -> 1
- Just mInfos -> maximum $ map mInfoLocalId mInfos
- Nothing -> 1
- maxLocalId = max maxLinkId maxMediaId
- maxGlobalId = case M.elems globalIds of
- [] -> 0
- ids -> maximum ids
- (imgBytes, mbMt) <- P.fetchItem fp
- let imgExt = (mbMt >>= extensionFromMimeType >>= (\x -> return $ '.':x))
- <|>
- case imageType imgBytes of
- Just Png -> Just ".png"
- Just Jpeg -> Just ".jpeg"
- Just Gif -> Just ".gif"
- Just Pdf -> Just ".pdf"
- Just Eps -> Just ".eps"
- Just Svg -> Just ".svg"
- Nothing -> Nothing
- let newGlobalId = case M.lookup fp globalIds of
- Just ident -> ident
- Nothing -> maxGlobalId + 1
- let newGlobalIds = M.insert fp newGlobalId globalIds
- let mediaInfo = MediaInfo { mInfoFilePath = fp
- , mInfoLocalId = maxLocalId + 1
- , mInfoGlobalId = newGlobalId
- , mInfoMimeType = mbMt
- , mInfoExt = imgExt
- , mInfoCaption = (not . null) caption
- }
- let slideMediaInfos = case M.lookup curSlideId mediaReg of
- Just minfos -> mediaInfo : minfos
- Nothing -> [mediaInfo]
- modify $ \st -> st{ stMediaIds = M.insert curSlideId slideMediaInfos mediaReg
- , stMediaGlobalIds = newGlobalIds
- }
- return mediaInfo
-makeMediaEntry :: PandocMonad m => MediaInfo -> P m Entry
-makeMediaEntry mInfo = do
- epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> asks envUTCTime
- (imgBytes, _) <- P.fetchItem (mInfoFilePath mInfo)
- let ext = case mInfoExt mInfo of
- Just e -> e
- Nothing -> ""
- let fp = "ppt/media/image" ++ (show $ mInfoGlobalId mInfo) ++ ext
- return $ toEntry fp epochtime $ BL.fromStrict imgBytes
-makeMediaEntries :: PandocMonad m => P m [Entry]
-makeMediaEntries = do
- mediaInfos <- gets stMediaIds
- let allInfos = mconcat $ M.elems mediaInfos
- mapM makeMediaEntry allInfos
--- -- | Scales the image to fit the page
--- -- sizes are passed in emu
--- fitToPage' :: (Double, Double) -- image size in emu
--- -> Integer -- pageWidth
--- -> Integer -- pageHeight
--- -> (Integer, Integer) -- imagesize
--- fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
--- -- Fixes width to the page width and scales the height
--- | x <= fromIntegral pageWidth && y <= fromIntegral pageHeight =
--- (floor x, floor y)
--- | x / fromIntegral pageWidth > y / fromIntegral pageWidth =
--- (pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
--- | otherwise =
--- (floor $ ((fromIntegral pageHeight) / y) * x, pageHeight)
--- positionImage :: (Double, Double) -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
--- positionImage (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight =
--- let (x', y') = fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
--- in
--- ((pageWidth - x') `div` 2, (pageHeight - y') `div` 2)
-getMaster :: PandocMonad m => P m Element
-getMaster = do
- refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
--- We want to get the header dimensions, so we can make sure that the
--- image goes underneath it. We only use this in a content slide if it
--- has a header.
--- getHeaderSize :: PandocMonad m => P m ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
--- getHeaderSize = do
--- master <- getMaster
--- let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
--- sps = [master] >>=
--- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "cSld") >>=
--- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "spTree") >>=
--- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "sp")
--- mbXfrm =
--- listToMaybe (filter (shapeHasName ns "Title Placeholder 1") sps) >>=
--- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") >>=
--- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm")
--- xoff = mbXfrm >>=
--- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
--- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) >>=
--- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
--- yoff = mbXfrm >>=
--- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
--- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) >>=
--- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
--- xext = mbXfrm >>=
--- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
--- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) >>=
--- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
--- yext = mbXfrm >>=
--- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
--- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) >>=
--- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
--- off = case xoff of
--- Just (xoff', _) | Just (yoff',_) <- yoff -> (xoff', yoff')
--- _ -> (1043490, 1027664)
--- ext = case xext of
--- Just (xext', _) | Just (yext',_) <- yext -> (xext', yext')
--- _ -> (7024744, 1143000)
--- return $ (off, ext)
--- Hard-coded for now
--- captionPosition :: ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
--- captionPosition = ((457200, 6061972), (8229600, 527087))
-captionHeight :: Integer
-captionHeight = 40
-createCaption :: PandocMonad m
- => ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
- -> [ParaElem]
- -> P m Element
-createCaption contentShapeDimensions paraElements = do
- let para = Paragraph def{pPropAlign = Just AlgnCenter} paraElements
- elements <- mapM paragraphToElement [para]
- let ((x, y), (cx, cy)) = contentShapeDimensions
- let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
- [mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++ elements
- return $
- mknode "p:sp" [] [ mknode "p:nvSpPr" []
- [ mknode "p:cNvPr" [("id","1"), ("name","TextBox 3")] ()
- , mknode "p:cNvSpPr" [("txBox", "1")] ()
- , mknode "p:nvPr" [] ()
- ]
- , mknode "p:spPr" []
- [ mknode "a:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x),
- ("y", show $ 12700 * (y + cy - captionHeight))] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx),
- ("cy", show $ 12700 * captionHeight)] ()
- ]
- , mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst", "rect")]
- [ mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
- ]
- , mknode "a:noFill" [] ()
- ]
- , txBody
- ]
-makePicElements :: PandocMonad m
- => Element
- -> PicProps
- -> MediaInfo
- -> Text.Pandoc.Definition.Attr
- -> [ParaElem]
- -> P m [Element]
-makePicElements layout picProps mInfo _ alt = do
- opts <- asks envOpts
- (pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
- -- hasHeader <- asks envSlideHasHeader
- let hasCaption = mInfoCaption mInfo
- (imgBytes, _) <- P.fetchItem (mInfoFilePath mInfo)
- let (pxX, pxY) = case imageSize opts imgBytes of
- Right sz -> sizeInPixels $ sz
- Left _ -> sizeInPixels $ def
- master <- getMaster
- let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
- ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) <- getContentShapeSize ns layout master
- `catchError`
- (\_ -> return ((0, 0), (pageWidth, pageHeight)))
- let cy = if hasCaption then cytmp - captionHeight else cytmp
- let imgRatio = fromIntegral pxX / fromIntegral pxY :: Double
- boxRatio = fromIntegral cx / fromIntegral cy :: Double
- (dimX, dimY) = if imgRatio > boxRatio
- then (fromIntegral cx, fromIntegral cx / imgRatio)
- else (fromIntegral cy * imgRatio, fromIntegral cy)
- (dimX', dimY') = (round dimX * 12700, round dimY * 12700) :: (Integer, Integer)
- (xoff, yoff) = (fromIntegral x + (fromIntegral cx - dimX) / 2,
- fromIntegral y + (fromIntegral cy - dimY) / 2)
- (xoff', yoff') = (round xoff * 12700, round yoff * 12700) :: (Integer, Integer)
- let cNvPicPr = mknode "p:cNvPicPr" [] $
- mknode "a:picLocks" [("noGrp","1")
- ,("noChangeAspect","1")] ()
- -- cNvPr will contain the link information so we do that separately,
- -- and register the link if necessary.
- let cNvPrAttr = [("descr", mInfoFilePath mInfo), ("id","0"),("name","Picture 1")]
- cNvPr <- case picPropLink picProps of
- Just link -> do idNum <- registerLink link
- return $ mknode "p:cNvPr" cNvPrAttr $
- mknode "a:hlinkClick" [("r:id", "rId" ++ show idNum)] ()
- Nothing -> return $ mknode "p:cNvPr" cNvPrAttr ()
- let nvPicPr = mknode "p:nvPicPr" []
- [ cNvPr
- , cNvPicPr
- , mknode "p:nvPr" [] ()]
- let blipFill = mknode "p:blipFill" []
- [ mknode "a:blip" [("r:embed", "rId" ++ (show $ mInfoLocalId mInfo))] ()
- , mknode "a:stretch" [] $
- mknode "a:fillRect" [] () ]
- let xfrm = mknode "a:xfrm" []
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x",show xoff'), ("y",show yoff')] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",show dimX')
- ,("cy",show dimY')] () ]
- let prstGeom = mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst","rect")] $
- mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
- let ln = mknode "a:ln" [("w","9525")]
- [ mknode "a:noFill" [] ()
- , mknode "a:headEnd" [] ()
- , mknode "a:tailEnd" [] () ]
- let spPr = mknode "p:spPr" [("bwMode","auto")]
- [xfrm, prstGeom, mknode "a:noFill" [] (), ln]
- let picShape = mknode "p:pic" []
- [ nvPicPr
- , blipFill
- , spPr ]
- -- And now, maybe create the caption:
- if hasCaption
- then do cap <- createCaption ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) alt
- return [picShape, cap]
- else return [picShape]
--- Currently hardcoded, until I figure out how to make it dynamic.
-blockQuoteSize :: Pixels
-blockQuoteSize = 20
-noteSize :: Pixels
-noteSize = 18
-paraElemToElement :: PandocMonad m => ParaElem -> P m Element
-paraElemToElement Break = return $ mknode "a:br" [] ()
-paraElemToElement (Run rpr s) = do
- let sizeAttrs = case rPropForceSize rpr of
- Just n -> [("sz", (show $ n * 100))]
- Nothing -> []
- attrs = sizeAttrs ++
- if rPropCode rpr
- then []
- else (if rPropBold rpr then [("b", "1")] else []) ++
- (if rPropItalics rpr then [("i", "1")] else []) ++
- (case rStrikethrough rpr of
- Just NoStrike -> [("strike", "noStrike")]
- Just SingleStrike -> [("strike", "sngStrike")]
- Just DoubleStrike -> [("strike", "dblStrike")]
- Nothing -> []) ++
- (case rBaseline rpr of
- Just n -> [("baseline", show n)]
- Nothing -> []) ++
- (case rCap rpr of
- Just NoCapitals -> [("cap", "none")]
- Just SmallCapitals -> [("cap", "small")]
- Just AllCapitals -> [("cap", "all")]
- Nothing -> []) ++
- []
- linkProps <- case rLink rpr of
- Just link -> do
- idNum <- registerLink link
- -- first we have to make sure that if it's an
- -- anchor, it's in the anchor map. If not, there's
- -- no link.
- anchorMap <- gets stAnchorMap
- return $ case link of
- -- anchor with nothing in the map
- ('#':target, _) | Nothing <- M.lookup target anchorMap ->
- []
- -- anchor that is in the map
- ('#':_, _) ->
- let linkAttrs =
- [ ("r:id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
- , ("action", "ppaction://hlinksldjump")
- ]
- in [mknode "a:hlinkClick" linkAttrs ()]
- -- external
- _ ->
- let linkAttrs =
- [ ("r:id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
- ]
- in [mknode "a:hlinkClick" linkAttrs ()]
- Nothing -> return []
- let propContents = if rPropCode rpr
- then [mknode "a:latin" [("typeface", "Courier")] ()]
- else linkProps
- return $ mknode "a:r" [] [ mknode "a:rPr" attrs propContents
- , mknode "a:t" [] s
- ]
-paraElemToElement (MathElem mathType texStr) = do
- res <- convertMath writeOMML mathType (unTeXString texStr)
- case res of
- Right r -> return $ mknode "a14:m" [] $ addMathInfo r
- Left (Str s) -> paraElemToElement (Run def s)
- Left _ -> throwError $ PandocShouldNeverHappenError "non-string math fallback"
--- This is a bit of a kludge -- really requires adding an option to
--- TeXMath, but since that's a different package, we'll do this one
--- step at a time.
-addMathInfo :: Element -> Element
-addMathInfo element =
- let mathspace = Attr { attrKey = (QName "m" Nothing (Just "xmlns"))
- , attrVal = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"
- }
- in add_attr mathspace element
--- We look through the element to see if it contains an a14:m
--- element. If so, we surround it. This is a bit ugly, but it seems
--- more dependable than looking through shapes for math. Plus this is
--- an xml implementation detail, so it seems to make sense to do it at
--- the xml level.
-surroundWithMathAlternate :: Element -> Element
-surroundWithMathAlternate element =
- case findElement (QName "m" Nothing (Just "a14")) element of
- Just _ ->
- mknode "mc:AlternateContent"
- [("xmlns:mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006")
- ] [ mknode "mc:Choice"
- [ ("xmlns:a14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2010/main")
- , ("Requires", "a14")] [ element ]
- ]
- Nothing -> element
-paragraphToElement :: PandocMonad m => Paragraph -> P m Element
-paragraphToElement par = do
- let
- attrs = [("lvl", show $ pPropLevel $ paraProps par)] ++
- (case pPropMarginLeft (paraProps par) of
- Just px -> [("marL", show $ 12700 * px), ("indent", "0")]
- Nothing -> []
- ) ++
- (case pPropAlign (paraProps par) of
- Just AlgnLeft -> [("algn", "l")]
- Just AlgnRight -> [("algn", "r")]
- Just AlgnCenter -> [("algn", "ctr")]
- Nothing -> []
- )
- props = [] ++
- (case pPropSpaceBefore $ paraProps par of
- Just px -> [mknode "a:spcBef" [] [
- mknode "a:spcPts" [("val", show $ 100 * px)] ()
- ]
- ]
- Nothing -> []
- ) ++
- (case pPropBullet $ paraProps par of
- Just Bullet -> []
- Just (AutoNumbering attrs') ->
- [mknode "a:buAutoNum" [("type", autoNumberingToType attrs')] ()]
- Nothing -> [mknode "a:buNone" [] ()]
- )
- paras <- mapM paraElemToElement (combineParaElems $ paraElems par)
- return $ mknode "a:p" [] $ [mknode "a:pPr" attrs props] ++ paras
-shapeToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> Shape -> P m Element
-shapeToElement layout (TextBox paras)
- | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- sp <- getContentShape ns spTree
- elements <- mapM paragraphToElement paras
- let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
- [mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++ elements
- emptySpPr = mknode "p:spPr" [] ()
- return $
- surroundWithMathAlternate $
- replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "txBody" [txBody] $
- replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "spPr" [emptySpPr] $
- sp
--- GraphicFrame and Pic should never reach this.
-shapeToElement _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-shapeToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> Shape -> P m [Element]
-shapeToElements layout (Pic picProps fp attr alt) = do
- mInfo <- registerMedia fp alt
- case mInfoExt mInfo of
- Just _ -> do
- makePicElements layout picProps mInfo attr alt
- Nothing -> shapeToElements layout $ TextBox [Paragraph def alt]
-shapeToElements layout (GraphicFrame tbls cptn) =
- graphicFrameToElements layout tbls cptn
-shapeToElements layout shp = do
- element <- shapeToElement layout shp
- return [element]
-shapesToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [Shape] -> P m [Element]
-shapesToElements layout shps = do
- concat <$> mapM (shapeToElements layout) shps
-hardcodedTableMargin :: Integer
-hardcodedTableMargin = 36
-graphicFrameToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [Graphic] -> [ParaElem] -> P m [Element]
-graphicFrameToElements layout tbls caption = do
- -- get the sizing
- master <- getMaster
- (pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
- let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
- ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) <- getContentShapeSize ns layout master
- `catchError`
- (\_ -> return ((0, 0), (pageWidth, pageHeight)))
- let cy = if (not $ null caption) then cytmp - captionHeight else cytmp
- elements <- mapM graphicToElement tbls
- let graphicFrameElts =
- mknode "p:graphicFrame" [] $
- [ mknode "p:nvGraphicFramePr" [] $
- [ mknode "p:cNvPr" [("id", "6"), ("name", "Content Placeholder 5")] ()
- , mknode "p:cNvGraphicFramePr" [] $
- [mknode "a:graphicFrameLocks" [("noGrp", "1")] ()]
- , mknode "p:nvPr" [] $
- [mknode "p:ph" [("idx", "1")] ()]
- ]
- , mknode "p:xfrm" [] $
- [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x), ("y", show $ 12700 * y)] ()
- , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx), ("cy", show $ 12700 * cy)] ()
- ]
- ] ++ elements
- if (not $ null caption)
- then do capElt <- createCaption ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) caption
- return [graphicFrameElts, capElt]
- else return [graphicFrameElts]
-graphicToElement :: PandocMonad m => Graphic -> P m Element
-graphicToElement (Tbl tblPr colWidths hdrCells rows) = do
- let cellToOpenXML paras =
- do elements <- mapM paragraphToElement paras
- let elements' = if null elements
- then [mknode "a:p" [] [mknode "a:endParaRPr" [] ()]]
- else elements
- return $
- [mknode "a:txBody" [] $
- ([ mknode "a:bodyPr" [] ()
- , mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()]
- ++ elements')]
- headers' <- mapM cellToOpenXML hdrCells
- rows' <- mapM (mapM cellToOpenXML) rows
- let borderProps = mknode "a:tcPr" [] ()
- let emptyCell = [mknode "a:p" [] [mknode "a:pPr" [] ()]]
- let mkcell border contents = mknode "a:tc" []
- $ (if null contents
- then emptyCell
- else contents) ++ [ borderProps | border ]
- let mkrow border cells = mknode "a:tr" [("h", "0")] $ map (mkcell border) cells
- let mkgridcol w = mknode "a:gridCol"
- [("w", show ((12700 * w) :: Integer))] ()
- let hasHeader = not (all null hdrCells)
- return $ mknode "a:graphic" [] $
- [mknode "a:graphicData" [("uri", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table")] $
- [mknode "a:tbl" [] $
- [ mknode "a:tblPr" [ ("firstRow", if tblPrFirstRow tblPr then "1" else "0")
- , ("bandRow", if tblPrBandRow tblPr then "1" else "0")
- ] ()
- , mknode "a:tblGrid" [] (if all (==0) colWidths
- then []
- else map mkgridcol colWidths)
- ]
- ++ [ mkrow True headers' | hasHeader ] ++ map (mkrow False) rows'
- ]
- ]
-getShapeByName :: NameSpaces -> Element -> String -> Maybe Element
-getShapeByName ns spTreeElem name
- | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasName ns name e)) spTreeElem
- | otherwise = Nothing
--- getShapeById :: NameSpaces -> Element -> String -> Maybe Element
--- getShapeById ns spTreeElem ident
--- | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
--- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e)) spTreeElem
--- | otherwise = Nothing
-nonBodyTextToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> String -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
-nonBodyTextToElement layout shapeName paraElements
- | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
- , Just sp <- getShapeByName ns spTree shapeName = do
- let hdrPara = Paragraph def paraElements
- element <- paragraphToElement hdrPara
- let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
- [mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++
- [element]
- return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "txBody" [txBody] sp
- -- XXX: TODO
- | otherwise = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-contentToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> [Shape] -> P m Element
-contentToElement layout hdrShape shapes
- | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" hdrShape
- let hdrShapeElements = if null hdrShape
- then []
- else [element]
- contentElements <- local
- (\env -> env {envContentType = NormalContent})
- (shapesToElements layout shapes)
- return $
- replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
- (hdrShapeElements ++ contentElements)
- spTree
-contentToElement _ _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-twoColumnToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> [Shape] -> [Shape] -> P m Element
-twoColumnToElement layout hdrShape shapesL shapesR
- | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" hdrShape
- let hdrShapeElements = if null hdrShape
- then []
- else [element]
- contentElementsL <- local
- (\env -> env {envContentType =TwoColumnLeftContent})
- (shapesToElements layout shapesL)
- contentElementsR <- local
- (\env -> env {envContentType =TwoColumnRightContent})
- (shapesToElements layout shapesR)
- -- let contentElementsL' = map (setIdx ns "1") contentElementsL
- -- contentElementsR' = map (setIdx ns "2") contentElementsR
- return $
- replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
- (hdrShapeElements ++ contentElementsL ++ contentElementsR)
- spTree
-twoColumnToElement _ _ _ _= return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-titleToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
-titleToElement layout titleElems
- | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" titleElems
- let titleShapeElements = if null titleElems
- then []
- else [element]
- return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp" titleShapeElements spTree
-titleToElement _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-metadataToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> [ParaElem] -> [[ParaElem]] -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
-metadataToElement layout titleElems subtitleElems authorsElems dateElems
- | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
- , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
- , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
- titleShapeElements <- if null titleElems
- then return []
- else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" titleElems]
- let combinedAuthorElems = intercalate [Break] authorsElems
- subtitleAndAuthorElems = intercalate [Break, Break] [subtitleElems, combinedAuthorElems]
- subtitleShapeElements <- if null subtitleAndAuthorElems
- then return []
- else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout "Subtitle 2" subtitleAndAuthorElems]
- dateShapeElements <- if null dateElems
- then return []
- else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout "Date Placeholder 3" dateElems]
- return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
- (titleShapeElements ++ subtitleShapeElements ++ dateShapeElements)
- spTree
-metadataToElement _ _ _ _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
-slideToElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
-slideToElement s@(ContentSlide hdrElems shapes) = do
- layout <- getLayout s
- spTree <- local (\env -> if null hdrElems
- then env
- else env{envSlideHasHeader=True}) $
- contentToElement layout hdrElems shapes
- return $ mknode "p:sld"
- [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
- ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
- ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
- ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
-slideToElement s@(TwoColumnSlide hdrElems shapesL shapesR) = do
- layout <- getLayout s
- spTree <- local (\env -> if null hdrElems
- then env
- else env{envSlideHasHeader=True}) $
- twoColumnToElement layout hdrElems shapesL shapesR
- return $ mknode "p:sld"
- [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
- ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
- ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
- ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
-slideToElement s@(TitleSlide hdrElems) = do
- layout <- getLayout s
- spTree <- titleToElement layout hdrElems
- return $ mknode "p:sld"
- [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
- ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
- ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
- ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
-slideToElement s@(MetadataSlide titleElems subtitleElems authorElems dateElems) = do
- layout <- getLayout s
- spTree <- metadataToElement layout titleElems subtitleElems authorElems dateElems
- return $ mknode "p:sld"
- [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
- ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
- ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
- ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
-slideToFilePath :: Slide -> Int -> FilePath
-slideToFilePath _ idNum = "slide" ++ (show $ idNum) ++ ".xml"
-slideToSlideId :: Monad m => Slide -> Int -> P m String
-slideToSlideId _ idNum = do
- n <- asks envSlideIdOffset
- return $ "rId" ++ (show $ idNum + n)
-data Relationship = Relationship { relId :: Int
- , relType :: MimeType
- , relTarget :: FilePath
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
-elementToRel :: Element -> Maybe Relationship
-elementToRel element
- | elName element == QName "Relationship" (Just "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships") Nothing =
- do rId <- findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) element
- numStr <- stripPrefix "rId" rId
- num <- case reads numStr :: [(Int, String)] of
- (n, _) : _ -> Just n
- [] -> Nothing
- type' <- findAttr (QName "Type" Nothing Nothing) element
- target <- findAttr (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) element
- return $ Relationship num type' target
- | otherwise = Nothing
-slideToPresRel :: Monad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Relationship
-slideToPresRel slide idNum = do
- n <- asks envSlideIdOffset
- let rId = idNum + n
- fp = "slides/" ++ slideToFilePath slide idNum
- return $ Relationship { relId = rId
- , relType = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide"
- , relTarget = fp
- }
-getRels :: PandocMonad m => P m [Relationship]
-getRels = do
- refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- relsElem <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels"
- let globalNS = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"
- let relElems = findChildren (QName "Relationship" (Just globalNS) Nothing) relsElem
- return $ mapMaybe elementToRel relElems
-presentationToRels :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m [Relationship]
-presentationToRels (Presentation slides) = do
- mySlideRels <- mapM (\(s, n) -> slideToPresRel s n) $ zip slides [1..]
- rels <- getRels
- let relsWithoutSlides = filter (\r -> relType r /= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide") rels
- -- We want to make room for the slides in the id space. The slides
- -- will start at Id2 (since Id1 is for the slide master). There are
- -- two slides in the data file, but that might change in the future,
- -- so we will do this:
- --
- -- 1. We look to see what the minimum relWithoutSlide id (greater than 1) is.
- -- 2. We add the difference between this and the number of slides to
- -- all relWithoutSlide rels (unless they're 1)
- let minRelNotOne = case filter (1<) $ map relId relsWithoutSlides of
- [] -> 0 -- doesn't matter in this case, since
- -- there will be nothing to map the
- -- function over
- l -> minimum l
- modifyRelNum :: Int -> Int
- modifyRelNum 1 = 1
- modifyRelNum n = n - minRelNotOne + 2 + length slides
- relsWithoutSlides' = map (\r -> r{relId = modifyRelNum $ relId r}) relsWithoutSlides
- return $ mySlideRels ++ relsWithoutSlides'
-relToElement :: Relationship -> Element
-relToElement rel = mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ (show $ relId rel))
- , ("Type", relType rel)
- , ("Target", relTarget rel) ] ()
-relsToElement :: [Relationship] -> Element
-relsToElement rels = mknode "Relationships"
- [("xmlns", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships")]
- (map relToElement rels)
-presentationToRelsEntry :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Entry
-presentationToRelsEntry pres = do
- rels <- presentationToRels pres
- elemToEntry "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels" $ relsToElement rels
-elemToEntry :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Element -> P m Entry
-elemToEntry fp element = do
- epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> asks envUTCTime
- return $ toEntry fp epochtime $ renderXml element
-slideToEntry :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Entry
-slideToEntry slide idNum = do
- local (\env -> env{envCurSlideId = idNum}) $ do
- element <- slideToElement slide
- elemToEntry ("ppt/slides/" ++ slideToFilePath slide idNum) element
-slideToSlideRelEntry :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Entry
-slideToSlideRelEntry slide idNum = do
- element <- slideToSlideRelElement slide idNum
- elemToEntry ("ppt/slides/_rels/" ++ slideToFilePath slide idNum ++ ".rels") element
-linkRelElement :: PandocMonad m => Int -> (URL, String) -> P m (Maybe Element)
-linkRelElement idNum (url, _) = do
- anchorMap <- gets stAnchorMap
- case url of
- -- if it's an anchor in the map, we use the slide number for an
- -- internal link.
- '#' : anchor | Just num <- M.lookup anchor anchorMap ->
- return $ Just $
- mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
- , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide")
- , ("Target", "slide" ++ show num ++ ".xml")
- ] ()
- -- if it's an anchor not in the map, we return nothing.
- '#' : _ -> return Nothing
- -- Anything else we treat as an external link
- _ ->
- return $ Just $
- mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
- , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink")
- , ("Target", url)
- , ("TargetMode", "External")
- ] ()
-linkRelElements :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Int (URL, String) -> P m [Element]
-linkRelElements mp = catMaybes <$> mapM (\(n, lnk) -> linkRelElement n lnk) (M.toList mp)
-mediaRelElement :: MediaInfo -> Element
-mediaRelElement mInfo =
- let ext = case mInfoExt mInfo of
- Just e -> e
- Nothing -> ""
- in
- mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ (show $ mInfoLocalId mInfo))
- , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image")
- , ("Target", "../media/image" ++ (show $ mInfoGlobalId mInfo) ++ ext)
- ] ()
-slideToSlideRelElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Element
-slideToSlideRelElement slide idNum = do
- let target = case slide of
- (MetadataSlide _ _ _ _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
- (TitleSlide _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
- (ContentSlide _ _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
- (TwoColumnSlide _ _ _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
- linkIds <- gets stLinkIds
- mediaIds <- gets stMediaIds
- linkRels <- case M.lookup idNum linkIds of
- Just mp -> linkRelElements mp
- Nothing -> return []
- let mediaRels = case M.lookup idNum mediaIds of
- Just mInfos -> map mediaRelElement mInfos
- Nothing -> []
- return $
- mknode "Relationships"
- [("xmlns", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships")]
- ([mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId1")
- , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slideLayout")
- , ("Target", target)] ()
- ] ++ linkRels ++ mediaRels)
-slideToSldIdElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Element
-slideToSldIdElement slide idNum = do
- let id' = show $ idNum + 255
- rId <- slideToSlideId slide idNum
- return $ mknode "p:sldId" [("id", id'), ("r:id", rId)] ()
-presentationToSldIdLst :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Element
-presentationToSldIdLst (Presentation slides) = do
- ids <- mapM (\(s,n) -> slideToSldIdElement s n) (zip slides [1..])
- return $ mknode "p:sldIdLst" [] ids
-presentationToPresentationElement :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Element
-presentationToPresentationElement pres = do
- refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
- distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
- element <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/presentation.xml"
- sldIdLst <- presentationToSldIdLst pres
- let modifySldIdLst :: Content -> Content
- modifySldIdLst (Elem e) = case elName e of
- (QName "sldIdLst" _ _) -> Elem sldIdLst
- _ -> Elem e
- modifySldIdLst ct = ct
- newContent = map modifySldIdLst $ elContent element
- return $ element{elContent = newContent}
-presentationToPresEntry :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Entry
-presentationToPresEntry pres = presentationToPresentationElement pres >>=
- elemToEntry "ppt/presentation.xml"
-defaultContentTypeToElem :: DefaultContentType -> Element
-defaultContentTypeToElem dct =
- mknode "Default"
- [("Extension", defContentTypesExt dct),
- ("ContentType", defContentTypesType dct)]
- ()
-overrideContentTypeToElem :: OverrideContentType -> Element
-overrideContentTypeToElem oct =
- mknode "Override"
- [("PartName", overrideContentTypesPart oct),
- ("ContentType", overrideContentTypesType oct)]
- ()
-contentTypesToElement :: ContentTypes -> Element
-contentTypesToElement ct =
- let ns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"
- in
- mknode "Types" [("xmlns", ns)] $
- (map defaultContentTypeToElem $ contentTypesDefaults ct) ++
- (map overrideContentTypeToElem $ contentTypesOverrides ct)
-data DefaultContentType = DefaultContentType
- { defContentTypesExt :: String
- , defContentTypesType:: MimeType
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data OverrideContentType = OverrideContentType
- { overrideContentTypesPart :: FilePath
- , overrideContentTypesType :: MimeType
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-data ContentTypes = ContentTypes { contentTypesDefaults :: [DefaultContentType]
- , contentTypesOverrides :: [OverrideContentType]
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-contentTypesToEntry :: PandocMonad m => ContentTypes -> P m Entry
-contentTypesToEntry ct = elemToEntry "[Content_Types].xml" $ contentTypesToElement ct
-pathToOverride :: FilePath -> Maybe OverrideContentType
-pathToOverride fp = OverrideContentType ("/" ++ fp) <$> (getContentType fp)
-mediaFileContentType :: FilePath -> Maybe DefaultContentType
-mediaFileContentType fp = case takeExtension fp of
- '.' : ext -> Just $
- DefaultContentType { defContentTypesExt = ext
- , defContentTypesType =
- case getMimeType fp of
- Just mt -> mt
- Nothing -> "application/octet-stream"
- }
- _ -> Nothing
-mediaContentType :: MediaInfo -> Maybe DefaultContentType
-mediaContentType mInfo
- | Just ('.' : ext) <- mInfoExt mInfo =
- Just $ DefaultContentType { defContentTypesExt = ext
- , defContentTypesType =
- case mInfoMimeType mInfo of
- Just mt -> mt
- Nothing -> "application/octet-stream"
- }
- | otherwise = Nothing
-presentationToContentTypes :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m ContentTypes
-presentationToContentTypes (Presentation slides) = do
- mediaInfos <- (mconcat . M.elems) <$> gets stMediaIds
- filePaths <- patternsToFilePaths inheritedPatterns
- let mediaFps = filter (match (compile "ppt/media/image*")) filePaths
- let defaults = [ DefaultContentType "xml" "application/xml"
- , DefaultContentType "rels" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"
- ]
- mediaDefaults = nub $
- (mapMaybe mediaContentType $ mediaInfos) ++
- (mapMaybe mediaFileContentType $ mediaFps)
- inheritedOverrides = mapMaybe pathToOverride filePaths
- presOverride = mapMaybe pathToOverride ["ppt/presentation.xml"]
- slideOverrides =
- mapMaybe
- (\(s, n) ->
- pathToOverride $ "ppt/slides/" ++ slideToFilePath s n)
- (zip slides [1..])
- -- propOverride = mapMaybe pathToOverride ["docProps/core.xml"]
- return $ ContentTypes
- (defaults ++ mediaDefaults)
- (inheritedOverrides ++ presOverride ++ slideOverrides)
-presML :: String
-presML = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml"
-noPresML :: String
-noPresML = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument"
-getContentType :: FilePath -> Maybe MimeType
-getContentType fp
- | fp == "ppt/presentation.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".presentation.main+xml"
- | fp == "ppt/presProps.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".presProps+xml"
- | fp == "ppt/viewProps.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".viewProps+xml"
- | fp == "ppt/tableStyles.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".tableStyles+xml"
- | fp == "docProps/core.xml" = Just $ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"
- | fp == "docProps/app.xml" = Just $ noPresML ++ ".extended-properties+xml"
- | "ppt" : "slideMasters" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
- , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
- Just $ presML ++ ".slideMaster+xml"
- | "ppt" : "slides" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
- , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
- Just $ presML ++ ".slide+xml"
- | "ppt" : "notesMasters" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
- , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
- Just $ presML ++ ".notesMaster+xml"
- | "ppt" : "notesSlides" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
- , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
- Just $ presML ++ ".notesSlide+xml"
- | "ppt" : "theme" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
- , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
- Just $ noPresML ++ ".theme+xml"
- | "ppt" : "slideLayouts" : _ : [] <- splitDirectories fp=
- Just $ presML ++ ".slideLayout+xml"
- | otherwise = Nothing
-combineParaElems' :: Maybe ParaElem -> [ParaElem] -> [ParaElem]
-combineParaElems' mbPElem [] = maybeToList mbPElem
-combineParaElems' Nothing (pElem : pElems) =
- combineParaElems' (Just pElem) pElems
-combineParaElems' (Just pElem') (pElem : pElems)
- | Run rPr' s' <- pElem'
- , Run rPr s <- pElem
- , rPr == rPr' =
- combineParaElems' (Just $ Run rPr' $ s' ++ s) pElems
- | otherwise =
- pElem' : combineParaElems' (Just pElem) pElems
-combineParaElems :: [ParaElem] -> [ParaElem]
-combineParaElems = combineParaElems' Nothing
+ pres <- documentToPresentation opts (Pandoc meta blks')
+ archv <- presentationToArchive opts pres
+ return $ fromArchive archv
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3df62690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Output.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Output
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Jesse Rosenthal
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+Conversion of Presentation datatype (defined in
+Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation) to a zip archive.
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Output ( presentationToArchive
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Except (throwError, catchError)
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Codec.Archive.Zip
+import Data.List (intercalate, stripPrefix, nub, union)
+import Data.Default
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds, posixSecondsToUTCTime)
+import System.FilePath.Posix (splitDirectories, splitExtension, takeExtension)
+import Text.XML.Light
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.UTF8 as UTF8
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
+import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError(..))
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as P
+import Text.Pandoc.Options
+import Text.Pandoc.MIME
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.OOXML
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, listToMaybe, catMaybes)
+import Text.Pandoc.ImageSize
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import System.FilePath.Glob
+import Text.TeXMath
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Math (convertMath)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation
+-- This populates the global ids map with images already in the
+-- template, so the ids won't be used by images introduced by the
+-- user.
+initialGlobalIds :: Archive -> Archive -> M.Map FilePath Int
+initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive =
+ let archiveFiles = filesInArchive refArchive `union` filesInArchive distArchive
+ mediaPaths = filter (match (compile "ppt/media/image")) archiveFiles
+ go :: FilePath -> Maybe (FilePath, Int)
+ go fp = do
+ s <- stripPrefix "ppt/media/image" $ fst $ splitExtension fp
+ (n, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads s
+ return (fp, n)
+ in
+ M.fromList $ mapMaybe go mediaPaths
+getPresentationSize :: Archive -> Archive -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
+getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive = do
+ entry <- findEntryByPath "ppt/presentation.xml" refArchive `mplus`
+ findEntryByPath "ppt/presentation.xml" distArchive
+ presElement <- parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toStringLazy $ fromEntry entry
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces presElement
+ sldSize <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "sldSz") presElement
+ cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
+ cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) sldSize
+ (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
+ (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS :: Maybe (Integer, String)
+ return (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700)
+data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envRefArchive :: Archive
+ , envDistArchive :: Archive
+ , envUTCTime :: UTCTime
+ , envOpts :: WriterOptions
+ , envPresentationSize :: (Integer, Integer)
+ , envSlideHasHeader :: Bool
+ , envInList :: Bool
+ , envInNoteSlide :: Bool
+ , envCurSlideId :: Int
+ -- the difference between the number at
+ -- the end of the slide file name and
+ -- the rId number
+ , envSlideIdOffset :: Int
+ , envContentType :: ContentType
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Default WriterEnv where
+ def = WriterEnv { envRefArchive = emptyArchive
+ , envDistArchive = emptyArchive
+ , envUTCTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime 0
+ , envOpts = def
+ , envPresentationSize = (720, 540)
+ , envSlideHasHeader = False
+ , envInList = False
+ , envInNoteSlide = False
+ , envCurSlideId = 1
+ , envSlideIdOffset = 1
+ , envContentType = NormalContent
+ }
+data ContentType = NormalContent
+ | TwoColumnLeftContent
+ | TwoColumnRightContent
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data MediaInfo = MediaInfo { mInfoFilePath :: FilePath
+ , mInfoLocalId :: Int
+ , mInfoGlobalId :: Int
+ , mInfoMimeType :: Maybe MimeType
+ , mInfoExt :: Maybe String
+ , mInfoCaption :: Bool
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+data WriterState = WriterState { stLinkIds :: M.Map Int (M.Map Int (URL, String))
+ -- (FP, Local ID, Global ID, Maybe Mime)
+ , stMediaIds :: M.Map Int [MediaInfo]
+ , stMediaGlobalIds :: M.Map FilePath Int
+ , stNoteIds :: M.Map Int [Block]
+ -- associate anchors with slide id
+ , stAnchorMap :: M.Map String Int
+ -- media inherited from the template.
+ , stTemplateMedia :: [FilePath]
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default WriterState where
+ def = WriterState { stLinkIds = mempty
+ , stMediaIds = mempty
+ , stMediaGlobalIds = mempty
+ , stNoteIds = mempty
+ , stAnchorMap= mempty
+ , stTemplateMedia = []
+ }
+type P m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
+runP :: Monad m => WriterEnv -> WriterState -> P m a -> m a
+runP env st p = evalStateT (runReaderT p env) st
+copyFileToArchive :: PandocMonad m => Archive -> FilePath -> P m Archive
+copyFileToArchive arch fp = do
+ refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ case findEntryByPath fp refArchive `mplus` findEntryByPath fp distArchive of
+ Nothing -> fail $ fp ++ " missing in reference file"
+ Just e -> return $ addEntryToArchive e arch
+inheritedPatterns :: [Pattern]
+inheritedPatterns = map compile [ "_rels/.rels"
+ , "docProps/app.xml"
+ , "docProps/core.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout*.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout*.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/theme/theme1.xml"
+ , "ppt/theme/_rels/theme1.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/presProps.xml"
+ , "ppt/viewProps.xml"
+ , "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
+ , "ppt/media/image*"
+ ]
+patternToFilePaths :: PandocMonad m => Pattern -> P m [FilePath]
+patternToFilePaths pat = do
+ refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ let archiveFiles = filesInArchive refArchive `union` filesInArchive distArchive
+ return $ filter (match pat) archiveFiles
+patternsToFilePaths :: PandocMonad m => [Pattern] -> P m [FilePath]
+patternsToFilePaths pats = concat <$> mapM patternToFilePaths pats
+-- Here are the files we'll require to make a Powerpoint document. If
+-- any of these are missing, we should error out of our build.
+requiredFiles :: [FilePath]
+requiredFiles = [ "_rels/.rels"
+ , "docProps/app.xml"
+ , "docProps/core.xml"
+ , "ppt/presProps.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout1.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout2.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout3.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideLayouts/_rels/slideLayout4.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
+ , "ppt/slideMasters/_rels/slideMaster1.xml.rels"
+ , "ppt/theme/theme1.xml"
+ , "ppt/viewProps.xml"
+ , "ppt/tableStyles.xml"
+ ]
+presentationToArchiveP :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Archive
+presentationToArchiveP p@(Presentation slides) = do
+ filePaths <- patternsToFilePaths inheritedPatterns
+ -- make sure all required files are available:
+ let missingFiles = filter (\fp -> not (fp `elem` filePaths)) requiredFiles
+ unless (null missingFiles)
+ (throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "The following required files are missing:\n" ++
+ (unlines $ map (" " ++) missingFiles)
+ )
+ newArch' <- foldM copyFileToArchive emptyArchive filePaths
+ -- presentation entry and rels. We have to do the rels first to make
+ -- sure we know the correct offset for the rIds.
+ presEntry <- presentationToPresEntry p
+ presRelsEntry <- presentationToRelsEntry p
+ slideEntries <- mapM (\(s, n) -> slideToEntry s n) $ zip slides [1..]
+ slideRelEntries <- mapM (\(s,n) -> slideToSlideRelEntry s n) $ zip slides [1..]
+ -- These have to come after everything, because they need the info
+ -- built up in the state.
+ mediaEntries <- makeMediaEntries
+ contentTypesEntry <- presentationToContentTypes p >>= contentTypesToEntry
+ -- fold everything into our inherited archive and return it.
+ return $ foldr addEntryToArchive newArch' $
+ slideEntries ++
+ slideRelEntries ++
+ mediaEntries ++
+ [contentTypesEntry, presEntry, presRelsEntry]
+presentationToArchive :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Presentation -> m Archive
+presentationToArchive opts pres = do
+ distArchive <- (toArchive . BL.fromStrict) <$>
+ P.readDefaultDataFile "reference.pptx"
+ refArchive <- case writerReferenceDoc opts of
+ Just f -> toArchive <$> P.readFileLazy f
+ Nothing -> (toArchive . BL.fromStrict) <$>
+ P.readDataFile "reference.pptx"
+ utctime <- P.getCurrentTime
+ presSize <- case getPresentationSize refArchive distArchive of
+ Just sz -> return sz
+ Nothing -> throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "Could not determine presentation size"
+ let env = def { envRefArchive = refArchive
+ , envDistArchive = distArchive
+ , envUTCTime = utctime
+ , envOpts = opts
+ , envPresentationSize = presSize
+ }
+ let st = def { stMediaGlobalIds = initialGlobalIds refArchive distArchive
+ }
+ runP env st $ presentationToArchiveP pres
+getLayout :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
+getLayout slide = do
+ let layoutpath = case slide of
+ (MetadataSlide _ _ _ _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
+ (TitleSlide _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
+ (ContentSlide _ _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
+ (TwoColumnSlide _ _ _) -> "ppt/slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ root <- case findEntryByPath layoutpath distArchive of
+ Just e -> case parseXMLDoc $ UTF8.toStringLazy $ fromEntry e of
+ Just element -> return $ element
+ Nothing -> throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ layoutpath ++ " corrupt in reference file"
+ Nothing -> throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ layoutpath ++ " missing in reference file"
+ return root
+shapeHasName :: NameSpaces -> String -> Element -> Bool
+shapeHasName ns name element
+ | Just nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") element
+ , Just cNvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") nvSpPr
+ , Just nm <- findAttr (QName "name" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
+ nm == name
+ | otherwise = False
+shapeHasId :: NameSpaces -> String -> Element -> Bool
+shapeHasId ns ident element
+ | Just nvSpPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") element
+ , Just cNvPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") nvSpPr
+ , Just nm <- findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) cNvPr =
+ nm == ident
+ | otherwise = False
+-- The content shape in slideLayout2 (Title/Content) has id=3 In
+-- slideLayout4 (two column) the left column is id=3, and the right
+-- column is id=4.
+getContentShape :: PandocMonad m => NameSpaces -> Element -> P m Element
+getContentShape ns spTreeElem
+ | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem = do
+ contentType <- asks envContentType
+ let ident = case contentType of
+ NormalContent -> "3"
+ TwoColumnLeftContent -> "3"
+ TwoColumnRightContent -> "4"
+ case filterChild
+ (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e))
+ spTreeElem
+ of
+ Just e -> return e
+ Nothing -> throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "Could not find shape for Powerpoint content"
+getContentShape _ _ = throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "Attempted to find content on non shapeTree"
+getShapeDimensions :: NameSpaces
+ -> Element
+ -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+getShapeDimensions ns element
+ | isElem ns "p" "sp" element = do
+ spPr <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") element
+ xfrm <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm") spPr
+ off <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") xfrm
+ xS <- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) off
+ yS <- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) off
+ ext <- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") xfrm
+ cxS <- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) ext
+ cyS <- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) ext
+ (x, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads xS
+ (y, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads yS
+ (cx, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cxS
+ (cy, _) <- listToMaybe $ reads cyS
+ return $ ((x `div` 12700, y `div` 12700), (cx `div` 12700, cy `div` 12700))
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+getMasterShapeDimensionsById :: String
+ -> Element
+ -> Maybe ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+getMasterShapeDimensionsById ident master = do
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
+ cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") master
+ spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
+ sp <- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e)) spTree
+ getShapeDimensions ns sp
+getContentShapeSize :: PandocMonad m
+ => NameSpaces
+ -> Element
+ -> Element
+ -> P m ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+getContentShapeSize ns layout master
+ | isElem ns "p" "sldLayout" layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
+ sp <- getContentShape ns spTree
+ case getShapeDimensions ns sp of
+ Just sz -> return sz
+ Nothing -> do let mbSz =
+ findChild (elemName ns "p" "nvSpPr") sp >>=
+ findChild (elemName ns "p" "cNvPr") >>=
+ findAttr (QName "id" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+ flip getMasterShapeDimensionsById master
+ case mbSz of
+ Just sz' -> return sz'
+ Nothing -> throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "Couldn't find necessary content shape size"
+getContentShapeSize _ _ _ = throwError $
+ PandocSomeError $
+ "Attempted to find content shape size in non-layout"
+replaceNamedChildren :: NameSpaces
+ -> String
+ -> String
+ -> [Element]
+ -> Element
+ -> Element
+replaceNamedChildren ns prefix name newKids element =
+ element { elContent = concat $ fun True $ elContent element }
+ where
+ fun :: Bool -> [Content] -> [[Content]]
+ fun _ [] = []
+ fun switch ((Elem e) : conts) | isElem ns prefix name e =
+ if switch
+ then (map Elem $ newKids) : fun False conts
+ else fun False conts
+ fun switch (cont : conts) = [cont] : fun switch conts
+registerLink :: PandocMonad m => (URL, String) -> P m Int
+registerLink link = do
+ curSlideId <- asks envCurSlideId
+ linkReg <- gets stLinkIds
+ mediaReg <- gets stMediaIds
+ let maxLinkId = case M.lookup curSlideId linkReg of
+ Just mp -> case M.keys mp of
+ [] -> 1
+ ks -> maximum ks
+ Nothing -> 1
+ maxMediaId = case M.lookup curSlideId mediaReg of
+ Just [] -> 1
+ Just mInfos -> maximum $ map mInfoLocalId mInfos
+ Nothing -> 1
+ maxId = max maxLinkId maxMediaId
+ slideLinks = case M.lookup curSlideId linkReg of
+ Just mp -> M.insert (maxId + 1) link mp
+ Nothing -> M.singleton (maxId + 1) link
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stLinkIds = M.insert curSlideId slideLinks linkReg}
+ return $ maxId + 1
+registerMedia :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> [ParaElem] -> P m MediaInfo
+registerMedia fp caption = do
+ curSlideId <- asks envCurSlideId
+ linkReg <- gets stLinkIds
+ mediaReg <- gets stMediaIds
+ globalIds <- gets stMediaGlobalIds
+ let maxLinkId = case M.lookup curSlideId linkReg of
+ Just mp -> case M.keys mp of
+ [] -> 1
+ ks -> maximum ks
+ Nothing -> 1
+ maxMediaId = case M.lookup curSlideId mediaReg of
+ Just [] -> 1
+ Just mInfos -> maximum $ map mInfoLocalId mInfos
+ Nothing -> 1
+ maxLocalId = max maxLinkId maxMediaId
+ maxGlobalId = case M.elems globalIds of
+ [] -> 0
+ ids -> maximum ids
+ (imgBytes, mbMt) <- P.fetchItem fp
+ let imgExt = (mbMt >>= extensionFromMimeType >>= (\x -> return $ '.':x))
+ <|>
+ case imageType imgBytes of
+ Just Png -> Just ".png"
+ Just Jpeg -> Just ".jpeg"
+ Just Gif -> Just ".gif"
+ Just Pdf -> Just ".pdf"
+ Just Eps -> Just ".eps"
+ Just Svg -> Just ".svg"
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ let newGlobalId = case M.lookup fp globalIds of
+ Just ident -> ident
+ Nothing -> maxGlobalId + 1
+ let newGlobalIds = M.insert fp newGlobalId globalIds
+ let mediaInfo = MediaInfo { mInfoFilePath = fp
+ , mInfoLocalId = maxLocalId + 1
+ , mInfoGlobalId = newGlobalId
+ , mInfoMimeType = mbMt
+ , mInfoExt = imgExt
+ , mInfoCaption = (not . null) caption
+ }
+ let slideMediaInfos = case M.lookup curSlideId mediaReg of
+ Just minfos -> mediaInfo : minfos
+ Nothing -> [mediaInfo]
+ modify $ \st -> st{ stMediaIds = M.insert curSlideId slideMediaInfos mediaReg
+ , stMediaGlobalIds = newGlobalIds
+ }
+ return mediaInfo
+makeMediaEntry :: PandocMonad m => MediaInfo -> P m Entry
+makeMediaEntry mInfo = do
+ epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> asks envUTCTime
+ (imgBytes, _) <- P.fetchItem (mInfoFilePath mInfo)
+ let ext = case mInfoExt mInfo of
+ Just e -> e
+ Nothing -> ""
+ let fp = "ppt/media/image" ++ (show $ mInfoGlobalId mInfo) ++ ext
+ return $ toEntry fp epochtime $ BL.fromStrict imgBytes
+makeMediaEntries :: PandocMonad m => P m [Entry]
+makeMediaEntries = do
+ mediaInfos <- gets stMediaIds
+ let allInfos = mconcat $ M.elems mediaInfos
+ mapM makeMediaEntry allInfos
+-- -- | Scales the image to fit the page
+-- -- sizes are passed in emu
+-- fitToPage' :: (Double, Double) -- image size in emu
+-- -> Integer -- pageWidth
+-- -> Integer -- pageHeight
+-- -> (Integer, Integer) -- imagesize
+-- fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
+-- -- Fixes width to the page width and scales the height
+-- | x <= fromIntegral pageWidth && y <= fromIntegral pageHeight =
+-- (floor x, floor y)
+-- | x / fromIntegral pageWidth > y / fromIntegral pageWidth =
+-- (pageWidth, floor $ ((fromIntegral pageWidth) / x) * y)
+-- | otherwise =
+-- (floor $ ((fromIntegral pageHeight) / y) * x, pageHeight)
+-- positionImage :: (Double, Double) -> Integer -> Integer -> (Integer, Integer)
+-- positionImage (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight =
+-- let (x', y') = fitToPage' (x, y) pageWidth pageHeight
+-- in
+-- ((pageWidth - x') `div` 2, (pageHeight - y') `div` 2)
+getMaster :: PandocMonad m => P m Element
+getMaster = do
+ refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/slideMasters/slideMaster1.xml"
+-- We want to get the header dimensions, so we can make sure that the
+-- image goes underneath it. We only use this in a content slide if it
+-- has a header.
+-- getHeaderSize :: PandocMonad m => P m ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+-- getHeaderSize = do
+-- master <- getMaster
+-- let ns = elemToNameSpaces master
+-- sps = [master] >>=
+-- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "cSld") >>=
+-- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "spTree") >>=
+-- findChildren (elemName ns "p" "sp")
+-- mbXfrm =
+-- listToMaybe (filter (shapeHasName ns "Title Placeholder 1") sps) >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spPr") >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "xfrm")
+-- xoff = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "x" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- yoff = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "off") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "y" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- xext = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "cx" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- yext = mbXfrm >>=
+-- findChild (elemName ns "a" "ext") >>=
+-- findAttr (QName "cy" Nothing Nothing) >>=
+-- (listToMaybe . (\s -> reads s :: [(Integer, String)]))
+-- off = case xoff of
+-- Just (xoff', _) | Just (yoff',_) <- yoff -> (xoff', yoff')
+-- _ -> (1043490, 1027664)
+-- ext = case xext of
+-- Just (xext', _) | Just (yext',_) <- yext -> (xext', yext')
+-- _ -> (7024744, 1143000)
+-- return $ (off, ext)
+-- Hard-coded for now
+-- captionPosition :: ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+-- captionPosition = ((457200, 6061972), (8229600, 527087))
+captionHeight :: Integer
+captionHeight = 40
+createCaption :: PandocMonad m
+ => ((Integer, Integer), (Integer, Integer))
+ -> [ParaElem]
+ -> P m Element
+createCaption contentShapeDimensions paraElements = do
+ let para = Paragraph def{pPropAlign = Just AlgnCenter} paraElements
+ elements <- mapM paragraphToElement [para]
+ let ((x, y), (cx, cy)) = contentShapeDimensions
+ let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
+ [mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++ elements
+ return $
+ mknode "p:sp" [] [ mknode "p:nvSpPr" []
+ [ mknode "p:cNvPr" [("id","1"), ("name","TextBox 3")] ()
+ , mknode "p:cNvSpPr" [("txBox", "1")] ()
+ , mknode "p:nvPr" [] ()
+ ]
+ , mknode "p:spPr" []
+ [ mknode "a:xfrm" []
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x),
+ ("y", show $ 12700 * (y + cy - captionHeight))] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx),
+ ("cy", show $ 12700 * captionHeight)] ()
+ ]
+ , mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst", "rect")]
+ [ mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
+ ]
+ , mknode "a:noFill" [] ()
+ ]
+ , txBody
+ ]
+makePicElements :: PandocMonad m
+ => Element
+ -> PicProps
+ -> MediaInfo
+ -> Text.Pandoc.Definition.Attr
+ -> [ParaElem]
+ -> P m [Element]
+makePicElements layout picProps mInfo _ alt = do
+ opts <- asks envOpts
+ (pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
+ -- hasHeader <- asks envSlideHasHeader
+ let hasCaption = mInfoCaption mInfo
+ (imgBytes, _) <- P.fetchItem (mInfoFilePath mInfo)
+ let (pxX, pxY) = case imageSize opts imgBytes of
+ Right sz -> sizeInPixels $ sz
+ Left _ -> sizeInPixels $ def
+ master <- getMaster
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
+ ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) <- getContentShapeSize ns layout master
+ `catchError`
+ (\_ -> return ((0, 0), (pageWidth, pageHeight)))
+ let cy = if hasCaption then cytmp - captionHeight else cytmp
+ let imgRatio = fromIntegral pxX / fromIntegral pxY :: Double
+ boxRatio = fromIntegral cx / fromIntegral cy :: Double
+ (dimX, dimY) = if imgRatio > boxRatio
+ then (fromIntegral cx, fromIntegral cx / imgRatio)
+ else (fromIntegral cy * imgRatio, fromIntegral cy)
+ (dimX', dimY') = (round dimX * 12700, round dimY * 12700) :: (Integer, Integer)
+ (xoff, yoff) = (fromIntegral x + (fromIntegral cx - dimX) / 2,
+ fromIntegral y + (fromIntegral cy - dimY) / 2)
+ (xoff', yoff') = (round xoff * 12700, round yoff * 12700) :: (Integer, Integer)
+ let cNvPicPr = mknode "p:cNvPicPr" [] $
+ mknode "a:picLocks" [("noGrp","1")
+ ,("noChangeAspect","1")] ()
+ -- cNvPr will contain the link information so we do that separately,
+ -- and register the link if necessary.
+ let cNvPrAttr = [("descr", mInfoFilePath mInfo), ("id","0"),("name","Picture 1")]
+ cNvPr <- case picPropLink picProps of
+ Just link -> do idNum <- registerLink link
+ return $ mknode "p:cNvPr" cNvPrAttr $
+ mknode "a:hlinkClick" [("r:id", "rId" ++ show idNum)] ()
+ Nothing -> return $ mknode "p:cNvPr" cNvPrAttr ()
+ let nvPicPr = mknode "p:nvPicPr" []
+ [ cNvPr
+ , cNvPicPr
+ , mknode "p:nvPr" [] ()]
+ let blipFill = mknode "p:blipFill" []
+ [ mknode "a:blip" [("r:embed", "rId" ++ (show $ mInfoLocalId mInfo))] ()
+ , mknode "a:stretch" [] $
+ mknode "a:fillRect" [] () ]
+ let xfrm = mknode "a:xfrm" []
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x",show xoff'), ("y",show yoff')] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx",show dimX')
+ ,("cy",show dimY')] () ]
+ let prstGeom = mknode "a:prstGeom" [("prst","rect")] $
+ mknode "a:avLst" [] ()
+ let ln = mknode "a:ln" [("w","9525")]
+ [ mknode "a:noFill" [] ()
+ , mknode "a:headEnd" [] ()
+ , mknode "a:tailEnd" [] () ]
+ let spPr = mknode "p:spPr" [("bwMode","auto")]
+ [xfrm, prstGeom, mknode "a:noFill" [] (), ln]
+ let picShape = mknode "p:pic" []
+ [ nvPicPr
+ , blipFill
+ , spPr ]
+ -- And now, maybe create the caption:
+ if hasCaption
+ then do cap <- createCaption ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) alt
+ return [picShape, cap]
+ else return [picShape]
+paraElemToElement :: PandocMonad m => ParaElem -> P m Element
+paraElemToElement Break = return $ mknode "a:br" [] ()
+paraElemToElement (Run rpr s) = do
+ let sizeAttrs = case rPropForceSize rpr of
+ Just n -> [("sz", (show $ n * 100))]
+ Nothing -> []
+ attrs = sizeAttrs ++
+ if rPropCode rpr
+ then []
+ else (if rPropBold rpr then [("b", "1")] else []) ++
+ (if rPropItalics rpr then [("i", "1")] else []) ++
+ (case rStrikethrough rpr of
+ Just NoStrike -> [("strike", "noStrike")]
+ Just SingleStrike -> [("strike", "sngStrike")]
+ Just DoubleStrike -> [("strike", "dblStrike")]
+ Nothing -> []) ++
+ (case rBaseline rpr of
+ Just n -> [("baseline", show n)]
+ Nothing -> []) ++
+ (case rCap rpr of
+ Just NoCapitals -> [("cap", "none")]
+ Just SmallCapitals -> [("cap", "small")]
+ Just AllCapitals -> [("cap", "all")]
+ Nothing -> []) ++
+ []
+ linkProps <- case rLink rpr of
+ Just link -> do
+ idNum <- registerLink link
+ -- first we have to make sure that if it's an
+ -- anchor, it's in the anchor map. If not, there's
+ -- no link.
+ anchorMap <- gets stAnchorMap
+ return $ case link of
+ -- anchor with nothing in the map
+ ('#':target, _) | Nothing <- M.lookup target anchorMap ->
+ []
+ -- anchor that is in the map
+ ('#':_, _) ->
+ let linkAttrs =
+ [ ("r:id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
+ , ("action", "ppaction://hlinksldjump")
+ ]
+ in [mknode "a:hlinkClick" linkAttrs ()]
+ -- external
+ _ ->
+ let linkAttrs =
+ [ ("r:id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
+ ]
+ in [mknode "a:hlinkClick" linkAttrs ()]
+ Nothing -> return []
+ let propContents = if rPropCode rpr
+ then [mknode "a:latin" [("typeface", "Courier")] ()]
+ else linkProps
+ return $ mknode "a:r" [] [ mknode "a:rPr" attrs propContents
+ , mknode "a:t" [] s
+ ]
+paraElemToElement (MathElem mathType texStr) = do
+ res <- convertMath writeOMML mathType (unTeXString texStr)
+ case res of
+ Right r -> return $ mknode "a14:m" [] $ addMathInfo r
+ Left (Str s) -> paraElemToElement (Run def s)
+ Left _ -> throwError $ PandocShouldNeverHappenError "non-string math fallback"
+-- This is a bit of a kludge -- really requires adding an option to
+-- TeXMath, but since that's a different package, we'll do this one
+-- step at a time.
+addMathInfo :: Element -> Element
+addMathInfo element =
+ let mathspace = Attr { attrKey = (QName "m" Nothing (Just "xmlns"))
+ , attrVal = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math"
+ }
+ in add_attr mathspace element
+-- We look through the element to see if it contains an a14:m
+-- element. If so, we surround it. This is a bit ugly, but it seems
+-- more dependable than looking through shapes for math. Plus this is
+-- an xml implementation detail, so it seems to make sense to do it at
+-- the xml level.
+surroundWithMathAlternate :: Element -> Element
+surroundWithMathAlternate element =
+ case findElement (QName "m" Nothing (Just "a14")) element of
+ Just _ ->
+ mknode "mc:AlternateContent"
+ [("xmlns:mc", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006")
+ ] [ mknode "mc:Choice"
+ [ ("xmlns:a14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/drawing/2010/main")
+ , ("Requires", "a14")] [ element ]
+ ]
+ Nothing -> element
+paragraphToElement :: PandocMonad m => Paragraph -> P m Element
+paragraphToElement par = do
+ let
+ attrs = [("lvl", show $ pPropLevel $ paraProps par)] ++
+ (case pPropMarginLeft (paraProps par) of
+ Just px -> [("marL", show $ 12700 * px), ("indent", "0")]
+ Nothing -> []
+ ) ++
+ (case pPropAlign (paraProps par) of
+ Just AlgnLeft -> [("algn", "l")]
+ Just AlgnRight -> [("algn", "r")]
+ Just AlgnCenter -> [("algn", "ctr")]
+ Nothing -> []
+ )
+ props = [] ++
+ (case pPropSpaceBefore $ paraProps par of
+ Just px -> [mknode "a:spcBef" [] [
+ mknode "a:spcPts" [("val", show $ 100 * px)] ()
+ ]
+ ]
+ Nothing -> []
+ ) ++
+ (case pPropBullet $ paraProps par of
+ Just Bullet -> []
+ Just (AutoNumbering attrs') ->
+ [mknode "a:buAutoNum" [("type", autoNumberingToType attrs')] ()]
+ Nothing -> [mknode "a:buNone" [] ()]
+ )
+ paras <- mapM paraElemToElement (paraElems par)
+ return $ mknode "a:p" [] $ [mknode "a:pPr" attrs props] ++ paras
+shapeToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> Shape -> P m Element
+shapeToElement layout (TextBox paras)
+ | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
+ sp <- getContentShape ns spTree
+ elements <- mapM paragraphToElement paras
+ let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
+ [mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++ elements
+ emptySpPr = mknode "p:spPr" [] ()
+ return $
+ surroundWithMathAlternate $
+ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "txBody" [txBody] $
+ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "spPr" [emptySpPr] $
+ sp
+-- GraphicFrame and Pic should never reach this.
+shapeToElement _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
+shapeToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> Shape -> P m [Element]
+shapeToElements layout (Pic picProps fp attr alt) = do
+ mInfo <- registerMedia fp alt
+ case mInfoExt mInfo of
+ Just _ -> do
+ makePicElements layout picProps mInfo attr alt
+ Nothing -> shapeToElements layout $ TextBox [Paragraph def alt]
+shapeToElements layout (GraphicFrame tbls cptn) =
+ graphicFrameToElements layout tbls cptn
+shapeToElements layout shp = do
+ element <- shapeToElement layout shp
+ return [element]
+shapesToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [Shape] -> P m [Element]
+shapesToElements layout shps = do
+ concat <$> mapM (shapeToElements layout) shps
+hardcodedTableMargin :: Integer
+hardcodedTableMargin = 36
+graphicFrameToElements :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [Graphic] -> [ParaElem] -> P m [Element]
+graphicFrameToElements layout tbls caption = do
+ -- get the sizing
+ master <- getMaster
+ (pageWidth, pageHeight) <- asks envPresentationSize
+ let ns = elemToNameSpaces layout
+ ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) <- getContentShapeSize ns layout master
+ `catchError`
+ (\_ -> return ((0, 0), (pageWidth, pageHeight)))
+ let cy = if (not $ null caption) then cytmp - captionHeight else cytmp
+ elements <- mapM graphicToElement tbls
+ let graphicFrameElts =
+ mknode "p:graphicFrame" [] $
+ [ mknode "p:nvGraphicFramePr" [] $
+ [ mknode "p:cNvPr" [("id", "6"), ("name", "Content Placeholder 5")] ()
+ , mknode "p:cNvGraphicFramePr" [] $
+ [mknode "a:graphicFrameLocks" [("noGrp", "1")] ()]
+ , mknode "p:nvPr" [] $
+ [mknode "p:ph" [("idx", "1")] ()]
+ ]
+ , mknode "p:xfrm" [] $
+ [ mknode "a:off" [("x", show $ 12700 * x), ("y", show $ 12700 * y)] ()
+ , mknode "a:ext" [("cx", show $ 12700 * cx), ("cy", show $ 12700 * cy)] ()
+ ]
+ ] ++ elements
+ if (not $ null caption)
+ then do capElt <- createCaption ((x, y), (cx, cytmp)) caption
+ return [graphicFrameElts, capElt]
+ else return [graphicFrameElts]
+graphicToElement :: PandocMonad m => Graphic -> P m Element
+graphicToElement (Tbl tblPr hdrCells rows) = do
+ (pageWidth, _) <- asks envPresentationSize
+ let colWidths = if null hdrCells
+ then case rows of
+ r : _ | not (null r) -> replicate (length r) $
+ (pageWidth - (2 * hardcodedTableMargin))`div` (toInteger $ length r)
+ -- satisfy the compiler. This is the same as
+ -- saying that rows is empty, but the compiler
+ -- won't understand that `[]` exhausts the
+ -- alternatives.
+ _ -> []
+ else replicate (length hdrCells) $
+ (pageWidth - (2 * hardcodedTableMargin)) `div` (toInteger $ length hdrCells)
+ let cellToOpenXML paras =
+ do elements <- mapM paragraphToElement paras
+ let elements' = if null elements
+ then [mknode "a:p" [] [mknode "a:endParaRPr" [] ()]]
+ else elements
+ return $
+ [mknode "a:txBody" [] $
+ ([ mknode "a:bodyPr" [] ()
+ , mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()]
+ ++ elements')]
+ headers' <- mapM cellToOpenXML hdrCells
+ rows' <- mapM (mapM cellToOpenXML) rows
+ let borderProps = mknode "a:tcPr" [] ()
+ let emptyCell = [mknode "a:p" [] [mknode "a:pPr" [] ()]]
+ let mkcell border contents = mknode "a:tc" []
+ $ (if null contents
+ then emptyCell
+ else contents) ++ [ borderProps | border ]
+ let mkrow border cells = mknode "a:tr" [("h", "0")] $ map (mkcell border) cells
+ let mkgridcol w = mknode "a:gridCol"
+ [("w", show ((12700 * w) :: Integer))] ()
+ let hasHeader = not (all null hdrCells)
+ return $ mknode "a:graphic" [] $
+ [mknode "a:graphicData" [("uri", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table")] $
+ [mknode "a:tbl" [] $
+ [ mknode "a:tblPr" [ ("firstRow", if tblPrFirstRow tblPr then "1" else "0")
+ , ("bandRow", if tblPrBandRow tblPr then "1" else "0")
+ ] ()
+ , mknode "a:tblGrid" [] (if all (==0) colWidths
+ then []
+ else map mkgridcol colWidths)
+ ]
+ ++ [ mkrow True headers' | hasHeader ] ++ map (mkrow False) rows'
+ ]
+ ]
+getShapeByName :: NameSpaces -> Element -> String -> Maybe Element
+getShapeByName ns spTreeElem name
+ | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
+ filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasName ns name e)) spTreeElem
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+-- getShapeById :: NameSpaces -> Element -> String -> Maybe Element
+-- getShapeById ns spTreeElem ident
+-- | isElem ns "p" "spTree" spTreeElem =
+-- filterChild (\e -> (isElem ns "p" "sp" e) && (shapeHasId ns ident e)) spTreeElem
+-- | otherwise = Nothing
+nonBodyTextToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> String -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
+nonBodyTextToElement layout shapeName paraElements
+ | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld
+ , Just sp <- getShapeByName ns spTree shapeName = do
+ let hdrPara = Paragraph def paraElements
+ element <- paragraphToElement hdrPara
+ let txBody = mknode "p:txBody" [] $
+ [mknode "a:bodyPr" [] (), mknode "a:lstStyle" [] ()] ++
+ [element]
+ return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "txBody" [txBody] sp
+ -- XXX: TODO
+ | otherwise = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
+contentToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> [Shape] -> P m Element
+contentToElement layout hdrShape shapes
+ | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
+ element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" hdrShape
+ let hdrShapeElements = if null hdrShape
+ then []
+ else [element]
+ contentElements <- local
+ (\env -> env {envContentType = NormalContent})
+ (shapesToElements layout shapes)
+ return $
+ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
+ (hdrShapeElements ++ contentElements)
+ spTree
+contentToElement _ _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
+twoColumnToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> [Shape] -> [Shape] -> P m Element
+twoColumnToElement layout hdrShape shapesL shapesR
+ | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
+ element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" hdrShape
+ let hdrShapeElements = if null hdrShape
+ then []
+ else [element]
+ contentElementsL <- local
+ (\env -> env {envContentType =TwoColumnLeftContent})
+ (shapesToElements layout shapesL)
+ contentElementsR <- local
+ (\env -> env {envContentType =TwoColumnRightContent})
+ (shapesToElements layout shapesR)
+ -- let contentElementsL' = map (setIdx ns "1") contentElementsL
+ -- contentElementsR' = map (setIdx ns "2") contentElementsR
+ return $
+ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
+ (hdrShapeElements ++ contentElementsL ++ contentElementsR)
+ spTree
+twoColumnToElement _ _ _ _= return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
+titleToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
+titleToElement layout titleElems
+ | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
+ element <- nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" titleElems
+ let titleShapeElements = if null titleElems
+ then []
+ else [element]
+ return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp" titleShapeElements spTree
+titleToElement _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
+metadataToElement :: PandocMonad m => Element -> [ParaElem] -> [ParaElem] -> [[ParaElem]] -> [ParaElem] -> P m Element
+metadataToElement layout titleElems subtitleElems authorsElems dateElems
+ | ns <- elemToNameSpaces layout
+ , Just cSld <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "cSld") layout
+ , Just spTree <- findChild (elemName ns "p" "spTree") cSld = do
+ titleShapeElements <- if null titleElems
+ then return []
+ else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout "Title 1" titleElems]
+ let combinedAuthorElems = intercalate [Break] authorsElems
+ subtitleAndAuthorElems = intercalate [Break, Break] [subtitleElems, combinedAuthorElems]
+ subtitleShapeElements <- if null subtitleAndAuthorElems
+ then return []
+ else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout "Subtitle 2" subtitleAndAuthorElems]
+ dateShapeElements <- if null dateElems
+ then return []
+ else sequence [nonBodyTextToElement layout "Date Placeholder 3" dateElems]
+ return $ replaceNamedChildren ns "p" "sp"
+ (titleShapeElements ++ subtitleShapeElements ++ dateShapeElements)
+ spTree
+metadataToElement _ _ _ _ _ = return $ mknode "p:sp" [] ()
+slideToElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> P m Element
+slideToElement s@(ContentSlide hdrElems shapes) = do
+ layout <- getLayout s
+ spTree <- local (\env -> if null hdrElems
+ then env
+ else env{envSlideHasHeader=True}) $
+ contentToElement layout hdrElems shapes
+ return $ mknode "p:sld"
+ [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
+ ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
+ ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
+ ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
+slideToElement s@(TwoColumnSlide hdrElems shapesL shapesR) = do
+ layout <- getLayout s
+ spTree <- local (\env -> if null hdrElems
+ then env
+ else env{envSlideHasHeader=True}) $
+ twoColumnToElement layout hdrElems shapesL shapesR
+ return $ mknode "p:sld"
+ [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
+ ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
+ ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
+ ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
+slideToElement s@(TitleSlide hdrElems) = do
+ layout <- getLayout s
+ spTree <- titleToElement layout hdrElems
+ return $ mknode "p:sld"
+ [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
+ ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
+ ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
+ ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
+slideToElement s@(MetadataSlide titleElems subtitleElems authorElems dateElems) = do
+ layout <- getLayout s
+ spTree <- metadataToElement layout titleElems subtitleElems authorElems dateElems
+ return $ mknode "p:sld"
+ [ ("xmlns:a", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"),
+ ("xmlns:r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"),
+ ("xmlns:p", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/presentationml/2006/main")
+ ] [mknode "p:cSld" [] [spTree]]
+slideToFilePath :: Slide -> Int -> FilePath
+slideToFilePath _ idNum = "slide" ++ (show $ idNum) ++ ".xml"
+slideToSlideId :: Monad m => Slide -> Int -> P m String
+slideToSlideId _ idNum = do
+ n <- asks envSlideIdOffset
+ return $ "rId" ++ (show $ idNum + n)
+data Relationship = Relationship { relId :: Int
+ , relType :: MimeType
+ , relTarget :: FilePath
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+elementToRel :: Element -> Maybe Relationship
+elementToRel element
+ | elName element == QName "Relationship" (Just "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships") Nothing =
+ do rId <- findAttr (QName "Id" Nothing Nothing) element
+ numStr <- stripPrefix "rId" rId
+ num <- case reads numStr :: [(Int, String)] of
+ (n, _) : _ -> Just n
+ [] -> Nothing
+ type' <- findAttr (QName "Type" Nothing Nothing) element
+ target <- findAttr (QName "Target" Nothing Nothing) element
+ return $ Relationship num type' target
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+slideToPresRel :: Monad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Relationship
+slideToPresRel slide idNum = do
+ n <- asks envSlideIdOffset
+ let rId = idNum + n
+ fp = "slides/" ++ slideToFilePath slide idNum
+ return $ Relationship { relId = rId
+ , relType = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide"
+ , relTarget = fp
+ }
+getRels :: PandocMonad m => P m [Relationship]
+getRels = do
+ refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ relsElem <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels"
+ let globalNS = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"
+ let relElems = findChildren (QName "Relationship" (Just globalNS) Nothing) relsElem
+ return $ mapMaybe elementToRel relElems
+presentationToRels :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m [Relationship]
+presentationToRels (Presentation slides) = do
+ mySlideRels <- mapM (\(s, n) -> slideToPresRel s n) $ zip slides [1..]
+ rels <- getRels
+ let relsWithoutSlides = filter (\r -> relType r /= "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide") rels
+ -- We want to make room for the slides in the id space. The slides
+ -- will start at Id2 (since Id1 is for the slide master). There are
+ -- two slides in the data file, but that might change in the future,
+ -- so we will do this:
+ --
+ -- 1. We look to see what the minimum relWithoutSlide id (greater than 1) is.
+ -- 2. We add the difference between this and the number of slides to
+ -- all relWithoutSlide rels (unless they're 1)
+ let minRelNotOne = case filter (1<) $ map relId relsWithoutSlides of
+ [] -> 0 -- doesn't matter in this case, since
+ -- there will be nothing to map the
+ -- function over
+ l -> minimum l
+ modifyRelNum :: Int -> Int
+ modifyRelNum 1 = 1
+ modifyRelNum n = n - minRelNotOne + 2 + length slides
+ relsWithoutSlides' = map (\r -> r{relId = modifyRelNum $ relId r}) relsWithoutSlides
+ return $ mySlideRels ++ relsWithoutSlides'
+relToElement :: Relationship -> Element
+relToElement rel = mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ (show $ relId rel))
+ , ("Type", relType rel)
+ , ("Target", relTarget rel) ] ()
+relsToElement :: [Relationship] -> Element
+relsToElement rels = mknode "Relationships"
+ [("xmlns", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships")]
+ (map relToElement rels)
+presentationToRelsEntry :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Entry
+presentationToRelsEntry pres = do
+ rels <- presentationToRels pres
+ elemToEntry "ppt/_rels/presentation.xml.rels" $ relsToElement rels
+elemToEntry :: PandocMonad m => FilePath -> Element -> P m Entry
+elemToEntry fp element = do
+ epochtime <- (floor . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) <$> asks envUTCTime
+ return $ toEntry fp epochtime $ renderXml element
+slideToEntry :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Entry
+slideToEntry slide idNum = do
+ local (\env -> env{envCurSlideId = idNum}) $ do
+ element <- slideToElement slide
+ elemToEntry ("ppt/slides/" ++ slideToFilePath slide idNum) element
+slideToSlideRelEntry :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Entry
+slideToSlideRelEntry slide idNum = do
+ element <- slideToSlideRelElement slide idNum
+ elemToEntry ("ppt/slides/_rels/" ++ slideToFilePath slide idNum ++ ".rels") element
+linkRelElement :: PandocMonad m => Int -> (URL, String) -> P m (Maybe Element)
+linkRelElement idNum (url, _) = do
+ anchorMap <- gets stAnchorMap
+ case url of
+ -- if it's an anchor in the map, we use the slide number for an
+ -- internal link.
+ '#' : anchor | Just num <- M.lookup anchor anchorMap ->
+ return $ Just $
+ mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
+ , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slide")
+ , ("Target", "slide" ++ show num ++ ".xml")
+ ] ()
+ -- if it's an anchor not in the map, we return nothing.
+ '#' : _ -> return Nothing
+ -- Anything else we treat as an external link
+ _ ->
+ return $ Just $
+ mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ show idNum)
+ , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/hyperlink")
+ , ("Target", url)
+ , ("TargetMode", "External")
+ ] ()
+linkRelElements :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Int (URL, String) -> P m [Element]
+linkRelElements mp = catMaybes <$> mapM (\(n, lnk) -> linkRelElement n lnk) (M.toList mp)
+mediaRelElement :: MediaInfo -> Element
+mediaRelElement mInfo =
+ let ext = case mInfoExt mInfo of
+ Just e -> e
+ Nothing -> ""
+ in
+ mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId" ++ (show $ mInfoLocalId mInfo))
+ , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/image")
+ , ("Target", "../media/image" ++ (show $ mInfoGlobalId mInfo) ++ ext)
+ ] ()
+slideToSlideRelElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Element
+slideToSlideRelElement slide idNum = do
+ let target = case slide of
+ (MetadataSlide _ _ _ _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout1.xml"
+ (TitleSlide _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout3.xml"
+ (ContentSlide _ _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout2.xml"
+ (TwoColumnSlide _ _ _) -> "../slideLayouts/slideLayout4.xml"
+ linkIds <- gets stLinkIds
+ mediaIds <- gets stMediaIds
+ linkRels <- case M.lookup idNum linkIds of
+ Just mp -> linkRelElements mp
+ Nothing -> return []
+ let mediaRels = case M.lookup idNum mediaIds of
+ Just mInfos -> map mediaRelElement mInfos
+ Nothing -> []
+ return $
+ mknode "Relationships"
+ [("xmlns", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships")]
+ ([mknode "Relationship" [ ("Id", "rId1")
+ , ("Type", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/slideLayout")
+ , ("Target", target)] ()
+ ] ++ linkRels ++ mediaRels)
+slideToSldIdElement :: PandocMonad m => Slide -> Int -> P m Element
+slideToSldIdElement slide idNum = do
+ let id' = show $ idNum + 255
+ rId <- slideToSlideId slide idNum
+ return $ mknode "p:sldId" [("id", id'), ("r:id", rId)] ()
+presentationToSldIdLst :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Element
+presentationToSldIdLst (Presentation slides) = do
+ ids <- mapM (\(s,n) -> slideToSldIdElement s n) (zip slides [1..])
+ return $ mknode "p:sldIdLst" [] ids
+presentationToPresentationElement :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Element
+presentationToPresentationElement pres = do
+ refArchive <- asks envRefArchive
+ distArchive <- asks envDistArchive
+ element <- parseXml refArchive distArchive "ppt/presentation.xml"
+ sldIdLst <- presentationToSldIdLst pres
+ let modifySldIdLst :: Content -> Content
+ modifySldIdLst (Elem e) = case elName e of
+ (QName "sldIdLst" _ _) -> Elem sldIdLst
+ _ -> Elem e
+ modifySldIdLst ct = ct
+ newContent = map modifySldIdLst $ elContent element
+ return $ element{elContent = newContent}
+presentationToPresEntry :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m Entry
+presentationToPresEntry pres = presentationToPresentationElement pres >>=
+ elemToEntry "ppt/presentation.xml"
+defaultContentTypeToElem :: DefaultContentType -> Element
+defaultContentTypeToElem dct =
+ mknode "Default"
+ [("Extension", defContentTypesExt dct),
+ ("ContentType", defContentTypesType dct)]
+ ()
+overrideContentTypeToElem :: OverrideContentType -> Element
+overrideContentTypeToElem oct =
+ mknode "Override"
+ [("PartName", overrideContentTypesPart oct),
+ ("ContentType", overrideContentTypesType oct)]
+ ()
+contentTypesToElement :: ContentTypes -> Element
+contentTypesToElement ct =
+ let ns = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types"
+ in
+ mknode "Types" [("xmlns", ns)] $
+ (map defaultContentTypeToElem $ contentTypesDefaults ct) ++
+ (map overrideContentTypeToElem $ contentTypesOverrides ct)
+data DefaultContentType = DefaultContentType
+ { defContentTypesExt :: String
+ , defContentTypesType:: MimeType
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data OverrideContentType = OverrideContentType
+ { overrideContentTypesPart :: FilePath
+ , overrideContentTypesType :: MimeType
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data ContentTypes = ContentTypes { contentTypesDefaults :: [DefaultContentType]
+ , contentTypesOverrides :: [OverrideContentType]
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+contentTypesToEntry :: PandocMonad m => ContentTypes -> P m Entry
+contentTypesToEntry ct = elemToEntry "[Content_Types].xml" $ contentTypesToElement ct
+pathToOverride :: FilePath -> Maybe OverrideContentType
+pathToOverride fp = OverrideContentType ("/" ++ fp) <$> (getContentType fp)
+mediaFileContentType :: FilePath -> Maybe DefaultContentType
+mediaFileContentType fp = case takeExtension fp of
+ '.' : ext -> Just $
+ DefaultContentType { defContentTypesExt = ext
+ , defContentTypesType =
+ case getMimeType fp of
+ Just mt -> mt
+ Nothing -> "application/octet-stream"
+ }
+ _ -> Nothing
+mediaContentType :: MediaInfo -> Maybe DefaultContentType
+mediaContentType mInfo
+ | Just ('.' : ext) <- mInfoExt mInfo =
+ Just $ DefaultContentType { defContentTypesExt = ext
+ , defContentTypesType =
+ case mInfoMimeType mInfo of
+ Just mt -> mt
+ Nothing -> "application/octet-stream"
+ }
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+presentationToContentTypes :: PandocMonad m => Presentation -> P m ContentTypes
+presentationToContentTypes (Presentation slides) = do
+ mediaInfos <- (mconcat . M.elems) <$> gets stMediaIds
+ filePaths <- patternsToFilePaths inheritedPatterns
+ let mediaFps = filter (match (compile "ppt/media/image*")) filePaths
+ let defaults = [ DefaultContentType "xml" "application/xml"
+ , DefaultContentType "rels" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml"
+ ]
+ mediaDefaults = nub $
+ (mapMaybe mediaContentType $ mediaInfos) ++
+ (mapMaybe mediaFileContentType $ mediaFps)
+ inheritedOverrides = mapMaybe pathToOverride filePaths
+ presOverride = mapMaybe pathToOverride ["ppt/presentation.xml"]
+ slideOverrides =
+ mapMaybe
+ (\(s, n) ->
+ pathToOverride $ "ppt/slides/" ++ slideToFilePath s n)
+ (zip slides [1..])
+ -- propOverride = mapMaybe pathToOverride ["docProps/core.xml"]
+ return $ ContentTypes
+ (defaults ++ mediaDefaults)
+ (inheritedOverrides ++ presOverride ++ slideOverrides)
+presML :: String
+presML = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml"
+noPresML :: String
+noPresML = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument"
+getContentType :: FilePath -> Maybe MimeType
+getContentType fp
+ | fp == "ppt/presentation.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".presentation.main+xml"
+ | fp == "ppt/presProps.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".presProps+xml"
+ | fp == "ppt/viewProps.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".viewProps+xml"
+ | fp == "ppt/tableStyles.xml" = Just $ presML ++ ".tableStyles+xml"
+ | fp == "docProps/core.xml" = Just $ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml"
+ | fp == "docProps/app.xml" = Just $ noPresML ++ ".extended-properties+xml"
+ | "ppt" : "slideMasters" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
+ , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
+ Just $ presML ++ ".slideMaster+xml"
+ | "ppt" : "slides" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
+ , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
+ Just $ presML ++ ".slide+xml"
+ | "ppt" : "notesMasters" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
+ , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
+ Just $ presML ++ ".notesMaster+xml"
+ | "ppt" : "notesSlides" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
+ , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
+ Just $ presML ++ ".notesSlide+xml"
+ | "ppt" : "theme" : f : [] <- splitDirectories fp
+ , (_, ".xml") <- splitExtension f =
+ Just $ noPresML ++ ".theme+xml"
+ | "ppt" : "slideLayouts" : _ : [] <- splitDirectories fp=
+ Just $ presML ++ ".slideLayout+xml"
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+autoNumberingToType :: ListAttributes -> String
+autoNumberingToType (_, numStyle, numDelim) =
+ typeString ++ delimString
+ where
+ typeString = case numStyle of
+ Decimal -> "arabic"
+ UpperAlpha -> "alphaUc"
+ LowerAlpha -> "alphaLc"
+ UpperRoman -> "romanUc"
+ LowerRoman -> "romanLc"
+ _ -> "arabic"
+ delimString = case numDelim of
+ Period -> "Period"
+ OneParen -> "ParenR"
+ TwoParens -> "ParenBoth"
+ _ -> "Period"
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68b2aeeb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Powerpoint/Presentation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Jesse Rosenthal
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : Jesse Rosenthal <jrosenthal@jhu.edu>
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+Definition of Presentation datatype, modeling a MS Powerpoint (pptx)
+document, and functions for converting a Pandoc document to
+module Text.Pandoc.Writers.Powerpoint.Presentation ( documentToPresentation
+ , Presentation(..)
+ , Slide(..)
+ , SlideElement(..)
+ , Shape(..)
+ , Graphic(..)
+ , BulletType(..)
+ , Algnment(..)
+ , Paragraph(..)
+ , ParaElem(..)
+ , ParaProps(..)
+ , RunProps(..)
+ , TableProps(..)
+ , Strikethrough(..)
+ , Capitals(..)
+ , PicProps(..)
+ , URL
+ , TeXString(..)
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Default
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (PandocMonad)
+import Text.Pandoc.Slides (getSlideLevel)
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Class as P
+import Text.Pandoc.Options
+import Text.Pandoc.Logging
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Shared as Shared -- so we don't overlap "Element"
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers.Shared (metaValueToInlines)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
+data WriterEnv = WriterEnv { envMetadata :: Meta
+ , envRunProps :: RunProps
+ , envParaProps :: ParaProps
+ , envSlideLevel :: Int
+ , envOpts :: WriterOptions
+ , envSlideHasHeader :: Bool
+ , envInList :: Bool
+ , envInNoteSlide :: Bool
+ , envCurSlideId :: Int
+ -- the difference between the number at
+ -- the end of the slide file name and
+ -- the rId number
+ , envSlideIdOffset :: Int
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+instance Default WriterEnv where
+ def = WriterEnv { envMetadata = mempty
+ , envRunProps = def
+ , envParaProps = def
+ , envSlideLevel = 2
+ , envOpts = def
+ , envSlideHasHeader = False
+ , envInList = False
+ , envInNoteSlide = False
+ , envCurSlideId = 1
+ , envSlideIdOffset = 1
+ }
+data WriterState = WriterState { stNoteIds :: M.Map Int [Block]
+ -- associate anchors with slide id
+ , stAnchorMap :: M.Map String Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default WriterState where
+ def = WriterState { stNoteIds = mempty
+ , stAnchorMap= mempty
+ }
+type Pres m = ReaderT WriterEnv (StateT WriterState m)
+runPres :: Monad m => WriterEnv -> WriterState -> Pres m a -> m a
+runPres env st p = evalStateT (runReaderT p env) st
+-- GHC 7.8 will still complain about concat <$> mapM unless we specify
+-- Functor. We can get rid of this when we stop supporting GHC 7.8.
+concatMapM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
+concatMapM f xs = liftM concat (mapM f xs)
+type Pixels = Integer
+data Presentation = Presentation [Slide]
+ deriving (Show)
+data Slide = MetadataSlide { metadataSlideTitle :: [ParaElem]
+ , metadataSlideSubtitle :: [ParaElem]
+ , metadataSlideAuthors :: [[ParaElem]]
+ , metadataSlideDate :: [ParaElem]
+ }
+ | TitleSlide { titleSlideHeader :: [ParaElem]}
+ | ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader :: [ParaElem]
+ , contentSlideContent :: [Shape]
+ }
+ | TwoColumnSlide { twoColumnSlideHeader :: [ParaElem]
+ , twoColumnSlideLeft :: [Shape]
+ , twoColumnSlideRight :: [Shape]
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data SlideElement = SlideElement Pixels Pixels Pixels Pixels Shape
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Shape = Pic PicProps FilePath Text.Pandoc.Definition.Attr [ParaElem]
+ | GraphicFrame [Graphic] [ParaElem]
+ | TextBox [Paragraph]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Cell = [Paragraph]
+data TableProps = TableProps { tblPrFirstRow :: Bool
+ , tblPrBandRow :: Bool
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Graphic = Tbl TableProps [Cell] [[Cell]]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Paragraph = Paragraph { paraProps :: ParaProps
+ , paraElems :: [ParaElem]
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+data BulletType = Bullet
+ | AutoNumbering ListAttributes
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Algnment = AlgnLeft | AlgnRight | AlgnCenter
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data ParaProps = ParaProps { pPropMarginLeft :: Maybe Pixels
+ , pPropMarginRight :: Maybe Pixels
+ , pPropLevel :: Int
+ , pPropBullet :: Maybe BulletType
+ , pPropAlign :: Maybe Algnment
+ , pPropSpaceBefore :: Maybe Pixels
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default ParaProps where
+ def = ParaProps { pPropMarginLeft = Just 0
+ , pPropMarginRight = Just 0
+ , pPropLevel = 0
+ , pPropBullet = Nothing
+ , pPropAlign = Nothing
+ , pPropSpaceBefore = Nothing
+ }
+newtype TeXString = TeXString {unTeXString :: String}
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data ParaElem = Break
+ | Run RunProps String
+ -- It would be more elegant to have native TeXMath
+ -- Expressions here, but this allows us to use
+ -- `convertmath` from T.P.Writers.Math. Will perhaps
+ -- revisit in the future.
+ | MathElem MathType TeXString
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Strikethrough = NoStrike | SingleStrike | DoubleStrike
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Capitals = NoCapitals | SmallCapitals | AllCapitals
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type URL = String
+data RunProps = RunProps { rPropBold :: Bool
+ , rPropItalics :: Bool
+ , rStrikethrough :: Maybe Strikethrough
+ , rBaseline :: Maybe Int
+ , rCap :: Maybe Capitals
+ , rLink :: Maybe (URL, String)
+ , rPropCode :: Bool
+ , rPropBlockQuote :: Bool
+ , rPropForceSize :: Maybe Pixels
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default RunProps where
+ def = RunProps { rPropBold = False
+ , rPropItalics = False
+ , rStrikethrough = Nothing
+ , rBaseline = Nothing
+ , rCap = Nothing
+ , rLink = Nothing
+ , rPropCode = False
+ , rPropBlockQuote = False
+ , rPropForceSize = Nothing
+ }
+data PicProps = PicProps { picPropLink :: Maybe (URL, String)
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default PicProps where
+ def = PicProps { picPropLink = Nothing
+ }
+inlinesToParElems :: Monad m => [Inline] -> Pres m [ParaElem]
+inlinesToParElems ils = concatMapM inlineToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems :: Monad m => Inline -> Pres m [ParaElem]
+inlineToParElems (Str s) = do
+ pr <- asks envRunProps
+ return [Run pr s]
+inlineToParElems (Emph ils) =
+ local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropItalics=True}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (Strong ils) =
+ local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropBold=True}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (Strikeout ils) =
+ local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rStrikethrough=Just SingleStrike}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (Superscript ils) =
+ local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rBaseline=Just 30000}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (Subscript ils) =
+ local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rBaseline=Just (-25000)}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (SmallCaps ils) =
+ local (\r -> r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rCap = Just SmallCapitals}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems Space = inlineToParElems (Str " ")
+inlineToParElems SoftBreak = inlineToParElems (Str " ")
+inlineToParElems LineBreak = return [Break]
+inlineToParElems (Link _ ils (url, title)) = do
+ local (\r ->r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rLink = Just (url, title)}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (Code _ str) = do
+ local (\r ->r{envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropCode = True}}) $
+ inlineToParElems $ Str str
+inlineToParElems (Math mathtype str) =
+ return [MathElem mathtype (TeXString str)]
+inlineToParElems (Note blks) = do
+ notes <- gets stNoteIds
+ let maxNoteId = case M.keys notes of
+ [] -> 0
+ lst -> maximum lst
+ curNoteId = maxNoteId + 1
+ modify $ \st -> st { stNoteIds = M.insert curNoteId blks notes }
+ inlineToParElems $ Superscript [Str $ show curNoteId]
+inlineToParElems (Span _ ils) = concatMapM inlineToParElems ils
+inlineToParElems (RawInline _ _) = return []
+inlineToParElems _ = return []
+isListType :: Block -> Bool
+isListType (OrderedList _ _) = True
+isListType (BulletList _) = True
+isListType (DefinitionList _) = True
+isListType _ = False
+registerAnchorId :: PandocMonad m => String -> Pres m ()
+registerAnchorId anchor = do
+ anchorMap <- gets stAnchorMap
+ slideId <- asks envCurSlideId
+ unless (null anchor) $
+ modify $ \st -> st {stAnchorMap = M.insert anchor slideId anchorMap}
+-- Currently hardcoded, until I figure out how to make it dynamic.
+blockQuoteSize :: Pixels
+blockQuoteSize = 20
+noteSize :: Pixels
+noteSize = 18
+blockToParagraphs :: PandocMonad m => Block -> Pres m [Paragraph]
+blockToParagraphs (Plain ils) = do
+ parElems <- inlinesToParElems ils
+ pProps <- asks envParaProps
+ return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
+blockToParagraphs (Para ils) = do
+ parElems <- inlinesToParElems ils
+ pProps <- asks envParaProps
+ return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
+blockToParagraphs (LineBlock ilsList) = do
+ parElems <- inlinesToParElems $ intercalate [LineBreak] ilsList
+ pProps <- asks envParaProps
+ return [Paragraph pProps parElems]
+-- TODO: work out the attributes
+blockToParagraphs (CodeBlock attr str) =
+ local (\r -> r{envParaProps = def{pPropMarginLeft = Just 100}}) $
+ blockToParagraphs $ Para [Code attr str]
+-- We can't yet do incremental lists, but we should render a
+-- (BlockQuote List) as a list to maintain compatibility with other
+-- formats.
+blockToParagraphs (BlockQuote (blk : blks)) | isListType blk = do
+ ps <- blockToParagraphs blk
+ ps' <- blockToParagraphs $ BlockQuote blks
+ return $ ps ++ ps'
+blockToParagraphs (BlockQuote blks) =
+ local (\r -> r{ envParaProps = (envParaProps r){pPropMarginLeft = Just 100}
+ , envRunProps = (envRunProps r){rPropForceSize = Just blockQuoteSize}})$
+ concatMapM blockToParagraphs blks
+-- TODO: work out the format
+blockToParagraphs (RawBlock _ _) = return []
+blockToParagraphs (Header _ (ident, _, _) ils) = do
+ -- Note that this function only deals with content blocks, so it
+ -- will only touch headers that are above the current slide level --
+ -- slides at or below the slidelevel will be taken care of by
+ -- `blocksToSlide'`. We have the register anchors in both of them.
+ registerAnchorId ident
+ -- we set the subeader to bold
+ parElems <- local (\e->e{envRunProps = (envRunProps e){rPropBold=True}}) $
+ inlinesToParElems ils
+ -- and give it a bit of space before it.
+ return [Paragraph def{pPropSpaceBefore = Just 30} parElems]
+blockToParagraphs (BulletList blksLst) = do
+ pProps <- asks envParaProps
+ let lvl = pPropLevel pProps
+ local (\env -> env{ envInList = True
+ , envParaProps = pProps{ pPropLevel = lvl + 1
+ , pPropBullet = Just Bullet
+ , pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
+ }}) $
+ concatMapM multiParBullet blksLst
+blockToParagraphs (OrderedList listAttr blksLst) = do
+ pProps <- asks envParaProps
+ let lvl = pPropLevel pProps
+ local (\env -> env{ envInList = True
+ , envParaProps = pProps{ pPropLevel = lvl + 1
+ , pPropBullet = Just (AutoNumbering listAttr)
+ , pPropMarginLeft = Nothing
+ }}) $
+ concatMapM multiParBullet blksLst
+blockToParagraphs (DefinitionList entries) = do
+ let go :: PandocMonad m => ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> Pres m [Paragraph]
+ go (ils, blksLst) = do
+ term <-blockToParagraphs $ Para [Strong ils]
+ -- For now, we'll treat each definition term as a
+ -- blockquote. We can extend this further later.
+ definition <- concatMapM (blockToParagraphs . BlockQuote) blksLst
+ return $ term ++ definition
+ concatMapM go entries
+blockToParagraphs (Div (_, ("notes" : []), _) _) = return []
+blockToParagraphs (Div _ blks) = concatMapM blockToParagraphs blks
+blockToParagraphs blk = do
+ P.report $ BlockNotRendered blk
+ return []
+-- Make sure the bullet env gets turned off after the first para.
+multiParBullet :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> Pres m [Paragraph]
+multiParBullet [] = return []
+multiParBullet (b:bs) = do
+ pProps <- asks envParaProps
+ p <- blockToParagraphs b
+ ps <- local (\env -> env{envParaProps = pProps{pPropBullet = Nothing}}) $
+ concatMapM blockToParagraphs bs
+ return $ p ++ ps
+cellToParagraphs :: PandocMonad m => Alignment -> TableCell -> Pres m [Paragraph]
+cellToParagraphs algn tblCell = do
+ paras <- mapM (blockToParagraphs) tblCell
+ let alignment = case algn of
+ AlignLeft -> Just AlgnLeft
+ AlignRight -> Just AlgnRight
+ AlignCenter -> Just AlgnCenter
+ AlignDefault -> Nothing
+ paras' = map (map (\p -> p{paraProps = (paraProps p){pPropAlign = alignment}})) paras
+ return $ concat paras'
+rowToParagraphs :: PandocMonad m => [Alignment] -> [TableCell] -> Pres m [[Paragraph]]
+rowToParagraphs algns tblCells = do
+ -- We have to make sure we have the right number of alignments
+ let pairs = zip (algns ++ repeat AlignDefault) tblCells
+ mapM (\(a, tc) -> cellToParagraphs a tc) pairs
+blockToShape :: PandocMonad m => Block -> Pres m Shape
+blockToShape (Plain (il:_)) | Image attr ils (url, _) <- il =
+ Pic def url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
+blockToShape (Para (il:_)) | Image attr ils (url, _) <- il =
+ Pic def url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
+blockToShape (Plain (il:_)) | Link _ (il':_) target <- il
+ , Image attr ils (url, _) <- il' =
+ Pic def{picPropLink = Just target} url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
+blockToShape (Para (il:_)) | Link _ (il':_) target <- il
+ , Image attr ils (url, _) <- il' =
+ Pic def{picPropLink = Just target} url attr <$> (inlinesToParElems ils)
+blockToShape (Table caption algn _ hdrCells rows) = do
+ caption' <- inlinesToParElems caption
+ hdrCells' <- rowToParagraphs algn hdrCells
+ rows' <- mapM (rowToParagraphs algn) rows
+ let tblPr = if null hdrCells
+ then TableProps { tblPrFirstRow = False
+ , tblPrBandRow = True
+ }
+ else TableProps { tblPrFirstRow = True
+ , tblPrBandRow = True
+ }
+ return $ GraphicFrame [Tbl tblPr hdrCells' rows'] caption'
+blockToShape blk = do paras <- blockToParagraphs blk
+ let paras' = map (\par -> par{paraElems = combineParaElems $ paraElems par}) paras
+ return $ TextBox paras'
+combineShapes :: [Shape] -> [Shape]
+combineShapes [] = []
+combineShapes (s : []) = [s]
+combineShapes (pic@(Pic _ _ _ _) : ss) = pic : combineShapes ss
+combineShapes ((TextBox []) : ss) = combineShapes ss
+combineShapes (s : TextBox [] : ss) = combineShapes (s : ss)
+combineShapes ((TextBox (p:ps)) : (TextBox (p':ps')) : ss) =
+ combineShapes $ TextBox ((p:ps) ++ (p':ps')) : ss
+combineShapes (s:ss) = s : combineShapes ss
+blocksToShapes :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> Pres m [Shape]
+blocksToShapes blks = combineShapes <$> mapM blockToShape blks
+isImage :: Inline -> Bool
+isImage (Image _ _ _) = True
+isImage (Link _ ((Image _ _ _) : _) _) = True
+isImage _ = False
+splitBlocks' :: Monad m => [Block] -> [[Block]] -> [Block] -> Pres m [[Block]]
+splitBlocks' cur acc [] = return $ acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur])
+splitBlocks' cur acc (HorizontalRule : blks) =
+ splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur])) blks
+splitBlocks' cur acc (h@(Header n _ _) : blks) = do
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ case compare n slideLevel of
+ LT -> splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[h]]) blks
+ EQ -> splitBlocks' [h] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur])) blks
+ GT -> splitBlocks' (cur ++ [h]) acc blks
+-- `blockToParagraphs` treats Plain and Para the same, so we can save
+-- some code duplication by treating them the same here.
+splitBlocks' cur acc ((Plain ils) : blks) = splitBlocks' cur acc ((Para ils) : blks)
+splitBlocks' cur acc ((Para (il:ils)) : blks) | isImage il = do
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ case cur of
+ (Header n _ _) : [] | n == slideLevel ->
+ splitBlocks' []
+ (acc ++ [cur ++ [Para [il]]])
+ (if null ils then blks else (Para ils) : blks)
+ _ -> splitBlocks' []
+ (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[Para [il]]])
+ (if null ils then blks else (Para ils) : blks)
+splitBlocks' cur acc (tbl@(Table _ _ _ _ _) : blks) = do
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ case cur of
+ (Header n _ _) : [] | n == slideLevel ->
+ splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ [cur ++ [tbl]]) blks
+ _ -> splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[tbl]]) blks
+splitBlocks' cur acc (d@(Div (_, classes, _) _): blks) | "columns" `elem` classes = do
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ case cur of
+ (Header n _ _) : [] | n == slideLevel ->
+ splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ [cur ++ [d]]) blks
+ _ -> splitBlocks' [] (acc ++ (if null cur then [] else [cur]) ++ [[d]]) blks
+splitBlocks' cur acc (blk : blks) = splitBlocks' (cur ++ [blk]) acc blks
+splitBlocks :: Monad m => [Block] -> Pres m [[Block]]
+splitBlocks = splitBlocks' [] []
+blocksToSlide' :: PandocMonad m => Int -> [Block] -> Pres m Slide
+blocksToSlide' lvl ((Header n (ident, _, _) ils) : blks)
+ | n < lvl = do
+ registerAnchorId ident
+ hdr <- inlinesToParElems ils
+ return $ TitleSlide {titleSlideHeader = hdr}
+ | n == lvl = do
+ registerAnchorId ident
+ hdr <- inlinesToParElems ils
+ -- Now get the slide without the header, and then add the header
+ -- in.
+ slide <- blocksToSlide' lvl blks
+ return $ case slide of
+ ContentSlide _ cont -> ContentSlide hdr cont
+ TwoColumnSlide _ contL contR -> TwoColumnSlide hdr contL contR
+ slide' -> slide'
+blocksToSlide' _ (blk : blks)
+ | Div (_, classes, _) divBlks <- blk
+ , "columns" `elem` classes
+ , (Div (_, clsL, _) blksL) : (Div (_, clsR, _) blksR) : remaining <- divBlks
+ , "column" `elem` clsL, "column" `elem` clsR = do
+ unless (null blks)
+ (mapM (P.report . BlockNotRendered) blks >> return ())
+ unless (null remaining)
+ (mapM (P.report . BlockNotRendered) remaining >> return ())
+ mbSplitBlksL <- splitBlocks blksL
+ mbSplitBlksR <- splitBlocks blksR
+ let blksL' = case mbSplitBlksL of
+ bs : _ -> bs
+ [] -> []
+ let blksR' = case mbSplitBlksR of
+ bs : _ -> bs
+ [] -> []
+ shapesL <- blocksToShapes blksL'
+ shapesR <- blocksToShapes blksR'
+ return $ TwoColumnSlide { twoColumnSlideHeader = []
+ , twoColumnSlideLeft = shapesL
+ , twoColumnSlideRight = shapesR
+ }
+blocksToSlide' _ (blk : blks) = do
+ inNoteSlide <- asks envInNoteSlide
+ shapes <- if inNoteSlide
+ then forceFontSize noteSize $ blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
+ else blocksToShapes (blk : blks)
+ return $ ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader = []
+ , contentSlideContent = shapes
+ }
+blocksToSlide' _ [] = return $ ContentSlide { contentSlideHeader = []
+ , contentSlideContent = []
+ }
+blocksToSlide :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> Pres m Slide
+blocksToSlide blks = do
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ blocksToSlide' slideLevel blks
+makeNoteEntry :: Int -> [Block] -> [Block]
+makeNoteEntry n blks =
+ let enum = Str (show n ++ ".")
+ in
+ case blks of
+ (Para ils : blks') -> (Para $ enum : Space : ils) : blks'
+ _ -> (Para [enum]) : blks
+forceFontSize :: PandocMonad m => Pixels -> Pres m a -> Pres m a
+forceFontSize px x = do
+ rpr <- asks envRunProps
+ local (\r -> r {envRunProps = rpr{rPropForceSize = Just px}}) x
+-- We leave these as blocks because we will want to include them in
+-- the TOC.
+makeNotesSlideBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Pres m [Block]
+makeNotesSlideBlocks = do
+ noteIds <- gets stNoteIds
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ meta <- asks envMetadata
+ -- Get identifiers so we can give the notes section a unique ident.
+ anchorSet <- M.keysSet <$> gets stAnchorMap
+ if M.null noteIds
+ then return []
+ else do let title = case lookupMeta "notes-title" meta of
+ Just val -> metaValueToInlines val
+ Nothing -> [Str "Notes"]
+ ident = Shared.uniqueIdent title anchorSet
+ hdr = Header slideLevel (ident, [], []) title
+ blks <- return $
+ concatMap (\(n, bs) -> makeNoteEntry n bs) $
+ M.toList noteIds
+ return $ hdr : blks
+getMetaSlide :: PandocMonad m => Pres m (Maybe Slide)
+getMetaSlide = do
+ meta <- asks envMetadata
+ title <- inlinesToParElems $ docTitle meta
+ subtitle <- inlinesToParElems $
+ case lookupMeta "subtitle" meta of
+ Just (MetaString s) -> [Str s]
+ Just (MetaInlines ils) -> ils
+ Just (MetaBlocks [Plain ils]) -> ils
+ Just (MetaBlocks [Para ils]) -> ils
+ _ -> []
+ authors <- mapM inlinesToParElems $ docAuthors meta
+ date <- inlinesToParElems $ docDate meta
+ if null title && null subtitle && null authors && null date
+ then return Nothing
+ else return $ Just $ MetadataSlide { metadataSlideTitle = title
+ , metadataSlideSubtitle = subtitle
+ , metadataSlideAuthors = authors
+ , metadataSlideDate = date
+ }
+-- adapted from the markdown writer
+elementToListItem :: PandocMonad m => Shared.Element -> Pres m [Block]
+elementToListItem (Shared.Sec lev _nums (ident,_,_) headerText subsecs) = do
+ opts <- asks envOpts
+ let headerLink = if null ident
+ then walk Shared.deNote headerText
+ else [Link nullAttr (walk Shared.deNote headerText)
+ ('#':ident, "")]
+ listContents <- if null subsecs || lev >= writerTOCDepth opts
+ then return []
+ else mapM elementToListItem subsecs
+ return [Plain headerLink, BulletList listContents]
+elementToListItem (Shared.Blk _) = return []
+makeTOCSlide :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> Pres m Slide
+makeTOCSlide blks = do
+ contents <- BulletList <$> mapM elementToListItem (Shared.hierarchicalize blks)
+ meta <- asks envMetadata
+ slideLevel <- asks envSlideLevel
+ let tocTitle = case lookupMeta "toc-title" meta of
+ Just val -> metaValueToInlines val
+ Nothing -> [Str "Table of Contents"]
+ hdr = Header slideLevel nullAttr tocTitle
+ sld <- blocksToSlide [hdr, contents]
+ return sld
+combineParaElems' :: Maybe ParaElem -> [ParaElem] -> [ParaElem]
+combineParaElems' mbPElem [] = maybeToList mbPElem
+combineParaElems' Nothing (pElem : pElems) =
+ combineParaElems' (Just pElem) pElems
+combineParaElems' (Just pElem') (pElem : pElems)
+ | Run rPr' s' <- pElem'
+ , Run rPr s <- pElem
+ , rPr == rPr' =
+ combineParaElems' (Just $ Run rPr' $ s' ++ s) pElems
+ | otherwise =
+ pElem' : combineParaElems' (Just pElem) pElems
+combineParaElems :: [ParaElem] -> [ParaElem]
+combineParaElems = combineParaElems' Nothing
+blocksToPresentation :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> Pres m Presentation
+blocksToPresentation blks = do
+ opts <- asks envOpts
+ let metadataStartNum = 1
+ metadataslides <- maybeToList <$> getMetaSlide
+ let tocStartNum = metadataStartNum + length metadataslides
+ -- As far as I can tell, if we want to have a variable-length toc in
+ -- the future, we'll have to make it twice. Once to get the length,
+ -- and a second time to include the notes slide. We can't make the
+ -- notes slide before the body slides because we need to know if
+ -- there are notes, and we can't make either before the toc slide,
+ -- because we need to know its length to get slide numbers right.
+ --
+ -- For now, though, since the TOC slide is only length 1, if it
+ -- exists, we'll just get the length, and then come back to make the
+ -- slide later
+ let tocSlidesLength = if writerTableOfContents opts then 1 else 0
+ let bodyStartNum = tocStartNum + tocSlidesLength
+ blksLst <- splitBlocks blks
+ bodyslides <- mapM
+ (\(bs, n) -> local (\st -> st{envCurSlideId = n}) (blocksToSlide bs))
+ (zip blksLst [bodyStartNum..])
+ let noteStartNum = bodyStartNum + length bodyslides
+ notesSlideBlocks <- makeNotesSlideBlocks
+ -- now we come back and make the real toc...
+ tocSlides <- if writerTableOfContents opts
+ then do toc <- makeTOCSlide $ blks ++ notesSlideBlocks
+ return [toc]
+ else return []
+ -- ... and the notes slide. We test to see if the blocks are empty,
+ -- because we don't want to make an empty slide.
+ notesSlides <- if null notesSlideBlocks
+ then return []
+ else do notesSlide <- local
+ (\env -> env { envCurSlideId = noteStartNum
+ , envInNoteSlide = True
+ })
+ (blocksToSlide $ notesSlideBlocks)
+ return [notesSlide]
+ return $
+ Presentation $
+ metadataslides ++ tocSlides ++ bodyslides ++ notesSlides
+documentToPresentation :: PandocMonad m
+ => WriterOptions
+ -> Pandoc
+ -> m Presentation
+documentToPresentation opts (Pandoc meta blks) = do
+ let env = def { envOpts = opts
+ , envMetadata = meta
+ , envSlideLevel = case writerSlideLevel opts of
+ Just lvl -> lvl
+ Nothing -> getSlideLevel blks
+ }
+ runPres env def $ blocksToPresentation blks