path: root/cmd/Print.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/Print.hs')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/Print.hs b/cmd/Print.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd97c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/Print.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+module Print
+ ( printCurrectWeather
+ , printForecastWeather
+ ) where
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
+import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeZone, minutesToTimeZone, utcToZonedTime)
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.City as City
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.Coord as Coord
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.CurrentWeather as CW
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.Forecast as FC
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.ForecastWeather as FW
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.Main as Main
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.Sys as Sys
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.Weather as Weather
+import qualified Web.OpenWeatherMap.Types.Wind as Wind
+printCurrectWeather :: CW.CurrentWeather -> IO ()
+printCurrectWeather cw =
+ putStrLn
+ (place ++
+ ": " ++
+ intercalate
+ ", "
+ [ w
+ , showHumidity mainw
+ , showPressure mainw
+ , showTemp mainw
+ , showWind wind
+ ])
+ where
+ w = showWeather $ CW.weather cw
+ place = showLocation (CW.name cw) (Sys.country . CW.sys $ cw) (CW.coord cw)
+ mainw = CW.main cw
+ wind = CW.wind cw
+printForecastWeather :: FW.ForecastWeather -> IO ()
+printForecastWeather fw = do
+ let c = FW.city fw
+ tz = minutesToTimeZone (City.timezone c `div` 60)
+ place = showLocation (City.name c) (City.country c) (City.coord c)
+ putStrLn place
+ mapM_ putStrLn (showForecast tz <$> FW.list fw)
+showForecast :: TimeZone -> FC.Forecast -> String
+showForecast tz fc =
+ localtime ++
+ ": " ++
+ intercalate
+ ", "
+ [ showWeather (FC.weather fc)
+ , showHumidity mainw
+ , showPressure mainw
+ , showTemp mainw
+ , showWind (FC.wind fc)
+ ]
+ where
+ localtime =
+ show . utcToZonedTime tz . posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromIntegral $ FC.dt fc
+ mainw = FC.main fc
+showLocation :: String -> Maybe String -> Coord.Coord -> String
+showLocation name country coord =
+ name' ++ maybe "" ("," ++) country ++ " " ++ coords
+ where
+ coords = showCoord coord
+ name' =
+ if name /= ""
+ then name
+ else "<unknown>"
+showCoord :: Coord.Coord -> String
+showCoord coord =
+ "(" ++
+ maybe "?" show (Coord.lat coord) ++
+ "°, " ++ maybe "?" show (Coord.lon coord) ++ "°)"
+showWeather :: [Weather.Weather] -> String
+showWeather w = intercalate "," $ Weather.main <$> w
+showHumidity :: Main.Main -> String
+showHumidity m = "H " ++ show hm ++ " %"
+ where
+ hm :: Int
+ hm = round . Main.humidity $ m
+-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millimeter_of_mercury
+showPressure :: Main.Main -> String
+showPressure m = "P " ++ show p ++ " mmHg"
+ where
+ hPa2mmHg hpa = hpa * 0.750061561303
+ p :: Int
+ p = round . hPa2mmHg . Main.pressure $ m
+-- https://stackoverflow.com/q/7490660/933161
+showWind :: Wind.Wind -> String
+showWind w = dir ++ " " ++ show speed ++ " m/s"
+ where
+ speed :: Int
+ speed = round . Wind.speed $ w
+ deg = Wind.deg w
+ -- [ "N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW" ]
+ dirs = ["↓", "↙", "←", "↖", "↑", "↗", "→", "↘"]
+ l = length dirs
+ sector = round $ (deg * fromIntegral l) / 360.0
+ dir = dirs !! (sector `rem` l)
+showTemp :: Main.Main -> String
+showTemp m = "T " ++ temp ++ " °C"
+ where
+ k2c k = k - 273.15 -- Kelvin to Celsius
+ tmax :: Int
+ tmin :: Int
+ tmax = round . k2c . Main.temp_max $ m
+ tmin = round . k2c . Main.temp_min $ m
+ show' t =
+ if t > 0
+ then "+" ++ show t
+ else show t
+ temp =
+ if tmax /= tmin
+ then show' tmin ++ ".." ++ show' tmax
+ else show' tmin