path: root/src/interp/lisp-backend.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/lisp-backend.boot')
1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/lisp-backend.boot b/src/interp/lisp-backend.boot
index d1fa2d74..7382b41c 100644
--- a/src/interp/lisp-backend.boot
+++ b/src/interp/lisp-backend.boot
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ module lisp_-backend where
printBackendDecl: (%Symbol,%Code) -> %Void
evalAndPrintBackendStmt: %Code -> %Void
evalAndPrintBackendDecl: (%Symbol,%Code) -> %Void
+ transformToBackendCode: %Form -> %Code
@@ -854,3 +855,187 @@ printBackendDecl(label,decl) ==
evalAndPrintBackendDecl(label,decl) ==
eval decl
+++ Replace every middle end sub-forms in `x' with Lisp code.
+massageBackendCode: %Code -> %Void
+massageBackendCode x ==
+ ident? x and isLispSpecialVariable x => noteSpecialVariable x
+ atomic? x => nil
+ -- temporarily have TRACELET report MAKEPROPs.
+ if (u := first x) = "MAKEPROP" and $TRACELETFLAG then
+ x.first := "MAKEPROP-SAY"
+ if u isnt 'DCQ and u isnt 'SETQ then
+ append!(x,$FUNNAME__TAIL)
+ x.first := "LETT"
+ massageBackendCode CDDR x
+ if not (u in '(SETQ RELET)) then
+ ident? second x => pushLocalVariable second x
+ second x is ["FLUID",:.] =>
+ PUSH(CADADR x, $FluidVars)
+ x.rest.first := CADADR x
+ for v in LISTOFATOMS second x repeat
+ pushLocalVariable v
+ -- Even if user used Lisp-level instructions to assign to
+ -- this variable, we still want to note that it is a Lisp-level
+ -- special variable.
+ u is 'SETQ and isLispSpecialVariable second x =>
+ noteSpecialVariable second x
+ u in '(LET LET_*) =>
+ oldVars := $LocalVars
+ vars := nil
+ for [var,init] in second x repeat
+ massageBackendCode init
+ $LocalVars := [var,:$LocalVars]
+ vars := [var,:vars]
+ massageBackendCode x.rest.rest
+ newVars := setDifference($LocalVars,setUnion(vars,oldVars))
+ $LocalVars := setUnion(oldVars,newVars)
+ u in '(PROG LAMBDA) =>
+ newBindings := []
+ for y in second x repeat
+ not symbolMember?(y,$LocalVars) =>
+ $LocalVars := [y,:$LocalVars]
+ newBindings := [y,:newBindings]
+ res := massageBackendCode CDDR x
+ $LocalVars := REMOVE_-IF(function (y +-> y in newBindings),
+ $LocalVars)
+ [u,second x,:res]
+ u = "DECLARE" => nil -- there is nothing to do convert there
+ massageBackendCode u
+ massageBackendCode rest x
+skipDeclarations: %List %Code -> %List %Code
+skipDeclarations form ==
+ while first form is ["DECLARE",:.] repeat
+ form := rest form
+ form
+++ return the last node containing a declaration in form, otherwise nil.
+lastDeclarationNode: %List %Code -> %List %Code
+lastDeclarationNode form ==
+ while second form is ["DECLARE",:.] repeat
+ form := rest form
+ first form is ["DECLARE",:.] => form
+ nil
+declareGlobalVariables: %List %Symbol -> %Code
+declareGlobalVariables vars ==
+ ["DECLARE",["SPECIAL",:vars]]
+++ Return true if `form' contains an EXIT-form that matches
+++ the parent node of `form'.
+matchingEXIT form ==
+ atomic? form or form.op is 'SEQ => false
+ form.op is 'EXIT => true
+ or/[matchingEXIT x for x in form]
+simplifySEQ form ==
+ atomic? form => form
+ form is ["SEQ",[op,a]] and op in '(EXIT RETURN) => simplifySEQ a
+ form is ['SEQ,s] and not matchingEXIT s => simplifySEQ s
+ for stmts in tails form repeat
+ stmts.first := simplifySEQ first stmts
+ form
+++ Return true if the Lisp `form' has a `RETURN' form
+++ that needs to be enclosed in a `PROG' form.
+needsPROG? form ==
+ atomic? form => false
+ op := form.op
+ op is 'RETURN => true
+ op in '(LOOP PROG) => false
+ form is ['BLOCK,=nil,:.] => false
+ any?(function needsPROG?,form)
+++ We are processing the complete `body' of a function definition.
+++ If this body is a multiway test, there is no need to have
+++ a RETURN-FROM operator in the immediate consequence of a branch.
+removeToplevelRETURN_-FROM body ==
+ if body is [['COND,:stmts]] then
+ for stmt in stmts repeat
+ stmt is [.,['RETURN_-FROM,.,expr]] =>
+ second(stmt) := expr
+ body
+++ Generate Lisp code by lowering middle end defining form `x'.
+++ x has the strucrure: <name, parms, stmt1, ...>
+transformToBackendCode x ==
+ $FluidVars: local := nil
+ $LocalVars: local := nil
+ $SpecialVars: local := nil
+ x := middleEndExpand x
+ massageBackendCode CDDR x
+ body := skipDeclarations CDDR x
+ -- Make it explicitly a sequence of statements if it is not a one liner.
+ body :=
+ body is [stmt] and
+ (stmt isnt [.,:.]
+ or stmt.op in '(SEQ LET LET_*)
+ or not CONTAINED("EXIT",stmt)) =>
+ body
+ [simplifySEQ ["SEQ",:body]]
+ $FluidVars := removeDuplicates reverse! $FluidVars
+ $LocalVars := S_-(S_-(removeDuplicates reverse! $LocalVars,$FluidVars),
+ LISTOFATOMS second x)
+ lvars := [:$FluidVars,:$LocalVars]
+ fluids := S_+($FluidVars,$SpecialVars)
+ body :=
+ fluids ~= nil =>
+ lvars ~= nil or needsPROG? body =>
+ [["PROG",lvars,declareGlobalVariables fluids, ["RETURN",:body]]]
+ body is [[op,inits,:body']] and op in '(LET LET_*)
+ and $FluidVars ~= nil =>
+ [declareGlobalVariables $SpecialVars,
+ [op,inits,declareGlobalVariables fluids,:body']]
+ [declareGlobalVariables fluids,:body]
+ lvars ~= nil or needsPROG? body =>
+ [["PROG",lvars,["RETURN",:body]]]
+ removeToplevelRETURN_-FROM body
+ -- add reference parameters to the list of special variables.
+ fluids := S_+(backendFluidize second x, $SpecialVars)
+ lastdecl := lastDeclarationNode rest x
+ if lastdecl = nil then
+ x.rest.rest := body
+ else
+ null fluids =>
+ lastdecl.rest := body
+ lastdecl.rest := [declareGlobalVariables fluids,:body]
+ x
+$CLOSEDFNS := nil
+ makeSymbol strconc($FUNNAME,'"!", toString # $CLOSEDFNS)
+backendCompileNEWNAM: %Form -> %Void
+backendCompileNEWNAM x ==
+ atomic? x => nil
+ y := first x
+ y isnt [.,:.] =>
+ backendCompileNEWNAM rest x
+ if y is "CLOSEDFN" then
+ PUSH([u,second x], $CLOSEDFNS)
+ x.first := "FUNCTION"
+ x.rest.first := u
+ backendCompileNEWNAM first x
+ backendCompileNEWNAM rest x
+backendCompile1 x ==
+ fname := first x
+ $FUNNAME: local := fname
+ $FUNNAME__TAIL: local := [fname]
+ lamex := second x
+ $CLOSEDFNS: local := []
+ lamex := transformToBackendCode lamex
+ backendCompileNEWNAM lamex
+ -- Note that category constructors are evaluated before they
+ -- their compiled, so this noise is not very helpful.
+ if $verbose and functionSymbol? fname then
+ formatToStdout('"~&~%;;; *** ~S REDEFINED~%",fname)
+ [[fname,lamex],:$CLOSEDFNS]
+backendCompile l ==
+ [backendCompile2 f2 for f2 in [:backendCompile1(f1) for f1 in l]]