path: root/src/interp/buildom.boot
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/buildom.boot')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/buildom.boot b/src/interp/buildom.boot
index 7fd36e0f..d8ab5e6c 100644
--- a/src/interp/buildom.boot
+++ b/src/interp/buildom.boot
@@ -60,6 +60,234 @@ $commonCategoryDefaults ==
$FirstParamSlot ==
+--% Monitoring functions
+lookupDisplay(op,sig,vectorOrForm,suffix) ==
+ not $NRTmonitorIfTrue => nil
+ prefix := (suffix = '"" => ">"; "<")
+ sayBrightly
+ concat(prefix,formatOpSignature(op,sig),
+ '" from ", prefix2String devaluateDeeply vectorOrForm,suffix)
+isInstantiated [op,:argl] ==
+ u:= lassocShiftWithFunction(argl,HGET($ConstructorCache,op),'domainEqualList)
+ => CDRwithIncrement u
+ nil
+-- Predicates
+lookupPred(pred,dollar,domain) ==
+ pred = true => true
+ pred is [op,:pl] and op in '(AND and %and) =>
+ and/[lookupPred(p,dollar,domain) for p in pl]
+ pred is [op,:pl] and op in '(OR or %or) =>
+ or/[lookupPred(p,dollar,domain) for p in pl]
+ pred is [op,p] and op in '(NOT not %not) => not lookupPred(p,dollar,domain)
+ pred is ['is,dom1,dom2] => domainEqual(dom1,dom2)
+ pred is ["has",a,b] =>
+ vector? a =>
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"lookupPred",
+ '"vector as first argument to has"])
+ a := eval mkEvalable substDollarArgs(dollar,domain,a)
+ b := substDollarArgs(dollar,domain,b)
+ HasCategory(a,b)
+ keyedSystemError("S2NR0002",[pred])
+substDollarArgs(dollar,domain,object) ==
+ form := devaluate domain
+ SUBLISLIS([devaluate dollar,:rest form],
+ ["$",:$FormalMapVariableList],object)
+compareSig(sig,tableSig,dollar,domain) ==
+ not (#sig = #tableSig) => false
+ null (target := first sig)
+ or lazyCompareSigEqual(target,first tableSig,dollar,domain) =>
+ and/[lazyCompareSigEqual(s,t,dollar,domain)
+ for s in rest sig for t in rest tableSig]
+lazyCompareSigEqual(s,tslot,dollar,domain) ==
+ tslot = '$ => s = "$" or s = devaluate dollar
+ integer? tslot and cons?(lazyt:=domain.tslot) and cons? s =>
+ lazyt is [.,.,.,[.,item,.]] and
+ item is [.,[functorName,:.]] and functorName = first s =>
+ compareSigEqual(s,(evalDomain lazyt).0,dollar,domain)
+ nil
+ compareSigEqual(s,NRTreplaceLocalTypes(tslot,domain),dollar,domain)
+compareSigEqual(s,t,dollar,domain) ==
+ s = t => true
+ atom t =>
+ u :=
+ t='$ => dollar
+ isSharpVar t =>
+ vector? domain => rest(domain.0).(POSN1(t,$FormalMapVariableList))
+ rest(domain).(POSN1(t,$FormalMapVariableList))
+ string? t and IDENTP s => (s := symbolName s; t)
+ nil
+ s = '$ => compareSigEqual(dollar,u,dollar,domain)
+ u => compareSigEqual(s,u,dollar,domain)
+ s = u
+ s='$ => compareSigEqual(dollar,t,dollar,domain)
+ atom s => nil
+ #s ~= #t => nil
+ match := true
+ for u in s for v in t repeat
+ not compareSigEqual(u,v,dollar,domain) => return(match:=false)
+ match
+-- Lookup From Interpreter
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see interop.boot.pamphlet)
+compiledLookup(op,sig,dollar) ==
+--called by coerceByFunction, evalForm, findEqualFun, findUniqueOpInDomain,
+-- getFunctionFromDomain, optDeltaEntry, retractByFunction
+ if not vector? dollar then dollar := evalDomain dollar
+ -- "^" is an alternate name for "**" in OpenAxiom libraries.
+ -- ??? When, we get to support Aldor libraries and the equivalence
+ -- ??? does not hold, we may want to do the reverse lookup too.
+ -- ??? See compiledLookupCheck below.
+ if op = "^" then op := "**"
+ basicLookup(op,sig,dollar,dollar)
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see interop.boot.pamphlet)
+basicLookup(op,sig,domain,dollar) ==
+ item := domain.1
+ cons? item and first item in '(lookupInDomain lookupInTable) =>
+ lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domain,dollar)
+ ----------new world code follows------------
+ u := lookupInDomainAndDefaults(op,sig,domain,dollar,false) => u
+ lookupInDomainAndDefaults(op,sig,domain,dollar,true)
+compiledLookupCheck(op,sig,dollar) ==
+ fn := compiledLookup(op,sig,dollar)
+ if (fn = nil) and (op = "**") then
+ fn := compiledLookup("^",sig,dollar)
+ fn = nil =>
+ keyedSystemError("S2NR0001",[op,formatSignature sig,dollar.0])
+ fn
+-- Lookup From Compiled Code
+goGet(:l) ==
+ [:arglist,env] := l
+ arglist is ['goGet,:.] => stop()
+ [[.,[op,initSig,:code]],thisDomain] := env
+ domainSlot := code quo 8192
+ code1 := code rem 8192
+ if QSODDP code1 then isConstant := true
+ code2 := code1 quo 2
+ if QSODDP code2 then explicitLookupDomainIfTrue := true
+ index := code2 quo 2
+ kind := (isConstant = true => 'CONST; 'ELT)
+ sig := [NRTreplaceLocalTypes(s,thisDomain) for s in initSig]
+ sig := substDomainArgs(thisDomain,sig)
+ lookupDomain :=
+ domainSlot = 0 => thisDomain
+ thisDomain.domainSlot -- where we look for the operation
+ if cons? lookupDomain then lookupDomain := evalDomain lookupDomain
+ dollar := -- what matches $ in signatures
+ explicitLookupDomainIfTrue => lookupDomain
+ thisDomain
+ if cons? dollar then dollar := evalDomain dollar
+ fn:= basicLookup(op,sig,lookupDomain,dollar)
+ fn = nil => keyedSystemError("S2NR0001",[op,sig,lookupDomain.0])
+ val:= apply(first fn,[:arglist,rest fn])
+ vectorRef(thisDomain,index) := fn
+ val
+NRTreplaceLocalTypes(t,dom) ==
+ atom t =>
+ not integer? t => t
+ t:= dom.t
+ if cons? t then t:= evalDomain t
+ t.0
+ first t in '(Mapping Union Record _:) =>
+ [first t,:[NRTreplaceLocalTypes(x,dom) for x in rest t]]
+ t
+substDomainArgs(domain,object) ==
+ form := devaluate domain
+ SUBLISLIS([form,:rest form],["$$",:$FormalMapVariableList],object)
+-- Category Default Lookup (from goGet or lookupInAddChain)
+lookupInCategories(op,sig,dom,dollar) ==
+ catformList := dom.4.0
+ varList := ["$",:$FormalMapVariableList]
+ nsig := MSUBST(dom.0,dollar.0,sig)
+ -- the following lines don't need to check for predicates because
+ -- this code (the old runtime scheme) is used only for
+ -- builtin constructors -- their predicates are always true.
+ r := or/[lookupInDomainVector(op,nsig,
+ eval EQSUBSTLIST(valueList,varList,catform),dollar)
+ for catform in catformList | not null catform] where
+ valueList() ==
+ [MKQ dom,:[MKQ dom.(5+i) for i in 1..(#rest catform)]]
+ r or lookupDisplay(op,sig,'"category defaults",'"-- not found")
+-- Lookup Addlist (from lookupInDomainTable or lookupInDomain)
+defaultingFunction op ==
+ not(op is [.,:dom]) => false
+ not vector? dom => false
+ not (#dom > 0) => false
+ not (dom.0 is [packageName,:.]) => false
+ not IDENTP packageName => false
+ isDefaultPackageName packageName
+lookupInAddChain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar) ==
+ addFunction:=lookupInDomain(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar,5)
+ defaultingFunction addFunction =>
+ lookupInCategories(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar) or addFunction
+ addFunction or lookupInCategories(op,sig,addFormDomain,dollar)
+-- Lookup Function in Slot 1 (via SPADCALL)
+lookupInTable(op,sig,dollar,[domain,table]) ==
+ table = "derived" => lookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar)
+ success := false
+ someMatch := false
+ while not success for [sig1,:code] in LASSQ(op,table) repeat
+ success :=
+ not compareSig(sig,sig1,dollar.0,domain) => false
+ code is ['subsumed,a] =>
+ subsumptionSig :=
+ EQSUBSTLIST(rest(domain.0),$FormalMapVariableList,a)
+ someMatch:=true
+ false
+ predIndex := code quo 8192
+ predIndex ~= 0 and not lookupPred($predVector.predIndex,dollar,domain)
+ => false
+ loc := (code rem 8192) quo 2
+ loc = 0 =>
+ someMatch := true
+ nil
+ slot := domain.loc
+ slot is ["goGet",:.] =>
+ lookupDisplay(op,sig,domain,'" !! goGet found, will ignore")
+ lookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) or 'failed
+ null slot =>
+ lookupDisplay(op,sig,domain,'" !! null slot entry, continuing")
+ lookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) or 'failed
+ lookupDisplay(op,sig,domain,'" !! found in NEW table!!")
+ slot
+ NE(success,'failed) and success => success
+ subsumptionSig and (u:= SPADCALL(op,subsumptionSig,dollar,domain.1)) => u
+ someMatch => lookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar)
+ nil
--% Record
-- Want to eventually have the elts and setelts.
-- Record is a macro in BUILDOM LISP. It takes out the colons.