path: root/src/interp/boot-pkg.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/boot-pkg.lisp')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/boot-pkg.lisp b/src/interp/boot-pkg.lisp
index a0dbf0fb..ced3bf9c 100644
--- a/src/interp/boot-pkg.lisp
+++ b/src/interp/boot-pkg.lisp
@@ -94,4 +94,62 @@
(decode-float u)
(cons (* s f) e)))
+;; Format a DoubleFloat value in a reasonable way. Similar code
+;; has been submitted for inclusion in SBCL. If and when
+;; that version is integrated, we should remove it from here.
+#- :sbcl
+(defun dfloat-format-general (number)
+ (format nil "~G" number))
+#+ :sbcl
+(defun dfloat-format-general (number)
+ (declare (type double-float number))
+ (cond
+ ((zerop number) "0.")
+ (t
+ (with-output-to-string (stream)
+ (if (or (sb-ext:float-infinity-p number)
+ (sb-ext:float-nan-p number))
+ (prin1 number stream)
+ (flet ((dfloat-format-fixed (stream number d)
+ (declare (type double-float number))
+ (multiple-value-bind (str len lpoint tpoint)
+ (sb-impl::flonum-to-string number nil d)
+ (declare (ignore len))
+ ;;if caller specifically requested no fraction digits,
+ ;;suppress the optional trailing zero
+ (when (and d (zerop d))
+ (setq tpoint nil))
+ (when lpoint
+ (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (write-string str stream)
+ nil))
+ (dfloat-format-exp (stream number)
+ (declare (type double-float number))
+ (multiple-value-bind (num expt)
+ (sb-impl::scale-exponent number)
+ (let* ((expt (1- expt))
+ (estr (sb-format::decimal-string (abs expt))))
+ (multiple-value-bind (fstr flen lpoint tpoint)
+ (sb-impl::flonum-to-string num nil nil 1)
+ (declare (ignore tpoint))
+ (when lpoint (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (write-string fstr stream)
+ (when (char= (aref fstr (1- flen)) #\.)
+ (write-char #\0 stream))
+ (write-char #\E stream)
+ (write-char (if (minusp expt) #\- #\+) stream)
+ (write-string estr stream))
+ nil))))
+ (when (minusp number)
+ (setq number (- number))
+ (write-char #\- stream))
+ (multiple-value-bind (ignore n) (sb-impl::scale-exponent number)
+ (declare (ignore ignore))
+ (let* ((q (length
+ (nth-value 1 (sb-impl::flonum-to-digits number))))
+ (d (max q (min n 7)))
+ (dd (- d n)))
+ (if (<= 0 dd d)
+ (dfloat-format-fixed stream number dd)
+ (dfloat-format-exp stream number))))))))))