path: root/src/etc/asq.c.pamphlet
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/etc/asq.c.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 1563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/etc/asq.c.pamphlet b/src/etc/asq.c.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54bedb91
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+++ b/src/etc/asq.c.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,1563 @@
+\title{\$SPAD/etc asq.c}
+\author{Timothy Daly}
+The asq (ask) function is a command line utility for extracting information
+from the Axiom databases. It understands how the data is stored and can
+retrieve all data associated with Categories, Domains, and Packages.
+It used to look for the databases in [[$AXIOM/../../share/algebra]]
+which was a NAG modification of the original location
+but has been changed to search [[$AXIOM/algebra]] as originally designed.
+\section{Database structure}
+In order to understand this program you need to understand some details
+of the structure of the databases it reads. Axiom has 5 databases,
+the interp.daase, operation.daase, category.daase, compress.daase, and
+browse.daase. The compress.daase is special and does not follow the
+normal database format.
+\subsection{KAF File Format}
+This documentation refers to KAF files which are random access files.
+NRLIB files are KAF files (look for NRLIB/index.KAF)
+The format of a random access file is
+((key1 . first-entry-byte-address)
+ (key2 . second-entry-byte-address)
+ ...
+ (keyN . last-entry-byte-address))
+The key table is a standard lisp alist.
+To open a database you fetch the first number, seek to that location,
+and (read) which returns the key-data alist. To look up data you
+index into the key-data alist, find the ith-entry-byte-address,
+seek to that address, and (read).
+For instance, see src/share/algebra/USERS.DAASE/index.KAF
+One existing optimization is that if the data is a simple thing like a
+symbol then the nth-entry-byte-address is replaced by immediate data.
+Another existing one is a compression algorithm applied to the
+data so that the very long names don't take up so much space.
+We could probably remove the compression algorithm as 64k is no
+longer considered 'huge'. The database-abbreviation routine
+handles this on read and write-compress handles this on write.
+The squeeze routine is used to compress the keys, the unsqueeze
+routine uncompresses them. Making these two routines disappear
+should remove all of the compression.
+Indeed, a faster optimization is to simply read the whole database
+into the image before it is saved. The system would be easier to
+understand and the interpreter would be faster.
+The fastest optimization is to fix the time stamp mechanism
+which is currently broken. Making this work requires a small
+bit of coordination at 'make' time which I forgot to implement.
+\subsection{Database Files}
+Database files are very similar to KAF files except that there
+is an optimization (currently broken) which makes the first
+item a pair of two numbers. The first number in the pair is
+the offset of the key-value table, the second is a time stamp.
+If the time stamp in the database matches the time stamp in
+the image the database is not needed (since the internal hash
+tables already contain all of the information). When the database
+is built the time stamp is saved in both the gcl image and the
+The compress database is special. It contains a list of symbols.
+The character string name of a symbol in the other databases is
+represented by a negative number. To get the real symbol back you
+take the absolute value of the number and use it as a byte index
+into the compress database. In this way long symbol names become
+short negative numbers.
+ format of an entry in interp.daase:
+ (constructor-name
+ operationalist
+ constructormodemap
+ modemaps -- this should not be needed. eliminate it.
+ object -- the name of the object file to load for this con.
+ constructorcategory -- note that this info is the cadar of the
+ constructormodemap for domains and packages so it is stored
+ as NIL for them. it is valid for categories.
+ niladic -- t or nil directly
+ unused
+ cosig -- kept directly
+ constructorkind -- kept directly
+ defaultdomain -- a short list, for %i
+ ancestors -- used to compute new category updates
+ )
+Here I'll try to outline the interp database write procedure
+(defun write-interpdb ()
+ "build interp.daase from hash tables"
+ (declare (special $spadroot) (special *ancestors-hash*))
+ (let (opalistpos modemapspos cmodemappos master masterpos obj *print-pretty*
+ concategory categorypos kind niladic cosig abbrev defaultdomain
+ ancestors ancestorspos out)
+ (declare (special *print-pretty*))
+ (print "building interp.daase")
+; 1. We open the file we're going to create
+ (setq out (open "interp.build" :direction :output))
+; 2. We reserve some space at the top of the file for the key-time pair
+; We will overwrite these spaces just before we close the file.
+ (princ " " out)
+; 3. Make sure we write it out
+ (finish-output out)
+; 4. For every constructor in the system we write the parts:
+ (dolist (constructor (|allConstructors|))
+ (let (struct)
+; 4a. Each constructor has a property list. A property list is a list
+; of (key . value) pairs. The property we want is called 'database
+; so there is a ('database . something) in the property list
+ (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
+; 5 We write the "operationsalist"
+; 5a. We remember the current file position before we write
+; We need this information so we can seek to this position on read
+ (setq opalistpos (file-position out))
+; 5b. We get the "operationalist", compress it, and write it out
+ (print (squeeze (database-operationalist struct)) out)
+; 5c. We make sure it was written
+ (finish-output out)
+; 6 We write the "constructormodemap"
+; 6a. We remember the current file position before we write
+ (setq cmodemappos (file-position out))
+; 6b. We get the "constructormodemap", compress it, and write it out
+ (print (squeeze (database-constructormodemap struct)) out)
+; 6c. We make sure it was written
+ (finish-output out)
+; 7. We write the "modemaps"
+; 7a. We remember the current file position before we write
+ (setq modemapspos (file-position out))
+; 7b. We get the "modemaps", compress it, and write it out
+ (print (squeeze (database-modemaps struct)) out)
+; 7c. We make sure it was written
+ (finish-output out)
+; 8. We remember source file pathnames in the obj variable
+ (if (consp (database-object struct)) ; if asharp code ...
+ (setq obj
+ (cons (pathname-name (car (database-object struct)))
+ (cdr (database-object struct))))
+ (setq obj
+ (pathname-name
+ (first (last (pathname-directory (database-object struct)))))))
+; 9. We write the "constructorcategory", if it is a category, else nil
+; 9a. Get the constructorcategory and compress it
+ (setq concategory (squeeze (database-constructorcategory struct)))
+; 9b. If we have any data we write it out, else we don't write it
+; Note that if there is no data then the byte index for the
+; constructorcatagory will not be a number but will be nil.
+ (if concategory ; if category then write data else write nil
+ (progn
+ (setq categorypos (file-position out))
+ (print concategory out)
+ (finish-output out))
+ (setq categorypos nil))
+; 10. We get a set of properties which are kept as "immediate" data
+; This means that the key table will hold this data directly
+; rather than as a byte index into the file.
+; 10a. niladic data
+ (setq niladic (database-niladic struct))
+; 10b. abbreviation data (e.g. POLY for polynomial)
+ (setq abbrev (database-abbreviation struct))
+; 10c. cosig data
+ (setq cosig (database-cosig struct))
+; 10d. kind data
+ (setq kind (database-constructorkind struct))
+; 10e. defaultdomain data
+ (setq defaultdomain (database-defaultdomain struct))
+; 11. The ancestor data might exist. If it does we fetch it,
+; compress it, and write it out. If it does not we place
+; and immediate value of nil in the key-value table
+ (setq ancestors (squeeze (gethash constructor *ancestors-hash*))) ;cattable.boot
+ (if ancestors
+ (progn
+ (setq ancestorspos (file-position out))
+ (print ancestors out)
+ (finish-output out))
+ (setq ancestorspos nil))
+; 12. "master" is an alist. Each element of the alist has the name of
+; the constructor and all of the above attributes. When the loop
+; finishes we will have constructed all of the data for the key-value
+; table
+ (push (list constructor opalistpos cmodemappos modemapspos
+ obj categorypos niladic abbrev cosig kind defaultdomain
+ ancestorspos) master)))
+; 13. The loop is done, we make sure all of the data is written
+ (finish-output out)
+; 14. We remember where the key-value table will be written in the file
+ (setq masterpos (file-position out))
+; 15. We compress and print the key-value table
+ (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out)
+; 16. We make sure we write the table
+ (finish-output out)
+; 17. We go to the top of the file
+ (file-position out 0)
+; 18. We write out the (master-byte-position . universal-time) pair
+; Note that if the universal-time value matches the value of
+; *interp-stream-stamp* then there is no reason to read the
+; interp database because all of the data is already cached in
+; the image. This happens if you build a database and immediatly
+; save the image. The saved image already has the data since we
+; just wrote it out. If the *interp-stream-stamp* and the database
+; time stamp differ we "reread" the database on startup. Actually
+; we just open the database and fetch as needed. You can see fetches
+; by setting the *miss* variable non-nil.
+ (print (cons masterpos (get-universal-time)) out)
+; 19. We make sure we write it.
+ (finish-output out)
+; 20 And we are done
+ (close out)))
+ format of an entry in browse.daase:
+ ( constructorname
+ sourcefile
+ constructorform
+ documentation
+ attributes
+ predicates
+ )
+This is essentially the same overall process as above.
+We reserve some space for the (key-table-byte-position . timestamp)
+We loop across the list of constructors dumping the data and
+remembering the byte positions in a key-value pair table.
+We dump the final key-value pair table, write the byte position and
+time stamp at the top of the file and close the file.
+(defun write-browsedb ()
+ "make browse.daase from hash tables"
+ (declare (special $spadroot))
+ (let (master masterpos src formpos docpos attpos predpos *print-pretty* out)
+ (declare (special *print-pretty*))
+ (print "building browse.daase")
+ (setq out (open "browse.build" :direction :output))
+ (princ " " out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (dolist (constructor (|allConstructors|))
+ (let (struct)
+ (setq struct (get constructor 'database))
+ ; sourcefile is small. store the string directly
+ (setq src (database-sourcefile struct))
+ (setq formpos (file-position out))
+ (print (squeeze (database-constructorform struct)) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (setq docpos (file-position out))
+ (print (database-documentation struct) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (setq attpos (file-position out))
+ (print (squeeze (database-attributes struct)) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (setq predpos (file-position out))
+ (print (squeeze (database-predicates struct)) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (push (list constructor src formpos docpos attpos predpos) master)))
+ (finish-output out)
+ (setq masterpos (file-position out))
+ (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (file-position out 0)
+ (print (cons masterpos (get-universal-time)) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (close out)))
+This is a single table of category hash table information, dumped in the
+database format.
+(defun write-categorydb ()
+ "make category.daase from scratch. contains the *hasCategory-hash* table"
+ (let (out master pos *print-pretty*)
+ (declare (special *print-pretty*))
+ (print "building category.daase")
+ (|genCategoryTable|)
+ (setq out (open "category.build" :direction :output))
+ (princ " " out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
+ (if (or (null value) (eq value t))
+ (setq pos value)
+ (progn
+ (setq pos (file-position out))
+ (print (squeeze value) out)
+ (finish-output out)))
+ (push (list key pos) master))
+ *hasCategory-hash*)
+ (setq pos (file-position out))
+ (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (file-position out 0)
+ (print (cons pos (get-universal-time)) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (close out)))
+This is a single table of operations hash table information, dumped in the
+database format.
+(defun write-operationdb ()
+ (let (pos master out)
+ (declare (special leaves))
+ (setq out (open "operation.build" :direction :output))
+ (princ " " out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (maphash #'(lambda (key value)
+ (setq pos (file-position out))
+ (print (squeeze value) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (push (cons key pos) master))
+ *operation-hash*)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (setq pos (file-position out))
+ (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out)
+ (file-position out 0)
+ (print (cons pos (get-universal-time)) out)
+ (finish-output out)
+ (close out)))
+Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+ the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ distribution.
+ - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+ names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+/* asq is a mini browser for the AXIOM databases */
+#define VERSION 7
+/* 040206007 tpd fix anal compiler warnings */
+/* 030710006 tpd remove share directory */
+/* 940112005 tpd cleanup of printinfo */
+/* 931228004 tpd more output to stdout */
+/* 931228003 tpd properties are flags, output to stdout */
+/* 931221002 tpd sourcefile was misspelled in pprintinfo */
+/* 931206001 tpd initial release */
+/* add: asq inv ... look up as an operation */
+/* add: asq *IN* ... give list of matching domains and abbreviations */
+/* asq -property searchkey */
+/* property is one of the following flags: (all is the default) */
+/* (ab) abbreviation (an) ancestors */
+/* (at) attributes (ca cc) constructorcategory */
+/* (cf fo) constructorform (ck ki) constructorkind */
+/* (cm) constructormodemap (con) constructor */
+/* (cos) cosig (de) defaultdomain */
+/* (dom) domain (doc) documentation */
+/* (mo) modemaps (ni) niladic */
+/* (ob) object (op) operationalist */
+/* (pr) predicates (so) sourcefile */
+/*searchkey can be either a domain or its abbreviation. */
+/* e.g. %s -so Integer */
+/* will give the source file name written to stdout */
+/* echoargs -- echo the arguments */
+/* printnoquotes-- print a string with no quote marks */
+/* printenter -- print on entry */
+/* printexit -- print on exit */
+/* readlist -- read the key information as a list (uses global list var)*/
+/* readstring2 -- read a string (including escape chars) */
+/* readlist2 -- read a list without smashing the main list uses list2 var*/
+/* pprintatom -- print anything but a list */
+/* printlist -- recursively print a list object */
+/* pprintlist -- recursively pprint a list object */
+/* printob -- print the object file name (uses printlist) */
+/* pprintobject -- recursively print an object */
+/* skiplist -- skip over a list we don't want to print */
+/* pprintalist -- read an alist and prettyprint it */
+/* pprint -- prettyprint the information at a given pointer */
+/* printdomain -- prints the domain name */
+/* printobject -- print the object file name (uses pprintlist) */
+/* printconstructorkind -- print the constructorkind data */
+/* printniladic -- print the niladic property */
+/* printabbreviation -- print the abbreviation */
+/* printsourcefile -- print the source file */
+/* printdefaultdomain -- print the default domain */
+/* printancestors -- print the ancestors */
+/* printoperationalist -- print the operationalist */
+/* printhas -- print a has clause */
+/* printand -- print an and clause */
+/* printor -- print an or clause */
+/* printandor -- print an and/or clause */
+/* printcond -- prettyprint a list of conditions */
+/* printattributes -- print the attributes */
+/* printcosig -- print the cosig property */
+/* printconstructorform -- print the constructorform property */
+/* printconstructormodemap -- print the constructormodemap property */
+/* printmodemaps-- print the modemaps property */
+/* printconstructorcategory -- print the constructorcategory property */
+/* printdocumentation -- print the documentation property */
+/* printpredicates -- print the predicates */
+/* openinterp -- open the interp.daase file and point at the first key */
+/* parseinterp -- parse the key gotten from interp.daase */
+/* openbrowse -- open the browse.daase file and point at the first key */
+/* parsebrowse -- parse the key gotten from browse.daase */
+/* opencompress -- open the compress.daase file and point at the first key */
+/* pprintinfo -- prettyprint the information from the database files */
+/* fullname -- expand an abbreviation to the full name */
+/* printhelp -- print the help info */
+/* main */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "axiom-c-macros.h"
+/* we need to predeclare some functions so their signatures are known */
+int printandor(char *list);
+int printlist(char *list);
+int pprintobject(char *list);
+int pprintcond(int seekpt,char *path);
+/* this bogucity is apparently due to the introduction of unicode */
+/* since we don't use unicode we default to the K&R C signatures */
+int isdigit(int c);
+int isspace(int c);
+/*defvar*/ char *AXIOM; /* the AXIOM shell variable */
+/*defvar*/ char interppath[256]; /* where the file is */
+/*defvar*/ FILE *interp; /* what the handle is */
+/*defvar*/ int seekinterp; /* where in the file? */
+/*defvar*/ char browsepath[256]; /* where the file is */
+/*defvar*/ FILE *browse; /* what the handle is */
+/*defvar*/ int seekbrowse; /* where in the file? */
+/*defvar*/ char compresspath[256]; /* where the file is */
+/*defvar*/ FILE *compress; /* what the handle is */
+/*defvar*/ int seekcompress; /* where in the file? */
+/*defvar*/ char **ct; /* compressed string array */
+/*defvar*/ int Nct; /* length of above */
+/*defvar*/ char list[2048]; /* the key for the domain */
+/*defvar*/ int listptr = 0; /* pointer into list variable */
+/*defvar*/ char list2[65535]; /* the data for an item */
+/*defvar*/ int listptr2 = 0; /* pointer into list2 variable */
+/*defvar*/ int ppcount=0; /* where the prettyprinter is in the list */
+/*defvar*/ int indent=6; /* how far over to move this item */
+/*defvar*/ char erasecmd[256]; /* a system command to erase the test file*/
+/* interp.daase entries */
+/*defvar*/ char domain[256];
+/*defvar*/ char operationalist[256];
+/*defvar*/ char constructormodemap[256];
+/*defvar*/ char modemaps[256];
+/*defvar*/ char object[256];
+/*defvar*/ char constructorcategory[256];
+/*defvar*/ char niladic[256];
+/*defvar*/ char abbreviation[256];
+/*defvar*/ char constructor[256];
+/*defvar*/ char cosig[256];
+/*defvar*/ char constructorkind[256];
+/*defvar*/ char defaultdomain[256];
+/*defvar*/ char ancestors[256];
+/* browse.daase entries */
+/*defvar*/ char bdomain[256];
+/*defvar*/ char bsourcefile[256];
+/*defvar*/ char bconstructorform[256];
+/*defvar*/ char bdocumentation[256];
+/*defvar*/ char battributes[256];
+/*defvar*/ char bpredicates[256];
+/*defun*/ int S2N(char *s)
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<Nct;i++) {
+ if(strcmp(ct[i],s)==0) return -i;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/*defun*/ char* N2S(int n)
+ return ((n<=0 && n>-Nct) ? ct[-n] : "the unknown thing");
+/*defun*/ int echoargs(int argc, char *argv[])
+/* echo the arguments */
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i < argc; i++)
+ printf("%d=%s%s",i,argv[i],(i < argc-1) ? " " : "");
+ printf("\n");
+ return 0;
+/*defun*/ int printnoquotes(char *chars)
+{ int i;
+ for (i=0; chars[i] != '\0'; i++)
+ if (chars[i] != '\"') putchar(chars[i]);
+ putchar('\n');
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printenter(char *name)
+/* debugging...print on entry */
+{ int i;
+ printf("\n>enter %s >",name);
+ for (i=0; i < 10; i++) printf("%c",list2[ppcount+i]);
+ printf("<\n");
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printexit(char *name)
+/* debugging...print on exit */
+{ int i;
+ printf("\n<exit %s >",name);
+ for (i=0; i < 10; i++) printf("%c",list2[ppcount+i]);
+ printf("<\n");
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int readlist(FILE *file)
+/* read the key information as a list (uses global list var) */
+/* note: this function assumes the caller has done an fseek and read */
+/* one character which was an '(', starting a list */
+/* it also assumes that the caller has set listptr to 0 */
+ int c;
+ list[listptr++]='(';
+ while ((c=fgetc(file)) != EOF)
+ {if ((char)c == ')') break;
+ if ((char)c == '(') readlist(file);
+ else list[listptr++]=(char)c;}
+ list[listptr++]=')';
+ list[listptr]='\0';
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int readstring2(FILE *file)
+/* read a string (including escape chars) uses (global list2 var) */
+/* note: this function assumes the caller has done an fseek and read */
+/* one character which was a '"', starting a string */
+/* it also assumes that the caller has set listptr2 correctly */
+{ int c;
+ list2[listptr2++]='"';
+ while ((c=fgetc(file)) != EOF)
+ {if ((char)c == '"') break;
+ if ((char)c == '\\') list2[listptr2++]=fgetc(file);
+ else list2[listptr2++]=(char)c;}
+ list2[listptr2++]='"';
+ list2[listptr2]='\0';
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int readlist2(FILE *file)
+/* read a list without smashing the main list (uses global list2 var) */
+/* note: this function assumes the caller has done an fseek and read */
+/* one character which was an '(', starting a list */
+/* it also assumes that the caller has set listptr2 to 0 */
+ int c;
+ list2[listptr2++]='(';
+ while ((c=fgetc(file)) != EOF)
+ {if ((char)c == ')') break;
+ if ((char)c == '"') readstring2(file);
+ if ((char)c == '(') readlist2(file);
+ else list2[listptr2++]=(char)c;}
+ list2[listptr2++]=')';
+ list2[listptr2]='\0';
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprintatom(char *list)
+/* print anything but a list */
+/* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is an atom */
+ char c;
+ /*printenter("pprintatom");*/
+ while ((c=list[ppcount]) != 0)
+ {
+ if (c == '-') {
+ printf("%s",N2S(atoi(list+ppcount)));
+ while(c=='-' || isdigit(c)) {
+ c=list[++ppcount];
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (c == ' ') {
+ printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (c == '(') break;
+ if (c == ')') break;
+ if (c == '|')
+ ppcount ++;
+ else
+ printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);};
+ /*printexit("pprintatom");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printob(char *list)
+/* recursively print an object */
+{ char c;
+ while ((c=list[ppcount]) != 0)
+ {if (list[ppcount] == '(' ) printlist(list);
+ else if (list[ppcount] == ')' ) return(0);
+ else
+ pprintatom(list);}
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printlist(char *list)
+/* recursively print a list object */
+/* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is a '(' */
+{ printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);
+ printob(list);
+ printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprintlist(char *list)
+/* recursively pprint a list object */
+/* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is a '(' */
+/* it assumes that indent and ppcount have been properly set */
+{ int i;
+ printf("\n");
+ for (i=indent; i != 0; --i) printf(" ");
+ indent=indent+2;
+ printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);
+ pprintobject(list);
+ printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);
+ indent=indent-2;
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprintobject(char *list)
+/* recursively print an object */
+{ char c;
+ while ((c=list[ppcount]) != 0)
+ {if (list[ppcount] == '(' ) pprintlist(list);
+ else if (list[ppcount] == ')' ) return(0);
+ else
+ pprintatom(list);}
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int skiplist(char *list)
+/* skip over a list we don't want to print */
+{ while (list[ppcount++] != '(');
+ while(list[ppcount] !=')')
+ {if (list[ppcount] == '(')
+ skiplist(list);
+ else
+ ppcount++;}
+ ppcount++;
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprintalist(int seekpt,char *path)
+/* read an alist and prettyprint it */
+/* note: we reopen the file due to a DJGPP fseek bug */
+{ char c;
+ int i;
+ FILE *file;
+ file=fopen(path,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekpt,SEEK_SET);
+ listptr2=0;
+ if ((c=fgetc(file)) == '(')
+ readlist2(file);
+ else
+ { list2[listptr2++]=c;
+ while (! isspace(c = fgetc(file))) list2[listptr2++]=c;};
+ list2[listptr2]='\0';
+ fclose(file);
+ ppcount=0; /*printenter("pprintalist");*/
+ if (list2[0] != '(')
+ pprintatom(list2);
+ else
+ while (list2[ppcount++] != ')')
+ {while (list2[ppcount++] !='(');
+ printf("\n");
+ for (i=indent; i != 0; --i) printf(" ");
+ if (list2[ppcount] == '(')
+ printlist(list2);
+ else
+ pprintatom(list2);
+ while(list2[ppcount] != ')')
+ if (list2[ppcount] == '(')
+ skiplist(list2);
+ else
+ ppcount++;
+ ppcount++;};
+ /*printexit("printalist");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprint(int seekpt,char *path)
+/* prettyprint the information at a given pointer */
+/* note: we reopen the file due to a DJGPP fseek bug */
+{ char c;
+ FILE *file;
+ file=fopen(path,"r");
+ listptr2=0;
+ fseek(file,seekpt,SEEK_SET);
+ if ((c=fgetc(file)) == '(')
+ readlist2(file);
+ else
+ { list2[listptr2++]=c;
+ while (! isspace(c = fgetc(file))) list2[listptr2++]=c;}
+ list2[listptr2]='\0';
+ fclose(file);
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintobject(list2);
+ printf("\n");
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printdomain()
+/* prints the domain name */
+ printf("%s\n",N2S(atoi(domain)));
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printobject(int all)
+/* print the object file name */
+{ char stripped[256];
+ int i;
+ for (i=1; object[i] != '"'; i++) stripped[i-1]=object[i];
+ stripped[i-1]='\0';
+ printf("...loading info not available yet\n");
+ /*
+ if (all == 1)
+ printf("...will load from %s/algebra/%s.o\n",AXIOM,stripped);
+ else
+ printf("%s/algebra/%s.o\n",AXIOM,stripped);
+ */
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printconstructorkind(int all)
+/* print the constructorkind data */
+{if (all == 1)
+ printf("...is a %s\n",N2S(atoi(constructorkind)));
+ else
+ printf("%s\n",N2S(atoi(constructorkind)));
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printniladic(int all)
+/* print the niladic property */
+{ if (niladic[0] == 'T')
+ if (all == 1)
+ printf("...is niladic\n");
+ else
+ printf("niladic\n");
+ else
+ if (all == 1)
+ printf("...is not niladic\n");
+ else
+ printf("padic\n");
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printabbreviation(int all)
+/* print the abbreviation */
+{ if (all == 1)
+ printf("...is abbreviated as %s\n",abbreviation);
+ else
+ printf("%s\n",abbreviation);
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printsourcefile(int all)
+/* print the source file */
+{ if (all == 1)
+ printf("...is defined in the source file %s\n",bsourcefile);
+ else
+ printnoquotes(bsourcefile);
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printdefaultdomain(int all)
+/* print the default domain */
+{ int i;
+ if (strcmp(defaultdomain,"NIL") == 0)
+ if (all == 1)
+ printf("...has no default domain\n");
+ else
+ printf("NIL\n");
+ else
+ if (all == 1)
+ {printf("...has a default domain of ");
+ for (i=1; defaultdomain[i] != '|'; i++) putchar(defaultdomain[i]);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ {for (i=1; defaultdomain[i] != '|'; i++) putchar(defaultdomain[i]);
+ printf("\n");}
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printancestors(int pretty)
+/* print the ancestors */
+{ if (strcmp(ancestors,"NIL") == 0)
+ printf("...has no ancestors\n");
+ else
+ {seekinterp=atoi(ancestors)+1;
+ printf("...has the ancestors: ");
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {ppcount=0;
+ pprintcond(seekinterp,interppath);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekinterp);}
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printoperationalist(int pretty)
+/* print the operationalist */
+{ /*printenter("printoperationalist");*/
+ if (strcmp(operationalist,"NIL") == 0)
+ printf("...has no operationalist\n");
+ else
+ {seekinterp=atoi(operationalist)+1;
+ printf("...has the operations: ");
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {pprintalist(seekinterp,interppath);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekinterp);};
+ /*printexit("printoperationalist");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printhas(char *list)
+/* print a has clause */
+/* note: assumes ppcount points at the |has| */
+{ /*printenter("printhas");*/
+ printf(" if ");
+ ppcount=ppcount+6;
+ if (list2[ppcount] == '(')
+ {printlist(list2);
+ printf(" ");
+ ppcount++;}
+ else
+ pprintatom(list2);
+ printf("has ");
+ if (list2[ppcount] == '(')
+ printlist(list2);
+ else
+ pprintatom(list2);
+ ppcount++;
+ /*printexit("printhas");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printand(char *list)
+/* print an and clause */
+/* note: assumes ppcount points at the AND */
+{ /*printenter("printand");*/
+ if ((list2[ppcount] == '|') && (list2[ppcount+1] == 'a')) ppcount=ppcount+2;
+ ppcount=ppcount+5;
+ printandor(list2);
+ ppcount++;
+ while (list2[ppcount] == '(')
+ {printf(" and");
+ ppcount++;
+ printandor(list2);
+ ppcount++;}
+ /*printexit("printand");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printor(char *list)
+/* print an or clause */
+/* note: assumes ppcount points at the OR */
+{ /*printenter("printor");*/
+ ppcount=ppcount+4;
+ printandor(list2);
+ ppcount++;
+ while (list2[ppcount] == '(')
+ {printf(" or");
+ ppcount++; /*=ppcount+2; */
+ printandor(list2);
+ ppcount++;}
+ /*printexit("printor");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printandor(char *list)
+/* print an and/or clause */
+/* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is a '(' */
+{ /*printenter("printandor");*/
+ if ((list2[ppcount] == '|') && (list2[ppcount+1] == 'a')) printand(list2);
+ if (list2[ppcount] == '|') printhas(list2);
+ if (list2[ppcount] == 'A') printand(list2);
+ if (list2[ppcount] == 'O') printor(list2);
+ /*printexit("printandor");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprintcond(int seekpt,char *path)
+/* prettyprint a list of conditions */
+/* note: we reopen the file due to a DJGPP fseek bug */
+{ char c;
+ int i;
+ FILE *file;
+ file=fopen(path,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekpt,SEEK_SET);
+ listptr2=0;
+ if ((c=fgetc(file)) == '(')
+ readlist2(file);
+ else
+ { list2[listptr2++]=c;
+ while (! isspace(c = fgetc(file))) list2[listptr2++]=c;};
+ list2[listptr2]='\0';
+ fclose(file);
+ ppcount=0;
+ /*printf("data=%s\n",list2);*/
+ if (list2[0] != '(') /* the whole list */
+ pprintatom(list2);
+ else
+ while (list2[ppcount++] != ')') /* until the whole list ends */
+ {while (list2[ppcount++] !='('); /* do one alist item */
+ printf("\n");
+ for (i=indent; i != 0; --i) printf(" ");
+ if (list2[ppcount] == '(') /* print the car */
+ printlist(list2);
+ else
+ pprintatom(list2);
+ while(isspace(list2[ppcount])) ppcount++;
+ /*printf("char=%c\n",list2[ppcount]);*/
+ if (list2[ppcount] != '.') /* is it (foo . T)? */
+ printandor(list2); /* and print the non-T ones */
+ else
+ while(list2[ppcount++] !=')');}; /* skip the . T ) */
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printattributes(int pretty)
+/* print the attributes */
+{if (strcmp(battributes,"NIL") == 0)
+ printf("...has no attributes\n");
+ else
+ {seekbrowse=atoi(battributes)+1;
+ printf("...has the attributes: ");
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {pprintcond(seekbrowse,browsepath);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekbrowse);};
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printcosig()
+/* print the cosig property */
+{ printf("...has the cosig: %s\n",cosig);
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printconstructorform(int pretty)
+/* print the constructorform property */
+{ FILE *file;
+ /*printenter("printconstructorform");*/
+ seekbrowse=atoi(bconstructorform)+1;
+ printf("...has the constructorform: ");
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {file=fopen(browsepath,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET);
+ fgetc(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ readlist2(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintlist(list2);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekbrowse);
+ /*printexit("printconstructorform");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printconstructormodemap(int pretty)
+/* print the constructormodemap property */
+{ FILE *file;
+ /*printenter("printconstructormodemap"); */
+ seekinterp=atoi(constructormodemap)+1;
+ printf("...has the constructormodemap: ");
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {file=fopen(interppath,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekinterp,SEEK_SET);
+ fgetc(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ readlist2(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintlist(list2);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekinterp);
+ /*printexit("printconstructormodemap");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printmodemaps(int pretty)
+/* print the modemaps property */
+{ FILE *file;
+ /*printenter("printmodemaps"); */
+ seekinterp=atoi(modemaps)+1;
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {file=fopen(interppath,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekinterp,SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgetc(file) == 'N')
+ printf("...has no modemaps\n");
+ else
+ {printf("...has the modemaps: ");
+ listptr2=0;
+ readlist2(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintlist(list2);
+ printf("\n");};}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekinterp);
+ /* printexit("printmodemaps");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printconstructorcategory(int pretty)
+/* print the constructorcategory property */
+{ FILE *file;
+ /*printenter("printconstructorcategory"); */
+ seekinterp=atoi(constructorcategory)+1;
+ printf("...has the constructorcategory: ");
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {file=fopen(interppath,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekinterp,SEEK_SET);
+ fgetc(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ readlist2(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintlist(list2);
+ printf("\n");}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekinterp);
+ /*printexit("printconstructorcategory");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printdocumentation(int pretty)
+/* print the documentation property */
+{ FILE *file;
+ /*printenter("printdocumentation");*/
+ seekbrowse=atoi(bdocumentation)+1;
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {file=fopen(browsepath,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgetc(file) == 'N')
+ printf("...has no documentation\n");
+ else
+ {printf("...has the documentation: ");
+ listptr2=0;
+ readlist2(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintlist(list2);
+ printf("\n");};}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekbrowse);
+ /*printexit("printdocumentation");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int printpredicates(int pretty)
+/* print the predicates */
+{ FILE *file;
+ /*printenter("printpredicates");*/
+ {seekbrowse=atoi(bpredicates)+1;
+ if (pretty == 1)
+ {file=fopen(browsepath,"r");
+ fseek(file,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgetc(file) == 'N')
+ printf("...has no predicates\n");
+ else
+ {printf("...has the predicates: ");
+ listptr2=0;
+ readlist2(file);
+ listptr2=0;
+ ppcount=0;
+ pprintlist(list2);
+ printf("\n");};}
+ else
+ printf("%d\n",seekbrowse);};
+ /*printexit("printpredicates");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int opencompress()
+/* open the compress.daase file and point at the first key */
+{ char line[256];
+ char other[256];
+ int count = 256;
+ int i;
+ if (AXIOM != NULL)
+ sprintf(compresspath,"%s/algebra/compress.daase",AXIOM);
+ else
+ sprintf(compresspath,"compress.daase");
+ compress=fopen(compresspath,"r");
+ if (compress == NULL)
+ {printf("unable to find the file %s\n",compresspath);
+ exit(1);};
+ fseek(compress,1,SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgets(line,count,compress) == NULL)
+ printf("get failed\n");
+ else
+ for (i=1; ! isspace(line[i]); i++) other[i-1]=line[i];
+ seekcompress=atoi(other)+2;
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int openinterp()
+/* open the interp.daase file and point at the first key */
+{ char line[256];
+ char other[256];
+ int count = 256;
+ int i;
+ if (AXIOM != NULL)
+ sprintf(interppath,"%s/algebra/interp.daase",AXIOM);
+ else
+ sprintf(interppath,"interp.daase");
+ interp=fopen(interppath,"r");
+ if (interp == NULL)
+ {printf("unable to find the file %s\n",interppath);
+ exit(1);};
+ fseek(interp,1,SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgets(line,count,interp) == NULL)
+ printf("get failed\n");
+ else
+ for (i=1; ! isspace(line[i]); i++) other[i-1]=line[i];
+ seekinterp=atoi(other)+2;
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int parseinterp()
+/* parse the key gotten from interp.daase */
+{ int i;
+ int j;
+ for ((i=1, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ domain[j]=list[i];
+ domain[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ operationalist[j]=list[i];
+ operationalist[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ constructormodemap[j]=list[i];
+ constructormodemap[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ modemaps[j]=list[i];
+ modemaps[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ object[j]=list[i];
+ object[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ constructorcategory[j]=list[i];
+ constructorcategory[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ niladic[j]=list[i];
+ niladic[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ abbreviation[j]=list[i];
+ abbreviation[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); (list[i] != ')'); (i++,j++))
+ cosig[j]=list[i];
+ cosig[j++]=')';
+ i++;
+ cosig[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ constructorkind[j]=list[i];
+ constructorkind[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++))
+ defaultdomain[j]=list[i];
+ defaultdomain[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++,j=0); (list[i] != ')'); (i++,j++))
+ ancestors[j]=list[i];
+ ancestors[j]='\0';
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int openbrowse()
+/* open the browse.daase file and point at the first key */
+ char line[256];
+ char other[256];
+ int count = 256;
+ int i;
+ if (AXIOM != NULL)
+ sprintf(browsepath,"%s/algebra/browse.daase",AXIOM);
+ else
+ sprintf(browsepath,"browse.daase");
+ browse=fopen(browsepath,"r");
+ if (browse == NULL)
+ {printf("unable to find the file %s\n",browsepath);
+ exit(1);};
+ fseek(browse,1,SEEK_SET);
+ if (fgets(line,count,browse) == NULL)
+ printf("get failed\n");
+ else
+ for (i=1; ! isspace(line[i]); i++) other[i-1]=line[i];
+ seekbrowse=atoi(other)+2;
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int parsebrowse()
+/* parse the key gotten from browse.daase */
+{ int i;
+ int j;
+ for ((i=1, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bdomain[j]=list[i];
+ bdomain[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bsourcefile[j]=list[i];
+ bsourcefile[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bconstructorform[j]=list[i];
+ bconstructorform[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bdocumentation[j]=list[i];
+ bdocumentation[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) battributes[j]=list[i];
+ battributes[j]='\0';
+ for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bpredicates[j]=list[i];
+ bpredicates[j]='\0';
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int pprintinfo(char *property)
+/* prettyprint the information from the database files */
+{ int pretty = 1; /* print pretty form for any option */
+ int all = 0; /* only print the option specificed */
+ /*printenter("pprintinfo");*/
+ if (strcmp(property,"short") == 0) {pretty=0; all=1;}
+ if (strcmp(property,"all") == 0) all=1;
+ if (all) printf("\n");
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"domain") == 0))
+ printdomain();
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"sourcefile") == 0))
+ printsourcefile(all);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"object" ) == 0))
+ printobject(all);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructorkind")) == 0)
+ printconstructorkind(all);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"niladic") == 0))
+ printniladic(all);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"abbreviation") == 0))
+ printabbreviation(all);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"defaultdomain") == 0))
+ printdefaultdomain(all);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"ancestors") == 0))
+ printancestors(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"operationalist") == 0))
+ printoperationalist(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"attributes") == 0))
+ printattributes(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"cosig") == 0))
+ printcosig();
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructorform") == 0))
+ printconstructorform(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructormodemap") == 0))
+ printconstructormodemap(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"modemaps") == 0))
+ printmodemaps(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructorcategory") == 0))
+ printconstructorcategory(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"documentation") == 0))
+ printdocumentation(pretty);
+ if (all || (strcmp(property,"predicates") == 0))
+ printpredicates(pretty);
+ /*printexit("pprintinfo");*/
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ char *fullname(char *property, char *progname)
+/* expand an abbreviation to the full name */
+{ if (strncmp(property,"ab",2) == 0) return("abbreviation");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"al",2) == 0) return("all");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"an",2) == 0) return("ancestors");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"at",2) == 0) return("attributes");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"ca",2) == 0) return("constructorcategory");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"cc",2) == 0) return("constructorcategory");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"cf",2) == 0) return("constructorform");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"fo",2) == 0) return("constructorform");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"ck",2) == 0) return("constructorkind");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"ki",2) == 0) return("constructorkind");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"cm",2) == 0) return("constructormodemap");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"con",3) == 0) return("constructor");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"cos",3) == 0) return("cosig");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"de",2) == 0) return("defaultdomain");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"dom",3) == 0) return("domain");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"doc",3) == 0) return("documentation");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"mo",2) == 0) return("modemaps");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"ni",2) == 0) return("niladic");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"ob",2) == 0) return("object");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"op",2) == 0) return("operationalist");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"pr",2) == 0) return("predicates");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"sh",2) == 0) return("short");
+ else if (strncmp(property,"so",2) == 0) return("sourcefile");
+ printf("I don't know what %s means. I'll use 'short'\n",property);
+ printf("type %s with no arguments to get the usage page\n",progname);
+ return("short");
+/*defun*/ int printhelp(char *arg)
+{printf("%s -property searchkey \n\n",arg);
+ printf("property is one of the following flags: \n");
+ printf(" (al) all (default) (sh) short\n");
+ printf(" (ab) abbreviation (an) ancestors\n");
+ printf(" (at) attributes (ca cc) constructorcategory\n");
+ printf(" (cf fo) constructorform (ck ki) constructorkind\n");
+ printf(" (cm) constructormodemap (con) constructor\n");
+ printf(" (cos) cosig (de) defaultdomain\n");
+ printf(" (dom) domain (doc) documentation\n");
+ printf(" (mo) modemaps (ni) niladic\n");
+ printf(" (ob) object (op) operationalist\n");
+ printf(" (pr) predicates (so) sourcefile\n");
+ printf("searchkey can be either a domain or its abbreviation.\n");
+ printf("\n e.g. %s -so Integer\n",arg);
+ printf(" will give the source file name written to stdout\n");
+ printf(" (Version %d)\n",VERSION);
+ return(0);
+/*defun*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+/* FILE *test; when testing we leave tombstones */
+ char *ssearch =""; /* the domain or abbreviation */
+ char *property=""; /* the property we want (e.g. niladic) */
+ int found=1; /* did we find the domain? print if yes */
+ char c; /* a temporary */
+ int i; /* a temporary */
+ char proparg[256]; /* a temporary */
+ /* echoargs(argc, argv);*/
+ AXIOM=(char *)getenv("AXIOM");
+ if (AXIOM == NULL)
+ printf("AXIOM shell variable has no value. using current directory\n");
+ /* if we have no argument tell him how it works */
+ if ((argv[1] == NULL) || (strcmp(argv[1],"") == 0))
+ {printhelp(argv[0]);
+ exit(1);}
+ /* we have at least one argument; lets see what it is */
+ if (strncmp(argv[1],"-",1) == 0) /* is it a flag? */
+ {for (i=1; argv[1][i] != '\0'; i++) proparg[i-1]=argv[1][i];
+ property=fullname(proparg,argv[0]);
+ if ((argv[2] == NULL) || (strcmp(argv[2],"") == 0))
+ {printhelp(argv[0]);
+ exit(1);}
+ ssearch=argv[2];}
+ else /* nope, assume a domain */
+ if ((argv[2] == NULL) || (strcmp(argv[2],"") == 0))
+ {property="all";
+ ssearch=argv[1];}
+ /* printf("property=%s\n",property);*/
+ /* printf("ssearch=%s\n",ssearch);*/
+ opencompress();
+ fseek(compress,seekcompress,SEEK_SET);
+ fscanf(compress,"%d",&Nct);
+ ct = malloc(Nct*sizeof(char *));
+ /* put entries in ct */
+ {
+ int foo1,foo2;
+ for (foo1=0;foo1<Nct;foo1++) {
+ foo2=0;
+ while(isspace(c=fgetc(compress)) || c=='|') {};
+ list[foo2++]=c;
+ while(1) {
+ c=fgetc(compress);
+ if (isspace(c) || c == ')' ) break;
+ if (c != '|') list[foo2++] = c;
+ }
+ list[foo2]='\0';
+ ct[foo1]=strdup(list);
+ }
+ }
+ /* -n correspons to string ct[n] */
+ openinterp();
+ if (strcmp(property,"all") == 0)
+ printf("Searching %s for %s\n",interppath,ssearch);
+ while (1)
+ {
+ fseek(interp,seekinterp,SEEK_SET);
+ if ((c=fgetc(interp)) != '(')
+ {
+ printf("%s not found\n",ssearch);
+ found=0;
+ break;};
+ readlist(interp);
+ seekinterp=seekinterp+listptr+1;
+ listptr=0;
+ parseinterp();
+ if (strcmp(ssearch,N2S(atoi(domain))) == 0) break;
+ if (strcmp(ssearch,abbreviation) == 0)
+ {
+ ssearch=N2S(atoi(domain));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ openbrowse();
+ if (strcmp(property,"all") == 0)
+ printf("Searching %s for %s\n",browsepath,ssearch);
+ while (1)
+ {fseek(browse,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET);
+ if ((c=fgetc(browse)) != '(')
+ {printf("%s not found\n",ssearch);
+ found=0;
+ break;};
+ readlist(browse);
+ seekbrowse=seekbrowse+listptr+1;
+ listptr=0;
+ parsebrowse();
+ if (strcmp(ssearch,N2S(atoi(bdomain))) == 0) break;};
+ if (found == 1) pprintinfo(property);
+ /* code won't get here if it crashes, leaving the tombstone */
+ if ((argv[2] != NULL) && (strcmp(argv[2],"test") == 0))
+ {sprintf(erasecmd,"erase %s",argv[1]);
+ system(erasecmd);}
+ return(0);
+\bibitem{1} nothing