path: root/src/interp/modemap.boot
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authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2011-03-01 05:56:31 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2011-03-01 05:56:31 +0000
commit06a195106936c4ff03dcf23eef9351c007c5e48e (patch)
tree100f69dffae3b5688c89c8ea3bea9a6e16f4e46d /src/interp/modemap.boot
parent59ee694e2266b29dff595286647998eb448537ac (diff)
* interp/info.boot: Move content to modemap.boot. Delete.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/modemap.boot')
1 files changed, 245 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/modemap.boot b/src/interp/modemap.boot
index 8e52c4f6..fcf08109 100644
--- a/src/interp/modemap.boot
+++ b/src/interp/modemap.boot
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
import c_-util
-import info
namespace BOOT
@@ -377,3 +376,248 @@ putDomainsInScope(x,e) ==
$insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => ($CapsuleDomainsInScope:= newValue; e)
+--% This code adds various items to the special value of $Information,
+--% in order to keep track of all the compiler's information about
+--% various categories and similar objects
+--% An actual piece of (unconditional) information can have one of 3 forms:
+--% (ATTRIBUTE domainname attribute)
+--% --These are only stored here
+--% (SIGNATURE domainname operator signature)
+--% --These are also stored as 'modemap' properties
+--% (has domainname categoryexpression)
+--% --These are also stored as 'value' properties
+--% Conditional attributes are of the form
+--% (%when
+--% (condition info info ...)
+--% ... )
+--% where the condition looks like a 'has' clause, or the 'and' of several
+--% 'has' clauses:
+--% (has name categoryexpression)
+--% (has name (ATTRIBUTE attribute))
+--% (has name (SIGNATURE operator signature))
+--% The use of two representations is admitted to be clumsy
+import g_-util
+namespace BOOT
+printInfo $e ==
+ for u in get("$Information","special",$e) repeat PRETTYPRINT u
+ nil
+addInformation(m,$e) ==
+ $Information: local := nil
+ info m where
+ info m ==
+ --Processes information from a mode declaration in compCapsule
+ atom m => nil
+ m is ["CATEGORY",.,:stuff] => for u in stuff repeat addInfo u
+ m is ["Join",:stuff] => for u in stuff repeat info u
+ nil
+ $e:=
+ put("$Information","special",[:$Information,:
+ get("$Information","special",$e)],$e)
+ $e
+addInfo u ==
+ $Information:= [formatInfo u,:$Information]
+formatInfo u ==
+ atom u => u
+ u is ["SIGNATURE",:v] => ["SIGNATURE","$",:v]
+ u is ["PROGN",:l] => ["PROGN",:[formatInfo v for v in l]]
+ u is ["ATTRIBUTE",v] =>
+ -- The parser can't tell between those attributes that really
+ -- are attributes, and those that are category names
+ atom v and isCategoryForm([v],$e) => ["has","$",[v]]
+ atom v => ["ATTRIBUTE","$",v]
+ isCategoryForm(v,$e) => ["has","$",v]
+ ["ATTRIBUTE","$",v]
+ u is ["IF",a,b,c] =>
+ c="%noBranch" => ['%when,:liftCond [formatPred a,formatInfo b]]
+ b="%noBranch" => ['%when,:liftCond [["not",formatPred a],formatInfo c]]
+ ['%when,:liftCond [formatPred a,formatInfo b],:
+ liftCond [["not",formatPred a],formatInfo c]]
+ systemError ['"formatInfo",u]
+liftCond (clause is [ante,conseq]) ==
+ conseq is ['%when,:l] =>
+ [[lcAnd(ante,a),:b] for [a,:b] in l] where
+ lcAnd(pred,conj) ==
+ conj is ["and",:ll] => ["and",pred,:ll]
+ ["and",pred,conj]
+ [clause]
+formatPred u ==
+ --Assumes that $e is set up to point to an environment
+ u is ["has",a,b] =>
+ atom b and isCategoryForm([b],$e) => ["has",a,[b]]
+ atom b => ["has",a,["ATTRIBUTE",b]]
+ isCategoryForm(b,$e) => u
+ b is ["ATTRIBUTE",.] => u
+ b is ["SIGNATURE",:.] => u
+ ["has",a,["ATTRIBUTE",b]]
+ atom u => u
+ u is ["and",:v] => ["and",:[formatPred w for w in v]]
+ systemError ['"formatPred",u]
+chaseInferences(pred,$e) ==
+ foo hasToInfo pred where
+ foo pred ==
+ knownInfo pred => nil
+ $e:= actOnInfo(pred,$e)
+ pred:= infoToHas pred
+ for u in get("$Information","special",$e) repeat
+ u is ['%when,:l] =>
+ for [ante,:conseq] in l repeat
+ ante=pred => [foo w for w in conseq]
+ ante is ["and",:ante'] and member(pred,ante') =>
+ ante':= delete(pred,ante')
+ v':=
+ # ante'=1 => first ante'
+ ["and",:ante']
+ v':= ['%when,[v',:conseq]]
+ member(v',get("$Information","special",$e)) => nil
+ $e:=
+ put("$Information","special",[v',:
+ get("$Information","special",$e)],$e)
+ nil
+ $e
+hasToInfo (pred is ["has",a,b]) ==
+ b is ["SIGNATURE",:data] => ["SIGNATURE",a,:data]
+ b is ["ATTRIBUTE",c] => ["ATTRIBUTE",a,c]
+ pred
+infoToHas a ==
+ a is ["SIGNATURE",b,:data] => ["has",b,["SIGNATURE",:data]]
+ a is ["ATTRIBUTE",b,c] => ["has",b,["ATTRIBUTE",c]]
+ a
+++ Return true if we are certain that the information
+++ denotated by `pred' is derivable from the current environment.
+knownInfo pred ==
+ pred=true => true
+ member(pred,get("$Information","special",$e)) => true
+ pred is ["OR",:l] => or/[knownInfo u for u in l]
+ pred is ["AND",:l] => and/[knownInfo u for u in l]
+ pred is ["or",:l] => or/[knownInfo u for u in l]
+ pred is ["and",:l] => and/[knownInfo u for u in l]
+ pred is ["ATTRIBUTE",name,attr] =>
+ v:= compForMode(name,$EmptyMode,$e) or return
+ stackAndThrow('"can't find category of %1pb",[name])
+ [vv,.,.]:= compMakeCategoryObject(second v,$e) or return
+ stackAndThrow('"can't make category of %1pb",[name])
+ member(attr,vv.2) => true
+ x:= assoc(attr,vv.2) => knownInfo second x
+ --format is a list of two elements: information, predicate
+ false
+ pred is ["has",name,cat] =>
+ cat is ["ATTRIBUTE",:a] => knownInfo ["ATTRIBUTE",name,:a]
+ cat is ["SIGNATURE",:a] => knownInfo ["SIGNATURE",name,:a]
+ -- unnamed category expressions imply structural checks.
+ cat is ["Join",:.] => and/[knownInfo ["has",name,c] for c in rest cat]
+ cat is ["CATEGORY",.,:atts] =>
+ and/[knownInfo hasToInfo ["has",name,att] for att in atts]
+ name is ['Union,:.] => false
+ -- we have a named category expression
+ v:= compForMode(name,$EmptyMode,$e) or return
+ stackAndThrow('"can't find category of %1pb",[name])
+ vmode := v.mode
+ cat = vmode => true
+ vmode is ["Join",:l] and member(cat,l) => true
+ [vv,.,.]:= compMakeCategoryObject(vmode,$e) or return
+ stackAndThrow('"cannot find category %1pb",[vmode])
+ catlist := vv.4
+ member(cat,first catlist) => true --checks princ. ancestors
+ (u:=assoc(cat,second catlist)) and knownInfo second u => true
+ -- previous line checks fundamental anscestors, we should check their
+ -- principal anscestors but this requires instantiating categories
+ or/[AncestorP(cat,[first u])
+ for u in second catlist | knownInfo second u] => true
+ false
+ pred is ["SIGNATURE",name,op,sig,:.] =>
+ v:= get(op,"modemap",$e)
+ for w in v repeat
+ ww:= CDAR w --the actual signature part
+ ww = sig =>
+ CAADR w = true => return true
+ false
+ --error '"knownInfo"
+ false
+actOnInfo(u,$e) ==
+ null u => $e
+ u is ["PROGN",:l] => (for v in l repeat $e:= actOnInfo(v,$e); $e)
+ $e:=
+ put("$Information","special",Info:= [u,:get("$Information","special",$e)],$e
+ )
+ u is ['%when,:l] =>
+ --there is nowhere %else that this sort of thing exists
+ for [ante,:conseq] in l repeat
+ if member(hasToInfo ante,Info) then for v in conseq repeat
+ $e:= actOnInfo(v,$e)
+ $e
+ u is ["ATTRIBUTE",name,att] =>
+ [vval,vmode,.]:= GetValue name
+ compilerMessage('"augmenting %1: %2p", [name,["ATTRIBUTE",att]])
+ key:= if CONTAINED("$",vmode) then "domain" else name
+ cat:= ["CATEGORY",key,["ATTRIBUTE",att]]
+ $e:= put(name,"value",[vval,mkJoin(cat,vmode),nil],$e)
+ --there is nowhere %else that this sort of thing exists
+ u is ["SIGNATURE",name,operator,modemap,:q] =>
+ kind :=
+ q is ["constant"] => "CONST"
+ "ELT"
+ implem:=
+ (implem:=ASSOC([name,:modemap],get(operator,'modemap,$e))) =>
+ CADADR implem
+ name = "$" => [kind,name,-1]
+ [kind,name,substitute('$,name,modemap)]
+ $e:= addModemap(operator,name,modemap,true,implem,$e)
+ [vval,vmode,.]:= GetValue name
+ compilerMessage('"augmenting %1: %2p",
+ [name,["SIGNATURE",operator,modemap,:q]])
+ key:= if CONTAINED("$",vmode) then "domain" else name
+ cat:= ["CATEGORY",key,["SIGNATURE",operator,modemap,:q]]
+ $e:= put(name,"value",[vval,mkJoin(cat,vmode),nil],$e)
+ u is ["has",name,cat] =>
+ [vval,vmode,.]:= GetValue name
+ cat=vmode => $e --stating the already known
+ u:= compMakeCategoryObject(cat,$e) =>
+ --we are adding information about a category
+ [catvec,.,$e]:= u
+ [ocatvec,.,$e]:= compMakeCategoryObject(vmode,$e)
+ --we are adding a principal descendant of what was already known
+ member(cat,first ocatvec.4) or
+ assoc(cat,second ocatvec.4) is [.,"T",.] => $e
+ --what was being asserted is an ancestor of what was known
+ if name="$"
+ then $e:= augModemapsFromCategory(name,name,name,cat,$e)
+ else
+ genDomainView(name,name,cat,"HasCategory")
+ -- a domain upgrade at function level is local to that function.
+ if not $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue and
+ not MEMQ(name,$functorLocalParameters) then
+ $functorLocalParameters:=[:$functorLocalParameters,name]
+ compilerMessage('"augmenting %1: %2p", [name,cat])
+ $e:= put(name,"value",[vval,mkJoin(cat,vmode),nil],$e)
+ SAY("extension of ",vval," to ",cat," ignored")
+ $e
+ systemError ['"actOnInfo",u]
+mkJoin(cat,mode) ==
+ mode is ['Join,:cats] => ['Join,cat,:cats]
+ ['Join,cat,mode]
+GetValue name ==
+ u:= get(name,"value",$e) => u
+ u:= comp(name,$EmptyMode,$e) => u --name may be a form
+ systemError [name,'" is not bound in the current environment"]