path: root/src/interp/i-funsel.boot.pamphlet
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authordos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
committerdos-reis <gdr@axiomatics.org>2007-08-14 05:14:52 +0000
commitab8cc85adde879fb963c94d15675783f2cf4b183 (patch)
treec202482327f474583b750b2c45dedfc4e4312b1d /src/interp/i-funsel.boot.pamphlet
Initial population.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/interp/i-funsel.boot.pamphlet')
1 files changed, 1833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/interp/i-funsel.boot.pamphlet b/src/interp/i-funsel.boot.pamphlet
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e34e518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interp/i-funsel.boot.pamphlet
@@ -0,0 +1,1833 @@
+\title{\File{src/interp/i-funsel.boot} Pamphlet}
+\author{The Axiom Team}
+New Selection of Modemaps
+selection of applicable modemaps is done in two steps:
+ first it tries to find a modemap inside an argument domain, and if
+ this fails, by evaluation of pattern modemaps
+the result is a list of functions with signatures, which have the
+ following form:
+ [sig,elt,cond] where
+ sig is the signature gained by evaluating the modemap condition
+ elt is the slot number to get the implementation
+ cond are runtime checks which are the results of evaluating the
+ modemap condition
+the following flags are used:
+ $Coerce is NIL, if function selection is done which requires exact
+ matches (e.g. for coercion functions)
+ if $SubDom is true, then runtime checks have to be compiled
+[[isPartialMode]] tests whether m contains [[$EmptyMode]]. The
+constant [[$EmptyMode]] (defined in bootfuns.lisp) evaluates to
+[[|$EmptyMode|]]. This constants is inserted in a modemap during
+compile time if the modemap is not yet complete.
+isPartialMode m ==
+ CONTAINED($EmptyMode,m)
+-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd.
+-- All rights reserved.
+-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+-- met:
+-- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+-- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+-- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+-- distribution.
+-- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the
+-- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+-- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+SETANDFILEQ($constructorExposureList, '(Boolean Integer String))
+sayFunctionSelection(op,args,target,dc,func) ==
+ $abbreviateTypes : local := true
+ startTimingProcess 'debug
+ fsig := formatSignatureArgs args
+ if not LISTP fsig then fsig := LIST fsig
+ if func then func := bright ['"by ",func]
+ sayMSG concat ['%l,:bright '"Function Selection for",op,:func,'%l,
+ '" Arguments:",:bright fsig]
+ if target then sayMSG concat ['" Target type:",
+ :bright prefix2String target]
+ if dc then sayMSG concat ['" From: ",
+ :bright prefix2String dc]
+ stopTimingProcess 'debug
+sayFunctionSelectionResult(op,args,mmS) ==
+ $abbreviateTypes : local := true
+ startTimingProcess 'debug
+ if mmS then printMms mmS
+ else sayMSG concat ['" -> no function",:bright op,
+ '"found for arguments",:bright formatSignatureArgs args]
+ stopTimingProcess 'debug
+selectMms(op,args,$declaredMode) ==
+ -- selects applicable modemaps for node op and arguments args
+ -- if there is no local modemap, and it is not a package call, then
+ -- the cached function selectMms1 is called
+ startTimingProcess 'modemaps
+ n:= getUnname op
+ val := getValue op
+ opMode := objMode val
+ -- see if we have a functional parameter
+ ((isSharpVarWithNum(n) and opMode) or (val and opMode)) and
+ opMode is ['Mapping,:ta] =>
+ imp :=
+ val => wrapped2Quote objVal val
+ n
+ [[['local,:ta], imp , NIL]]
+ ((isSharpVarWithNum(n) and opMode) or (val and opMode)) and
+ opMode is ['Variable,f] =>
+ emptyAtree op
+ op.0 := f
+ selectMms(op,args,$declaredMode)
+ isSharpVarWithNum(n) and opMode is ['FunctionCalled,f] =>
+ op.0 := f
+ selectMms(op,args,$declaredMode)
+ types1 := getOpArgTypes(n,args)
+ numArgs := #args
+ member('(SubDomain (Domain)),types1) => NIL
+ member('(Domain),types1) => NIL
+ member($EmptyMode,types1) => NIL
+ tar := getTarget op
+ dc := getAtree(op,'dollar)
+ null dc and val and objMode(val) = $AnonymousFunction =>
+ tree := mkAtree objValUnwrap getValue op
+ putTarget(tree,['Mapping,tar,:types1])
+ bottomUp tree
+ val := getValue tree
+ [[['local,:rest objMode val], wrapped2Quote objVal val, NIL]]
+ if (n = 'map) and (first types1 = $AnonymousFunction)
+ then
+ tree := mkAtree objValUnwrap getValue first args
+ ut :=
+ tar => underDomainOf tar
+ ua := [underDomainOf x for x in rest types1]
+ member(NIL,ua) => NIL
+ putTarget(tree,['Mapping,ut,:ua])
+ bottomUp tree
+ val := getValue tree
+ types1 := [objMode val,:rest types1]
+ RPLACA(args,tree)
+ if numArgs = 1 and (n = "numer" or n = "denom") and
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(first types1,$Integer) and null dc then
+ dc := ['Fraction, $Integer]
+ putAtree(op, 'dollar, dc)
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayFunctionSelection(n,types1,tar,dc,NIL)
+ identType := 'Variable
+ for x in types1 while not $declaredMode repeat
+ not EQCAR(x,identType) => $declaredMode:= x
+ types2 := [altTypeOf(x,y,$declaredMode) for x in types1 for y in args]
+ mmS:=
+ dc => selectDollarMms(dc,n,types1,types2)
+ if n = "/" and tar = $Integer then
+ tar := $RationalNumber
+ putTarget(op,tar)
+ -- now to speed up some standard selections
+ if not tar then
+ tar := defaultTarget(op,n,#types1,types1)
+ if tar and $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG concat ['" Default target type:",
+ :bright prefix2String tar]
+ selectLocalMms(op,n,types1,tar) or
+ (VECTORP op and selectMms1(n,tar,types1,types2,'T))
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayFunctionSelectionResult(n,types1,mmS)
+ stopTimingProcess 'modemaps
+ mmS
+-- selectMms1 is in clammed.boot
+selectMms2(op,tar,args1,args2,$Coerce) ==
+ -- decides whether to find functions from a domain or package
+ -- or by general modemap evaluation
+ or/[STRINGP arg for arg in args1] => NIL
+ if tar = $EmptyMode then tar := NIL
+ nargs := #args1
+ mmS := NIL
+ mmS :=
+ -- special case map for the time being
+ $Coerce and (op = 'map) and (2 = nargs) and
+ (first(args1) is ['Variable,fun]) =>
+ null (ud := underDomainOf CADR args1) => NIL
+ if tar then ut := underDomainOf(tar)
+ else ut := nil
+ null (mapMms := selectMms1(fun,ut,[ud],[NIL],true)) => NIL
+ mapMm := CDAAR mapMms
+ selectMms1(op,tar,[['Mapping,:mapMm],CADR args1],
+ [NIL,CADR args2],$Coerce)
+ $Coerce and (op = 'map) and (2 = nargs) and
+ (first(args1) is ['FunctionCalled,fun]) =>
+ null (ud := underDomainOf CADR args1) => NIL
+ if tar then ut := underDomainOf(tar)
+ else ut := nil
+ funNode := mkAtreeNode fun
+ transferPropsToNode(fun,funNode)
+ null (mapMms := selectLocalMms(funNode,fun,[ud],NIL)) => NIL
+ mapMm := CDAAR mapMms
+ selectMms1(op,tar,[['Mapping,:mapMm],CADR args1],
+ [NIL,CADR args2],$Coerce)
+ -- get the argument domains and the target
+ a := nil
+ for x in args1 repeat if x then a := cons(x,a)
+ for x in args2 repeat if x then a := cons(x,a)
+ if tar and not isPartialMode tar then a := cons(tar,a)
+ -- for typically homogeneous functions, throw in resolve too
+ if op in '(_= _+ _* _- ) then
+ r := resolveTypeList a
+ if r ^= nil then a := cons(r,a)
+ if tar and not isPartialMode tar then
+ if xx := underDomainOf(tar) then a := cons(xx,a)
+ for x in args1 repeat
+ PAIRP(x) and CAR(x) in '(List Vector Stream FiniteSet Array) =>
+ xx := underDomainOf(x) => a := cons(xx,a)
+ -- now extend this list with those from the arguments to
+ -- any Unions, Mapping or Records
+ a' := nil
+ a := nreverse REMDUP a
+ for x in a repeat
+ null x => 'iterate
+ x = '(RationalRadicals) => a' := cons($RationalNumber,a')
+ x is ['Union,:l] =>
+ -- check if we have a tagged union
+ l and first l is [":",:.] =>
+ for [.,.,t] in l repeat
+ a' := cons(t,a')
+ a' := append(reverse l,a')
+ x is ['Mapping,:l] => a' := append(reverse l,a')
+ x is ['Record,:l] =>
+ a' := append(reverse [CADDR s for s in l],a')
+ x is ['FunctionCalled,name] =>
+ (xm := get(name,'mode,$e)) and not isPartialMode xm =>
+ a' := cons(xm,a')
+ a := append(a,REMDUP a')
+ a := [x for x in a | PAIRP(x)]
+ -- step 1. see if we have one without coercing
+ a' := a
+ while a repeat
+ x:= CAR a
+ a:= CDR a
+ ATOM x => 'iterate
+ mmS := append(mmS, findFunctionInDomain(op,x,tar,args1,args2,NIL,NIL))
+ -- step 2. if we didn't get one, trying coercing (if we are
+ -- suppose to)
+ if null(mmS) and $Coerce then
+ a := a'
+ while a repeat
+ x:= CAR a
+ a:= CDR a
+ ATOM x => 'iterate
+ mmS := append(mmS,
+ findFunctionInDomain(op,x,tar,args1,args2,$Coerce,NIL))
+ mmS or selectMmsGen(op,tar,args1,args2)
+ mmS and orderMms(op, mmS,args1,args2,tar)
+isAVariableType t ==
+ t is ['Variable,.] or t = $Symbol or t is ['OrderedVariableList,.]
+defaultTarget(opNode,op,nargs,args) ==
+ -- this is for efficiency. Chooses standard targets for operations
+ -- when no target exists.
+ target := nil
+ nargs = 0 =>
+ op = 'nil =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := '(List (None)))
+ target
+ op = 'true or op = 'false =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := $Boolean)
+ target
+ op = 'pi =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := ['Pi])
+ target
+ op = 'infinity =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := ['OnePointCompletion, $Integer])
+ target
+ member(op, '(plusInfinity minusInfinity)) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := ['OrderedCompletion, $Integer])
+ target
+ target
+ a1 := CAR args
+ ATOM a1 => target
+ a1f := QCAR a1
+ nargs = 1 =>
+ op = 'kernel =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := ['Kernel, ['Expression, $Integer]])
+ target
+ op = 'list =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := ['List, a1])
+ target
+ target
+ a2 := CADR args
+ nargs >= 2 and op = "draw" and a1 is ['FunctionCalled,sym] and a2 is ['Segment,.] =>
+ -- this clears up some confusion over 2D and 3D graphics
+ symNode := mkAtreeNode sym
+ transferPropsToNode(sym,symNode)
+ nargs >= 3 and CADDR args is ['Segment,.] =>
+ selectLocalMms(symNode,sym,[$DoubleFloat, $DoubleFloat],NIL)
+ putTarget(opNode, target := '(ThreeDimensionalViewport))
+ target
+ (mms := selectLocalMms(symNode,sym,[$DoubleFloat],NIL)) =>
+ [.,targ,:.] := CAAR mms
+ targ = $DoubleFloat =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := '(TwoDimensionalViewport))
+ target
+ targ = ['Point, $DoubleFloat] =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := '(ThreeDimensionalViewport))
+ target
+ target
+ target
+ nargs >= 2 and op = "makeObject" and a1 is ['FunctionCalled,sym] and a2 is ['Segment,.] =>
+ -- we won't actually bother to put a target on makeObject
+ -- this is just to figure out what the first arg is
+ symNode := mkAtreeNode sym
+ transferPropsToNode(sym,symNode)
+ nargs >= 3 and CADDR args is ['Segment,.] =>
+ selectLocalMms(symNode,sym,[$DoubleFloat, $DoubleFloat],NIL)
+ target
+ selectLocalMms(symNode,sym,[$DoubleFloat],NIL)
+ target
+ nargs = 2 =>
+ op = "elt" =>
+ a1 = '(BasicOperator) and a2 is ['List, ['OrderedVariableList, .]] =>
+ ['Expression, $Integer]
+ target
+ op = "eval" =>
+ a1 is ['Expression,b1] and a2 is ['Equation, ['Polynomial,b2]] =>
+ target :=
+ canCoerce(b2, a1) => a1
+ t := resolveTT(b1, b2)
+ (not t) or (t = $Any) => nil
+ resolveTT(a1, t)
+ if target then putTarget(opNode, target)
+ target
+ a1 is ['Equation, .] and a2 is ['Equation, .] =>
+ target := resolveTT(a1, a2)
+ if target and not (target = $Any) then putTarget(opNode,target)
+ else target := nil
+ target
+ a1 is ['Equation, .] and a2 is ['List, a2e] and a2e is ['Equation, .] =>
+ target := resolveTT(a1, a2e)
+ if target and not (target = $Any) then putTarget(opNode,target)
+ else target := nil
+ target
+ a2 is ['Equation, a2e] or a2 is ['List, ['Equation, a2e]] =>
+ target := resolveTT(a1, a2e)
+ if target and not (target = $Any) then putTarget(opNode,target)
+ else target := nil
+ target
+ op = "**" or op = "^" =>
+ a2 = $Integer =>
+ if (target := resolveTCat(a1,'(Field))) then
+ putTarget(opNode,target)
+ target
+ a1 = '(AlgebraicNumber) and (a2 = $Float or a2 = $DoubleFloat) =>
+ target := ['Expression, a2]
+ putTarget(opNode,target)
+ target
+ a1 = '(AlgebraicNumber) and a2 is ['Complex, a3] and (a3 = $Float or a3 = $DoubleFloat) =>
+ target := ['Expression, a3]
+ putTarget(opNode,target)
+ target
+ ((a2 = $RationalNumber) and
+ (typeIsASmallInteger(a1) or isEqualOrSubDomain(a1,$Integer))) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := '(AlgebraicNumber))
+ target
+ ((a2 = $RationalNumber) and (isAVariableType(a1)
+ or a1 is ['Polynomial,.] or a1 is ['RationalFunction,.])) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := defaultTargetFE a1)
+ target
+ isAVariableType(a1) and (a2 = $PositiveInteger or a2 = $NonNegativeInteger) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := '(Polynomial (Integer)))
+ target
+ isAVariableType(a2) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := defaultTargetFE a1)
+ target
+ a2 is ['Polynomial, D] =>
+ (a1 = a2) or isAVariableType(a1)
+ or ((a1 is ['RationalFunction, D1]) and (D1 = D)) or (a1 = D)
+ or ((a1 is [=$QuotientField, D1]) and (D1 = a1)) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := defaultTargetFE a2)
+ target
+ target
+ a2 is ['RationalFunction, D] =>
+ (a1 = a2) or isAVariableType(a1)
+ or ((a1 is ['RationalFunction, D1]) and (D1 = D)) or (a1 = D)
+ or ((a1 is [=$QuotientField, D1]) and (D1 = a1)) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := defaultTargetFE a2)
+ target
+ target
+ target
+ op = '_/ =>
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(a1, $Integer) and isEqualOrSubDomain(a2, $Integer) =>
+ putTarget(opNode, target := $RationalNumber)
+ target
+ a1 = a2 =>
+ if (target := resolveTCat(CAR args,'(Field))) then
+ putTarget(opNode,target)
+ target
+ a1 is ['Variable,.] and a2 is ['Variable,.] =>
+ putTarget(opNode,target := mkRationalFunction '(Integer))
+ target
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(a1,$Integer) and a2 is ['Variable,.] =>
+ putTarget(opNode,target := mkRationalFunction '(Integer))
+ target
+ a1 is ['Variable,.] and
+ a2 is ['Polynomial,D] =>
+ putTarget(opNode,target := mkRationalFunction D)
+ target
+ target
+ a2 is ['Variable,.] and
+ a1 is ['Polynomial,D] =>
+ putTarget(opNode,target := mkRationalFunction D)
+ target
+ target
+ a2 is ['Polynomial,D] and (a1 = D) =>
+ putTarget(opNode,target := mkRationalFunction D)
+ target
+ target
+ a3 := CADDR args
+ nargs = 3 =>
+ op = "eval" =>
+ a3 is ['List, a3e] =>
+ target := resolveTT(a1, a3e)
+ if not (target = $Any) then putTarget(opNode,target)
+ else target := nil
+ target
+ target := resolveTT(a1, a3)
+ if not (target = $Any) then putTarget(opNode,target)
+ else target := nil
+ target
+ target
+mkRationalFunction D == ['Fraction, ['Polynomial, D]]
+defaultTargetFE(a,:options) ==
+ a is ['Variable,.] or a = $RationalNumber or MEMQ(QCAR a,
+ [QCAR $Symbol, 'RationalRadicals,
+ 'Pi]) or typeIsASmallInteger(a) or isEqualOrSubDomain(a, $Integer) or
+ a = '(AlgebraicNumber) =>
+ IFCAR options => [$FunctionalExpression, ['Complex, $Integer]]
+ [$FunctionalExpression, $Integer]
+ a is ['Complex,uD] => defaultTargetFE(uD, true)
+ a is [D,uD] and MEMQ(D, '(Polynomial RationalFunction Fraction)) =>
+ defaultTargetFE(uD, IFCAR options)
+ a is [=$FunctionalExpression,.] => a
+ IFCAR options => [$FunctionalExpression, ['Complex, a]]
+ [$FunctionalExpression, a]
+altTypeOf(type,val,$declaredMode) ==
+ (EQCAR(type,'Symbol) or EQCAR(type,'Variable)) and
+ (a := getMinimalVarMode(objValUnwrap getValue(val),$declaredMode)) =>
+ a
+ type is ['OrderedVariableList,vl] and
+ INTEGERP(val1 := objValUnwrap getValue(val)) and
+ (a := getMinimalVarMode(vl.(val1 - 1),$declaredMode)) =>
+ a
+ type = $PositiveInteger => $Integer
+ type = $NonNegativeInteger => $Integer
+ type = '(List (PositiveInteger)) => '(List (Integer))
+getOpArgTypes(opname, args) ==
+ l := getOpArgTypes1(opname, args)
+ [f(a,opname) for a in l] where
+ f(x,op) ==
+ x is ['FunctionCalled,g] and op ^= 'name =>
+ m := get(g,'mode,$e) =>
+ m is ['Mapping,:.] => m
+ x
+ x
+ x
+getOpArgTypes1(opname, args) ==
+ null args => NIL
+ -- special cases first
+ opname = 'coef and args is [b,n] =>
+ [CAR getModeSet b, CAR getModeSetUseSubdomain n]
+ opname = 'monom and args is [d,c] =>
+ [CAR getModeSetUseSubdomain d,CAR getModeSet c]
+ opname = 'monom and args is [v,d,c] =>
+ [CAR getModeSet v,CAR getModeSetUseSubdomain d,CAR getModeSet c]
+ (opname = 'cons) and (2 = #args) and (CADR(args) = 'nil) =>
+ ms := [CAR getModeSet x for x in args]
+ if CADR(ms) = '(List (None)) then
+ ms := [first ms,['List,first ms]]
+ ms
+ nargs := #args
+ v := argCouldBelongToSubdomain(opname,nargs)
+ mss := NIL
+ for i in 0..(nargs-1) for x in args repeat
+ ms :=
+ v.i = 0 => CAR getModeSet x
+ CAR getModeSetUseSubdomain x
+ mss := [ms,:mss]
+ nreverse mss
+argCouldBelongToSubdomain(op, nargs) ==
+ -- this returns a vector containing 0 or ^0 for each argument.
+ -- if ^0, this indicates that there exists a modemap for the
+ -- op that needs a subdomain in that position
+ nargs = 0 => NIL
+ v := GETZEROVEC nargs
+ isMap(op) => v
+ mms := getModemapsFromDatabase(op,nargs)
+ null mms => v
+ nargs:=nargs-1
+ -- each signature has form
+ -- [domain of implementation, target, arg1, arg2, ...]
+ for [sig,cond,:.] in mms repeat
+ for t in CDDR sig for i in 0..(nargs) repeat
+ CONTAINEDisDomain(t,cond) =>
+ v.i := 1 + v.i
+ v
+CONTAINEDisDomain(symbol,cond) ==
+-- looks for [isSubDomain,symbol,[domain]] in cond: returning T or NIL
+-- with domain being one of PositiveInteger and NonNegativeInteger
+ ATOM cond => false
+ MEMQ(QCAR cond,'(AND OR and or)) =>
+ or/[CONTAINEDisDomain(symbol, u) for u in QCDR cond]
+ EQ(QCAR cond,'isDomain) =>
+ EQ(symbol,CADR cond) and PAIRP(dom:=CADDR cond) and
+ MEMQ(dom,'(PositiveInteger NonNegativeInteger))
+ false
+selectDollarMms(dc,name,types1,types2) ==
+ -- finds functions for name in domain dc
+ isPartialMode dc => throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0001",NIL)
+ mmS := findFunctionInDomain(name,dc,NIL,types1,types2,'T,'T) =>
+ orderMms(name, mmS,types1,types2,NIL)
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayMSG
+ ["%b",'" function not found in ",prefix2String dc,"%d","%l"]
+selectLocalMms(op,name,types,tar) ==
+ -- partial rewrite, looks now for exact local modemap
+ mmS:= getLocalMms(name,types,tar) => mmS
+ obj := getValue op
+ obj and (objVal obj is ['MAP,:mapDef]) and
+ analyzeMap(op,types,mapDef,tar) and getLocalMms(name,types,tar)
+-- next defn may be better, test when more time. RSS 3/11/94
+-- selectLocalMms(op,name,types,tar) ==
+-- mmS := getLocalMms(name,types,tar)
+-- -- if no target, just return what we got
+-- mmS and null tar => mmS
+-- matchingMms := nil
+-- for mm in mmS repeat
+-- [., targ, :.] := mm
+-- if tar = targ then matchingMms := cons(mm, matchingMms)
+-- -- if we got some exact matchs on the target, return them
+-- matchingMms => nreverse matchingMms
+-- obj := getValue op
+-- obj and (objVal obj is ['MAP,:mapDef]) and
+-- analyzeMap(op,types,mapDef,tar) and getLocalMms(name,types,tar)
+getLocalMms(name,types,tar) ==
+ -- looks for exact or subsumed local modemap in $e
+ mmS := NIL
+ for (mm:=[dcSig,:.]) in get(name,'localModemap,$e) repeat
+ -- check format and destructure
+ dcSig isnt [dc,result,:args] => NIL
+ -- make number of args is correct
+ #types ^= #args => NIL
+ -- check for equal or subsumed arguments
+ subsume := (not $useIntegerSubdomain) or (tar = result) or
+ get(name,'recursive,$e)
+ acceptableArgs :=
+ and/[f(b,a,subsume) for a in args for b in types] where
+ f(x,y,subsume) ==
+ if subsume
+ then isEqualOrSubDomain(x,y)
+ else x = y
+ not acceptableArgs =>
+ -- interpreted maps are ok
+ dc = 'interpOnly and not($Coerce)=> mmS := [mm,:mmS]
+ mmS := [mm,:mmS]
+ nreverse mmS
+mmCost(name, sig,cond,tar,args1,args2) ==
+ cost := mmCost0(name, sig,cond,tar,args1,args2)
+ res := CADR sig
+ res = $PositiveInteger => cost - 2
+ res = $NonNegativeInteger => cost - 1
+ res = $DoubleFloat => cost + 1
+ cost
+mmCost0(name, sig,cond,tar,args1,args2) ==
+ sigArgs := CDDR sig
+ n:=
+ null cond => 1
+ not (or/cond) => 1
+ 0
+ -- try to favor homogeneous multiplication
+--if name = "*" and 2 = #sigArgs and first sigArgs ^= first rest sigArgs then n := n + 1
+ -- because of obscure problem in evalMm, sometimes we will have extra
+ -- modemaps with the wrong number of arguments if we want to the one
+ -- with no arguments and the name is overloaded. Thus check for this.
+ if args1 then
+ for x1 in args1 for x2 in args2 for x3 in sigArgs repeat
+ n := n +
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(x1,x3) => 0
+ topcon := first deconstructT x1
+ topcon2 := first deconstructT x3
+ topcon = topcon2 => 3
+ CAR topcon2 = 'Mapping => 2
+ 4
+ else if sigArgs then n := n + 100000000000
+ res := CADR sig
+ res=tar => 10000*n
+ 10000*n + 1000*domainDepth(res) + hitListOfTarget(res)
+orderMms(name, mmS,args1,args2,tar) ==
+ -- it counts the number of necessary coercions of the argument types
+ -- if this isn't enough, it compares the target types
+ mmS and null rest mmS => mmS
+ mS:= NIL
+ N:= NIL
+ for mm in MSORT mmS repeat
+ [sig,.,cond]:= mm
+ b:= 'T
+ p:= CONS(m := mmCost(name, sig,cond,tar,args1,args2),mm)
+ mS:=
+ null mS => list p
+ m < CAAR mS => CONS(p,mS)
+ S:= mS
+ until b repeat
+ b:= null CDR S or m < CAADR S =>
+ S:= CDR S
+ mS
+ mmS and [CDR p for p in mS]
+domainDepth(d) ==
+ -- computes the depth of lisp structure d
+ atom d => 0
+ MAX(domainDepth(CAR d)+1,domainDepth(CDR d))
+hitListOfTarget(t) ==
+ -- assigns a number between 1 and 998 to a type t
+ -- want to make it hard to go to Polynomial Pi
+ t = '(Polynomial (Pi)) => 90000
+ EQ(CAR t, 'Polynomial) => 300
+ EQ(CAR t, 'List) => 400
+ EQ(CAR t,'Matrix) => 910
+ EQ(CAR t,'UniversalSegment) => 501
+ EQ(CAR t,'RationalFunction) => 900
+ EQ(CAR t,'Union) => 999
+ EQ(CAR t,'Expression) => 1600
+ 500
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in interop.boot.pamphlet)
+getFunctionFromDomain(op,dc,args) ==
+ -- finds the function op with argument types args in dc
+ -- complains, if no function or ambiguous
+ $reportBottomUpFlag:local:= NIL
+ member(CAR dc,$nonLisplibDomains) =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0002",[CAR dc])
+ not constructor? CAR dc =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0003",[CAR dc])
+ p := findFunctionInDomain(op,dc,NIL,args,args,NIL,NIL)
+ if not p then
+ p :=
+ op = "^" =>
+ findFunctionInDomain("**",dc,NIL,args,args,NIL,NIL)
+ op = "**" =>
+ findFunctionInDomain("^",dc,NIL,args,args,NIL,NIL)
+ nil
+ p =>
+ domain := evalDomain dc
+ for mm in nreverse p until b repeat
+ [[.,:sig],:.] := mm
+ b := compiledLookup(op,sig,domain)
+ b or throwKeyedMsg("S2IS0023",[op,dc])
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0004",[op,dc])
+isOpInDomain(opName,dom,nargs) ==
+ -- returns true only if there is an op in the given domain with
+ -- the given number of arguments
+ mmList := ASSQ(opName,getOperationAlistFromLisplib CAR dom)
+ mmList := subCopy(mmList,constructSubst dom)
+ null mmList => NIL
+ gotOne := NIL
+ nargs := nargs + 1
+ for mm in CDR mmList while not gotOne repeat
+ nargs = #CAR mm => gotOne := [mm, :gotOne]
+ gotOne
+findCommonSigInDomain(opName,dom,nargs) ==
+ -- this looks at all signatures in dom with given opName and nargs
+ -- number of arguments. If no matches, returns NIL. Otherwise returns
+ -- a "signature" where a type position is non-NIL only if all
+ -- signatures shares that type .
+ CAR(dom) in '(Union Record Mapping) => NIL
+ mmList := ASSQ(opName,getOperationAlistFromLisplib CAR dom)
+ mmList := subCopy(mmList,constructSubst dom)
+ null mmList => NIL
+ gotOne := NIL
+ nargs := nargs + 1
+ vec := NIL
+ for mm in CDR mmList repeat
+ nargs = #CAR mm =>
+ null vec => vec := LIST2VEC CAR mm
+ for i in 0.. for x in CAR mm repeat
+ if vec.i and vec.i ^= x then vec.i := NIL
+ VEC2LIST vec
+findUniqueOpInDomain(op,opName,dom) ==
+ -- return function named op in domain dom if unique, choose one if not
+ mmList := ASSQ(opName,getOperationAlistFromLisplib CAR dom)
+ mmList := subCopy(mmList,constructSubst dom)
+ null mmList =>
+ throwKeyedMsg("S2IS0021",[opName,dom])
+ if #CDR mmList > 1 then
+ mm := selectMostGeneralMm CDR mmList
+ sayKeyedMsg("S2IS0022",[opName,dom,['Mapping,:CAR mm]])
+ else mm := CADR mmList
+ [sig,slot,:.] := mm
+ fun :=
+ $genValue =>
+ compiledLookupCheck(opName,sig,evalDomain dom)
+ NRTcompileEvalForm(opName, sig, evalDomain dom)
+ NULL(fun) or NULL(PAIRP(fun)) => NIL
+ CAR fun = function(Undef) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IS0023",[opName,dom])
+ binVal :=
+ $genValue => wrap fun
+ fun
+ putValue(op,objNew(binVal,m:=['Mapping,:sig]))
+ putModeSet(op,[m])
+selectMostGeneralMm mmList ==
+ -- selects the modemap in mmList with arguments all the other
+ -- argument types can be coerced to
+ -- also selects function with #args closest to 2
+ min := 100
+ mml := mmList
+ while mml repeat
+ [mm,:mml] := mml
+ sz := #CAR mm
+ if (met := ABS(sz - 3)) < min then
+ min := met
+ fsz := sz
+ mmList := [mm for mm in mmList | (#CAR mm) = fsz]
+ mml := CDR mmList
+ genMm := CAR mmList
+ while mml repeat
+ [mm,:mml] := mml
+ and/[canCoerceFrom(genMmArg,mmArg) for mmArg in CDAR mm
+ for genMmArg in CDAR genMm] => genMm := mm
+ genMm
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in xrun.boot.pamphlet)
+findFunctionInDomain(op,dc,tar,args1,args2,$Coerce,$SubDom) ==
+ -- looks for a modemap for op with signature args1 -> tar
+ -- in the domain of computation dc
+ -- tar may be NIL (= unknown)
+ null isLegitimateMode(tar, nil, nil) => nil
+ dcName:= CAR dc
+ member(dcName,'(Union Record Mapping)) =>
+ -- First cut code that ignores args2, $Coerce and $SubDom
+ -- When domains no longer have to have Set, the hard coded 6 and 7
+ -- should go.
+ op = '_= =>
+ #args1 ^= 2 or args1.0 ^= dc or args1.1 ^= dc => NIL
+ tar and tar ^= '(Boolean) => NIL
+ [[[dc, '(Boolean), dc, dc], 6, [NIL, NIL]]]
+ op = 'coerce =>
+ #args1 ^= 1 or args1.0 ^= dc => NIL
+ tar and tar ^= $OutputForm => NIL
+ [[[dc, $OutputForm, dc], 7, [NIL, NIL]]]
+ member(dcName,'(Record Union)) =>
+ findFunctionInCategory(op,dc,tar,args1,args2,$Coerce,$SubDom)
+ fun:= NIL
+ ( p := ASSQ(op,getOperationAlistFromLisplib dcName) ) and
+ SL := constructSubst dc
+ -- if the arglist is homogeneous, first look for homogeneous
+ -- functions. If we don't find any, look at remaining ones
+ if isHomogeneousList args1 then
+ q := NIL
+ r := NIL
+ for mm in CDR p repeat
+ -- CDAR of mm is the signature argument list
+ if isHomogeneousList CDAR mm then q := [mm,:q]
+ else r := [mm,:r]
+ q := allOrMatchingMms(q,args1,tar,dc)
+ for mm in q repeat
+ mm:= subCopy(mm,SL)
+ fun:= nconc(fun,findFunctionInDomain1(mm,op,tar,args1,args2,SL))
+ r := reverse r
+ else r := CDR p
+ r := allOrMatchingMms(r,args1,tar,dc)
+ if not fun then -- consider remaining modemaps
+ for mm in r repeat
+ mm:= subCopy(mm,SL)
+ fun:= nconc(fun,findFunctionInDomain1(mm,op,tar,args1,args2,SL))
+ if not fun and $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG concat
+ ['" -> no appropriate",:bright op,'"found in",
+ :bright prefix2String dc]
+ fun
+allOrMatchingMms(mms,args1,tar,dc) ==
+ -- if there are exact matches on the arg types, return them
+ -- otherwise return the original list
+ null mms or null rest mms => mms
+ x := NIL
+ for mm in mms repeat
+ [sig,:.] := mm
+ [res,:args] := MSUBSTQ(dc,"$",sig)
+ args ^= args1 => nil
+ x := CONS(mm,x)
+ if x then x
+ else mms
+isHomogeneousList y ==
+ y is [x] => true
+ y and rest y =>
+ z := CAR y
+ "and"/[x = z for x in CDR y]
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in xrun.boot.pamphlet)
+findFunctionInDomain1(mm,op,tar,args1,args2,SL) ==
+ -- tests whether modemap mm is appropriate for the function
+ -- defined by op, target type tar and argument types args
+ $RTC:local:= NIL
+ -- $RTC is a list of run-time checks to be performed
+ dc:= CDR ASSQ('$,SL)
+ [sig,slot,cond,y] := mm
+ if CONTAINED('_#, sig) or CONTAINED('construct, sig) then
+ sig := [replaceSharpCalls t for t in sig]
+ matchMmCond cond and matchMmSig(mm,tar,args1,args2) and
+ EQ(y,'Subsumed) and
+ -- hmmmm: do Union check in following because (as in DP)
+ -- Unions are subsumed by total modemaps which are in the
+ -- mm list in findFunctionInDomain.
+ y := 'ELT -- if subsumed fails try it again
+ not $SubDom and CAR sig isnt ['Union,:.] and slot is [tar,:args] and
+ (f := findFunctionInDomain(op,dc,tar,args,args,NIL,NIL)) => f
+ EQ(y,'ELT) => [[CONS(dc,sig),slot,nreverse $RTC]]
+ EQ(y,'CONST) => [[CONS(dc,sig),slot,nreverse $RTC]]
+-- EQ(y,'ASCONST) => [[CONS(dc,sig),slot,nreverse $RTC]]
+ y is ['XLAM,:.] => [[CONS(dc,sig),y,nreverse $RTC]]
+ sayKeyedMsg("S2IF0006",[y])
+--------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in xrun.boot.pamphlet)
+findFunctionInCategory(op,dc,tar,args1,args2,$Coerce,$SubDom) ==
+ -- looks for a modemap for op with signature args1 -> tar
+ -- in the domain of computation dc
+ -- tar may be NIL (= unknown)
+ dcName:= CAR dc
+ not MEMQ(dcName,'(Record Union)) => NIL
+ fun:= NIL
+ -- cat := constructorCategory dc
+ makeFunc := GETL(dcName,"makeFunctionList") or
+ systemErrorHere '"findFunctionInCategory"
+ [funlist,.] := FUNCALL(makeFunc,"$",dc,$CategoryFrame)
+ -- get list of implementations and remove sharps
+ maxargs := -1
+ impls := nil
+ for [a,b,d] in funlist repeat
+ not EQ(a,op) => nil
+ d is ['XLAM,xargs,:.] =>
+ if PAIRP(xargs) then maxargs := MAX(maxargs,#xargs)
+ else maxargs := MAX(maxargs,1)
+ impls := cons([b,nil,true,d],impls)
+ impls := cons([b,d,true,d],impls)
+ impls := NREVERSE impls
+ if maxargs ^= -1 then
+ SL:= NIL
+ for i in 1..maxargs repeat
+ impls := SUBSTQ(GENSYM(),INTERNL('"#",STRINGIMAGE i),impls)
+ impls and
+ SL:= constructSubst dc
+ for mm in impls repeat
+ mm:= subCopy(mm,SL)
+ fun:= nconc(fun,findFunctionInDomain1(mm,op,tar,args1,args2,SL))
+ if not fun and $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG concat
+ ['" -> no appropriate",:bright op,'"found in",
+ :bright prefix2String dc]
+ fun
+matchMmCond(cond) ==
+ -- tests the condition, which comes with a modemap
+ -- cond is 'T or a list, but I hate to test for 'T (ALBI)
+ $domPvar: local := nil
+ atom cond or
+ cond is ['AND,:conds] or cond is ['and,:conds] =>
+ and/[matchMmCond c for c in conds]
+ cond is ['OR,:conds] or cond is ['or,:conds] =>
+ or/[matchMmCond c for c in conds]
+ cond is ['has,dom,x] =>
+ hasCaty(dom,x,NIL) ^= 'failed
+ cond is ['not,cond1] => not matchMmCond cond1
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"matchMmCond",'"unknown form of condition"])
+matchMmSig(mm,tar,args1,args2) ==
+ -- matches the modemap signature against args1 -> tar
+ -- if necessary, runtime checks are created for subdomains
+ -- then the modemap condition is evaluated
+ [sig,:.]:= mm
+ if CONTAINED('_#, sig) then
+ sig := [replaceSharpCalls COPY t for t in sig]
+ null args1 => matchMmSigTar(tar,CAR sig)
+ a:= CDR sig
+ arg:= NIL
+ for i in 1.. while args1 and args2 and a until not b repeat
+ x1:= CAR args1
+ args1:= CDR args1
+ x2:= CAR args2
+ args2:= CDR args2
+ x:= CAR a
+ a:= CDR a
+ rtc:= NIL
+ if x is ['SubDomain,y,:.] then x:= y
+ b := isEqualOrSubDomain(x1,x) or
+ (STRINGP(x) and (x1 is ['Variable,v]) and (x = PNAME v)) or
+ $SubDom and isSubDomain(x,x1) => rtc:= 'T
+ $Coerce => x2=x or canCoerceFrom(x1,x)
+ x1 is ['Variable,:.] and x = '(Symbol)
+ $RTC:= CONS(rtc,$RTC)
+ null args1 and null a and b and matchMmSigTar(tar,CAR sig)
+matchMmSigTar(t1,t2) ==
+ -- t1 is a target type specified by :: or by a declared variable
+ -- t2 is the target of a modemap signature
+ null t1 or
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(t2,t1) => true
+ if t2 is ['Union,a,b] then
+ if a='"failed" then return matchMmSigTar(t1, b)
+ if b='"failed" then return matchMmSigTar(t1, a)
+ $Coerce and
+ isPartialMode t1 => resolveTM(t2,t1)
+-- I think this should be true -SCM
+-- true
+ canCoerceFrom(t2,t1)
+constructSubst(d) ==
+ -- constructs a substitution which substitutes d for $
+ -- and the arguments of d for #1, #2 ..
+ SL:= list CONS('$,d)
+ for x in CDR d for i in 1.. repeat
+ SL
+filterModemapsFromPackages(mms, names, op) ==
+ -- mms is a list of modemaps
+ -- names is a list of domain constructors
+ -- this returns a 2-list containing those modemaps that have one
+ -- of the names in the package source of the modemap and all the
+ -- rest of the modemaps in the second element.
+ good := NIL
+ bad := NIL
+ -- hack to speed up factorization choices for mpolys and to overcome
+ -- some poor naming of packages
+ mpolys := '("Polynomial" "MultivariatePolynomial"
+ "DistributedMultivariatePolynomial"
+ "HomogeneousDistributedMultivariatePolynomial")
+ mpacks := '("MFactorize" "MRationalFactorize")
+ for mm in mms repeat
+ isFreeFunctionFromMm(mm) => bad := cons(mm, bad)
+ type := getDomainFromMm mm
+ null type => bad := cons(mm,bad)
+ if PAIRP type then type := first type
+ GETDATABASE(type,'CONSTRUCTORKIND) = 'category => bad := cons(mm,bad)
+ name := object2String type
+ found := nil
+ for n in names while not found repeat
+ STRPOS(n,name,0,NIL) => found := true
+ -- hack, hack
+ (op = 'factor) and member(n,mpolys) and member(name,mpacks) =>
+ found := true
+ if found
+ then good := cons(mm, good)
+ else bad := cons(mm,bad)
+ [good,bad]
+isTowerWithSubdomain(towerType,elem) ==
+ not PAIRP towerType => NIL
+ dt := deconstructT towerType
+ 2 ^= #dt => NIL
+ s := underDomainOf(towerType)
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(s,elem) and constructM(first dt,[elem])
+selectMmsGen(op,tar,args1,args2) ==
+ -- general modemap evaluation of op with argument types args1
+ -- evaluates the condition and looks for the slot number
+ -- returns all functions which are applicable
+ -- args2 is a list of polynomial types for symbols
+ $Subst: local := NIL
+ $SymbolType: local := NIL
+ null (S := getModemapsFromDatabase(op,QLENGTH args1)) => NIL
+ if (op = 'map) and (2 = #args1) and
+ (CAR(args1) is ['Mapping,., elem]) and
+ (a := isTowerWithSubdomain(CADR args1,elem))
+ then args1 := [CAR args1,a]
+ -- we first split the modemaps into two groups:
+ -- haves: these are from packages that have one of the top level
+ -- constructor names in the package name
+ -- havenots: everything else
+ -- get top level constructor names for constructors with parameters
+ conNames := nil
+ if op = 'reshape then args := APPEND(rest args1, rest args2)
+ else args := APPEND(args1,args2)
+ if tar then args := [tar,:args]
+ -- for common aggregates, use under domain also
+ for a in REMDUP args repeat
+ a =>
+ atom a => nil
+ fa := QCAR a
+ fa in '(Record Union) => NIL
+ conNames := insert(STRINGIMAGE fa, conNames)
+ if conNames
+ then [haves,havenots] := filterModemapsFromPackages(S,conNames,op)
+ else
+ haves := NIL
+ havenots := S
+ mmS := NIL
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG ['%l,:bright '"Modemaps from Associated Packages"]
+ if haves then
+ [havesExact,havesInexact] := exact?(haves,tar,args1) where
+ exact?(mmS,tar,args) ==
+ ex := inex := NIL
+ for (mm := [sig,[mmC,:.],:.]) in mmS repeat
+ [c,t,:a] := sig
+ ok := true
+ for pat in a for arg in args while ok repeat
+ not CONTAINED(['isDomain,pat,arg],mmC) => ok := NIL
+ ok => ex := CONS(mm,ex)
+ inex := CONS(mm,inex)
+ [ex,inex]
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ for mm in APPEND(havesExact,havesInexact) for i in 1.. repeat
+ sayModemapWithNumber(mm,i)
+ if havesExact then
+ mmS := matchMms(havesExact,op,tar,args1,args2) where
+ matchMms(mmaps,op,tar,args1,args2) ==
+ mmS := NIL
+ for [sig,mmC] in mmaps repeat
+ -- sig is [dc,result,:args]
+ $Subst :=
+ tar and not isPartialMode tar =>
+ -- throw in the target if it is not the same as one
+ -- of the arguments
+ res := CADR sig
+ member(res,CDDR sig) => NIL
+ [[res,:tar]]
+ [c,t,:a] := sig
+ if a then matchTypes(a,args1,args2)
+ not EQ($Subst,'failed) =>
+ mmS := nconc(evalMm(op,tar,sig,mmC),mmS)
+ mmS
+ if mmS then
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG '" found an exact match!"
+ return mmS
+ mmS := matchMms(havesInexact,op,tar,args1,args2)
+ else if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayMSG '" no modemaps"
+ mmS => mmS
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG ['%l,:bright '"Remaining General Modemaps"]
+ -- for mm in havenots for i in 1.. repeat sayModemapWithNumber(mm,i)
+ if havenots then
+ [havesNExact,havesNInexact] := exact?(havenots,tar,args1)
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ for mm in APPEND(havesNExact,havesNInexact) for i in 1.. repeat
+ sayModemapWithNumber(mm,i)
+ if havesNExact then
+ mmS := matchMms(havesNExact,op,tar,args1,args2)
+ if mmS then
+ if $reportBottomUpFlag then
+ sayMSG '" found an exact match!"
+ return mmS
+ mmS := matchMms(havesNInexact,op,tar,args1,args2)
+ else if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayMSG '" no modemaps"
+ mmS
+matchTypes(pm,args1,args2) ==
+ -- pm is a list of pattern variables, args1 a list of argument types,
+ -- args2 a list of polynomial types for symbols
+ -- the result is a match from pm to args, if one exists
+ for v in pm for t1 in args1 for t2 in args2 until $Subst='failed repeat
+ p:= ASSQ(v,$Subst) =>
+ t:= CDR p
+ t=t1 => $Coerce and EQCAR(t1,'Symbol) and
+ (q := ASSQ(v,$SymbolType)) and t2 and
+ (t3 := resolveTT(CDR q, t2)) and
+ RPLACD(q, t3)
+ $Coerce =>
+ if EQCAR(t,'Symbol) and (q := ASSQ(v,$SymbolType)) then
+ t := CDR q
+ if EQCAR(t1,'Symbol) and t2 then t1:= t2
+ t0 := resolveTT(t,t1) => RPLACD(p,t0)
+ $Subst:= 'failed
+ $Subst:= 'failed
+ $Subst:= CONS(CONS(v,t1),$Subst)
+ if EQCAR(t1,'Symbol) and t2 then $SymbolType:= CONS(CONS(v,t2),$SymbolType)
+evalMm(op,tar,sig,mmC) ==
+ -- evaluates a modemap with signature sig and condition mmC
+ -- the result is a list of lists [sig,slot,cond] or NIL
+ --if $Coerce is NIL, tar has to be the same as the computed target type
+--if CONTAINED('LinearlyExplicitRingOver,mmC) then hohoho()
+ mS:= NIL
+ for st in evalMmStack mmC repeat
+ SL:= evalMmCond(op,sig,st)
+ not EQ(SL,'failed) =>
+ SL := fixUpTypeArgs SL
+ sig:= [subCopy(deepSubCopy(x,SL),$Subst) for x in sig]
+ not containsVars sig =>
+ isFreeFunctionFromMmCond mmC and (m := evalMmFreeFunction(op,tar,sig,mmC)) =>
+ mS:= nconc(m,mS)
+ "or"/[^isValidType(arg) for arg in sig] => nil
+ [dc,t,:args]:= sig
+ $Coerce or null tar or tar=t =>
+ mS:= nconc(findFunctionInDomain(op,dc,t,args,args,NIL,'T),mS)
+ mS
+evalMmFreeFunction(op,tar,sig,mmC) ==
+ [dc,t,:args]:= sig
+ $Coerce or null tar or tar=t =>
+ nilArgs := nil
+ for a in args repeat nilArgs := [NIL,:nilArgs]
+ [[[["__FreeFunction__",:dc],t,:args], [t, :args], nilArgs]]
+ nil
+evalMmStack(mmC) ==
+ -- translates the modemap condition mmC into a list of stacks
+ mmC is ['AND,:a] =>
+ ["NCONC"/[evalMmStackInner cond for cond in a]]
+ mmC is ['OR,:args] => [:evalMmStack a for a in args]
+ mmC is ['partial,:mmD] => evalMmStack mmD
+ mmC is ['ofCategory,pvar,cat] and cat is ['Join,:args] =>
+ evalMmStack CONS('AND,[['ofCategory,pvar,c] for c in args])
+ mmC is ['ofType,:.] => [NIL]
+ mmC is ['has,pat,x] =>
+ [[['ofCategory,pat,['CATEGORY,'unknown,x]]]]
+ [['ofCategory,pat,x]]
+ [[mmC]]
+evalMmStackInner(mmC) ==
+ mmC is ['OR,:args] =>
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"evalMmStackInner",'"OR condition nested inside an AND"])
+ mmC is ['partial,:mmD] => evalMmStackInner mmD
+ mmC is ['ofCategory,pvar,cat] and cat is ['Join,:args] =>
+ [['ofCategory, pvar, c] for c in args]
+ mmC is ['ofType,:.] => NIL
+ mmC is ['isAsConstant] => NIL
+ mmC is ['has,pat,x] =>
+ [['ofCategory,pat,['CATEGORY,'unknown,x]]]
+ [['ofCategory,pat,x]]
+ [mmC]
+evalMmCond(op,sig,st) ==
+ $insideEvalMmCondIfTrue : local := true
+ evalMmCond0(op,sig,st)
+evalMmCond0(op,sig,st) ==
+ -- evaluates the nonempty list of modemap conditions st
+ -- the result is either 'failed or a substitution list
+ SL:= evalMmDom st
+ SL='failed => 'failed
+ for p in SL until p1 and not b repeat b:=
+ p1:= ASSQ(CAR p,$Subst)
+ p1 and
+ t1:= CDR p1
+ t:= CDR p
+ t=t1 or
+ containsVars t =>
+ if $Coerce and EQCAR(t1,'Symbol) then t1:= getSymbolType CAR p
+ resolveTM1(t1,t)
+ $Coerce and
+ -- if we are looking at the result of a function, the coerce
+ -- goes the opposite direction
+ (t1 = $AnonymousFunction and t is ['Mapping, :.]) => t
+ CAR p = CADR sig and not member(CAR p, CDDR sig) =>
+ canCoerceFrom(t,t1) => 'T
+ canCoerceFrom(t1,t) => 'T
+ isSubDomain(t,t1) => RPLACD(p,t1)
+ EQCAR(t1,'Symbol) and canCoerceFrom(getSymbolType CAR p,t)
+ ( SL and p1 and not b and 'failed ) or evalMmCat(op,sig,st,SL)
+fixUpTypeArgs SL ==
+ for (p := [v, :t2]) in SL repeat
+ t1 := LASSOC(v, $Subst)
+ null t1 => RPLACD(p,replaceSharpCalls t2)
+ RPLACD(p, coerceTypeArgs(t1, t2, SL))
+ SL
+replaceSharpCalls t ==
+ noSharpCallsHere t => t
+ doReplaceSharpCalls t
+doReplaceSharpCalls t ==
+ ATOM t => t
+ t is ['_#, l] => #l
+ t is ['construct,: l] => EVAL ['LIST,:l]
+ [CAR t,:[ doReplaceSharpCalls u for u in CDR t]]
+noSharpCallsHere t ==
+ t isnt [con, :args] => true
+ MEMQ(con,'(construct _#)) => NIL
+ and/[noSharpCallsHere u for u in args]
+coerceTypeArgs(t1, t2, SL) ==
+ -- if the type t has type-valued arguments, coerce them to the new types,
+ -- if needed.
+ t1 isnt [con1, :args1] or t2 isnt [con2, :args2] => t2
+ con1 ^= con2 => t2
+ and/coSig => t2
+ csub1 := constructSubst t1
+ csub2 := constructSubst t2
+ cs1 := CDR getConstructorSignature con1
+ cs2 := CDR getConstructorSignature con2
+ [con1, :
+ [makeConstrArg(arg1, arg2, constrArg(c1,csub1,SL),
+ constrArg(c2,csub2,SL), cs)
+ for arg1 in args1 for arg2 in args2 for c1 in cs1 for c2 in cs2
+ for cs in coSig]]
+constrArg(v,sl,SL) ==
+ x := LASSOC(v,sl) =>
+ y := LASSOC(x,SL) => y
+ y := LASSOC(x, $Subst) => y
+ x
+ y := LASSOC(x, $Subst) => y
+ v
+makeConstrArg(arg1, arg2, t1, t2, cs) ==
+ if arg1 is ['_#, l] then arg1 := # l
+ if arg2 is ['_#, l] then arg2 := # l
+ cs => arg2
+ t1 = t2 => arg2
+ obj1 := objNewWrap(arg1, t1)
+ obj2 := coerceInt(obj1, t2)
+ null obj2 => throwKeyedMsgCannotCoerceWithValue(wrap arg1,t1,t2)
+ objValUnwrap obj2
+evalMmDom(st) ==
+ -- evals all isDomain(v,d) of st
+ SL:= NIL
+ for mmC in st until SL='failed repeat
+ mmC is ['isDomain,v,d] =>
+ STRINGP d => SL:= 'failed
+ p:= ASSQ(v,SL) and not (d=CDR p) => SL:= 'failed
+ d1:= subCopy(d,SL)
+ CONSP(d1) and MEMQ(v,d1) => SL:= 'failed
+ SL:= augmentSub(v,d1,SL)
+ mmC is ['isFreeFunction,v,fun] =>
+ SL:= augmentSub(v,subCopy(fun,SL),SL)
+ SL
+orderMmCatStack st ==
+ -- tries to reorder stack so that free pattern variables appear
+ -- as parameters first
+ null(st) or null rest(st) => st
+ vars := DELETE_-DUPLICATES [CADR(s) for s in st | isPatternVar(CADR(s))]
+ null vars => st
+ havevars := nil
+ haventvars := nil
+ for s in st repeat
+ cat := CADDR s
+ mem := nil
+ for v in vars while not mem repeat
+ if MEMQ(v,cat) then
+ mem := true
+ havevars := cons(s,havevars)
+ if not mem then haventvars := cons(s,haventvars)
+ null havevars => st
+ st := nreverse nconc(haventvars,havevars)
+ SORT(st, function mmCatComp)
+mmCatComp(c1, c2) ==
+ b1 := ASSQ(CADR c1, $Subst)
+ b2 := ASSQ(CADR c2, $Subst)
+ b1 and null(b2) => true
+ false
+evalMmCat(op,sig,stack,SL) ==
+ -- evaluates all ofCategory's of stack as soon as possible
+ $hope:local:= NIL
+ numConds:= #stack
+ stack:= orderMmCatStack [mmC for mmC in stack | EQCAR(mmC,'ofCategory)]
+ while stack until not makingProgress repeat
+ st := stack
+ stack := NIL
+ makingProgress := NIL
+ for mmC in st repeat
+ S:= evalMmCat1(mmC,op, SL)
+ S='failed and $hope =>
+ stack:= CONS(mmC,stack)
+ S = 'failed => return S
+ not atom S =>
+ makingProgress:= 'T
+ SL:= mergeSubs(S,SL)
+ if stack or S='failed then 'failed else SL
+evalMmCat1(mmC is ['ofCategory,d,c],op, SL) ==
+ -- evaluates mmC using information from the lisplib
+ -- d may contain variables, and the substitution list $Subst is used
+ -- the result is a substitution or failed
+ $domPvar: local := NIL
+ $hope:= NIL
+ NSL:= hasCate(d,c,SL)
+ NSL='failed and isPatternVar d and $Coerce and ( p:= ASSQ(d,$Subst) )
+ and (EQCAR(CDR p,'Variable) or EQCAR(CDR p,'Symbol)) =>
+ RPLACD(p,getSymbolType d)
+ hasCate(d,c,SL)
+ NSL='failed and isPatternVar d =>
+ -- following is hack to take care of the case where we have a
+ -- free substitution variable with a category condition on it.
+ -- This would arise, for example, where a package has an argument
+ -- that is not in a needed modemap. After making the following
+ -- dummy substitutions, the package can be instantiated and the
+ -- modemap used. RSS 12-22-85
+ -- If c is not Set, Ring or Field then the more general mechanism
+ dom := defaultTypeForCategory(c, SL)
+ null dom =>
+ op ^= 'coerce => 'failed -- evalMmCatLastChance(d,c,SL)
+ null (p := ASSQ(d,$Subst)) =>
+ dom =>
+ NSL := [CONS(d,dom)]
+ op ^= 'coerce => 'failed -- evalMmCatLastChance(d,c,SL)
+ if containsVars dom then dom := resolveTM(CDR p, dom)
+ $Coerce and canCoerce(CDR p, dom) =>
+ NSL := [CONS(d,dom)]
+ op ^= 'coerce => 'failed -- evalMmCatLastChance(d,c,SL)
+hasCate(dom,cat,SL) ==
+ -- asks whether dom has cat under SL
+ -- augments substitution SL or returns 'failed
+ dom = $EmptyMode => NIL
+ isPatternVar dom =>
+ (p:= ASSQ(dom,SL)) and ((NSL := hasCate(CDR p,cat,SL)) ^= 'failed) =>
+ (p:= ASSQ(dom,$Subst)) or (p := ASSQ(dom, SL)) =>
+-- S:= hasCate(CDR p,cat,augmentSub(CAR p,CDR p,copy SL))
+ S:= hasCate1(CDR p,cat,SL, dom)
+ not (S='failed) => S
+ hasCateSpecial(dom,CDR p,cat,SL)
+ if SL ^= 'failed then $hope:= 'T
+ 'failed
+ SL1 := [[v,:d] for [v,:d] in SL | not containsVariables d]
+ if SL1 then cat := subCopy(cat, SL1)
+ hasCaty(dom,cat,SL)
+hasCate1(dom, cat, SL, domPvar) ==
+ $domPvar:local := domPvar
+ hasCate(dom, cat, SL)
+hasCateSpecial(v,dom,cat,SL) ==
+ -- v is a pattern variable, dom it's binding under $Subst
+ -- tries to change dom, so that it has category cat under SL
+ -- the result is a substitution list or 'failed
+ dom is ['FactoredForm,arg] =>
+ if isSubDomain(arg,$Integer) then arg := $Integer
+ d := ['FactoredRing,arg]
+ SL:= hasCate(arg,'(Ring),augmentSub(v,d,SL))
+ SL = 'failed => 'failed
+ hasCaty(d,cat,SL)
+ EQCAR(cat,'Field) or EQCAR(cat, 'DivisionRing) =>
+ if isSubDomain(dom,$Integer) then dom := $Integer
+ d:= eqType [$QuotientField, dom]
+ hasCaty(dom,'(IntegralDomain),augmentSub(v,d,SL))
+ cat is ['PolynomialCategory, d, :.] =>
+ dom' := ['Polynomial, d]
+ (containsVars d or canCoerceFrom(dom, dom'))
+ and hasCaty(dom', cat, augmentSub(v,dom',SL))
+ isSubDomain(dom,$Integer) =>
+ NSL:= hasCate($Integer,cat,augmentSub(v,$Integer,SL))
+ NSL = 'failed =>
+ hasCateSpecialNew(v, dom, cat, SL)
+ hasCaty($Integer,cat,NSL)
+ hasCateSpecialNew(v, dom, cat, SL)
+-- to be used in $newSystem only
+hasCateSpecialNew(v,dom,cat,SL) ==
+ fe := member(QCAR cat, '(ElementaryFunctionCategory
+ TrigonometricFunctionCategory ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory
+ HyperbolicFunctionCategory ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory
+ PrimitiveFunctionCategory SpecialFunctionCategory Evalable
+ CombinatorialOpsCategory TranscendentalFunctionCategory
+ AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace ExpressionSpace
+ LiouvillianFunctionCategory FunctionSpace))
+ alg := member(QCAR cat, '(RadicalCategory AlgebraicallyClosedField))
+ fefull := fe or alg or EQCAR(cat, 'CombinatorialFunctionCategory)
+ partialResult :=
+ EQCAR(dom, 'Variable) or EQCAR(dom, 'Symbol) =>
+ CAR(cat) in
+ '(SemiGroup AbelianSemiGroup Monoid AbelianGroup AbelianMonoid
+ PartialDifferentialRing Ring InputForm) =>
+ d := ['Polynomial, $Integer]
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ EQCAR(cat, 'Group) =>
+ d := ['Fraction, ['Polynomial, $Integer]]
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ fefull =>
+ d := defaultTargetFE dom
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ 'failed
+ isEqualOrSubDomain(dom, $Integer) =>
+ fe =>
+ d := defaultTargetFE $Integer
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ alg =>
+ d := '(AlgebraicNumber)
+ --d := defaultTargetFE $Integer
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ 'failed
+ underDomainOf dom = $ComplexInteger =>
+ d := defaultTargetFE $ComplexInteger
+ hasCaty(d,cat,augmentSub(v, d, SL))
+ (dom = $RationalNumber) and alg =>
+ d := '(AlgebraicNumber)
+ --d := defaultTargetFE $Integer
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ fefull =>
+ d := defaultTargetFE dom
+ augmentSub(v, d, SL)
+ 'failed
+ partialResult = 'failed => 'failed
+ hasCaty(d, cat, partialResult)
+hasCaty(d,cat,SL) ==
+ -- calls hasCat, which looks up a hashtable and returns:
+ -- 1. T, NIL or a (has x1 x2) condition, if cat is not parameterized
+ -- 2. a list of pairs (argument to cat,condition) otherwise
+ -- then the substitution SL is augmented, or the result is 'failed
+ cat is ['CATEGORY,.,:y] => hasAttSig(d,subCopy(y,constructSubst d),SL)
+ cat is ['SIGNATURE,foo,sig] =>
+ hasSig(d,foo,subCopy(sig,constructSubst d),SL)
+ cat is ['ATTRIBUTE,a] => hasAtt(d,subCopy(a,constructSubst d),SL)
+ x:= hasCat(opOf d,opOf cat) =>
+ y:= KDR cat =>
+ S := constructSubst d
+ for [z,:cond] in x until not (S1='failed) repeat
+ S' := [[p, :mkDomPvar(p, d, z, y)] for [p,:d] in S]
+ if $domPvar then
+ dom := [CAR d, :[domArg(arg, i, z, y) for i in 0..
+ for arg in CDR d]]
+ SL := augmentSub($domPvar, dom, copy SL)
+ z' := [domArg2(a, S, S') for a in z]
+ S1:= unifyStruct(y,z',copy SL)
+ if not (S1='failed) then S1:=
+ atom cond => S1
+ ncond := subCopy(cond, S)
+ ncond is ['has, =d, =cat] => 'failed
+ hasCaty1(ncond,S1)
+ S1
+ atom x => SL
+ ncond := subCopy(x, constructSubst d)
+ ncond is ['has, =d, =cat] => 'failed
+ hasCaty1(ncond, SL)
+ 'failed
+mkDomPvar(p, d, subs, y) ==
+ l := MEMQ(p, $FormalMapVariableList) =>
+ domArg(d, #$FormalMapVariableList - #l, subs, y)
+ d
+domArg(type, i, subs, y) ==
+ p := MEMQ($FormalMapVariableList.i, subs) =>
+ y.(#subs - #p)
+ type
+domArg2(arg, SL1, SL2) ==
+ isSharpVar arg => subCopy(arg, SL1)
+ arg = '_$ and $domPvar => $domPvar
+ subCopy(arg, SL2)
+hasCaty1(cond,SL) ==
+ -- cond is either a (has a b) or an OR clause of such conditions
+ -- SL is augmented, if cond is true, otherwise the result is 'failed
+ $domPvar: local := NIL
+ cond is ['has,a,b] => hasCate(a,b,SL)
+ cond is ['AND,:args] =>
+ for x in args while not (S='failed) repeat S:=
+ x is ['has,a,b] => hasCate(a,b, SL)
+ -- next line is for an obscure bug in the table
+ x is [['has,a,b]] => hasCate(a,b, SL)
+ --'failed
+ hasCaty1(x, SL)
+ S
+ cond is ['OR,:args] =>
+ for x in args until not (S='failed) repeat S:=
+ x is ['has,a,b] => hasCate(a,b,copy SL)
+ -- next line is for an obscure bug in the table
+ x is [['has,a,b]] => hasCate(a,b,copy SL)
+ --'failed
+ hasCaty1(x, copy SL)
+ S
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"hasCaty1",'"unexpected condition from category table"])
+hasAttSig(d,x,SL) ==
+ -- d is domain, x a list of attributes and signatures
+ -- the result is an augmented SL, if d has x, 'failed otherwise
+ for y in x until SL='failed repeat SL:=
+ y is ['ATTRIBUTE,a] => hasAtt(d,a,SL)
+ y is ['SIGNATURE,foo,s] => hasSig(d,foo,s,SL)
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"hasAttSig",'"unexpected form of unnamed category"])
+ SL
+hasSigAnd(andCls, S0, SL) ==
+ dead := NIL
+ SA := 'failed
+ for cls in andCls while not dead repeat
+ SA :=
+ atom cls => copy SL
+ cls is ['has,a,b] =>
+ hasCate(subCopy(a,S0),subCopy(b,S0),copy SL)
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"hasSigAnd",'"unexpected condition for signature"])
+ if SA = 'failed then dead := true
+ SA
+hasSigOr(orCls, S0, SL) ==
+ found := NIL
+ SA := 'failed
+ for cls in orCls until found repeat
+ SA :=
+ atom cls => copy SL
+ cls is ['has,a,b] =>
+ hasCate(subCopy(a,S0),subCopy(b,S0),copy SL)
+ cls is ['AND,:andCls] or cls is ['and,:andCls] =>
+ hasSigAnd(andCls, S0, SL)
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"hasSigOr",'"unexpected condition for signature"])
+ if SA ^= 'failed then found := true
+ SA
+hasSig(dom,foo,sig,SL) ==
+ -- tests whether domain dom has function foo with signature sig
+ -- under substitution SL
+ $domPvar: local := nil
+ fun:= constructor? CAR dom =>
+ S0:= constructSubst dom
+ p := ASSQ(foo,getOperationAlistFromLisplib CAR dom) =>
+ for [x,.,cond,.] in CDR p until not (S='failed) repeat
+ S:=
+ atom cond => copy SL
+ cond is ['has,a,b] =>
+ hasCate(subCopy(a,S0),subCopy(b,S0),copy SL)
+ cond is ['AND,:andCls] or cond is ['and,:andCls] =>
+ hasSigAnd(andCls, S0, SL)
+ cond is ['OR,:orCls] or cond is ['or,:orCls] =>
+ hasSigOr(orCls, S0, SL)
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"hasSig",'"unexpected condition for signature"])
+ not (S='failed) => S:= unifyStruct(subCopy(x,S0),sig,S)
+ S
+ 'failed
+ 'failed
+hasAtt(dom,att,SL) ==
+ -- tests whether dom has attribute att under SL
+ -- needs S0 similar to hasSig above ??
+ $domPvar: local := nil
+ fun:= CAR dom =>
+ atts:= subCopy(GETDATABASE(fun,'ATTRIBUTES),constructSubst dom) =>
+ PAIRP (u := getInfovec CAR dom) =>
+ --UGH! New world has attributes stored as pairs not as lists!!
+ for [x,:cond] in atts until not (S='failed) repeat
+ S:= unifyStruct(x,att,copy SL)
+ not atom cond and not (S='failed) => S := hasCatExpression(cond,S)
+ S
+ for [x,cond] in atts until not (S='failed) repeat
+ S:= unifyStruct(x,att,copy SL)
+ not atom cond and not (S='failed) => S := hasCatExpression(cond,S)
+ S
+ 'failed
+ 'failed
+hasCatExpression(cond,SL) ==
+ cond is ['OR,:l] =>
+ or/[(y:=hasCatExpression(x,SL)) ^= 'failed for x in l] => y
+ cond is ['AND,:l] =>
+ and/[(SL:= hasCatExpression(x,SL)) ^= 'failed for x in l] => SL
+ cond is ['has,a,b] => hasCate(a,b,SL)
+ keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",
+ ['"hasSig",'"unexpected condition for attribute"])
+unifyStruct(s1,s2,SL) ==
+ -- tests for equality of s1 and s2 under substitutions SL and $Subst
+ -- the result is a substitution list or 'failed
+ s1=s2 => SL
+ if s1 is ['_:,x,.] then s1:= x
+ if s2 is ['_:,x,.] then s2:= x
+ if ^atom s1 and CAR s1 = '_# then s1:= LENGTH CADR s1
+ if ^atom s2 and CAR s2 = '_# then s2:= LENGTH CADR s2
+ s1=s2 => SL
+ isPatternVar s1 => unifyStructVar(s1,s2,SL)
+ isPatternVar s2 => unifyStructVar(s2,s1,SL)
+ atom s1 or atom s2 => 'failed
+ until null s1 or null s2 or SL='failed repeat
+ SL:= unifyStruct(CAR s1,CAR s2,SL)
+ s1:= CDR s1
+ s2:= CDR s2
+ s1 or s2 => 'failed
+ SL
+unifyStructVar(v,s,SL) ==
+ -- the first argument is a pattern variable, which is not substituted
+ -- by SL
+ CONTAINED(v,s) => 'failed
+ ps := LASSOC(s, SL)
+ s1 := (ps => ps; s)
+ (s0 := LASSOC(v, SL)) or (s0 := LASSOC(v,$Subst)) =>
+ S:= unifyStruct(s0,s1,copy SL)
+ S='failed =>
+ $Coerce and not atom s0 and constructor? CAR s0 =>
+ containsVars s0 or containsVars s1 =>
+ ns0 := subCopy(s0, SL)
+ ns1 := subCopy(s1, SL)
+ containsVars ns0 or containsVars ns1 =>
+ $hope:= 'T
+ 'failed
+ if canCoerce(ns0, ns1) then s3 := s1
+ else if canCoerce(ns1, ns0) then s3 := s0
+ else s3 := nil
+ s3 =>
+ if (s3 ^= s0) then SL := augmentSub(v,s3,SL)
+ if (s3 ^= s1) and isPatternVar(s) then SL := augmentSub(s,s3,SL)
+ SL
+ 'failed
+ $domPvar =>
+ s3 := resolveTT(s0,s1)
+ s3 =>
+ if (s3 ^= s0) then SL := augmentSub(v,s3,SL)
+ if (s3 ^= s1) and isPatternVar(s) then SL := augmentSub(s,s3,SL)
+ SL
+ 'failed
+-- isSubDomain(s,s0) => augmentSub(v,s0,SL)
+ 'failed
+ 'failed
+ augmentSub(v,s,S)
+ augmentSub(v,s,SL)
+ofCategory(dom,cat) ==
+ -- entry point to category evaluation from other points than type
+ -- analysis
+ -- the result is true or NIL
+ $Subst:local:= NIL
+ $hope:local := NIL
+ IDENTP dom => NIL
+ cat is ['Join,:cats] => and/[ofCategory(dom,c) for c in cats]
+ (hasCaty(dom,cat,NIL) ^= 'failed)
+printMms(mmS) ==
+ -- mmS a list of modemap signatures
+ sayMSG '" "
+ for [sig,imp,.] in mmS for i in 1.. repeat
+ istr := STRCONC('"[",STRINGIMAGE i,'"]")
+ if QCSIZE(istr) = 3 then istr := STRCONC(istr,'" ")
+ sayMSG [:bright istr,'"signature: ",:formatSignature CDR sig]
+ CAR sig='local =>
+ sayMSG ['" implemented: local function ",imp]
+ imp is ['XLAM,:.] =>
+ sayMSG concat('" implemented: XLAM from ",
+ prefix2String CAR sig)
+ sayMSG concat('" implemented: slot ",imp,
+ '" from ",prefix2String CAR sig)
+ sayMSG '" "
+containsVars(t) ==
+ -- tests whether term t contains a * variable
+ atom t => isPatternVar t
+ containsVars1(t)
+containsVars1(t) ==
+ -- recursive version, which works on a list
+ [t1,:t2]:= t
+ atom t1 =>
+ isPatternVar t1 or
+ atom t2 => isPatternVar t2
+ containsVars1(t2)
+ containsVars1(t1) or
+ atom t2 => isPatternVar t2
+ containsVars1(t2)
+getSymbolType var ==
+-- var is a pattern variable
+ p:= ASSQ(var,$SymbolType) => CDR p
+ t:= '(Polynomial (Integer))
+ $SymbolType:= CONS(CONS(var,t),$SymbolType)
+ t
+isEqualOrSubDomain(d1,d2) ==
+ -- last 2 parts are for tagged unions (hack for now, RSS)
+ (d1=d2) or isSubDomain(d1,d2) or
+ (atom(d1) and ((d2 is ['Variable,=d1]) or (d2 is [=d1])))
+ or (atom(d2) and ((d1 is ['Variable,=d2]) or (d1 is [=d2])))
+defaultTypeForCategory(cat, SL) ==
+ -- this function returns a domain belonging to cat
+ -- note that it is important to note that in some contexts one
+ -- might not want to use this result. For example, evalMmCat1
+ -- calls this and should possibly fail in some cases.
+ cat := subCopy(cat, SL)
+ c := CAR cat
+ d => [d, :CDR cat]
+ cat is [c] =>
+ c = 'Field => $RationalNumber
+ c in '(Ring IntegralDomain EuclideanDomain GcdDomain
+ OrderedRing DifferentialRing) => '(Integer)
+ c = 'OrderedSet => $Symbol
+ c = 'FloatingPointSystem => '(Float)
+ cat is [c,p1] =>
+ c = 'FiniteLinearAggregate => ['Vector, p1]
+ c = 'VectorCategory => ['Vector, p1]
+ c = 'SetAggregate => ['Set, p1]
+ c = 'SegmentCategory => ['Segment, p1]
+ cat is [c,p1,p2] =>
+ cat is [c,p1,p2,p3] =>
+ cat is ['MatrixCategory, d, ['Vector, =d], ['Vector, =d]] =>
+ ['Matrix, d]
+\bibitem{1} nothing