path: root/mendeleev.hs
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2022-08-28 15:40:21 +0200
committerIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2022-09-25 20:23:05 +0200
commitf0881305402f3dff56f99fcc4cbc8b615581b780 (patch)
tree5d475e2e95138f63ad249f4d44a453999c1c14f6 /mendeleev.hs
C, Haskell, Python, Fortran
Diffstat (limited to 'mendeleev.hs')
1 files changed, 71 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mendeleev.hs b/mendeleev.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd6ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mendeleev.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+module Main
+ ( main
+ ) where
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+elements :: [String]
+elements = [
+ "Ac", "Ag", "Al", "Am", "Ar", "As", "At", "Au", "B", "Ba", "Be", "Bh",
+ "Bi", "Bk", "Br", "C", "Ca", "Cd", "Ce", "Cf", "Cl", "Cm", "Cn", "Co",
+ "Cr", "Cs", "Cu", "Db", "Ds", "Dy", "Er", "Es", "Eu", "F", "Fe", "Fl",
+ "Fm", "Fr", "Ga", "Gd", "Ge", "H", "He", "Hf", "Hg", "Ho", "Hs", "I",
+ "In", "Ir", "K", "Kr", "La", "Li", "Lr", "Lu", "Lv", "Mc", "Md", "Mg",
+ "Mn", "Mo", "Mt", "N", "Na", "Nb", "Nd", "Ne", "Nh", "Ni", "No", "Np",
+ "O", "Og", "Os", "P", "Pa", "Pb", "Pd", "Pm", "Po", "Pr", "Pt", "Pu",
+ "Ra", "Rb", "Re", "Rf", "Rg", "Rh", "Rn", "Ru", "S", "Sb", "Sc", "Se",
+ "Sg", "Si", "Sm", "Sn", "Sr", "Ta", "Tb", "Tc", "Te", "Th", "Ti", "Tl",
+ "Tm", "Ts", "U", "V", "W", "Xe", "Y", "Yb", "Zn", "Zr"
+ ]
+search :: Char -> [String] -> [String]
+search c = takeWhile start . dropWhile (not . start)
+ where
+ start [] = False
+ start (x:_) = toLower x == c'
+ c' = toLower c
+divide :: String -> [(String, String)]
+divide [] = []
+divide (x:xs) =
+ if null res
+ then [("?", xs)]
+ else res
+ where
+ res = go [] [] xs (search x elements)
+ go r _ _ [] = r
+ go r el rest candidates@(c:_) =
+ let el' = head c : el
+ candidates'@(c':_) = map tail candidates
+ r' =
+ if null c'
+ then (reverse el', rest) : r
+ else r
+ in case rest of
+ (y:ys) -> go r' el' ys (search y candidates')
+ _ -> r'
+advance :: ([String], String) -> [([String], String)]
+advance (els, rest) = map collect $ divide rest
+ where
+ collect (el, rest') = (el : els, rest')
+explode :: String -> [[String]]
+explode word = reverse . map (reverse . fst) $ go [([], word)]
+ where
+ go :: [([String], String)] -> [([String], String)]
+ go [] = []
+ go (x:xs) =
+ if null (snd x)
+ then x : go xs
+ else go (advance x) ++ go xs
+printFormula :: String -> IO ()
+printFormula word = do
+ putStr word
+ putStrLn ":"
+ mapM_ (putStrLn . (:) ' ' . unwords) . filter (not . null) $ explode word
+main :: IO ()
+main = getArgs >>= mapM_ printFormula