path: root/src/Main.hs
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2017-01-06 00:32:41 +0300
committerIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2017-01-06 19:36:19 +0300
commit177c2d77cf13b31aaf9ac2e09bece105c379537e (patch)
tree06a17d63fc83a104e0b603533e38e20a14ffb33f /src/Main.hs
Initial version
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f13b33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+module Main (
+ main
+) where
+import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
+import Data.Char (toLower)
+import Data.HashMap.Strict (fromListWith, toList)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+import Data.Version (showVersion)
+import LDAP.Init (ldapSimpleExternalSaslBind, ldapInitialize)
+import LDAP.Modify (LDAPMod(..), LDAPModOp(..), ldapAdd, ldapDelete, ldapModify, list2ldm)
+import LDAP.Search (LDAPScope(LdapScopeBase), SearchAttributes(LDAPAllUserAttrs), LDAPEntry(..), ldapSearch)
+import LDAP.Types (LDAP)
+import Paths_ldapply (version) -- from cabal
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
+import System.Exit (die)
+import Text.InterpolatedString.Perl6 (qc)
+import Text.LDIF.Parser (defaulLDIFConf, parseLDIFFile)
+import Text.LDIF.Printer (dn2str)
+import Text.LDIF.Types (Attribute(..), Value(..), Change(..), LDIF(..), LDIFRecord(..), Modify(..), reDN)
+import qualified System.Console.Docopt.NoTH as O
+ 1. Streaming from stdin (good for large amount of LDIF data)
+ 2. Simple bind with DN and password
+usage :: String
+usage =
+ "ldapply " ++ showVersion version ++
+ " - LDIF dempotent apply tool" ++ [qc|
+ ldapply [options] LDIF...
+ -H <ldapuri> LDAP URL to connect to [default: ldapi:///]
+ -h, --help Show this message
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ doco <- O.parseUsageOrExit usage
+ args <- O.parseArgsOrExit doco =<< getArgs
+ if args `O.isPresent` O.longOption "help"
+ then putStrLn $ O.usage doco
+ else do
+ let
+ ldifs = O.getAllArgs args $ O.argument "LDIF"
+ ldapUrl = fromJust $ O.getArg args $ O.shortOption 'H'
+ ldap <- ldapInitialize ldapUrl
+ ldapSimpleExternalSaslBind ldap
+ mapM_ (processLDIF ldap) ldifs
+processLDIF :: LDAP -> FilePath -> IO ()
+processLDIF ldap f = do
+ p <- parseLDIFFile defaulLDIFConf f
+ case p of
+ Left err -> die $ show err
+ Right (LDIF _ rs) -> mapM_ (apply ldap) rs
+apply :: LDAP -> LDIFRecord -> IO ()
+apply ldap rec = do
+ putStrLn $ "looking for " ++ show (dn rec)
+ entries <- ldapSearch ldap (Just $ dn rec) LdapScopeBase Nothing LDAPAllUserAttrs False
+ case entries of
+ [] -> do
+ putStrLn $ "not found " ++ show (dn rec)
+ update ldap Nothing rec
+ [e] -> do
+ putStrLn $ "found " ++ show (dn rec)
+ update ldap (Just e) rec
+ _ -> die $ "internal error: too many entries in response (only 1 or 0 expected): "
+ ++ show (length entries)
+update :: LDAP -> Maybe LDAPEntry -> LDIFRecord -> IO ()
+update _ Nothing rec@(ChangeRecord _ _) =
+ die $ "cannot update non-existing entry " ++ show (dn rec)
+update ldap (Just _) rec@(ChangeRecord _ ch)= do
+ putStrLn $ "modifing " ++ show (dn rec)
+ change ldap (dn rec) ch
+update ldap Nothing rec@(ContentRecord _ av) = do
+ putStrLn $ "adding " ++ show (dn rec)
+ ldapAdd ldap (dn rec) . list2ldm LdapModAdd . collect $ av
+update ldap (Just (LDAPEntry _ attrs)) rec@(ContentRecord _ av)= do
+ putStrLn $ "replacing " ++ show (dn rec)
+ ldapModify ldap (dn rec) (replace ++ delete)
+ where
+ replace = list2ldm LdapModReplace newAttrs
+ delete = list2ldm LdapModDelete oldAttrs
+ newAttrs = collect av
+ oldAttrs = [ a | a@(v, _) <- attrs, notElem (low v) $ map fst newAttrs ]
+change :: LDAP -> String -> Change -> IO ()
+change _ _ ChangeModDN = die "modrdn is not supported"
+change ldap n (ChangeAdd av) = ldapModify ldap n . list2ldm LdapModAdd . collect $ av
+change ldap n (ChangeModify m) = ldapModify ldap n . map mod2mod $ m
+change ldap n ChangeDelete = ldapDelete ldap n
+mod2mod :: Modify -> LDAPMod
+mod2mod (ModAdd a vv) = LDAPMod LdapModAdd (attr2str a) (map val2str vv)
+mod2mod (ModDelete a vv) = LDAPMod LdapModDelete (attr2str a) (map val2str vv)
+mod2mod (ModReplace a vv) = LDAPMod LdapModReplace (attr2str a) (map val2str vv)
+collect :: [(Attribute, Value)] -> [(String, [String])]
+collect = toList . fromListWith (++) . map (\(a, v) -> (attr2str a, [val2str v]))
+attr2str :: Attribute -> String
+attr2str (Attribute a) = low . unpack $ a
+val2str :: Value -> String
+val2str (Value v) = unpack v
+val2str (ValueI v) = unpack v
+dn :: LDIFRecord -> String
+dn = unpack . dn2str . reDN
+low :: String -> String
+low = map toLower