path: root/.github/workflows/main.yml
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2021-07-06update Github Actions (#859)Peter Becich1-9/+9
2020-11-19Update actions/setup-haskell to 1.1.4 (#820)Alexander Batischev1-5/+2
2020-11-17Update actions/setup-haskell to 1.1.3 (#818)Alexander Batischev1-2/+5
2020-09-30 Bump template-haskell and pandoc versions Jasper Van der Jeugt1-34/+70
2020-06-30 Continuous integration on Windows and LinuxLaurent P. René de Cotret1-9/+44
2020-05-30Miscellaneous Windows-specific fixes and CILaurent P. René de Cotret1-1/+7
2020-02-26Tickle cacheJasper Van der Jeugt1-2/+1
2020-02-26Tickle cacheJasper Van der Jeugt1-3/+3
2020-02-26Tickle cacheJasper Van der Jeugt1-2/+2
2020-02-26Replace CircleCI with GitHub ActionsJasper Van der Jeugt1-0/+15