path: root/src/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs b/src/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs
index 0c13c78..e862dd8 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Core/Compiler.hs
@@ -37,15 +37,14 @@ import Hakyll.Core.Store
runCompiler :: Compiler () CompiledItem -- ^ Compiler to run
-> Identifier -- ^ Target identifier
-> ResourceProvider -- ^ Resource provider
- -> DependencyLookup -- ^ Dependency lookup table
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ Route
-> Store -- ^ Store
-> Bool -- ^ Was the resource modified?
-> IO CompiledItem -- ^ Resulting item
-runCompiler compiler identifier provider lookup' route store modified = do
+runCompiler compiler identifier provider route store modified = do
-- Run the compiler job
CompiledItem result <- runCompilerJob
- compiler identifier provider lookup' route store modified
+ compiler identifier provider route store modified
-- Store a copy in the cache and return
storeSet store "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.runCompiler" identifier result
@@ -72,17 +71,12 @@ getResourceString = getIdentifier >>> getResourceString'
-- | Auxiliary: get a dependency
-getDependencyOrResult :: (Binary a, Writable a, Typeable a)
+getDependency :: (Binary a, Writable a, Typeable a)
=> Identifier -> CompilerM a
-getDependencyOrResult identifier = CompilerM $ do
- lookup' <- compilerDependencyLookup <$> ask
+getDependency identifier = CompilerM $ do
store <- compilerStore <$> ask
- case lookup' identifier of
- -- Found in the dependency lookup
- Just r -> return $ unCompiledItem r
- -- Not found here, try the main cache
- Nothing -> fmap (fromMaybe error') $ liftIO $
- storeGet store "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.runCompiler" identifier
+ fmap (fromMaybe error') $ liftIO $
+ storeGet store "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.runCompiler" identifier
error' = error $ "Hakyll.Core.Compiler.getDependency: "
++ show identifier
@@ -99,7 +93,7 @@ require identifier f =
fromDependencies (const [identifier]) >>> fromJob require'
require' x = do
- y <- getDependencyOrResult identifier
+ y <- getDependency identifier
return $ f x y
-- | Require a number of targets. Using this function ensures automatic handling
@@ -115,10 +109,10 @@ requireAll pattern f =
getDeps = matches pattern . resourceList
requireAll' x = CompilerM $ do
deps <- getDeps . compilerResourceProvider <$> ask
- items <- mapM (unCompilerM . getDependencyOrResult) deps
+ items <- mapM (unCompilerM . getDependency) deps
return $ f x items
-cached :: (Binary a)
+cached :: (Binary a, Typeable a, Writable a)
=> String
-> Compiler () a
-> Compiler () a