path: root/examples/hakyll/tutorials/part01.markdown
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+title: Quickstart
+what: explains how to create a simple brochure site
+## Getting started
+First, make sure you have Hakyll installed. The recommended way to do this is
+through [hackage] using [cabal-install]. This tutorial also assumes you have a
+basic knowledge of Haskell.
+[jasper@alice ~]$ cabal install hakyll
+## Building a simple static site
+As an example to get started with, we're going to develop a so called
+"Brochure Site" for an imaginary company. The first step is to create a
+directory for our new site.
+[jasper@alice Sites]$ mkdir brochure
+[jasper@alice Sites]$ cd brochure/
+[jasper@alice brochure]$
+I have a [zip file] with the files we need for this
+tutorial available. Please unzip it in the brochure directory we just created.
+We'll first have a look at what we're going to create (because we're curious
+and all that).
+[zip file]: examples/
+[jasper@alice brochure]$ ghc --make hakyll.hs
+[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( hakyll.hs, hakyll.o )
+Linking hakyll ...
+[jasper@alice brochure]$ ./hakyll preview
+Starting hakyll server on port 8000...
+If you now point your browser at [localhost:8000] you should see our simple
+brochure site.
+[localhost:8000]: http://localhost:8000/
+## hakyll.hs
+The main configuration file of a Hakyll site is traditionally called
+`hakyll.hs`. It is nothing special, just a small Haskell program. There is no
+magic going on.
+import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
+main = hakyll "" $ do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "I'm in your computer, generating your site!"
+Note how we wrap everyting in the `hakyll` function. This is useful because
+it will generate a very nice main function. We also pass the full site URL to
+the `hakyll` function. If you don't have an URL for your site yet, it doesn't
+really matter for now; just fill in anything then. The URL is only used for
+certain specific purposes where a full URL is needed, such as rendering RSS
+## Context
+Let's look at one of the most important types in Hakyll.
+type Context = Map String String
+A `Context` is a key-value mapping, used to represent pieces of information.
+One way to write such a `Context`, is a page.
+## Pages
+Another important concept in Hakyll is pages. Pages are text files that can be
+written in markdown, html, rst... basically anything Pandoc supports.
+Furthermore, they can also contain some metadata. The metadata is placed in the
+file header and surrouded by `---` lines. Each line should contain a
+`key: value` pair. Let's have a look at the `index.markdown` page.
+ ---
+ title: About
+ ---
+ Nullam imperdiet sodales orci vitae molestie.
+ Nunc quam orci, pharetra a rhoncus vitae,
+ eleifend id felis. Suspendisse potenti...
+This contains one `key: value` pair, namely `title: About`. The rest of the
+file is treated as markdown by pandoc. If you want to know more about
+markdown, I think [this](
+is a pretty good page.
+## Templates
+Another concept are the so-called templates. Templates are text files (usually
+html files) containing a number of keys. The syntax for these keys is
+`$identifier`. Our example site contains one template, namely
+`templates/default.html`. Let's have a better look at that.
+ <head>
+ <title>MyAweSomeCompany - $title</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
+ href="$$root/css/default.css" />
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
+ href="$$root/css/syntax.css" />
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>MyAweSomeCompany - $title</h1>
+ <div id="navigation">
+ <a href="$$root/index.html">Home</a>
+ <a href="$$root/about.html">About</a>
+ <a href="$$root/code.html">Code</a>
+ </div>
+ $body
+ </body>
+We can see how our `Page` would fit in. When we render the page we saw using
+this template, `$title` would be replaced by `About`, and `$body` would be
+replaced by the body of the about page. `body` is the traditional name for the
+body of any page - that is the convention in Hakyll. Also note that in this
+case, `$body` would be replaced by a chunk of html - the result of the
+markdown-to-html conversion.
+## The $$root key
+There are a few "special" keys in Hakyll: one of them is the $$root key. What
+is so special about it? Well, internally, it is treated differently - but this
+should not concern you. The thing is that it is the only key you can also use
+in __Pages__.
+It will be substituted by a relative url part (like `..` or `../..`) so it
+points to the root directory of your site. It is recommended to use this
+whenever you need it, it can save you some time from messing with absolute
+and relative URL's.
+## Putting it all together
+Now, we'll render the page using the `renderChain` function. This function
+takes a list of templates and a `Context`. In our case, we only have one
+template, and our `Context` is the about page we just saw - we can load that
+using the `createPage` function.
+import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
+import Text.Hakyll.Render (renderChain)
+import Text.Hakyll.CreateContext (createPage)
+main = hakyll "" $ do
+ renderChain ["templates/default.html"]
+ (createPage "index.markdown")
+Or, to render all our three pages:
+import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
+import Text.Hakyll.Render (renderChain)
+import Text.Hakyll.CreateContext (createPage)
+main = hakyll "" $ do
+ render "about.rst"
+ render "index.markdown"
+ render "code.lhs"
+ where render = renderChain ["templates/default.html"]
+ . createPage
+As you can see, we can render a variety of formats. This will create the
+following files:
+## CSS, images and other static files
+Now, we also have a css file we would like to have in the `_site` directory.
+Static files can be rendered using the `static` function in Hakyll. We could
+import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
+import Text.Hakyll.Render (static)
+main = hakyll "" $ do
+ static "css/default.css"
+This would work, but let's not forget that Hakyll also has css compression. If
+we want to use that, we would use `css` instead of `static`.
+import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
+import Text.Hakyll.Render (css)
+main = hakyll "" $ do
+ css "css/default.css"
+If we were to create another css file, we would have to add a line to our
+`hakyll.hs` configuration file. This is pretty stupid, because the whole
+directory `css` contains only css files. That's why Hakyll has a `directory`
+function, which will execute a given function on an entire directory. So,
+our example would become:
+import Text.Hakyll (hakyll)
+import Text.Hakyll.Render (css)
+import Text.File (directory)
+main = hakyll "" $ do
+ directory css "css"
+## Deploying
+To setup your site, simply copy the contents of `_site` to your hosting provider
+using your favorite piece of software.