path: root/src
diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-06-16 18:00:09 +0200
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-06-16 18:00:09 +0200
commite3253e79e3a8dfe274fa7e829b11c050029c3195 (patch)
treea3cff8ddc85940a314366ded8bdbdf2aa7082690 /src
parentb1d4f48d2422b3604f8f8851e2930f800f85dc2c (diff)
Rewrote preview mode.
Preview mode is now based on server requests instead of time intervals. This should solve some problems out there.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 29 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs b/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs
index f17c490..4eef689 100644
--- a/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs
+++ b/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs
@@ -188,8 +188,12 @@ respond handle = do
-- | Start a simple http server on the given 'PortNumber', serving the given
-- directory.
-simpleServer :: PortNumber -> FilePath -> IO ()
-simpleServer port root = do
+simpleServer :: PortNumber -- ^ Port to listen on.
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Root directory to serve.
+ -> IO () -- ^ Optional pre-respond action.
+ -> IO ()
+simpleServer port root preRespond = do
-- Channel to send logs to
logChan <- newChan
@@ -200,6 +204,7 @@ simpleServer port root = do
-- When a client connects, respond in a separate thread.
listen socket = do (handle, _, _) <- accept socket
+ preRespond
forkIO (runReaderT (respond handle) config)
-- Handle logging in a separate thread
diff --git a/src/Text/Hakyll.hs b/src/Text/Hakyll.hs
index 8f74556..517c68d 100644
--- a/src/Text/Hakyll.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Hakyll.hs
@@ -14,20 +14,18 @@ module Text.Hakyll
) where
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT, liftIO, ask)
-import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import System.Environment (getArgs, getProgName)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, removeDirectoryRecursive)
-import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Text.Pandoc
import Network.Hakyll.SimpleServer (simpleServer)
import Text.Hakyll.HakyllMonad
-import Text.Hakyll.File
-- | The default reader options for pandoc parsing.
defaultPandocParserState :: ParserState
defaultPandocParserState = defaultParserState
{ -- The following option causes pandoc to read smart typography, a nice
@@ -36,6 +34,7 @@ defaultPandocParserState = defaultParserState
-- | The default writer options for pandoc rendering.
defaultPandocWriterOptions :: WriterOptions
defaultPandocWriterOptions = defaultWriterOptions
{ -- This option causes literate haskell to be written using '>' marks in
@@ -44,6 +43,7 @@ defaultPandocWriterOptions = defaultWriterOptions
-- | The default hakyll configuration.
defaultHakyllConfiguration :: HakyllConfiguration
defaultHakyllConfiguration = HakyllConfiguration
{ absoluteUrl = ""
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ defaultHakyllConfiguration = HakyllConfiguration
, siteDirectory = "_site"
, cacheDirectory = "_cache"
, enableIndexUrl = False
- , previewPollDelay = 1000000
, pandocParserState = defaultPandocParserState
, pandocWriterOptions = defaultPandocWriterOptions
-- | Main function to run Hakyll with the default configuration. The
--- absolute URL is only used in certain cases, for example RSS feeds et
--- cetera.
+-- absolute URL is only used in certain cases, for example RSS feeds et
+-- cetera.
hakyll :: String -- ^ Absolute URL of your site. Used in certain cases.
-> Hakyll () -- ^ You code.
-> IO ()
@@ -67,20 +67,22 @@ hakyll absolute = hakyllWithConfiguration configuration
configuration = defaultHakyllConfiguration { absoluteUrl = absolute }
-- | Main function to run hakyll with a custom configuration.
hakyllWithConfiguration :: HakyllConfiguration -> Hakyll () -> IO ()
hakyllWithConfiguration configuration buildFunction = do
args <- getArgs
let f = case args of ["build"] -> buildFunction
["clean"] -> clean
- ["preview", p] -> preview buildFunction (read p)
- ["preview"] -> preview buildFunction 8000
+ ["preview", p] -> server (read p) buildFunction
+ ["preview"] -> server 8000 buildFunction
["rebuild"] -> clean >> buildFunction
- ["server", p] -> server (read p)
- ["server"] -> server 8000
+ ["server", p] -> server (read p) (return ())
+ ["server"] -> server 8000 (return ())
_ -> help
runReaderT f configuration
-- | Clean up directories.
clean :: Hakyll ()
clean = do askHakyll siteDirectory >>= remove'
askHakyll cacheDirectory >>= remove'
@@ -89,24 +91,8 @@ clean = do askHakyll siteDirectory >>= remove'
exists <- doesDirectoryExist dir
when exists $ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
--- | Autocompile mode.
-preview :: Hakyll () -> Integer -> Hakyll ()
-preview buildFunction port = do
- buildFunction
- _ <- startServer
- liftIO getClockTime >>= run
- where
- startServer = do configuration <- ask
- liftIO $ forkIO $ runReaderT (server port) configuration
- run time = do delay <- askHakyll previewPollDelay
- liftIO $ threadDelay delay
- contents <- getRecursiveContents "."
- valid <- isMoreRecent time contents
- if valid then run time
- else do buildFunction
- liftIO getClockTime >>= run
-- | Show usage information.
help :: Hakyll ()
help = liftIO $ do
name <- getProgName
@@ -122,5 +108,12 @@ help = liftIO $ do
++ name ++ " server [port] Run a local test server.\n"
-- | Start a server at the given port number.
-server :: Integer -> Hakyll ()
-server p = askHakyll siteDirectory >>= liftIO . simpleServer (fromIntegral p)
+server :: Integer -- ^ Port number to serve on.
+ -> Hakyll () -- ^ Pre-respond action.
+ -> Hakyll ()
+server port preRespond = do
+ configuration <- ask
+ root <- askHakyll siteDirectory
+ let preRespondIO = runReaderT preRespond configuration
+ liftIO $ simpleServer (fromIntegral port) root preRespondIO
diff --git a/src/Text/Hakyll/HakyllMonad.hs b/src/Text/Hakyll/HakyllMonad.hs
index fbfe5ae..372fad1 100644
--- a/src/Text/Hakyll/HakyllMonad.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Hakyll/HakyllMonad.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ data HakyllConfiguration = HakyllConfiguration
cacheDirectory :: FilePath
, -- | Enable index links.
enableIndexUrl :: Bool
- , -- | Delay between polls in preview mode.
- previewPollDelay :: Int
, -- | Pandoc parsing options
pandocParserState :: ParserState
, -- | Pandoc writer options