path: root/src
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authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2013-01-14 15:05:24 +0100
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2013-01-14 15:05:24 +0100
commitd2aaf335c3919505212ba5ae8aa2780419971dd9 (patch)
treed993f9cb89470ea8e20ee9d46821b80312deea22 /src
parent4280b75ef67a0c2224198ad1b30bd100cc56f7a4 (diff)
Pattern version updates
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs b/src/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs
index fb9c4b8..ba6a3a4 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Core/Identifier/Pattern.hs
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ module Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
, fromList
, fromRegex
, fromVersion
+ , hasVersion
+ , hasNoVersion
- -- * Manipulating patterns
+ -- * Composing patterns
, (.&&.)
, (.||.)
, complement
- , withVersion
- , noVersion
-- * Applying patterns
, matches
@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ data Pattern
= Everything
| Complement Pattern
| And Pattern Pattern
- | Or Pattern Pattern
| Glob [GlobComponent]
| List (Set Identifier)
| Regex String
@@ -118,20 +117,18 @@ instance Binary Pattern where
put Everything = putWord8 0
put (Complement p) = putWord8 1 >> put p
put (And x y) = putWord8 2 >> put x >> put y
- put (Or x y) = putWord8 3 >> put x >> put y
- put (Glob g) = putWord8 4 >> put g
- put (List is) = putWord8 5 >> put is
- put (Regex r) = putWord8 6 >> put r
- put (Version v) = putWord8 7 >> put v
+ put (Glob g) = putWord8 3 >> put g
+ put (List is) = putWord8 4 >> put is
+ put (Regex r) = putWord8 5 >> put r
+ put (Version v) = putWord8 6 >> put v
get = getWord8 >>= \t -> case t of
0 -> pure Everything
1 -> Complement <$> get
2 -> And <$> get <*> get
- 3 -> Or <$> get <*> get
- 4 -> Glob <$> get
- 5 -> List <$> get
- 6 -> Regex <$> get
+ 3 -> Glob <$> get
+ 4 -> List <$> get
+ 5 -> Regex <$> get
_ -> Version <$> get
@@ -147,19 +144,6 @@ instance Monoid Pattern where
--- | This is necessary for good 'isLiteral' results
-optimize :: Pattern -> Pattern
-optimize (Complement x) = Complement (optimize x)
-optimize (And x Everything) = x
-optimize (And Everything y) = y
-optimize (And x y) = And (optimize x) (optimize y)
-optimize (Or _ Everything) = Everything
-optimize (Or Everything _) = Everything
-optimize (Or x y) = Or (optimize x) (optimize y)
-optimize p = p
-- | Parse a pattern from a string
fromGlob :: String -> Pattern
fromGlob = Glob . parse'
@@ -174,7 +158,24 @@ fromGlob = Glob . parse'
--- | Create a 'Pattern' from a list of 'Identifier's it should match
+-- | Create a 'Pattern' from a list of 'Identifier's it should match.
+-- /Warning/: use this carefully with 'hasNoVersion' and 'hasVersion'. The
+-- 'Identifier's in the list /already/ have versions assigned, and the pattern
+-- will then only match the intersection of both versions.
+-- A more concrete example,
+-- > fromList ["foo.markdown"] .&&. hasVersion "pdf"
+-- will not match anything! The @"foo.markdown"@ 'Identifier' has no version
+-- assigned, so the LHS of '.&&.' will only match this 'Identifier' with no
+-- version. The RHS only matches 'Identifier's with version set to @"pdf"@ --
+-- hence, this pattern matches nothing.
+-- The correct way to use this is:
+-- > fromList (map (setVersion "pdf") ["foo.markdown"])
fromList :: [Identifier] -> Pattern
fromList = List . S.fromList
@@ -196,16 +197,32 @@ fromVersion = Version
+-- | Specify a version, e.g.
+-- > "foo/*.markdown" .&&. hasVersion "pdf"
+hasVersion :: String -> Pattern
+hasVersion = fromVersion . Just
+-- | Match only if the identifier has no version set, e.g.
+-- > "foo/*.markdown" .&&. hasNoVersion
+hasNoVersion :: Pattern
+hasNoVersion = fromVersion Nothing
-- | '&&' for patterns: the given identifier must match both subterms
(.&&.) :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
-x .&&. y = optimize (And x y)
+x .&&. y = And x y
infixr 3 .&&.
-- | '||' for patterns: the given identifier must match any subterm
(.||.) :: Pattern -> Pattern -> Pattern
-x .||. y = optimize (Or x y)
+x .||. y = complement (complement x `And` complement y) -- De Morgan's law
infixr 2 .||.
@@ -220,26 +237,11 @@ complement = Complement
--- | Specify a version, e.g.
--- > "foo/*.markdown" `withVersion` "pdf"
-withVersion :: Pattern -> String -> Pattern
-withVersion p v = optimize $ And p $ fromVersion $ Just v
--- | Match only if the identifier has no version set
-noVersion :: Pattern -> Pattern
-noVersion p = optimize $ And p $ fromVersion Nothing
-- | Check if an identifier matches a pattern
matches :: Pattern -> Identifier -> Bool
matches Everything _ = True
matches (Complement p) i = not $ matches p i
matches (And x y) i = matches x i && matches y i
-matches (Or x y) i = matches x i || matches y i
matches (Glob p) i = isJust $ capture (Glob p) i
matches (List l) i = i `S.member` l
matches (Regex r) i = toFilePath i =~ r