path: root/src/Text/Hakyll/Feed.hs
diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-03-08 21:42:56 +0100
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-03-08 21:42:56 +0100
commit45459c3a2086aa47f35b90ecc5e658fdc72e7982 (patch)
tree2f0598c3aea058ebff9029dd8b55f1ec9907c36e /src/Text/Hakyll/Feed.hs
parent64b640f97d00c119ef4ed4c8ccf8e588226bfcad (diff)
Added renderAtom, feeds now validate.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Hakyll/Feed.hs')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Hakyll/Feed.hs b/src/Text/Hakyll/Feed.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08f246d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Hakyll/Feed.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+-- | A Module that allows easy rendering of RSS feeds. If you use this module,
+-- you must make sure you set the `absoluteUrl` field in the main Hakyll
+-- configuration.
+module Text.Hakyll.Feed
+ ( FeedConfiguration (..)
+ , renderRss
+ , renderRssWith
+ , renderAtom
+ , renderAtomWith
+ ) where
+import Control.Arrow ((>>>), second)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (liftIO)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Text.Hakyll.Context (ContextManipulation, renderDate)
+import Text.Hakyll.Hakyll (Hakyll)
+import Text.Hakyll.Render (render, renderChain)
+import Text.Hakyll.Renderables (createListingWith)
+import Text.Hakyll.RenderAction
+import Paths_hakyll
+-- | This is a data structure to keep the configuration of a feed.
+data FeedConfiguration = FeedConfiguration
+ { -- | Url of the feed (relative to site root). For example, @rss.xml@.
+ feedUrl :: String
+ , -- | Title of the feed.
+ feedTitle :: String
+ , -- | Description of the feed.
+ feedDescription :: String
+ , -- | Name of the feed author.
+ feedAuthorName :: String
+ }
+-- | This is an auxiliary function to create a listing that is, in fact, a feed.
+-- The items should be sorted on date.
+createFeedWith :: ContextManipulation -- ^ Manipulation to apply on the items.
+ -> FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration.
+ -> [Renderable] -- ^ Items to include.
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Feed template.
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Item template.
+ -> Renderable
+createFeedWith manipulation configuration renderables template itemTemplate =
+ listing >>> render template
+ where
+ listing = createListingWith manipulation (feedUrl configuration)
+ [itemTemplate] renderables additional
+ additional = map (second $ Left . ($ configuration))
+ [ ("title", feedTitle)
+ , ("description", feedDescription)
+ , ("authorName", feedAuthorName)
+ ] ++ updated
+ -- Take the first timestamp, which should be the most recent.
+ updated = let action = createRenderAction $
+ return . fromMaybe "foo" . M.lookup "timestamp"
+ manip = createManipulationAction manipulation
+ toTuple r = ("timestamp", Right $ r >>> manip >>> action)
+ in map toTuple $ take 1 renderables
+-- | Abstract function to render any feed.
+renderFeedWith :: ContextManipulation -- ^ Manipulation to apply on the items.
+ -> FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration.
+ -> [Renderable] -- ^ Items to include in the feed.
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Feed template.
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Item template.
+ -> Hakyll ()
+renderFeedWith manipulation configuration renderables template itemTemplate = do
+ template' <- liftIO $ getDataFileName template
+ itemTemplate' <- liftIO $ getDataFileName itemTemplate
+ let renderFeedWith' = createFeedWith manipulation configuration
+ renderables template' itemTemplate'
+ renderChain [] renderFeedWith'
+-- | Render an RSS feed with a number of items.
+-- Note that the @Renderable@s should have the following fields:
+-- - @$title@: Title of the item.
+-- - @$description@: Description to appear in the feed.
+-- - @$url@: URL to the item - this is usually set automatically.
+renderRss :: FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration.
+ -> [Renderable] -- ^ Items to include in the feed.
+ -> Hakyll ()
+renderRss = renderRssWith id
+-- | Render an RSS feed with a number of items. This function allows you to
+-- specify a @ContextManipulation@ which will be applied on every
+-- @Renderable@. Note that the given @Renderable@s should be sorted so the
+-- most recent one is first.
+renderRssWith :: ContextManipulation -- ^ Manipulation to apply on the items.
+ -> FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration.
+ -> [Renderable] -- ^ Items to include in the feed.
+ -> Hakyll ()
+renderRssWith manipulation configuration renderables =
+ renderFeedWith manipulation' configuration renderables
+ "templates/rss.xml" "templates/rss-item.xml"
+ where
+ manipulation' = manipulation . renderRssDate
+renderRssDate :: ContextManipulation
+renderRssDate = renderDate "timestamp" "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S UT" "No date found."
+renderAtom :: FeedConfiguration
+ -> [Renderable]
+ -> Hakyll ()
+renderAtom = renderAtomWith id
+renderAtomWith :: ContextManipulation -- ^ Manipulation to apply on the items.
+ -> FeedConfiguration -- ^ Feed configuration.
+ -> [Renderable] -- ^ Items to include in the feed.
+ -> Hakyll ()
+renderAtomWith manipulation configuration renderables =
+ renderFeedWith manipulation' configuration renderables
+ "templates/atom.xml" "templates/atom-item.xml"
+ where
+ manipulation' = manipulation . renderAtomDate
+renderAtomDate :: ContextManipulation
+renderAtomDate = renderDate "timestamp" "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" "No date found."