path: root/src/Network/Hakyll
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authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-01-11 13:56:32 +0100
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-01-11 13:56:32 +0100
commitdae0258a62a714fb7fd9b47473bf259eb858f9f1 (patch)
treede6c4480cbd87ec9e8689dcdbefeee5618c8a3ef /src/Network/Hakyll
parent7a765f29a2f5dcf753e5418c96a9c40ddb9112be (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Network/Hakyll')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs b/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs
index 017a764..cf4dd07 100644
--- a/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs
+++ b/src/Network/Hakyll/SimpleServer.hs
@@ -78,8 +78,9 @@ defaultResponse = Response { responseVersion = B.pack "HTTP/1.1"
-- | Create a response for a given HTTP request.
createResponse :: Request -> Server Response
-createResponse request | requestMethod request == B.pack "GET" = createGetResponse request
- | otherwise = return $ createErrorResponse 501 (B.pack "Not Implemented")
+createResponse request
+ | requestMethod request == B.pack "GET" = createGetResponse request
+ | otherwise = return $ createErrorResponse 501 (B.pack "Not Implemented")
-- | Create a simple error response.
createErrorResponse :: Int -- ^ Error code.
@@ -89,9 +90,10 @@ createErrorResponse statusCode phrase = defaultResponse
{ responseStatusCode = statusCode
, responsePhrase = phrase
, responseHeaders = M.singleton (B.pack "Content-Type") (B.pack "text/html")
- , responseBody = B.pack $ "<html> <head> <title>" ++ show statusCode ++ "</title> </head>"
- ++ "<body> <h1>" ++ show statusCode ++ "</h1>\n"
- ++ "<p>" ++ (B.unpack phrase) ++ "</p> </body> </html>"
+ , responseBody = B.pack $
+ "<html> <head> <title>" ++ show statusCode ++ "</title> </head>"
+ ++ "<body> <h1>" ++ show statusCode ++ "</h1>\n"
+ ++ "<p>" ++ (B.unpack phrase) ++ "</p> </body> </html>"
-- | Create a simple get response.
@@ -100,48 +102,56 @@ createGetResponse request = do
-- Construct the complete fileName of the requested resource.
config <- ask
let uri = B.unpack (requestURI request)
+ log' = writeChan (logChannel config)
isDirectory <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist $ documentRoot config ++ uri
- let fileName = (documentRoot config) ++ if isDirectory then uri ++ "/index.html"
- else uri
+ let fileName =
+ (documentRoot config) ++ if isDirectory then uri ++ "/index.html"
+ else uri
create200 = do
body <- B.readFile fileName
- let headers = [ (B.pack "Content-Length", B.pack $ show $ B.length body)
- ] ++ getMIMEHeader fileName
- return $ defaultResponse { responseStatusCode = 200
- , responsePhrase = B.pack "OK"
- , responseHeaders = (responseHeaders defaultResponse)
- `M.union` M.fromList headers
- , responseBody = body
- }
+ let headers =
+ [ (B.pack "Content-Length", B.pack $ show $ B.length body)
+ ] ++ getMIMEHeader fileName
+ return $ defaultResponse
+ { responseStatusCode = 200
+ , responsePhrase = B.pack "OK"
+ , responseHeaders = (responseHeaders defaultResponse)
+ `M.union` M.fromList headers
+ , responseBody = body
+ }
-- Called when an error occurs during the creation of a 200 response.
- create500 e = do writeChan (logChannel config) $ "Internal Error: " ++ show e
- return $ createErrorResponse 500 (B.pack "Internal Server Error")
+ create500 e = do
+ log' $ "Internal Error: " ++ show e
+ return $ createErrorResponse 500 (B.pack "Internal Server Error")
-- Send back the page if found.
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fileName
- if exists then do response <- liftIO $ catch create200 create500
- return response
- else do liftIO $ writeChan (logChannel config) $ "Not Found: " ++ fileName
- return $ createErrorResponse 404 (B.pack "Not Found")
+ if exists
+ then do response <- liftIO $ catch create200 create500
+ return response
+ else do liftIO $ log' $ "Not Found: " ++ fileName
+ return $ createErrorResponse 404 (B.pack "Not Found")
-- | Get the mime header for a certain filename. This is based on the extension
-- of the given 'FilePath'.
getMIMEHeader :: FilePath -> [(B.ByteString, B.ByteString)]
-getMIMEHeader fileName = case result of (Just x) -> [(B.pack "Content-Type", B.pack x)]
- Nothing -> []
- where result = lookup (takeExtension fileName) [ (".css", "text/css")
- , (".gif", "image/gif")
- , (".htm", "text/html")
- , (".html", "text/html")
- , (".jpeg", "image/jpeg")
- , (".jpg", "image/jpeg")
- , (".js", "text/javascript")
- , (".png", "image/png")
- , (".txt", "text/plain")
- , (".xml", "text/xml")
- ]
+getMIMEHeader fileName =
+ case result of (Just x) -> [(B.pack "Content-Type", B.pack x)]
+ Nothing -> []
+ where
+ result = lookup (takeExtension fileName) [ (".css", "text/css")
+ , (".gif", "image/gif")
+ , (".htm", "text/html")
+ , (".html", "text/html")
+ , (".jpeg", "image/jpeg")
+ , (".jpg", "image/jpeg")
+ , (".js", "text/javascript")
+ , (".png", "image/png")
+ , (".txt", "text/plain")
+ , (".xml", "text/xml")
+ ]
-- | Respond to an incoming request.
respond :: Handle -> Server ()
@@ -152,24 +162,28 @@ respond handle = do
-- Generate some output.
config <- ask
- liftIO $ writeChan (logChannel config) $ show request ++ " => " ++ show response
+ liftIO $ writeChan (logChannel config)
+ $ show request ++ " => " ++ show response
-- Send the response back to the handle.
liftIO $ putResponse response
- where putResponse response = do B.hPutStr handle $ B.intercalate (B.pack " ")
- [ responseVersion response
- , B.pack $ show $ responseStatusCode response
- , responsePhrase response
- ]
- hPutStr handle "\r\n"
- mapM_ putHeader (M.toList $ responseHeaders response)
- hPutStr handle "\r\n"
- B.hPutStr handle $ responseBody response
- hPutStr handle "\r\n"
- hClose handle
- putHeader (key, value) = B.hPutStr handle $ key `B.append` B.pack ": "
- `B.append` value `B.append` B.pack "\r\n"
+ where
+ putResponse response = do B.hPutStr handle $ B.intercalate (B.pack " ")
+ [ responseVersion response
+ , B.pack $ show $ responseStatusCode response
+ , responsePhrase response
+ ]
+ hPutStr handle "\r\n"
+ mapM_ putHeader
+ (M.toList $ responseHeaders response)
+ hPutStr handle "\r\n"
+ B.hPutStr handle $ responseBody response
+ hPutStr handle "\r\n"
+ hClose handle
+ putHeader (key, value) =
+ B.hPutStr handle $ key `B.append` B.pack ": "
+ `B.append` value `B.append` B.pack "\r\n"
-- | Start a simple http server on the given 'PortNumber', serving the given
-- directory.
@@ -194,5 +208,3 @@ simpleServer port root = do
writeChan logChan $ "Starting hakyll server on port " ++ show port ++ "..."
socket <- listenOn (PortNumber port)
forever (listen socket)
- where