path: root/src/Hakyll
diff options
authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2011-01-07 14:22:15 +0100
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2011-01-07 14:22:15 +0100
commit9e88440102842ca7fbed342e7f29ab9ea1dfea6f (patch)
treeff10e218df80754eeb605b85aa807667c2040637 /src/Hakyll
parentc7d63835f804334f70cdcfe0afa40be313cb2995 (diff)
Restructure hakyllWith for metacompilers
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Hakyll')
1 files changed, 81 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Core/Run.hs b/src/Hakyll/Core/Run.hs
index 2670c8e..ed9cea6 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Core/Run.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Core/Run.hs
@@ -39,98 +39,119 @@ hakyll :: Rules -> IO ()
hakyll rules = do
store <- makeStore "_store"
provider <- fileResourceProvider
- evalStateT
- (runReaderT
- (unHakyll (hakyllWith rules provider store)) undefined) undefined
-data HakyllState = HakyllState
- { hakyllCompilers :: [(Identifier, Compiler () CompileRule)]
- }
+ let ruleSet = runRules rules provider
+ compilers = rulesCompilers ruleSet
+ runReaderT (unHakyll (addNewCompilers [] compilers)) $
+ env ruleSet provider store
+ where
+ env ruleSet provider store = HakyllEnvironment
+ { hakyllRoute = rulesRoute ruleSet
+ , hakyllResourceProvider = provider
+ , hakyllStore = store
+ , hakyllModified = S.empty
+ }
data HakyllEnvironment = HakyllEnvironment
{ hakyllRoute :: Route
, hakyllResourceProvider :: ResourceProvider
, hakyllStore :: Store
+ , hakyllModified :: Set Identifier
newtype Hakyll a = Hakyll
- { unHakyll :: ReaderT HakyllEnvironment (StateT HakyllState IO) a
+ { unHakyll :: ReaderT HakyllEnvironment IO a
} deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-hakyllWith :: Rules -> ResourceProvider -> Store -> Hakyll ()
-hakyllWith rules provider store = Hakyll $ do
- let -- Get the rule set
- ruleSet = runRules rules provider
- -- Get all identifiers and compilers
- compilers = rulesCompilers ruleSet
+-- | Return a set of modified identifiers
+modified :: ResourceProvider -- ^ Resource provider
+ -> Store -- ^ Store
+ -> [Identifier] -- ^ Identifiers to check
+ -> IO (Set Identifier) -- ^ Modified resources
+modified provider store ids = fmap S.fromList $ flip filterM ids $ \id' ->
+ if resourceExists provider id' then resourceModified provider id' store
+ else return False
- -- Get all dependencies
+-- | Add a number of compilers and continue using these compilers
+addNewCompilers :: [(Identifier, Compiler () CompileRule)]
+ -- ^ Remaining compilers yet to be run
+ -> [(Identifier, Compiler () CompileRule)]
+ -- ^ Compilers to add
+ -> Hakyll ()
+addNewCompilers oldCompilers newCompilers = Hakyll $ do
+ -- Get some information
+ provider <- hakyllResourceProvider <$> ask
+ store <- hakyllStore <$> ask
+ let -- All compilers
+ compilers = oldCompilers ++ newCompilers
+ -- Get all dependencies for the compilers
dependencies = flip map compilers $ \(id', compiler) ->
let deps = runCompilerDependencies compiler provider
in (id', deps)
- -- Create a compiler map
+ -- Create a compiler map (Id -> Compiler)
compilerMap = M.fromList compilers
- -- Create the graph
+ -- Create the dependency graph
graph = fromList dependencies
- liftIO $ do
- putStrLn "Writing dependency graph to"
- writeDot "" show graph
- -- Check which items are up-to-date
+ -- Check which items are up-to-date. This only needs to happen for the new
+ -- compilers
modified' <- liftIO $ modified provider store $ map fst compilers
- let -- Try to reduce the graph
+ let -- Try to reduce the graph using this modified information
reducedGraph = filterObsolete modified' graph
- liftIO $ do
- putStrLn "Writing reduced graph to"
- writeDot "" show reducedGraph
let -- Solve the graph
ordered = solveDependencies reducedGraph
-- Join the order with the compilers again
orderedCompilers = map (id &&& (compilerMap M.!)) ordered
- -- Fetch the routes
- route' = rulesRoute ruleSet
- -- Generate all the targets in order
- _ <- mapM (addTarget route' modified') orderedCompilers
- liftIO $ putStrLn "DONE."
+ -- Now run the ordered list of compilers
+ local (updateModified modified') $ unHakyll $ runCompilers orderedCompilers
- addTarget route' modified' (id', comp) = do
- let url = runRoute route' id'
+ -- Add the modified information for the new compilers
+ updateModified modified' env = env
+ { hakyllModified = hakyllModified env `S.union` modified'
+ }
+runCompilers :: [(Identifier, Compiler () CompileRule)]
+ -- ^ Ordered list of compilers
+ -> Hakyll ()
+ -- ^ No result
+runCompilers [] = return ()
+runCompilers ((id', compiler) : compilers) = Hakyll $ do
+ -- Obtain information
+ route' <- hakyllRoute <$> ask
+ provider <- hakyllResourceProvider <$> ask
+ store <- hakyllStore <$> ask
+ modified' <- hakyllModified <$> ask
+ let -- Determine the URL
+ url = runRoute route' id'
-- Check if the resource was modified
- let isModified = id' `S.member` modified'
+ isModified = id' `S.member` modified'
- -- Run the compiler
- ItemRule compiled <- liftIO $
- runCompiler comp id' provider url store isModified
- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Generated target: " ++ show id'
+ -- Run the compiler
+ result <- liftIO $ runCompiler compiler id' provider url store isModified
+ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Generated target: " ++ show id'
- case url of
- Nothing -> return ()
- Just r -> liftIO $ do
- putStrLn $ "Routing " ++ show id' ++ " to " ++ r
- let path = "_site" </> r
- makeDirectories path
- write path compiled
+ let ItemRule compiled = result
- liftIO $ putStrLn ""
+ case url of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just r -> liftIO $ do
+ putStrLn $ "Routing " ++ show id' ++ " to " ++ r
+ let path = "_site" </> r
+ makeDirectories path
+ write path compiled
--- | Return a set of modified identifiers
-modified :: ResourceProvider -- ^ Resource provider
- -> Store -- ^ Store
- -> [Identifier] -- ^ Identifiers to check
- -> IO (Set Identifier) -- ^ Modified resources
-modified provider store ids = fmap S.fromList $ flip filterM ids $ \id' ->
- if resourceExists provider id' then resourceModified provider id' store
- else return False
+ liftIO $ putStrLn ""
+ -- Continue for the remaining compilers
+ unHakyll $ runCompilers compilers