path: root/src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs
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authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2012-11-10 20:42:23 +0100
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2012-11-10 20:42:23 +0100
commit9aa11b26cdba009fe268f874c07f9037250bf2c6 (patch)
tree5c97d953049a1a916d86126db6a6646b3a9a8cd3 /src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs
parent9eda3425a3153e0f226cc0e32b38c82cc7c806ef (diff)
Pick dependency analyzer from old develop branch
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs b/src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs
index c39b399..be470b3 100644
--- a/src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs
+++ b/src/Hakyll/Core/DependencyAnalyzer.hs
@@ -1,156 +1,144 @@
module Hakyll.Core.DependencyAnalyzer
- ( DependencyAnalyzer (..)
- , Signal (..)
- , makeDependencyAnalyzer
- , step
- , stepAll
+ ( Analysis (..)
+ , analyze
) where
-import Prelude hiding (reverse)
-import qualified Prelude as P (reverse)
-import Control.Arrow (first)
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty)
-import Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph
--- | This data structure represents the state of the dependency analyzer. It
--- holds a complete graph in 'analyzerGraph', which always contains all items,
--- whether they are to be compiled or not.
--- The 'analyzerRemains' fields holds the items that still need to be compiled,
--- and 'analyzerDone' holds the items which are already compiled. This means
--- that initally, 'analyzerDone' is empty and 'analyzerRemains' contains the
--- items which are out-of-date (or items which have out-of-date dependencies).
--- We also hold the dependency graph from the previous run because we need it
--- when we want to determine when an item is out-of-date. An item is out-of-date
--- when:
--- * the resource from which it compiles is out-of-date, or;
--- * any of it's dependencies is out-of-date, or;
--- * it's set of dependencies has changed since the previous run.
-data DependencyAnalyzer a = DependencyAnalyzer
- { -- | The complete dependency graph
- analyzerGraph :: DirectedGraph a
- , -- | A set of items yet to be compiled
- analyzerRemains :: Set a
- , -- | A set of items already compiled
- analyzerDone :: Set a
- , -- | The dependency graph from the previous run
- analyzerPreviousGraph :: DirectedGraph a
- } deriving (Show)
-data Signal a = Build a
- | Cycle [a]
- | Done
- deriving (Show)
-instance (Ord a, Show a) => Monoid (DependencyAnalyzer a) where
- mempty = DependencyAnalyzer mempty mempty mempty mempty
- mappend x y = growRemains $ DependencyAnalyzer
- (analyzerGraph x `mappend` analyzerGraph y)
- (analyzerRemains x `mappend` analyzerRemains y)
- (analyzerDone x `mappend` analyzerDone y)
- (analyzerPreviousGraph x `mappend` analyzerPreviousGraph y)
--- | Construct a dependency analyzer
-makeDependencyAnalyzer :: (Ord a, Show a)
- => DirectedGraph a -- ^ The dependency graph
- -> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Is an item out-of-date?
- -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ The old dependency graph
- -> DependencyAnalyzer a -- ^ Resulting analyzer
-makeDependencyAnalyzer graph isOutOfDate prev =
- growRemains $ DependencyAnalyzer graph remains S.empty prev
- where
- -- Construct the remains set by filtering using the given predicate
- remains = S.fromList $ filter isOutOfDate $ map fst $ toList graph
--- | The 'analyzerRemains' field of a 'DependencyAnalyzer' is supposed to
--- contain all out-of-date items, including the items with out-of-date
--- dependencies. However, it is easier to just set up the directly out-of-date
--- items initially -- and then grow the remains fields.
--- This function assumes the 'analyzerRemains' fields in incomplete, and tries
--- to correct it. Running it when the field is complete has no effect -- but it
--- is a pretty expensive function, and it should be used with care.
-growRemains :: (Ord a, Show a) => DependencyAnalyzer a -> DependencyAnalyzer a
-growRemains (DependencyAnalyzer graph remains done prev) =
- (DependencyAnalyzer graph remains' done prev)
+import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
+import Control.DeepSeq (NFData (..))
+import Control.Monad (filterM, forM_, msum, when)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
+import Control.Monad.RWS (RWS, runRWS)
+import Control.Monad.State (evalState, get, modify)
+import Control.Monad.Writer (tell)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph
+data Analysis a
+ = Cycle [a]
+ | Order [a]
+ deriving (Show)
+instance NFData a => NFData (Analysis a) where
+ rnf (Cycle c) = rnf c `seq` ()
+ rnf (Order o) = rnf o `seq` ()
+analyze :: Ord a
+ => DirectedGraph a -- ^ Old graph
+ -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ New graph
+ -> (a -> Bool) -- ^ Out of date?
+ -> Analysis a -- ^ Result
+analyze old new ood = case findCycle new of
+ Just c -> Cycle c
+ Nothing -> Order $ findOrder old new ood
+-- | Simple algorithm do find a cycle in a graph, if any exists. This one can
+-- still be optimised by a lot.
+findCycle :: Ord a
+ => DirectedGraph a
+ -> Maybe [a]
+findCycle dg = fmap reverse $ msum
+ [ findCycle' [x] x n
+ | x <- S.toList $ nodes dg
+ , n <- neighbours x dg
+ ]
- -- Grow the remains set using the indirect and changedDeps values, then
- -- filter out the items already done
- remains' = S.filter (`S.notMember` done) indirect
- -- Select the nodes which are reachable from the remaining nodes in the
- -- reversed dependency graph: these are the indirectly out-of-date items
- indirect = reachableNodes (remains `S.union` changedDeps) $ reverse graph
- -- For all nodes in the graph, check which items have a different dependency
- -- set compared to the previous run
- changedDeps = S.fromList $ map fst $
- filter (uncurry (/=) . first (`neighbours` prev)) $ toList graph
--- | Step a dependency analyzer
-step :: (Ord a, Show a) => DependencyAnalyzer a -> (Signal a, DependencyAnalyzer a)
-step analyzer@(DependencyAnalyzer graph remains done prev)
- -- No remaining items
- | S.null remains = (Done, analyzer)
- -- An item remains, let's find a ready item
- | otherwise =
- let item = S.findMin remains
- in case findReady analyzer item of
- Done -> (Done, analyzer)
- Cycle c -> (Cycle c, analyzer)
- -- A ready item was found, signal a build
- Build build ->
- let remains' = S.delete build remains
- done' = S.insert build done
- in (Build build, DependencyAnalyzer graph remains' done' prev)
--- | Step until done, creating a set of items we need to build -- mostly used
--- for debugging purposes
-stepAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => DependencyAnalyzer a -> Maybe (Set a)
-stepAll = stepAll' S.empty
+ findCycle' stack start x
+ | x == start = Just (x : stack)
+ | otherwise = msum
+ [ findCycle' (x : stack) start n
+ | n <- neighbours x dg
+ ]
+-- | Do not call this on graphs with cycles
+findOrder :: Ord a
+ => DirectedGraph a
+ -> DirectedGraph a
+ -> (a -> Bool)
+ -> [a]
+findOrder old new ood = ls
- stepAll' xs analyzer = case step analyzer of
- (Build x, analyzer') -> stepAll' (S.insert x xs) analyzer'
- (Done, _) -> Just xs
- (Cycle _, _) -> Nothing
--- | Find an item ready to be compiled
-findReady :: (Ord a, Show a) => DependencyAnalyzer a -> a -> Signal a
-findReady analyzer = findReady' [] S.empty
+ -- Make an extension of ood: an item is ood when it is actually ood OR if
+ -- the list of its dependencies has changed. Based on that, create a set of
+ -- dirty items.
+ ood' x = ood x || neighbours x old /= neighbours x new
+ dirty' = dirty ood' new
+ -- Run all walks in our own little monad...
+ (_, _, ls) = runRWS walks new dirty'
+type Analyzer i a = RWS (DirectedGraph i) [i] (Set i) a
+isDirty :: Ord a => a -> Analyzer a Bool
+isDirty x = (x `S.member`) <$> get
+walks :: Ord a
+ => Analyzer a ()
+walks = do
+ dirty' <- get
+ if S.null dirty'
+ then return ()
+ else do
+ walk $ S.findMin dirty'
+ walks
+-- | Invariant: given node to walk /must/ be dirty
+walk :: Ord a
+ => a
+ -> Analyzer a ()
+walk x = do
+ -- Determine dirty neighbours and walk them
+ dg <- ask
+ forM_ (neighbours x dg) $ \n -> do
+ d <- isDirty n
+ when d $ walk n
+ -- Once all dirty neighbours are done, we're safe to go
+ tell [x]
+ modify $ S.delete x
+-- | This auxiliary function checks which nodes are dirty: a node is dirty if
+-- it's out-of-date or if one of its dependencies is dirty.
+dirty :: Ord a
+ => (a -> Bool) -- ^ Out of date?
+ -> DirectedGraph a -- ^ Graph
+ -> Set a -- ^ All dirty items
+dirty ood dg = S.fromList $ flip evalState M.empty $
+ filterM go $ S.toList $ nodes dg
- -- The dependency graph
- graph = analyzerGraph analyzer
- -- Items to do
- todo = analyzerRemains analyzer `S.difference` analyzerDone analyzer
- -- Worker
- findReady' stack visited item
- -- We already visited this item, the cycle is the reversed stack
- | item `S.member` visited = Cycle $ P.reverse stack'
- -- Look at the neighbours we to do
- | otherwise = case filter (`S.member` todo) neighbours' of
- -- No neighbours available to be done: it's ready!
- [] -> Build item
- -- At least one neighbour is available, search for that one
- (x : _) -> findReady' stack' visited' x
- where
- -- Our neighbours
- neighbours' = S.toList $ neighbours item graph
- -- The new visited stack/set
- stack' = item : stack
- visited' = S.insert item visited
+ go x = do
+ m <- get
+ case M.lookup x m of
+ Just d -> return d
+ Nothing -> do
+ nd <- mapM go $ neighbours x dg
+ let d = ood x || or nd
+ modify $ M.insert x d
+ return d