path: root/hakyll.cabal
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <>2020-06-09 21:23:00 +0200
committerIgor Pashev <>2020-06-10 10:50:10 +0200
commit7351764e343d0d61e5ca01be4f13f0aab944db67 (patch)
treedbeb54c5ec7508c3829f65031472d700d7431c02 /hakyll.cabal
parent7169063cf8d76fce54df816014bcd9dfe542a75c (diff)
Reformat hakyll.cabal with cabal
Diffstat (limited to 'hakyll.cabal')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 330 deletions
diff --git a/hakyll.cabal b/hakyll.cabal
index 5c02e55..c8add09 100644
--- a/hakyll.cabal
+++ b/hakyll.cabal
@@ -1,330 +1,298 @@
-Name: hakyll
-Synopsis: A static website compiler library
- Hakyll is a static website compiler library. It provides you with the tools to
- create a simple or advanced static website using a Haskell DSL and formats
- such as markdown or RST. You can find more information, including a tutorial,
- on the website:
- .
- * <>
- .
- If you seek assistance, there's:
- .
- * A google group: <>
- .
- * An IRC channel, @#hakyll@ on freenode
- .
- Additionally, there's the Haddock documentation in the different modules,
- meant as a reference.
-Author: Jasper Van der Jeugt <>
-Maintainer: Jasper Van der Jeugt <>
-License: BSD3
-License-File: LICENSE
-Category: Web
-Cabal-Version: >= 1.10
-Build-Type: Simple
-Data-Dir: data
- example/posts/2015-11-28-carpe-diem.markdown
- example/posts/2015-10-07-rosa-rosa-rosam.markdown
- example/posts/2015-12-07-tu-quoque.markdown
- example/posts/2015-08-12-spqr.markdown
- example/site.hs
- example/images/haskell-logo.png
- example/templates/post-list.html
- example/templates/default.html
- example/templates/archive.html
- example/templates/post.html
- example/css/default.css
- example/index.html
- example/about.rst
- example/contact.markdown
- tests/data/embed.html
- tests/data/
- tests/data/
- tests/data/images/favicon.ico
- tests/data/just-meta.html
- tests/data/just-meta.html.out
- tests/data/partial-helper.html
- tests/data/partial.html
- tests/data/partial.html.out
- tests/data/posts/
- tests/data/posts/
- tests/data/posts/2019/05/10/
- tests/data/
- tests/data/strip.html
- tests/data/strip.html.out
- tests/data/template.html
- tests/data/template.html.out
- data/templates/atom-item.xml
- data/templates/atom.xml
- data/templates/rss-item.xml
- data/templates/rss.xml
-Source-Repository head
- Type: git
- Location: git://
-Flag previewServer
- Description: Include the preview server
- Default: True
-Flag watchServer
- Description: Include the watch server
- Default: True
-Flag checkExternal
- Description: Include external link checking
- Default: True
-Flag buildWebsite
- Description: Build the hakyll website
- Default: False
- Manual: True
-Flag usePandoc
- Description: Include Pandoc support
- Default: True
- Manual: True
- Ghc-Options: -Wall
- Hs-Source-Dirs: lib
- Default-language: Haskell2010
- Exposed-Modules:
- Hakyll
- Hakyll.Commands
- Hakyll.Core.Compiler
- Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
- Hakyll.Core.Configuration
- Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
- Hakyll.Core.File
- Hakyll.Core.Identifier
- Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
- Hakyll.Core.Item
- Hakyll.Core.Logger
- Hakyll.Core.Metadata
- Hakyll.Core.Provider
- Hakyll.Core.Provider.Metadata
- Hakyll.Core.Routes
- Hakyll.Core.Rules
- Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
- Hakyll.Core.Runtime
- Hakyll.Core.Store
- Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter
- Hakyll.Core.Util.File
- Hakyll.Core.Util.String
- Hakyll.Core.Writable
- Hakyll.Main
- Hakyll.Web.CompressCss
- Hakyll.Web.Feed
- Hakyll.Web.Html
- Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls
- Hakyll.Web.Paginate
- Hakyll.Web.Redirect
- Hakyll.Web.Tags
- Hakyll.Web.Template
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
- Hakyll.Web.Template.List
- Other-Modules:
- Data.List.Extended
- Data.Yaml.Extended
- Hakyll.Check
- Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require
- Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern.Internal
- Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem
- Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal
- Hakyll.Core.Provider.MetadataCache
- Hakyll.Core.Util.Parser
- Paths_hakyll
- Build-Depends:
- base >= 4.8 && < 5,
- binary >= 0.5,
- blaze-html >= 0.5,
- blaze-markup >= 0.5.1,
- bytestring >= 0.9,
- containers >= 0.3,
- cryptonite >= 0.25,
- data-default >= 0.4,
- deepseq >= 1.3,
- directory >= 1.0,
- file-embed >=,
- filepath >= 1.0,
- lrucache >= 1.1.1,
- memory >= 0.14.18,
- mtl >= 1,
- network-uri >= 2.6,
- optparse-applicative >= 0.12,
- parsec >= 3.0,
- process >= 1.6,
- random >= 1.0,
- regex-tdfa >= 1.1,
- resourcet >= 1.1,
- scientific >= 0.3.4,
- tagsoup >= 0.13.1,
- template-haskell >= 2.14,
- text >= 0.11,
- time >= 1.8,
- time-locale-compat >= 0.1,
- unordered-containers >= 0.2,
- vector >= 0.11,
- yaml >= 0.8.11
- If flag(previewServer)
- Build-depends:
- wai >= 3.2,
- warp >= 3.2,
- wai-app-static >= 3.1,
- http-types >= 0.9,
- fsnotify >= 0.2
- Cpp-options:
- Other-modules:
- Hakyll.Preview.Poll
- Hakyll.Preview.Server
- If flag(watchServer)
- Build-depends:
- fsnotify >= 0.2
- Cpp-options:
- Other-modules:
- Hakyll.Preview.Poll
- If flag(checkExternal)
- Build-depends:
- http-conduit >= 2.2,
- http-types >= 0.7
- Cpp-options:
- If flag(usePandoc)
- Exposed-Modules:
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Biblio
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
- Other-Modules:
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Binary
- Build-Depends:
- pandoc >= 2.0.5,
- pandoc-citeproc >= 0.14
- Cpp-options:
-Test-suite hakyll-tests
- Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
- Hs-source-dirs: tests
- Main-is: TestSuite.hs
- Ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
- Default-language: Haskell2010
- Other-modules:
- Hakyll.Core.Dependencies.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Provider.Metadata.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Provider.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Routes.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Rules.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Runtime.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Store.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter.Tests
- Hakyll.Core.Util.String.Tests
- Hakyll.Web.CompressCss.Tests
- Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls.Tests
- Hakyll.Web.Html.Tests
- Hakyll.Web.Tags.Tests
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.Tests
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Tests
- TestSuite.Util
- Build-Depends:
- hakyll,
- QuickCheck >= 2.8,
- tasty >= 0.11,
- tasty-hunit >= 0.9,
- tasty-quickcheck >= 0.8,
- -- Copy pasted from hakyll dependencies:
- base >= 4.8,
- bytestring >= 0.9,
- containers >= 0.3,
- filepath >= 1.0,
- text >= 0.11,
- unordered-containers >= 0.2,
- yaml >= 0.8.11
- If flag(previewServer)
- Cpp-options:
- If flag(watchServer)
- Cpp-options:
- If flag(checkExternal)
- Cpp-options:
- If flag(usePandoc)
- Other-modules:
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType.Tests
- Cpp-options:
-Executable hakyll-init
- Main-is: Init.hs
- Ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
- Hs-source-dirs: src
- Default-language: Haskell2010
- Other-modules:
- Paths_hakyll
- Build-depends:
- hakyll,
- base >= 4 && < 5,
- directory >= 1.0,
- filepath >= 1.0
-Executable hakyll-website
- Main-is: site.hs
- Ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
- Hs-source-dirs: web
- Default-language: Haskell2010
- If flag(buildWebsite)
- Buildable: True
- Else
- Buildable: False
- Build-depends:
- hakyll,
- base >= 4 && < 5,
- directory >= 1.0,
- filepath >= 1.0,
- pandoc >= 2.0.5
+cabal-version: >=1.10
+name: hakyll
+license: BSD3
+license-file: LICENSE
+maintainer: Jasper Van der Jeugt <>
+author: Jasper Van der Jeugt <>
+synopsis: A static website compiler library
+ Hakyll is a static website compiler library. It provides you with the tools to
+ create a simple or advanced static website using a Haskell DSL and formats
+ such as markdown or RST. You can find more information, including a tutorial,
+ on the website:
+ .
+ * <>
+ .
+ If you seek assistance, there's:
+ .
+ * A google group: <>
+ .
+ * An IRC channel, @#hakyll@ on freenode
+ .
+ Additionally, there's the Haddock documentation in the different modules,
+ meant as a reference.
+category: Web
+build-type: Simple
+ example/posts/2015-11-28-carpe-diem.markdown
+ example/posts/2015-10-07-rosa-rosa-rosam.markdown
+ example/posts/2015-12-07-tu-quoque.markdown
+ example/posts/2015-08-12-spqr.markdown
+ example/site.hs
+ example/images/haskell-logo.png
+ example/templates/post-list.html
+ example/templates/default.html
+ example/templates/archive.html
+ example/templates/post.html
+ example/css/default.css
+ example/index.html
+ example/about.rst
+ example/contact.markdown
+data-dir: data
+ tests/data/embed.html
+ tests/data/
+ tests/data/
+ tests/data/images/favicon.ico
+ tests/data/just-meta.html
+ tests/data/just-meta.html.out
+ tests/data/partial-helper.html
+ tests/data/partial.html
+ tests/data/partial.html.out
+ tests/data/posts/
+ tests/data/posts/
+ tests/data/posts/2019/05/10/
+ tests/data/
+ tests/data/strip.html
+ tests/data/strip.html.out
+ tests/data/template.html
+ tests/data/template.html.out
+ data/templates/atom-item.xml
+ data/templates/atom.xml
+ data/templates/rss-item.xml
+ data/templates/rss.xml
+source-repository head
+ type: git
+ location: git://
+flag previewserver
+ description:
+ Include the preview server
+flag watchserver
+ description:
+ Include the watch server
+flag checkexternal
+ description:
+ Include external link checking
+flag buildwebsite
+ description:
+ Build the hakyll website
+ default: False
+ manual: True
+flag usepandoc
+ description:
+ Include Pandoc support
+ manual: True
+ exposed-modules:
+ Hakyll
+ Hakyll.Commands
+ Hakyll.Core.Compiler
+ Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Internal
+ Hakyll.Core.Configuration
+ Hakyll.Core.Dependencies
+ Hakyll.Core.File
+ Hakyll.Core.Identifier
+ Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
+ Hakyll.Core.Item
+ Hakyll.Core.Logger
+ Hakyll.Core.Metadata
+ Hakyll.Core.Provider
+ Hakyll.Core.Provider.Metadata
+ Hakyll.Core.Routes
+ Hakyll.Core.Rules
+ Hakyll.Core.Rules.Internal
+ Hakyll.Core.Runtime
+ Hakyll.Core.Store
+ Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter
+ Hakyll.Core.Util.File
+ Hakyll.Core.Util.String
+ Hakyll.Core.Writable
+ Hakyll.Main
+ Hakyll.Web.CompressCss
+ Hakyll.Web.Feed
+ Hakyll.Web.Html
+ Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls
+ Hakyll.Web.Paginate
+ Hakyll.Web.Redirect
+ Hakyll.Web.Tags
+ Hakyll.Web.Template
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.Context
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Element
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.Internal.Trim
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.List
+ hs-source-dirs: lib
+ other-modules:
+ Data.List.Extended
+ Data.Yaml.Extended
+ Hakyll.Check
+ Hakyll.Core.Compiler.Require
+ Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern.Internal
+ Hakyll.Core.Item.SomeItem
+ Hakyll.Core.Provider.Internal
+ Hakyll.Core.Provider.MetadataCache
+ Hakyll.Core.Util.Parser
+ Paths_hakyll
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall
+ build-depends:
+ base >=4.8 && <5,
+ binary >=0.5,
+ blaze-html >=0.5,
+ blaze-markup >=0.5.1,
+ bytestring >=0.9,
+ containers >=0.3,
+ cryptonite >=0.25,
+ data-default >=0.4,
+ deepseq >=1.3,
+ directory >=1.0,
+ file-embed >=,
+ filepath >=1.0,
+ lrucache >=1.1.1,
+ memory >=0.14.18,
+ mtl >=1,
+ network-uri >=2.6,
+ optparse-applicative >=0.12,
+ parsec >=3.0,
+ process >=1.6,
+ random >=1.0,
+ regex-tdfa >=1.1,
+ resourcet >=1.1,
+ scientific >=0.3.4,
+ tagsoup >=0.13.1,
+ template-haskell >=2.14,
+ text >=0.11,
+ time >=1.8,
+ time-locale-compat >=0.1,
+ unordered-containers >=0.2,
+ vector >=0.11,
+ yaml >=0.8.11
+ if flag(previewserver)
+ cpp-options: -DPREVIEW_SERVER
+ other-modules:
+ Hakyll.Preview.Poll
+ Hakyll.Preview.Server
+ build-depends:
+ wai >=3.2,
+ warp >=3.2,
+ wai-app-static >=3.1,
+ http-types >=0.9,
+ fsnotify >=0.2
+ if flag(watchserver)
+ cpp-options: -DWATCH_SERVER
+ other-modules:
+ Hakyll.Preview.Poll
+ build-depends:
+ fsnotify >=0.2
+ if flag(checkexternal)
+ cpp-options: -DCHECK_EXTERNAL
+ build-depends:
+ http-conduit >=2.2,
+ http-types >=0.7
+ if flag(usepandoc)
+ exposed-modules:
+ Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
+ Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Biblio
+ Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
+ cpp-options: -DUSE_PANDOC
+ other-modules:
+ Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.Binary
+ build-depends:
+ pandoc >=2.0.5,
+ pandoc-citeproc >=0.14
+executable hakyll-init
+ main-is: Init.hs
+ hs-source-dirs: src
+ other-modules:
+ Paths_hakyll
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
+ build-depends:
+ hakyll -any,
+ base >=4 && <5,
+ directory >=1.0,
+ filepath >=1.0
+executable hakyll-website
+ main-is: site.hs
+ hs-source-dirs: web
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
+ build-depends:
+ hakyll -any,
+ base >=4 && <5,
+ directory >=1.0,
+ filepath >=1.0,
+ pandoc >=2.0.5
+ if flag(buildwebsite)
+ else
+ buildable: False
+test-suite hakyll-tests
+ type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
+ main-is: TestSuite.hs
+ hs-source-dirs: tests
+ other-modules:
+ Hakyll.Core.Dependencies.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Provider.Metadata.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Provider.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Routes.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Rules.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Runtime.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Store.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter.Tests
+ Hakyll.Core.Util.String.Tests
+ Hakyll.Web.CompressCss.Tests
+ Hakyll.Web.Html.RelativizeUrls.Tests
+ Hakyll.Web.Html.Tests
+ Hakyll.Web.Tags.Tests
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.Context.Tests
+ Hakyll.Web.Template.Tests
+ TestSuite.Util
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
+ build-depends:
+ hakyll -any,
+ QuickCheck >=2.8,
+ tasty >=0.11,
+ tasty-hunit >=0.9,
+ tasty-quickcheck >=0.8,
+ base >=4.8,
+ bytestring >=0.9,
+ containers >=0.3,
+ filepath >=1.0,
+ text >=0.11,
+ unordered-containers >=0.2,
+ yaml >=0.8.11
+ if flag(previewserver)
+ cpp-options: -DPREVIEW_SERVER
+ if flag(watchserver)
+ cpp-options: -DWATCH_SERVER
+ if flag(checkexternal)
+ cpp-options: -DCHECK_EXTERNAL
+ if flag(usepandoc)
+ cpp-options: -DUSE_PANDOC
+ other-modules:
+ Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType.Tests