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authorJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-01-19 09:53:52 +0100
committerJasper Van der Jeugt <>2010-01-19 09:53:52 +0100
commit7af4014e3fb650db497249e113fe007a53ae6d09 (patch)
parentda31280dd7c93499327e149af9679806d1a09e46 (diff)
[awesome feature] Added combining of Renderables.
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Hakyll/Renderables.hs b/src/Text/Hakyll/Renderables.hs
index 0151f10..5832a09 100644
--- a/src/Text/Hakyll/Renderables.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Hakyll/Renderables.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ module Text.Hakyll.Renderables
, createCustomPage
, PagePath
, createPagePath
+ , CombinedRenderable
+ , combine
+ , combineWithURL
) where
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -14,9 +17,9 @@ import Text.Hakyll.File
-- | A custom page.
data CustomPage = CustomPage
- { url :: String,
- dependencies :: [FilePath],
- mapping :: [(String, Either String (Hakyll String))]
+ { customPageURL :: String,
+ customPageDependencies :: [FilePath],
+ customPageContext :: [(String, Either String (Hakyll String))]
-- | Create a custom page.
@@ -33,12 +36,12 @@ createCustomPage :: String -- ^ Destination of the page, relative to _site.
createCustomPage = CustomPage
instance Renderable CustomPage where
- getDependencies = dependencies
- getURL = url
+ getDependencies = customPageDependencies
+ getURL = customPageURL
toContext page = do
- values <- mapM (either (return) (>>= return) . snd) (mapping page)
- return $ M.fromList $ [ ("url", url page)
- ] ++ zip (map fst $ mapping page) values
+ values <- mapM (either return id . snd) (customPageContext page)
+ return $ M.fromList $ [ ("url", customPageURL page)
+ ] ++ zip (map fst $ customPageContext page) values
-- | PagePath is a class that wraps a FilePath. This is used to render Pages
-- without reading them first through use of caching.
@@ -53,3 +56,44 @@ instance Renderable PagePath where
getDependencies (PagePath path) = return path
getURL (PagePath path) = toURL path
toContext (PagePath path) = readPage path >>= toContext
+-- | A combination of two other renderables.
+data CombinedRenderable a b = CombinedRenderable a b
+ | CombinedRenderableWithURL FilePath a b
+-- | Combine two renderables. The url will always be taken from the first
+-- "Renderable". Also, if a `$key` is present in both renderables, the
+-- value from the first "Renderable" will be taken as well.
+combine :: (Renderable a, Renderable b) => a -> b -> CombinedRenderable a b
+combine = CombinedRenderable
+-- | Combine two renderables and set a custom URL.
+combineWithURL :: (Renderable a, Renderable b)
+ => FilePath
+ -> a
+ -> b
+ -> CombinedRenderable a b
+combineWithURL = CombinedRenderableWithURL
+-- | Render combinations.
+instance (Renderable a, Renderable b)
+ => Renderable (CombinedRenderable a b) where
+ -- Add the dependencies.
+ getDependencies (CombinedRenderable a b) =
+ getDependencies a ++ getDependencies b
+ getDependencies (CombinedRenderableWithURL _ a b) =
+ getDependencies a ++ getDependencies b
+ -- Take the url from the first renderable, or the specified URL.
+ getURL (CombinedRenderable a _) = getURL a
+ getURL (CombinedRenderableWithURL url _ _) = url
+ -- Take a union of the contexts.
+ toContext (CombinedRenderable a b) = do
+ c1 <- toContext a
+ c2 <- toContext b
+ return $ c1 `M.union` c2
+ toContext (CombinedRenderableWithURL url a b) = do
+ c <- toContext (CombinedRenderable a b)
+ return $ (M.singleton "url" url) `M.union` c