path: root/src/partition.rs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2020-11-25Add initial partition_datetime()HEADmasterIgor Pashev1-22/+37
2020-11-24Fix macroIgor Pashev1-1/+3
2020-11-23Use explicit starting pointIgor Pashev1-8/+8
2020-03-14Apply suggestions by clippyIgor Pashev1-7/+4
2019-11-14ReformatIgor Pashev1-29/+63
2019-11-14Use "dyn"Igor Pashev1-2/+2
2019-11-14Rename the moduleIgor Pashev1-0/+146
So that Cargo does not think there is a library, and does not run tests twice (for the library and for the executable).