path: root/src
diff options
authorNicholas Blair <nicholas.blair@wisc.edu>2015-05-29 13:53:07 -0500
committerNicholas Blair <nicholas.blair@gmail.com>2017-02-18 15:18:14 -0600
commit564b6681dffd561facc63be256e88514f52c9e1b (patch)
treef37b03564da0efc253b6fa76519a3caf61d46304 /src
parent325f247ceb7b0f60df6e061343cda89758f9ef19 (diff)
Parameterize comment phrase to trigger a build
Defaults to prior "test this please", can be overridden in the job configuration.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 115 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketBuildTrigger.java b/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketBuildTrigger.java
index aedfb91..10d6c98 100644
--- a/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketBuildTrigger.java
+++ b/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketBuildTrigger.java
@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ import static com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsMatchers.instanceOf;
* Created by nishio
public class BitbucketBuildTrigger extends Trigger<AbstractProject<?, ?>> {
+ /**
+ * Default value for {@link #getCommentTrigger()}.
+ */
+ public static final String DEFAULT_COMMENT_TRIGGER = "test this please";
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BitbucketBuildTrigger.class.getName());
private final String projectPath;
private final String cron;
@@ -43,44 +48,71 @@ public class BitbucketBuildTrigger extends Trigger<AbstractProject<?, ?>> {
private final String ciSkipPhrases;
private final boolean checkDestinationCommit;
private final boolean approveIfSuccess;
+ private final String commentTrigger;
transient private BitbucketPullRequestsBuilder bitbucketPullRequestsBuilder;
- public static final BitbucketBuildTriggerDescriptor descriptor = new BitbucketBuildTriggerDescriptor();
+ public static final BitbucketBuildTriggerDescriptor descriptor = new BitbucketBuildTriggerDescriptor();
+ /**
+ * Sets {@link #getCommentTrigger()} to {@link #DEFAULT_COMMENT_TRIGGER}.
+ */
+ @DataBoundConstructor
+ public BitbucketBuildTrigger(
+ String projectPath,
+ String cron,
+ String credentialsId,
+ String username,
+ String password,
+ String repositoryOwner,
+ String repositoryName,
+ String branchesFilter,
+ boolean branchesFilterBySCMIncludes,
+ String ciKey,
+ String ciName,
+ String ciSkipPhrases,
+ boolean checkDestinationCommit,
+ boolean approveIfSuccess
+ ) throws ANTLRException {
+ this(projectPath, cron, credentialsId, username, password, repositoryOwner, repositoryName,
+ branchesFilter, branchesFilterBySCMIncludes, ciKey, ciName, ciSkipPhrases,
+ checkDestinationCommit, approveIfSuccess, DEFAULT_COMMENT_TRIGGER);
+ }
public BitbucketBuildTrigger(
- String projectPath,
- String cron,
- String credentialsId,
- String username,
- String password,
- String repositoryOwner,
- String repositoryName,
- String branchesFilter,
- boolean branchesFilterBySCMIncludes,
- String ciKey,
- String ciName,
- String ciSkipPhrases,
- boolean checkDestinationCommit,
- boolean approveIfSuccess
- ) throws ANTLRException {
- super(cron);
- this.projectPath = projectPath;
- this.cron = cron;
- this.credentialsId = credentialsId;
- this.username = username;
- this.password = password;
- this.repositoryOwner = repositoryOwner;
- this.repositoryName = repositoryName;
- this.branchesFilter = branchesFilter;
- this.branchesFilterBySCMIncludes = branchesFilterBySCMIncludes;
- this.ciKey = ciKey;
- this.ciName = ciName;
- this.ciSkipPhrases = ciSkipPhrases;
- this.checkDestinationCommit = checkDestinationCommit;
- this.approveIfSuccess = approveIfSuccess;
+ String projectPath,
+ String cron,
+ String credentialsId,
+ String username,
+ String password,
+ String repositoryOwner,
+ String repositoryName,
+ String branchesFilter,
+ boolean branchesFilterBySCMIncludes,
+ String ciKey,
+ String ciName,
+ String ciSkipPhrases,
+ boolean checkDestinationCommit,
+ boolean approveIfSuccess,
+ String commentTrigger
+ ) throws ANTLRException {
+ super(cron);
+ this.projectPath = projectPath;
+ this.cron = cron;
+ this.credentialsId = credentialsId;
+ this.username = username;
+ this.password = password;
+ this.repositoryOwner = repositoryOwner;
+ this.repositoryName = repositoryName;
+ this.branchesFilter = branchesFilter;
+ this.branchesFilterBySCMIncludes = branchesFilterBySCMIncludes;
+ this.ciKey = ciKey;
+ this.ciName = ciName;
+ this.ciSkipPhrases = ciSkipPhrases;
+ this.checkDestinationCommit = checkDestinationCommit;
+ this.approveIfSuccess = approveIfSuccess;
+ this.commentTrigger = commentTrigger;
public String getProjectPath() {
@@ -114,7 +146,7 @@ public class BitbucketBuildTrigger extends Trigger<AbstractProject<?, ?>> {
public String getBranchesFilter() {
return branchesFilter;
public boolean getBranchesFilterBySCMIncludes() {
return branchesFilterBySCMIncludes;
@@ -136,7 +168,13 @@ public class BitbucketBuildTrigger extends Trigger<AbstractProject<?, ?>> {
public boolean getApproveIfSuccess() {
- return approveIfSuccess;
+ return approveIfSuccess;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return a phrase that when entered in a comment will trigger a new build
+ */
+ public String getCommentTrigger() {
+ return commentTrigger;
diff --git a/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketRepository.java b/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketRepository.java
index 660ec21..ee11e75 100644
--- a/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketRepository.java
+++ b/src/main/java/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/bitbucketpullrequestbuilder/BitbucketRepository.java
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ import static com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsMatchers.instanceOf;
public class BitbucketRepository {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BitbucketRepository.class.getName());
private static final String BUILD_DESCRIPTION = "%s: %s into %s";
- private static final String BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER = "test this please";
private static final String BUILD_REQUEST_DONE_MARKER = "ttp build flag";
private static final String BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER_TAG_SINGLE_RX = "\\#[\\w\\-\\d]+";
private static final String BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER_TAGS_RX = "\\[bid\\:\\s?(.*)\\]";
@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
private BitbucketPullRequestsBuilder builder;
private BitbucketBuildTrigger trigger;
private ApiClient client;
public BitbucketRepository(String projectPath, BitbucketPullRequestsBuilder builder) {
this.projectPath = projectPath;
this.builder = builder;
@@ -53,26 +52,26 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
public void init() {
this.init(null, null);
public <T extends ApiClient.HttpClientFactory> void init(T httpFactory) {
this.init(null, httpFactory);
public void init(ApiClient client) {
this.init(client, null);
public <T extends ApiClient.HttpClientFactory> void init(ApiClient client, T httpFactory) {
this.trigger = this.builder.getTrigger();
- if (client == null) {
+ if (client == null) {
String username = trigger.getUsername();
- String password = trigger.getPassword();
+ String password = trigger.getPassword();
StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials credentials = getCredentials(trigger.getCredentialsId());
if (credentials != null) {
username = credentials.getUsername();
password = credentials.getPassword().getPlainText();
- }
+ }
this.client = new ApiClient(
@@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
} else this.client = client;
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
return targetPullRequests;
public ApiClient getClient() {
return this.client;
@@ -148,23 +147,23 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
public void postPullRequestApproval(String pullRequestId) {
public String getMyBuildTag(String buildKey) {
return "#" + this.client.buildStatusKey(buildKey);
- }
+ }
final static Pattern BUILD_TAGS_RX = Pattern.compile(BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER_TAGS_RX, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.CANON_EQ);
- final static Pattern SINGLE_BUILD_TAG_RX = Pattern.compile(BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER_TAG_SINGLE_RX, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.CANON_EQ);
- final static String CONTENT_PART_TEMPLATE = "```[bid: %s]```";
+ final static Pattern SINGLE_BUILD_TAG_RX = Pattern.compile(BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER_TAG_SINGLE_RX, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.CANON_EQ);
+ final static String CONTENT_PART_TEMPLATE = "```[bid: %s]```";
private List<String> getAvailableBuildTagsFromTTPComment(String buildTags) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Parse {0}", new Object[]{ buildTags });
- List<String> availableBuildTags = new LinkedList<String>();
+ List<String> availableBuildTags = new LinkedList<String>();
Matcher subBuildTagMatcher = SINGLE_BUILD_TAG_RX.matcher(buildTags);
while(subBuildTagMatcher.find()) availableBuildTags.add(subBuildTagMatcher.group(0).trim());
return availableBuildTags;
public boolean hasMyBuildTagInTTPComment(String content, String buildKey) {
Matcher tagsMatcher = BUILD_TAGS_RX.matcher(content);
if (tagsMatcher.find()) {
@@ -172,40 +171,40 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
return this.getAvailableBuildTagsFromTTPComment(tagsMatcher.group(1).trim()).contains(this.getMyBuildTag(buildKey));
else return false;
- }
- private void postBuildTagInTTPComment(String pullRequestId, String content, String buildKey) {
+ }
+ private void postBuildTagInTTPComment(String pullRequestId, String content, String buildKey) {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Update build tag for {0} build key", buildKey);
List<String> builds = this.getAvailableBuildTagsFromTTPComment(content);
- builds.add(this.getMyBuildTag(buildKey));
+ builds.add(this.getMyBuildTag(buildKey));
content += " " + String.format(CONTENT_PART_TEMPLATE, StringUtils.join(builds, " "));
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Post comment: {0} with original content {1}", new Object[]{ content, this.client.postPullRequestComment(pullRequestId, content).getId() });
private boolean isTTPComment(String content) {
- return content.toLowerCase().contains(BUILD_REQUEST_MARKER.toLowerCase());
+ return content.toLowerCase().contains(trigger.getCommentTrigger().toLowerCase());
private boolean isTTPCommentBuildTags(String content) {
return content.toLowerCase().contains(BUILD_REQUEST_DONE_MARKER.toLowerCase());
public List<Pullrequest.Comment> filterPullRequestComments(List<Pullrequest.Comment> comments) {
logger.info("Filter PullRequest Comments.");
- Collections.reverse(comments);
- List<Pullrequest.Comment> filteredComments = new LinkedList<Pullrequest.Comment>();
+ Collections.reverse(comments);
+ List<Pullrequest.Comment> filteredComments = new LinkedList<Pullrequest.Comment>();
for(Pullrequest.Comment comment : comments) {
String content = comment.getContent();
- if (content == null || content.isEmpty()) continue;
- boolean isTTP = this.isTTPComment(content);
- boolean isTTPBuild = this.isTTPCommentBuildTags(content);
+ if (content == null || content.isEmpty()) continue;
+ boolean isTTP = this.isTTPComment(content);
+ boolean isTTPBuild = this.isTTPCommentBuildTags(content);
if (isTTP || isTTPBuild) filteredComments.add(comment);
if (isTTP) break;
return filteredComments;
private boolean isBuildTarget(Pullrequest pullRequest) {
if (pullRequest.getState() != null && pullRequest.getState().equals("OPEN")) {
if (isSkipBuild(pullRequest.getTitle()) || !isFilteredBuild(pullRequest)) {
@@ -224,8 +223,8 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
final boolean commitAlreadyBeenProcessed = this.client.hasBuildStatus(
sourceRepository.getOwnerName(), sourceRepository.getRepositoryName(), sourceCommit, buildKeyPart
- if (commitAlreadyBeenProcessed) logger.log(Level.INFO,
- "Commit {0}#{1} has already been processed",
+ if (commitAlreadyBeenProcessed) logger.log(Level.INFO,
+ "Commit {0}#{1} has already been processed",
new Object[]{ sourceCommit, buildKeyPart }
@@ -238,18 +237,18 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
boolean hasMyBuildTag = false;
for (Pullrequest.Comment comment : filteredComments) {
String content = comment.getContent();
- if (this.isTTPComment(content)) {
+ if (this.isTTPComment(content)) {
rebuildCommentAvailable = true;
- logger.log(Level.INFO,
- "Rebuild comment available for commit {0} and comment #{1}",
+ logger.log(Level.INFO,
+ "Rebuild comment available for commit {0} and comment #{1}",
new Object[]{ sourceCommit, comment.getId() }
- );
+ );
if (isTTPCommentBuildTags(content))
hasMyBuildTag |= this.hasMyBuildTagInTTPComment(content, buildKeyPart);
rebuildCommentAvailable &= !hasMyBuildTag;
- }
+ }
if (rebuildCommentAvailable) this.postBuildTagInTTPComment(id, "TTP build flag", buildKeyPart);
final boolean canBuildTarget = rebuildCommentAvailable || !commitAlreadyBeenProcessed;
@@ -287,17 +286,17 @@ public class BitbucketRepository {
//@FIXME: Way to iterate over all available SCMSources
List<SCMSource> sources = new LinkedList<SCMSource>();
for(SCMSourceOwner owner : SCMSourceOwners.all())
for(SCMSource src : owner.getSCMSources())
- sources.add(src);
- BitbucketBuildFilter filter = !this.trigger.getBranchesFilterBySCMIncludes() ?
+ sources.add(src);
+ BitbucketBuildFilter filter = !this.trigger.getBranchesFilterBySCMIncludes() ?
BitbucketBuildFilter.InstanceByString(this.trigger.getBranchesFilter()) :
BitbucketBuildFilter.InstanceBySCM(sources, this.trigger.getBranchesFilter());
return filter.approved(cause);