diff options
-rw-r--r-- | tower.pas | 249 |
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tower.pas b/tower.pas new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4ead7a --- /dev/null +++ b/tower.pas @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +Program Hanoi_Tower; {$B-}
+Uses Crt;
+ n,h,flag: BYTE;
+ q,mq,z,r,t: INTEGER;
+ allrings,k: BOOLEAN;
+ hp: ARRAY [1..3] Of BYTE;
+ rings: ARRAY [1..9] Of STRING [20];
+ heaps: ARRAY [1..3,0..9] Of BYTE;
+Const m: ARRAY [3..9] Of STRING [50] = ('Not bad.', 'Good !',
+ 'Very well !!',
+ 'Do not stop !',
+ 'Patience!',
+ 'Terrific! One more game !!!',
+ 'THAT IS IT !!!');
+Procedure Cancel;
+ flag := 11;
+Procedure Title;
+ While KeyPressed Do ReadKey;
+ n := 3;
+ flag := 29;
+ clrscr;
+ Window(1,1,40,25);
+ GotoXY(1,2);
+ Write('----------------------------------------');
+ GotoXY(1,24);
+ Write('----------------------------------------');
+ For z:=2 To 23 Do
+ Begin
+ GotoXY(1,z);
+ Write('|');
+ GotoXY(40,z);
+ Write('|');
+ End;
+ textcolor(white);
+ GotoXY(12,17);
+ Write('Author: I. Pashev, 11g');
+ GotoXY(15,18);
+ Write('Severoonezhsk');
+ window (12,8,30,14);
+ clrscr;
+ TextColor(Magenta);
+ Window(11,7,29,13);
+ ClrScr;
+ GotoXY(6,2);
+ Write('H A N O I');
+ GotoXY(6,6);
+ Write('T O W E R');
+ window(1,1,40,25);
+ GotoXY(2,25);
+ Write(' - Dec 1997 - Jan 2023 - ');
+ Repeat
+ z := Ord(ReadKey);
+ Case z Of
+ 120: If n>3 Then Dec(n);
+ 105: If n<8 Then Inc(n);
+ 27: halt;
+ End;
+ Until z=13;
+Procedure Prepare;
+Procedure maxq;
+ mq := 1;
+ For z:=1 To n Do
+ mq := mq*2;
+ mq := mq-1;
+ ClrScr;
+ Window(1,1,80,25);
+ k := FALSE;
+ flag := 29;
+ hp[1] := n;
+ hp[2] := 0;
+ hp[3] := 0;
+ h := 1;
+ allrings := FALSE;
+ q := 0;
+ TextColor(Yellow);
+ WriteLN('Max moves: ',mq);
+ Write('Moves done: ');
+ TextColor(White);
+ Write(q);
+ TextColor(LightCyan);
+ GotoXY(1,20);
+ Write('================================================================================');
+ t := 17-n;
+ For z:=n Downto 1 Do
+ Begin
+ rings[n-z+1] := '';
+ For r:=1 To 10-z Do
+ rings[n-z+1] := rings[n-z+1] + #32;
+ For r := 1 To 2 * z Do
+ rings[n-z+1] := rings[n-z+1] + 'O';
+ For r:=1 To 10-z Do
+ rings[n-z+1] := rings[n-z+1] + #32;
+ End;
+ TextColor(White);
+ GotoXY(16,21);
+ Write('^');
+ For z:=1 To n Do
+ Begin
+ GotoXY(7,20-z);
+ Write(rings[z]);
+ heaps[1,z] := z;
+ End;
+Procedure Playing;
+Var h2: BYTE;
+Const spc = ' ';{ 19 spaces}
+Procedure LevelComplete;
+ GotoXY(1,4);
+ Write(m[n]);
+ allrings := TRUE;
+ GotoXY(1,5);
+ Write('P R E S S "Space"');
+ If n=9 Then flag := 1
+ Else Inc(n);
+ Delay(500);
+Procedure Go_to_heap (x:SHORTINT);
+ If (x < 1) Or (x > 3) Then EXIT;
+ GotoXY((h-1)*24+16,21);
+ Write(#32);
+ h := x;
+ GotoXY((h-1)*24+16,21);
+ Write('^');
+Procedure Up;
+ If hp[h]=0 Then
+ Begin
+ Write(#7);
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ k := TRUE;
+ For z:=19-hp[h] Downto t Do
+ Begin
+ GotoXY((h-1) * 24 + 7, z + 1);
+ Write(spc);
+ GotoXY((h-1) * 24 + 7, z);
+ Write(rings [heaps [h,hp [h]]]);
+ Delay(40);
+ End;
+ h2 := h;
+Procedure Down;
+ If heaps[h2,hp[h2]]>heaps[h,hp[h]] Then
+ Begin
+ Exit;
+ End;
+ If h2<>h Then
+ Begin
+ Inc(hp[h2]);
+ heaps[h2,hp[h2]] := heaps[h,hp[h]];
+ End;
+ For z:=t To 19-hp[h2] Do
+ Begin
+ GotoXY((h2-1)*24+7,z);
+ Write(spc);
+ GotoXY((h2-1)*24+7,z+1);
+ Write(rings[heaps[h,hp[h]]]);
+ Delay(40);
+ End;
+ k := FALSE;
+ If h2<>h Then Dec(hp[h]);
+ If Not (allrings) And (h2<>h) Then
+ Begin
+ Inc(q);
+ GotoXY(13,2);
+ Write(q);
+ End;
+Procedure Right;
+ If h2=3 Then Exit;
+ For z:=(h2-1)*24+8 To 24*h2+7 Do
+ Begin
+ GotoXY(z,t);
+ Write(rings[heaps[h,hp[h]]]);
+ Delay(6);
+ End;
+ Inc(h2);
+Procedure Left;
+ If h2=1 Then Exit;
+ For z:=(h2-1)*24+6 Downto 24*(h2-2)+7 Do
+ Begin
+ GotoXY(z,t);
+ Write(rings[heaps[h,hp[h]]]);
+ Delay(6);
+ End;
+ Dec(h2);
+ Repeat
+ Case ReadKey Of
+ 'H': If Not k Then Up;
+ 'P': If k Then Down;
+ 'M': If k Then Right
+ Else Go_to_heap(h + 1);
+ 'K': If k Then Left
+ Else Go_to_heap(h - 1);
+ #27: Cancel;
+ #32, #13: If allrings Then flag := 0;
+ End;
+ If q>mq Then flag := 2
+ Else If (hp[3]=n) And Not allrings Then LevelComplete;
+ Until flag<>29;
+Procedure BadLuck;
+ GotoXY(30,20);
+ Write(' L O S E R! ');
+ Delay(2500);
+ CheckBreak := FALSE;
+ heaps[1,0] := 0;
+ heaps[2,0] := 0;
+ heaps[3,0] := 0;
+ Title;
+ Repeat
+ Prepare;
+ Playing;
+ Until flag<>0;
+ If flag=2 Then BadLuck;