path: root/src/3rd/flibs/src/datastructures/linkedlist.f90
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/3rd/flibs/src/datastructures/linkedlist.f90')
1 files changed, 242 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/3rd/flibs/src/datastructures/linkedlist.f90 b/src/3rd/flibs/src/datastructures/linkedlist.f90
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9071ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/3rd/flibs/src/datastructures/linkedlist.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+! linkedlist.f90 --
+! Include file for defining linked lists where each element holds
+! the same kind of data
+! See the example/test program for the way to use this
+! Note:
+! You should only use pointer variables of this type, no
+! ordinary variables, as sometimes the memory pointed to
+! will be deallocated. The subroutines and functions
+! are designed to minimize mistakes (for instance: using
+! = instead of =>)
+! $Id: linkedlist.f90,v 1.4 2009-08-17 04:26:12 arjenmarkus Exp $
+! Define the linked-list data type
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: next
+ type(LIST_DATA) :: data
+end type LINKED_LIST
+! define a private (!) interface to prevent
+! mistakes with ordinary assignment
+!interface assignment(=)
+! module procedure list_assign
+!end interface
+!private :: list_assign
+! Define the subroutines and functions
+! list_assign
+! Subroutine to prevent errors with assignment
+! Arguments:
+! list_left List on the left-hand side
+! list_right List on the right-hand side
+! NOTE:
+! This does not work because of a private/public
+! conflict
+!subroutine list_assign( list_left, list_right )
+! type(LINKED_LIST), INTENT(OUT) :: list_left
+! type(LINKED_LIST), INTENT(IN) :: list_right
+! !type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list_left
+! !type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list_right
+! !
+! ! Note the order!
+! !
+! stop 'Error: ordinary assignment for lists'
+! list_left%next => null()
+!end subroutine list_assign
+! list_create --
+! Create and initialise a list
+! Arguments:
+! list Pointer to new linked list
+! data The data for the first element
+! Note:
+! This version assumes a shallow copy is enough
+! (that is, there are no pointers within the data
+! to be stored)
+! It also assumes the argument list does not already
+! refer to a list. Use list_destroy first to
+! destroy up an old list.
+subroutine list_create( list, data )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list
+ type(LIST_DATA), intent(in) :: data
+ allocate( list )
+ list%next => null()
+ list%data = data
+end subroutine list_create
+! list_destroy --
+! Destroy an entire list
+! Arguments:
+! list Pointer to the list to be destroyed
+! Note:
+! This version assumes that there are no
+! pointers within the data that need deallocation
+subroutine list_destroy( list )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: current
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ elem => list
+ do while ( associated(elem) )
+ current => elem
+ elem => current%next
+ deallocate( current )
+ enddo
+end subroutine list_destroy
+! list_count --
+! Count the number of items in the list
+! Arguments:
+! list Pointer to the list
+integer function list_count( list )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: current
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: next
+ if ( associated(list) ) then
+ list_count = 1
+ current => list
+ do while ( associated(current%next) )
+ current => current%next
+ list_count = list_count + 1
+ enddo
+ else
+ list_count = 0
+ endif
+end function list_count
+! list_next
+! Return the next element (if any)
+! Arguments:
+! elem Element in the linked list
+! Result:
+function list_next( elem ) result(next)
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: next
+ next => elem%next
+end function list_next
+! list_insert
+! Insert a new element
+! Arguments:
+! elem Element in the linked list after
+! which to insert the new element
+! data The data for the new element
+subroutine list_insert( elem, data )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ type(LIST_DATA), intent(in) :: data
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: next
+ allocate(next)
+ next%next => elem%next
+ elem%next => next
+ next%data = data
+end subroutine list_insert
+! list_insert_head
+! Insert a new element before the first element
+! Arguments:
+! list Start of the list
+! data The data for the new element
+subroutine list_insert_head( list, data )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list
+ type(LIST_DATA), intent(in) :: data
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ allocate(elem)
+ elem%data = data
+ elem%next => list
+ list => elem
+end subroutine list_insert_head
+! list_delete_element
+! Delete an element from the list
+! Arguments:
+! list Header of the list
+! elem Element in the linked list to be
+! removed
+subroutine list_delete_element( list, elem )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: list
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: current
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: prev
+ if ( associated(list,elem) ) then
+ list => elem%next
+ deallocate( elem )
+ else
+ current => list
+ prev => list
+ do while ( associated(current) )
+ if ( associated(current,elem) ) then
+ prev%next => current%next
+ deallocate( current ) ! Is also "elem"
+ exit
+ endif
+ prev => current
+ current => current%next
+ enddo
+ endif
+! allocate(next)
+! next%next => elem%next
+! elem%next => next
+! next%data = data
+end subroutine list_delete_element
+! list_get_data
+! Get the data stored with a list element
+! Arguments:
+! elem Element in the linked list
+function list_get_data( elem ) result(data)
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ type(LIST_DATA) :: data
+ data = elem%data
+end function list_get_data
+! list_put_data
+! Store new data with a list element
+! Arguments:
+! elem Element in the linked list
+! data The data to be stored
+subroutine list_put_data( elem, data )
+ type(LINKED_LIST), pointer :: elem
+ type(LIST_DATA), intent(in) :: data
+ elem%data = data
+end subroutine list_put_data