path: root/pandoc.cabal
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pandoc.cabal')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/pandoc.cabal b/pandoc.cabal
index a37d0029c..12877a745 100644
--- a/pandoc.cabal
+++ b/pandoc.cabal
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Name: pandoc
Version: 0.45
+Cabal-Version: >= 1.2
License: GPL
License-File: COPYING
Copyright: (c) 2006-2007 John MacFarlane
@@ -31,32 +32,41 @@ Description: Pandoc is a Haskell library for converting from one markup
which convert this native representation into a target
format. Thus, adding an input or output format requires
only adding a reader or writer.
-Build-Depends: base, parsec, xhtml, mtl, regex-compat, network
-Hs-Source-Dirs: src
-Exposed-Modules: Text.Pandoc,
- Text.Pandoc.Blocks,
- Text.Pandoc.Definition,
- Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences,
- Text.Pandoc.Shared,
- Text.Pandoc.UTF8,
- Text.Pandoc.ASCIIMathML,
- Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML,
- Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX,
- Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown,
- Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.DefaultHeaders,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docbook,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF,
- Text.Pandoc.Writers.S5
-Ghc-Options: -O0
+Flag splitBase
+ Description: Choose the new, smaller, split-up base package.
+ Default: True
-Executable: pandoc
-Hs-Source-Dirs: src
-Main-Is: Main.hs
-Ghc-Options: -O0
+ if flag(splitBase)
+ Build-Depends: base >= 3, pretty, containers
+ else
+ Build-Depends: base < 3
+ Build-Depends: parsec, xhtml, mtl, regex-compat, network
+ Hs-Source-Dirs: src
+ Exposed-Modules: Text.Pandoc,
+ Text.Pandoc.Blocks,
+ Text.Pandoc.Definition,
+ Text.Pandoc.CharacterReferences,
+ Text.Pandoc.Shared,
+ Text.Pandoc.UTF8,
+ Text.Pandoc.ASCIIMathML,
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.HTML,
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.LaTeX,
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.Markdown,
+ Text.Pandoc.Readers.RST,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.DefaultHeaders,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Docbook,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.HTML,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.LaTeX,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.ConTeXt,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Man,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.Markdown,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.RST,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.RTF,
+ Text.Pandoc.Writers.S5
+ Ghc-Options: -O2
+Executable pandoc
+ Hs-Source-Dirs: src
+ Main-Is: Main.hs
+ Ghc-Options: -O2