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1 files changed, 41 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs b/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
index 647899acf..4cecebda1 100644
--- a/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/Text/Pandoc/Readers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ block = choice [ hrule
, specialEnvironment
, itemBlock
, unknownEnvironment
+ , ignore
, unknownCommand ] <?> "block"
@@ -283,7 +284,12 @@ definitionList = try $ do
para :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
-para = many1 inline >>~ spaces >>= return . Para . normalizeSpaces
+para = do
+ res <- many1 inline
+ spaces
+ return $ if null (filter (`notElem` [Str "", Space]) res)
+ then Null
+ else Para $ normalizeSpaces res
-- title authors date
@@ -331,7 +337,7 @@ itemBlock :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
itemBlock = try $ do
("item", _, args) <- command
state <- getState
- if (stateParserContext state == ListItemState)
+ if stateParserContext state == ListItemState
then fail "item should be handled by list block"
else if null args
then return Null
@@ -381,20 +387,33 @@ unknownEnvironment = try $ do
else anyEnvironment -- otherwise just the contents
return result
+-- \ignore{} is used conventionally in literate haskell for definitions
+-- that are to be processed by the compiler but not printed.
+ignore :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
+ignore = try $ do
+ ("ignore", _, _) <- command
+ spaces
+ return Null
unknownCommand :: GenParser Char ParserState Block
unknownCommand = try $ do
- notFollowedBy' $ choice $ map end ["itemize", "enumerate", "description",
+ notFollowedBy' $ choice $ map end ["itemize", "enumerate", "description",
- (name, star, args) <- command
- spaces
- let argStr = concat args
state <- getState
- if name == "item" && (stateParserContext state) == ListItemState
- then fail "should not be parsed as raw"
- else return ""
if stateParseRaw state
- then return $ Plain [TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ argStr)]
- else return $ Plain [Str (joinWithSep " " args)]
+ then do
+ (name, star, args) <- command
+ spaces
+ if name == "item" && stateParserContext state == ListItemState
+ then fail "should not be parsed as raw"
+ else return ""
+ return $ Plain [TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ concat args)]
+ else do -- skip unknown command, leaving arguments to be parsed
+ char '\\'
+ letter
+ many (letter <|> digit)
+ spaces
+ return Null
-- latex comment
comment :: GenParser Char st Block
@@ -523,9 +542,9 @@ escapedChar = do
result <- escaped (oneOf " $%&_#{}\n")
return $ if result == Str "\n" then Str " " else result
--- ignore standalone, nonescaped special characters
+-- treat nonescaped special characters as spaces
unescapedChar :: GenParser Char st Inline
-unescapedChar = oneOf "`$^&_#{}|<>" >> return (Str "")
+unescapedChar = oneOf "`$^&_#{}|<>" >> return Space
specialChar :: GenParser Char st Inline
specialChar = choice [ backslash, tilde, caret, bar, lt, gt, doubleQuote ]
@@ -727,12 +746,14 @@ footnote = try $ do
-- | Parse any LaTeX command and return it in a raw TeX inline element.
rawLaTeXInline :: GenParser Char ParserState Inline
rawLaTeXInline = try $ do
- (name, star, args) <- command
+ notFollowedBy' $ oneOfStrings ["\\begin", "\\end", "\\item", "\\ignore"]
state <- getState
- if ((name == "begin") || (name == "end") || (name == "item"))
- then fail "not an inline command"
- else string ""
if stateParseRaw state
- then return $ TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ concat args)
- else return $ Str (joinWithSep " " args)
+ then do
+ (name, star, args) <- command
+ return $ TeX ("\\" ++ name ++ star ++ concat args)
+ else do -- skip unknown command, leaving arguments to be parsed
+ char '\\'
+ letter
+ many (letter <|> digit)
+ return $ Str ""