path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
diff options
authorJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2012-01-23 13:25:55 -0800
committerJohn MacFarlane <fiddlosopher@gmail.com>2012-01-23 13:25:55 -0800
commit97af5767295f9bc48c8dc99303bb5b53829beb43 (patch)
tree73244fcaf6e9510562eac8970257eaaac166b8a0 /src/Text/Pandoc/Writers
parenta8046ea9693f24266e8cefb75f6e280c93e03adf (diff)
Use Slides in LaTeX writer for beamer.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Writers')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
index da0389cf7..dd7a3c940 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/LaTeX.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Data.Char ( toLower, isPunctuation )
import Control.Monad.State
import Text.Pandoc.Pretty
import System.FilePath (dropExtension)
+import Text.Pandoc.Slides
import Text.Pandoc.Highlighting (highlight, styleToLaTeX,
formatLaTeXInline, formatLaTeXBlock)
@@ -62,7 +63,6 @@ data WriterState =
, stBook :: Bool -- true if document uses book or memoir class
, stCsquotes :: Bool -- true if document uses csquotes
, stHighlighting :: Bool -- true if document has highlighted code
- , stFirstFrame :: Bool -- true til we've written first beamer frame
, stIncremental :: Bool -- true if beamer lists should be displayed bit by bit
, stInternalLinks :: [String] -- list of internal link targets
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ writeLaTeX options document =
stUrl = False, stGraphics = False,
stLHS = False, stBook = writerChapters options,
stCsquotes = False, stHighlighting = False,
- stFirstFrame = True, stIncremental = writerIncremental options,
+ stIncremental = writerIncremental options,
stInternalLinks = [] }
pandocToLaTeX :: WriterOptions -> Pandoc -> State WriterState String
@@ -200,34 +200,22 @@ inCmd :: String -> Doc -> Doc
inCmd cmd contents = char '\\' <> text cmd <> braces contents
toSlides :: [Block] -> State WriterState [Block]
-toSlides (Header n ils : bs) = do
- tit <- inlineListToLaTeX ils
- firstFrame <- gets stFirstFrame
- modify $ \s -> s{ stFirstFrame = False }
+toSlides bs = concat `fmap` (mapM slideToBeamer $ toSlideElements bs)
+slideToBeamer :: SlideElement -> State WriterState [Block]
+slideToBeamer (SectionSlide lvl tit) = return [Header lvl tit]
+slideToBeamer (ContentSlide tit bs) = do
+ tit' <- inlineListToLaTeX tit
-- note: [fragile] is required or verbatim breaks
- result <- ((Header n ils :) .
- (RawBlock "latex" ("\\begin{frame}[fragile]\n" ++
- "\\frametitle{" ++ render Nothing tit ++ "}") :))
- `fmap` toSlides bs
- if firstFrame
- then return result
- else return $ RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}" : result
-toSlides (HorizontalRule : Header n ils : bs) =
- toSlides (Header n ils : bs)
-toSlides (HorizontalRule : bs) = do
- firstFrame <- gets stFirstFrame
- modify $ \s -> s{ stFirstFrame = False }
- result <- (RawBlock "latex" "\\begin{frame}[fragile]" :)
- `fmap` toSlides bs
- if firstFrame
- then return result
- else return $ RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}" : result
-toSlides (b:bs) = (b:) `fmap` toSlides bs
-toSlides [] = do
- firstFrame <- gets stFirstFrame
- if firstFrame
- then return []
- else return [RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}"]
+ let slideStart = RawBlock "latex" ("\\begin{frame}[fragile]\n" ++
+ "\\frametitle{" ++ render Nothing tit' ++ "}")
+ let slideEnd = RawBlock "latex" "\\end{frame}"
+ -- now carve up slide into blocks if there are sections inside
+ let eltToBlocks (Blk b) = [b]
+ eltToBlocks (Sec _ _ _ lab xs) =
+ Para (RawInline "latex" "\\begin{block}{" : lab ++ [RawInline "latex" "}"])
+ : concatMap eltToBlocks xs ++ [RawBlock "latex" "\\end{block}"]
+ return $ slideStart : concatMap eltToBlocks (hierarchicalize bs) ++ [slideEnd]
isListBlock :: Block -> Bool
isListBlock (BulletList _) = True