path: root/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RTF.hs
diff options
authorIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2021-12-29 15:00:59 +0200
committerIgor Pashev <pashev.igor@gmail.com>2021-12-29 15:00:59 +0200
commitb4361712899fd0183fea5513180cb383979616de (patch)
tree688ab7ee2ab3a8cd32b4e37b506099aec95388f7 /src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RTF.hs
parent726ad97faebe59e024d68d293e663c02bbe423c8 (diff)
parentd960282b105a6469c760b4308a3b81da723b7256 (diff)
Merge https://github.com/jgm/pandoc
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RTF.hs')
1 files changed, 1351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RTF.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RTF.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3938681f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RTF.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,1351 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{- |
+ Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.RTF
+ Copyright : Copyright (C) 2021 John MacFarlane
+ License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
+ Maintainer : John MacFarlane (<jgm@berkeley.edu>)
+ Stability : alpha
+ Portability : portable
+Conversion of RTF documents 'Pandoc' document.
+We target version 1.5 of the RTF spec.
+module Text.Pandoc.Readers.RTF (readRTF) where
+import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
+import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
+import Data.List (find, foldl')
+import Data.Word (Word8, Word16)
+import Data.Default
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Blocks, Inlines)
+import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B
+import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad (..), insertMedia)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition
+import Text.Pandoc.Options
+import Text.Pandoc.Parsing
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (safeRead, tshow)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, chr, isAscii, isLetter, isSpace, ord)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
+import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA (sha1, showDigest)
+import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
+import Safe (lastMay, initSafe, headDef)
+-- import Debug.Trace
+-- TODO:
+-- [ ] more complex table features
+-- | Read RTF from an input string and return a Pandoc document.
+readRTF :: (PandocMonad m, ToSources a)
+ => ReaderOptions
+ -> a
+ -> m Pandoc
+readRTF opts s = do
+ let sources = toSources s
+ parsed <- readWithM parseRTF def{ sOptions = opts } sources
+ case parsed of
+ Left e -> throwError e
+ Right d -> return d
+data CharSet = ANSI | Mac | Pc | Pca
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- first index is the list (or override) id, second is the list level
+type ListTable = IntMap.IntMap ListLevelTable
+type ListLevelTable = IntMap.IntMap ListType
+data RTFState = RTFState { sOptions :: ReaderOptions
+ , sCharSet :: CharSet
+ , sGroupStack :: [Properties]
+ , sListStack :: [List]
+ , sCurrentCell :: Blocks
+ , sTableRows :: [TableRow] -- reverse order
+ , sTextContent :: [(Properties, Text)]
+ , sMetadata :: [(Text, Inlines)]
+ , sFontTable :: FontTable
+ , sStylesheet :: Stylesheet
+ , sListTable :: ListTable
+ , sListOverrideTable :: ListTable
+ , sEatChars :: Int
+ } deriving (Show)
+instance Default RTFState where
+ def = RTFState { sOptions = def
+ , sCharSet = ANSI
+ , sGroupStack = []
+ , sListStack = []
+ , sCurrentCell = mempty
+ , sTableRows = []
+ , sTextContent = []
+ , sMetadata = []
+ , sFontTable = mempty
+ , sStylesheet = mempty
+ , sListTable = mempty
+ , sListOverrideTable = mempty
+ , sEatChars = 0
+ }
+type FontTable = IntMap.IntMap FontFamily
+data FontFamily =
+ Roman | Swiss | Modern | Script | Decor | Tech | Bidi
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data StyleType = ParagraphStyle | SectionStyle | CharStyle | TableStyle
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Style =
+ Style { styleNum :: Int
+ , styleType :: StyleType
+ , styleBasedOn :: Maybe Int
+ , styleName :: Text
+ , styleFormatting :: [Tok]
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Stylesheet = IntMap.IntMap Style
+data PictType =
+ Emfblip | Pngblip | Jpegblip
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Pict =
+ Pict { picType :: Maybe PictType
+ , picWidth :: Maybe Int
+ , picHeight :: Maybe Int
+ , picWidthGoal :: Maybe Int
+ , picHeightGoal :: Maybe Int
+ , picBinary :: Bool
+ , picData :: Text
+ , picName :: Text
+ , picBytes :: BL.ByteString
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default Pict where
+ def = Pict { picType = Nothing
+ , picWidth = Nothing
+ , picHeight = Nothing
+ , picWidthGoal = Nothing
+ , picHeightGoal = Nothing
+ , picBinary = False
+ , picData = mempty
+ , picName = mempty
+ , picBytes = mempty }
+data Properties =
+ Properties
+ { gBold :: Bool
+ , gItalic :: Bool
+ , gCaps :: Bool
+ , gDeleted :: Bool
+ , gSub :: Bool
+ , gSuper :: Bool
+ , gSmallCaps :: Bool
+ , gUnderline :: Bool
+ , gHyperlink :: Maybe Text
+ , gAnchor :: Maybe Text
+ , gImage :: Maybe Pict
+ , gFontFamily :: Maybe FontFamily
+ , gHidden :: Bool
+ , gUC :: Int -- number of ansi chars to skip after unicode char
+ , gFootnote :: Maybe Blocks
+ , gOutlineLevel :: Maybe ListLevel
+ , gListOverride :: Maybe Override
+ , gListLevel :: Maybe Int
+ , gInTable :: Bool
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Default Properties where
+ def = Properties { gBold = False
+ , gItalic = False
+ , gCaps = False
+ , gDeleted = False
+ , gSub = False
+ , gSuper = False
+ , gSmallCaps = False
+ , gUnderline = False
+ , gHyperlink = Nothing
+ , gAnchor = Nothing
+ , gImage = Nothing
+ , gFontFamily = Nothing
+ , gHidden = False
+ , gUC = 1
+ , gFootnote = Nothing
+ , gOutlineLevel = Nothing
+ , gListOverride = Nothing
+ , gListLevel = Nothing
+ , gInTable = False
+ }
+type RTFParser m = ParserT Sources RTFState m
+data ListType = Bullet | Ordered ListAttributes
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Override = Int
+type ListLevel = Int
+data List =
+ List Override ListLevel ListType [Blocks] -- items in reverse order
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+newtype TableRow = TableRow [Blocks] -- cells in reverse order
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+parseRTF :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Pandoc
+parseRTF = do
+ skipMany nl
+ toks <- many tok
+ -- return $! traceShowId toks
+ bs <- (case toks of
+ -- if we start with {\rtf1...}, parse that and ignore
+ -- what follows (which in certain cases can be non-RTF content)
+ rtftok@(Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "rtf" (Just 1)) : _))) : _
+ -> foldM processTok mempty [rtftok]
+ _ -> foldM processTok mempty toks)
+ >>= emitBlocks
+ unclosed <- closeContainers
+ let doc = B.doc $ bs <> unclosed
+ kvs <- sMetadata <$> getState
+ pure $ foldr (uncurry B.setMeta) doc kvs
+data Tok = Tok SourcePos TokContents
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data TokContents =
+ ControlWord Text (Maybe Int)
+ | ControlSymbol Char
+ | UnformattedText Text
+ | BinData BL.ByteString
+ | HexVal Word8
+ | Grouped [Tok]
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+tok :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Tok
+tok = do
+ pos <- getPosition
+ Tok pos <$> ((controlThing <|> unformattedText <|> grouped) <* skipMany nl)
+ where
+ controlThing = do
+ char '\\' *>
+ ( binData
+ <|> (ControlWord <$> letterSequence <*> (parameter <* optional delimChar))
+ <|> (HexVal <$> hexVal)
+ <|> (ControlSymbol <$> anyChar) )
+ binData = try $ do
+ string "bin" <* notFollowedBy letter
+ n <- fromMaybe 0 <$> parameter
+ spaces
+ -- NOTE: We assume here that if the document contains binary
+ -- data, it will not be valid UTF-8 and hence it will have been
+ -- read as latin1, so we can recover the data in the following
+ -- way. This is probably not completely reliable, but I don't
+ -- know if we can do better without making this reader take
+ -- a ByteString input.
+ dat <- BL.pack . map (fromIntegral . ord) <$> count n anyChar
+ return $ BinData dat
+ parameter = do
+ hyph <- string "-" <|> pure ""
+ rest <- many digit
+ let pstr = T.pack $ hyph <> rest
+ return $ safeRead pstr
+ hexVal = do
+ char '\''
+ x <- hexDigit
+ y <- hexDigit
+ return $ hexToWord (T.pack [x,y])
+ letterSequence = T.pack <$> many1 (satisfy (\c -> isAscii c && isLetter c))
+ unformattedText =
+ UnformattedText . T.pack . mconcat <$>
+ many1 ( many1 (satisfy (not . isSpecial))
+ <|> ("" <$ nl))
+ grouped = Grouped <$> (char '{' *> skipMany nl *> manyTill tok (char '}'))
+nl :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m ()
+nl = void (char '\n' <|> char '\r')
+isSpecial :: Char -> Bool
+isSpecial '{' = True
+isSpecial '}' = True
+isSpecial '\\' = True
+isSpecial '\n' = True
+isSpecial _ = False
+delimChar :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Char
+delimChar = satisfy (\c -> not (isAlphaNum c || isSpecial c))
+modifyGroup :: PandocMonad m
+ => (Properties -> Properties)
+ -> RTFParser m ()
+modifyGroup f =
+ updateState $ \st ->
+ st{ sGroupStack =
+ case sGroupStack st of
+ [] -> []
+ (x:xs) -> f x : xs }
+addFormatting :: (Properties, Text) -> Inlines
+addFormatting (_, "\n") = B.linebreak
+addFormatting (props, _) | gHidden props = mempty
+addFormatting (props, _) | Just bs <- gFootnote props = B.note bs
+addFormatting (props, txt) =
+ (if gBold props then B.strong else id) .
+ (if gItalic props then B.emph else id) .
+ (if gDeleted props then B.strikeout else id) .
+ (if gSub props then B.subscript else id) .
+ (if gSuper props then B.superscript else id) .
+ (if gSmallCaps props then B.smallcaps else id) .
+ (if gUnderline props then B.underline else id) .
+ (case gHyperlink props of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just linkdest -> B.link linkdest mempty) .
+ (case gAnchor props of
+ Nothing -> id
+ Just ident -> B.spanWith (ident,[],[])) .
+ (case gFontFamily props of
+ Just Modern -> B.code
+ _ -> case gImage props of
+ Just pict ->
+ let attr = ("",[],
+ (case picWidthGoal pict of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just w -> [("width", tshow (fromIntegral w / 1440
+ :: Double)
+ <> "in")]) ++
+ (case picHeightGoal pict of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just h -> [("height", tshow (fromIntegral h / 1440
+ :: Double)
+ <> "in")]))
+ in B.imageWith attr (picName pict) "" . B.text
+ Nothing -> B.text) .
+ (if gCaps props then T.toUpper else id)
+ $ txt
+addText :: PandocMonad m => Text -> RTFParser m ()
+addText t = do
+ gs <- sGroupStack <$> getState
+ let props = case gs of
+ (x:_) -> x
+ _ -> def
+ updateState (\s -> s{ sTextContent = (props, t) : sTextContent s })
+inGroup :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m a -> RTFParser m a
+inGroup p = do
+ updateState $ \st ->
+ st{ sGroupStack =
+ case sGroupStack st of
+ [] -> [def]
+ (x:xs) -> (x:x:xs) } -- inherit current group's properties
+ result <- p
+ updateState $ \st ->
+ st{ sGroupStack =
+ case sGroupStack st of
+ [] -> [] -- should not happen
+ (_:xs) -> xs }
+ return result
+getStyleFormatting :: PandocMonad m => Int -> RTFParser m [Tok]
+getStyleFormatting stynum = do
+ stylesheet <- sStylesheet <$> getState
+ case IntMap.lookup stynum stylesheet of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just sty ->
+ case styleBasedOn sty of
+ Just i -> (<> styleFormatting sty) <$> getStyleFormatting i
+ Nothing -> return $ styleFormatting sty
+isMetadataField :: Text -> Bool
+isMetadataField "title" = True
+isMetadataField "subject" = True
+isMetadataField "author" = True
+isMetadataField "manager" = True
+isMetadataField "company" = True
+isMetadataField "operator" = True
+isMetadataField "category" = True
+isMetadataField "keywords" = True
+isMetadataField "comment" = True
+isMetadataField "doccomm" = True
+isMetadataField "hlinkbase" = True
+isMetadataField "generator" = True
+isMetadataField _ = False
+isHeaderFooter :: Text -> Bool
+isHeaderFooter "header" = True
+isHeaderFooter "headerl" = True
+isHeaderFooter "headerr" = True
+isHeaderFooter "headerf" = True
+isHeaderFooter "footer" = True
+isHeaderFooter "footerl" = True
+isHeaderFooter "footerr" = True
+isHeaderFooter "footerf" = True
+isHeaderFooter _ = False
+boolParam :: Maybe Int -> Bool
+boolParam (Just 0) = False
+boolParam _ = True
+isUnderline :: Text -> Bool
+isUnderline "ul" = True
+isUnderline "uld" = True
+isUnderline "uldash" = True
+isUnderline "uldashd" = True
+isUnderline "uldashdd" = True
+isUnderline "uldb" = True
+isUnderline "ulth" = True
+isUnderline "ulthd" = True
+isUnderline "ulthdash" = True
+isUnderline "ulw" = True
+isUnderline "ulwave" = True
+isUnderline _ = False
+processTok :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> Tok -> RTFParser m Blocks
+processTok bs (Tok pos tok') = do
+ setPosition pos
+ case tok' of
+ HexVal{} -> return ()
+ UnformattedText{} -> return ()
+ _ -> updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = 0 }
+ case tok' of
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlSymbol '*') : toks) ->
+ bs <$ (do oldTextContent <- sTextContent <$> getState
+ processTok mempty (Tok pos (Grouped toks))
+ updateState $ \st -> st{ sTextContent = oldTextContent })
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "fonttbl" _) : toks) -> inGroup $ do
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sFontTable = processFontTable toks }
+ pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "field" _) : toks) ->
+ inGroup $ handleField bs toks
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pict" _) : toks) ->
+ bs <$ inGroup (handlePict toks)
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "stylesheet" _) : toks) ->
+ bs <$ inGroup (handleStylesheet toks)
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listtext" _) : _) -> do
+ -- eject any previous list items...sometimes TextEdit
+ -- doesn't put in a \par
+ emitBlocks bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pgdsc" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "colortbl" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listtable" _) : toks) ->
+ bs <$ inGroup (handleListTable toks)
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listoverridetable" _) : toks) ->
+ bs <$ inGroup (handleListOverrideTable toks)
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "wgrffmtfilter" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "themedata" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "colorschememapping" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "datastore" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "latentstyles" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pntxta" _) : _) -> pure bs -- TODO
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "pntxtb" _) : _) -> pure bs -- TODO
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "xmlnstbl" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "filetbl" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "expandedcolortbl" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listtables" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "revtbl" _) : _) -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "bkmkstart" _)
+ : Tok _ (UnformattedText t) : _) -> do
+ -- TODO ideally we'd put the span around bkmkstart/end, but this
+ -- is good for now:
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gAnchor = Just $ T.strip t })
+ pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "bkmkend" _) : _) -> do
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gAnchor = Nothing })
+ pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord f _) : _) | isHeaderFooter f -> pure bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "footnote" _) : toks) -> do
+ noteBs <- inGroup $ processDestinationToks toks
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gFootnote = Just noteBs })
+ addText "*"
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gFootnote = Nothing })
+ return bs
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "info" _) : toks) ->
+ bs <$ inGroup (processDestinationToks toks)
+ Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord f _) : toks) | isMetadataField f -> inGroup $ do
+ foldM_ processTok mempty toks
+ annotatedToks <- reverse . sTextContent <$> getState
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = [] }
+ let ils = B.trimInlines . mconcat $ map addFormatting annotatedToks
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sMetadata = (f, ils) : sMetadata s }
+ pure bs
+ Grouped toks -> inGroup (foldM processTok bs toks)
+ UnformattedText t -> bs <$ do
+ -- return $! traceShowId $! (pos, t)
+ eatChars <- sEatChars <$> getState
+ case eatChars of
+ 0 -> addText t
+ n | n < T.length t -> do
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = 0 }
+ addText (T.drop n t)
+ | otherwise -> do
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = n - T.length t }
+ HexVal n -> bs <$ do
+ eatChars <- sEatChars <$> getState
+ if eatChars == 0
+ then do
+ charset <- sCharSet <$> getState
+ case charset of
+ ANSI -> addText (T.singleton $ ansiToChar n)
+ Mac -> addText (T.singleton $ macToChar n)
+ Pc -> addText (T.singleton $ pcToChar n)
+ Pca -> addText (T.singleton $ pcaToChar n)
+ else updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = eatChars - 1 }
+ ControlWord "ansi" _ -> bs <$
+ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = ANSI })
+ ControlWord "mac" _ -> bs <$
+ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = Mac })
+ ControlWord "pc" _ -> bs <$
+ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = Pc })
+ ControlWord "pca" _ -> bs <$
+ updateState (\s -> s{ sCharSet = Pca })
+ ControlWord "outlinelevel" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gOutlineLevel = mbp })
+ ControlWord "ls" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gListOverride = mbp })
+ ControlWord "ilvl" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gListLevel = mbp })
+ ControlSymbol '\\' -> bs <$ addText "\\"
+ ControlSymbol '{' -> bs <$ addText "{"
+ ControlSymbol '}' -> bs <$ addText "}"
+ ControlSymbol '~' -> bs <$ addText "\x00a0"
+ ControlSymbol '-' -> bs <$ addText "\x00ad"
+ ControlSymbol '_' -> bs <$ addText "\x2011"
+ ControlWord "trowd" _ -> bs <$ do -- add new row
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTableRows = TableRow [] : sTableRows s
+ , sCurrentCell = mempty }
+ ControlWord "cell" _ -> bs <$ do
+ new <- emitBlocks mempty
+ curCell <- (<> new) . sCurrentCell <$> getState
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTableRows =
+ case sTableRows s of
+ TableRow cs : rs ->
+ TableRow (curCell : cs) : rs
+ [] -> [TableRow [curCell]] -- shouldn't happen
+ , sCurrentCell = mempty }
+ ControlWord "intbl" _ -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gInTable = True })
+ ControlWord "plain" _ -> bs <$ modifyGroup (const def)
+ ControlWord "lquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2018"
+ ControlWord "rquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2019"
+ ControlWord "ldblquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x201C"
+ ControlWord "rdblquote" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x201D"
+ ControlWord "emdash" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2014"
+ ControlWord "emspace" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2003"
+ ControlWord "enspace" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2002"
+ ControlWord "endash" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2013"
+ ControlWord "bullet" _ -> bs <$ addText "\x2022"
+ ControlWord "tab" _ -> bs <$ addText "\t"
+ ControlWord "line" _ -> bs <$ addText "\n"
+ ControlSymbol '\n' -> bs <$ addText "\n"
+ ControlSymbol '\r' -> bs <$ addText "\n"
+ ControlWord "uc" (Just i) -> bs <$ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gUC = i })
+ ControlWord "cs" (Just n) -> do
+ getStyleFormatting n >>= foldM processTok bs
+ ControlWord "s" (Just n) -> do
+ getStyleFormatting n >>= foldM processTok bs
+ ControlWord "ds" (Just n) -> do
+ getStyleFormatting n >>= foldM processTok bs
+ ControlWord "f" (Just i) -> bs <$ do
+ fontTable <- sFontTable <$> getState
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gFontFamily = IntMap.lookup i fontTable })
+ ControlWord "u" (Just i) -> bs <$ do
+ st <- getState
+ let curgroup = case sGroupStack st of
+ [] -> def
+ (x:_) -> x
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sEatChars = gUC curgroup }
+ -- "RTF control words generally accept signed 16-bit numbers as
+ -- arguments. For this reason, Unicode values greater than 32767
+ -- must be expressed as negative numbers."
+ let codepoint :: Word16
+ codepoint = fromIntegral i
+ addText (T.singleton (chr $ fromIntegral codepoint))
+ ControlWord "caps" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gCaps = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "deleted" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "b" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gBold = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "i" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gItalic = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "sub" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSub = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "super" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSuper = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "up" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSuper = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "strike" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "strikedl" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "striked" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gDeleted = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "scaps" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gSmallCaps = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "v" mbp -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gHidden = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord x mbp | isUnderline x -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gUnderline = boolParam mbp })
+ ControlWord "ulnone" _ -> bs <$
+ modifyGroup (\g -> g{ gUnderline = False })
+ ControlWord "pard" _ -> bs <$ do
+ modifyGroup (const def)
+ getStyleFormatting 0 >>= foldM processTok bs
+ ControlWord "par" _ -> emitBlocks bs
+ _ -> pure bs
+processDestinationToks :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m Blocks
+processDestinationToks toks = do
+ textContent <- sTextContent <$> getState
+ liststack <- sListStack <$> getState
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = mempty
+ , sListStack = [] }
+ result <- inGroup $
+ foldM processTok mempty toks >>= emitBlocks
+ unclosed <- closeContainers
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = textContent
+ , sListStack = liststack }
+ return $ result <> unclosed
+-- close lists >= level
+closeLists :: PandocMonad m => Int -> RTFParser m Blocks
+closeLists lvl = do
+ lists <- sListStack <$> getState
+ case lists of
+ (List _ lvl' lt items : rest) | lvl' >= lvl -> do
+ let newlist = (case lt of
+ Bullet -> B.bulletList
+ Ordered listAttr -> B.orderedListWith listAttr)
+ (reverse items)
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = rest }
+ case rest of
+ [] -> do
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack = rest }
+ pure newlist
+ (List lo lvl'' lt' [] : rest') -> do -- should not happen
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack =
+ List lo lvl'' lt' [newlist] : rest' }
+ closeLists lvl
+ (List lo lvl'' lt' (i:is) : rest') -> do
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sListStack =
+ List lo lvl'' lt' (i <> newlist : is) : rest' }
+ closeLists lvl
+ _ -> pure mempty
+closeTable :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Blocks
+closeTable = do
+ rawrows <- sTableRows <$> getState
+ if null rawrows
+ then return mempty
+ else do
+ let getCells (TableRow cs) = reverse cs
+ let rows = map getCells . reverse $ rawrows
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sCurrentCell = mempty
+ , sTableRows = [] }
+ return $ B.simpleTable [] rows
+closeContainers :: PandocMonad m => RTFParser m Blocks
+closeContainers = do
+ tbl <- closeTable
+ lists <- closeLists 0
+ return $ tbl <> lists
+trimFinalLineBreak :: Inlines -> Inlines
+trimFinalLineBreak ils =
+ case Seq.viewr (B.unMany ils) of
+ rest Seq.:> LineBreak -> B.Many rest
+ _ -> ils
+emitBlocks :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> RTFParser m Blocks
+emitBlocks bs = do
+ annotatedToks <- reverse . sTextContent <$> getState
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sTextContent = [] }
+ let justCode = def{ gFontFamily = Just Modern }
+ let prop = case annotatedToks of
+ [] -> def
+ ((p,_):_) -> p
+ tbl <- if gInTable prop || null annotatedToks
+ then pure mempty
+ else closeTable
+ new <-
+ case annotatedToks of
+ [] -> pure mempty
+ _ | Just lst <- gListOverride prop
+ -> do
+ let level = fromMaybe 0 $ gListLevel prop
+ listOverrideTable <- sListOverrideTable <$> getState
+ let listType = fromMaybe Bullet $
+ IntMap.lookup lst listOverrideTable >>= IntMap.lookup level
+ lists <- sListStack <$> getState
+ -- get para contents of list item
+ let newbs = B.para . B.trimInlines . trimFinalLineBreak . mconcat $
+ map addFormatting annotatedToks
+ case lists of
+ (List lo parentlevel _lt items : cs)
+ | lo == lst
+ , parentlevel == level
+ -- add another item to existing list
+ -> do updateState $ \s ->
+ s{ sListStack =
+ List lo level listType (newbs:items) : cs }
+ pure mempty
+ | lo /= lst || level < parentlevel
+ -- close parent list and add new list
+ -> do new <- closeLists level -- close open lists > level
+ updateState $ \s ->
+ s{ sListStack = List lst level listType [newbs] :
+ sListStack s }
+ pure new
+ _ -> do -- add new list (level > parentlevel)
+ updateState $ \s ->
+ s{ sListStack = List lst level listType [newbs] :
+ sListStack s }
+ pure mempty
+ | Just lvl <- gOutlineLevel prop
+ -> do
+ lists <- closeLists 0
+ pure $ lists <>
+ B.header (lvl + 1)
+ (B.trimInlines . mconcat $ map addFormatting
+ $ removeCommonFormatting
+ annotatedToks)
+ | all ((== justCode) . fst) annotatedToks
+ -> do
+ lists <- closeLists 0
+ pure $ lists <>
+ B.codeBlock (mconcat $ map snd annotatedToks)
+ | all (T.all isSpace . snd) annotatedToks
+ -> closeLists 0
+ | otherwise -> do
+ lists <- closeLists 0
+ pure $ lists <>
+ B.para (B.trimInlines . trimFinalLineBreak . mconcat
+ $ map addFormatting annotatedToks)
+ if gInTable prop
+ then do
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sCurrentCell = sCurrentCell s <> new }
+ pure bs
+ else do
+ pure $ bs <> tbl <> new
+-- Headers often have a style applied. We usually want to remove
+-- this, because headers will have their own styling in the target
+-- format.
+removeCommonFormatting :: [(Properties, Text)] -> [(Properties, Text)]
+removeCommonFormatting =
+ (\ts ->
+ if all (gBold . fst) ts
+ then map (\(p,t) -> (p{ gBold = False }, t)) ts
+ else ts) .
+ (\ts ->
+ if all (gItalic . fst) ts
+ then map (\(p,t) -> (p{ gItalic = False }, t)) ts
+ else ts)
+-- {\field{\*\fldinst{HYPERLINK "http://pandoc.org"}}{\fldrslt foo}}
+handleField :: PandocMonad m => Blocks -> [Tok] -> RTFParser m Blocks
+handleField bs
+ (Tok _
+ (Grouped
+ (Tok _ (ControlSymbol '*')
+ :Tok _ (ControlWord "fldinst" Nothing)
+ :Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (UnformattedText insttext):rest))
+ :_))
+ :linktoks)
+ | Just linkdest <- getHyperlink insttext
+ = do let linkdest' = case rest of
+ (Tok _ (ControlSymbol '\\')
+ : Tok _ (UnformattedText t)
+ : _) | Just bkmrk <- T.stripPrefix "l" t
+ -> "#" <> unquote bkmrk
+ _ -> linkdest
+ modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gHyperlink = Just linkdest' }
+ result <- foldM processTok bs linktoks
+ modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gHyperlink = Nothing }
+ return result
+handleField bs _ = pure bs
+unquote :: Text -> Text
+unquote = T.dropWhile (=='"') . T.dropWhileEnd (=='"') . T.strip
+handleListTable :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m ()
+handleListTable toks = do
+ mapM_ handleList toks
+handleList :: PandocMonad m => Tok -> RTFParser m ()
+handleList (Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "list" _) : toks))) = do
+ let listid = headDef 0 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "listid" (Just n)) <- toks]
+ let levels = [ts | Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listlevel" _) : ts))
+ <- toks]
+ tbl <- foldM handleListLevel mempty (zip [0..] levels)
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sListTable = IntMap.insert listid tbl $ sListTable s }
+handleList _ = return ()
+handleListLevel :: PandocMonad m
+ => ListLevelTable
+ -> (Int, [Tok])
+ -> RTFParser m ListLevelTable
+handleListLevel levelTable (lvl, toks) = do
+ let start = headDef 1
+ [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "levelstartat" (Just n)) <- toks]
+ let mbNumberStyle =
+ case [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "levelnfc" (Just n)) <- toks] of
+ [] -> Nothing
+ (0:_) -> Just Decimal
+ (1:_) -> Just UpperRoman
+ (2:_) -> Just LowerRoman
+ (3:_) -> Just UpperAlpha
+ (4:_) -> Just LowerAlpha
+ (23:_) -> Nothing
+ (255:_) -> Nothing
+ _ -> Just DefaultStyle
+ let listType = case mbNumberStyle of
+ Nothing -> Bullet
+ Just numStyle -> Ordered (start,numStyle,Period)
+ return $ IntMap.insert lvl listType levelTable
+handleListOverrideTable :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m ()
+handleListOverrideTable toks = mapM_ handleListOverride toks
+handleListOverride :: PandocMonad m => Tok -> RTFParser m ()
+ (Tok _ (Grouped (Tok _ (ControlWord "listoverride" _) : toks))) = do
+ let listid = headDef 0 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "listid" (Just n)) <- toks]
+ let lsn = headDef 0 [n | Tok _ (ControlWord "ls" (Just n)) <- toks]
+ -- TODO override stuff, esp. start num -- for now we just handle indirection
+ listTable <- sListTable <$> getState
+ case IntMap.lookup listid listTable of
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ Just tbl -> updateState $ \s ->
+ s{ sListOverrideTable = IntMap.insert lsn tbl $
+ sListOverrideTable s }
+handleListOverride _ = return ()
+handleStylesheet :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m ()
+handleStylesheet toks = do
+ let styles = mapMaybe parseStyle toks
+ updateState $ \s -> s{ sStylesheet = IntMap.fromList
+ $ zip (map styleNum styles) styles }
+parseStyle :: Tok -> Maybe Style
+parseStyle (Tok _ (Grouped toks)) = do
+ let (styType, styNum, rest) =
+ case toks of
+ Tok _ (ControlWord "s" (Just n)) : ts -> (ParagraphStyle, n, ts)
+ Tok _ (ControlWord "ds" (Just n)) : ts -> (SectionStyle, n, ts)
+ Tok _ (ControlWord "cs" (Just n)) : ts -> (CharStyle, n, ts)
+ Tok _ (ControlWord "ts" (Just n)) : ts -> (TableStyle, n, ts)
+ _ -> (ParagraphStyle, 0, toks)
+ let styName = case lastMay rest of
+ Just (Tok _ (UnformattedText t)) -> T.dropWhileEnd (==';') t
+ _ -> mempty
+ let isBasedOn (Tok _ (ControlWord "sbasedon" (Just _))) = True
+ isBasedOn _ = False
+ let styBasedOn = case find isBasedOn toks of
+ Just (Tok _ (ControlWord "sbasedon" (Just i))) -> Just i
+ _ -> Nothing
+ let isStyleControl (Tok _ (ControlWord x _)) =
+ x `elem` ["cs", "s", "ds", "additive", "sbasedon", "snext",
+ "sautoupd", "shidden", "keycode", "alt", "shift",
+ "ctrl", "fn"]
+ isStyleControl _ = False
+ let styFormatting = filter (not . isStyleControl) (initSafe rest)
+ return $ Style{ styleNum = styNum
+ , styleType = styType
+ , styleBasedOn = styBasedOn
+ , styleName = styName
+ , styleFormatting = styFormatting
+ }
+parseStyle _ = Nothing
+hexToWord :: Text -> Word8
+hexToWord t = case TR.hexadecimal t of
+ Left _ -> 0
+ Right (x,_) -> x
+handlePict :: PandocMonad m => [Tok] -> RTFParser m ()
+handlePict toks = do
+ let pict = foldl' getPictData def toks
+ let altText = "image"
+ let bytes =
+ if picBinary pict
+ then picBytes pict
+ else BL.pack $ map hexToWord $ T.chunksOf 2 $ picData pict
+ let (mimetype, ext) =
+ case picType pict of
+ Just Emfblip -> (Just "image/x-emf", ".emf")
+ Just Pngblip -> (Just "image/png", ".png")
+ Just Jpegblip -> (Just "image/jpeg", ".jpg")
+ Nothing -> (Nothing, "")
+ case mimetype of
+ Just mt -> do
+ let pictname = showDigest (sha1 bytes) <> ext
+ insertMedia pictname (Just mt) bytes
+ modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gImage = Just pict{ picName = T.pack pictname,
+ picBytes = bytes } }
+ addText altText
+ modifyGroup $ \g -> g{ gImage = Nothing }
+ _ -> return ()
+ where
+ getPictData :: Pict -> Tok -> Pict
+ getPictData pict (Tok _ tok') =
+ case tok' of
+ ControlWord "emfblip" _-> pict{ picType = Just Emfblip }
+ ControlWord "pngblip" _-> pict{ picType = Just Pngblip }
+ ControlWord "jpegblip" _-> pict{ picType = Just Jpegblip }
+ ControlWord "picw" (Just w) -> pict{ picWidth = Just w }
+ ControlWord "pich" (Just h) -> pict{ picHeight = Just h }
+ ControlWord "picwgoal" (Just w) -> pict{ picWidthGoal = Just w }
+ ControlWord "pichgoal" (Just h) -> pict{ picHeightGoal = Just h }
+ BinData d | not (BL.null d)
+ -> pict{ picBinary = True, picBytes = picBytes pict <> d }
+ UnformattedText t -> pict{ picData = t }
+ _ -> pict
+getHyperlink :: Text -> Maybe Text
+getHyperlink t =
+ case T.stripPrefix "HYPERLINK" (T.strip t) of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just rest -> Just $ unquote rest
+processFontTable :: [Tok] -> FontTable
+processFontTable = snd . foldl' go (0, mempty)
+ where
+ go (fontnum, tbl) (Tok _ tok') =
+ case tok' of
+ (ControlWord "f" (Just i)) -> (i, tbl)
+ (ControlWord "fnil" _) -> (fontnum, tbl)
+ (ControlWord "froman" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Roman tbl)
+ (ControlWord "fswiss" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Swiss tbl)
+ (ControlWord "fmodern" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Modern tbl)
+ (ControlWord "fscript" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Script tbl)
+ (ControlWord "fdecor" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Decor tbl)
+ (ControlWord "ftech" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Tech tbl)
+ (ControlWord "fbidi" _) -> (fontnum, IntMap.insert fontnum Bidi tbl)
+ (Grouped ts) -> foldl' go (fontnum, tbl) ts
+ _ -> (fontnum, tbl)
+ansiToChar :: Word8 -> Char
+ansiToChar i = chr $
+ case i of
+ 128 -> 8364
+ 130 -> 8218
+ 131 -> 402
+ 132 -> 8222
+ 133 -> 8230
+ 134 -> 8224
+ 135 -> 8225
+ 136 -> 710
+ 137 -> 8240
+ 138 -> 352
+ 139 -> 8249
+ 140 -> 338
+ 142 -> 381
+ 145 -> 8216
+ 146 -> 8217
+ 147 -> 8220
+ 148 -> 8221
+ 149 -> 8226
+ 150 -> 8211
+ 151 -> 8212
+ 152 -> 732
+ 153 -> 8482
+ 154 -> 353
+ 155 -> 8250
+ 156 -> 339
+ 158 -> 382
+ 159 -> 376
+ 173 -> 0xAD
+ _ -> fromIntegral i
+macToChar :: Word8 -> Char
+macToChar i = chr $
+ case i of
+ 0x80 -> 0xC4
+ 0x81 -> 0xC5
+ 0x82 -> 0xC7
+ 0x83 -> 0xC9
+ 0x84 -> 0xD1
+ 0x85 -> 0xD6
+ 0x86 -> 0xDC
+ 0x87 -> 0xE1
+ 0x88 -> 0xE0
+ 0x89 -> 0xE2
+ 0x8A -> 0xE4
+ 0x8B -> 0xE3
+ 0x8C -> 0xE5
+ 0x8D -> 0xE7
+ 0x8E -> 0xE9
+ 0x8F -> 0xE8
+ 0x90 -> 0xEA
+ 0x91 -> 0xEB
+ 0x92 -> 0xED
+ 0x93 -> 0xEC
+ 0x94 -> 0xEE
+ 0x95 -> 0xEF
+ 0x96 -> 0xF1
+ 0x97 -> 0xF3
+ 0x98 -> 0xF2
+ 0x99 -> 0xF4
+ 0x9A -> 0xF6
+ 0x9B -> 0xF5
+ 0x9C -> 0xFA
+ 0x9D -> 0xF9
+ 0x9E -> 0xFB
+ 0x9F -> 0xFC
+ 0xA0 -> 0xDD
+ 0xA1 -> 0xB0
+ 0xA2 -> 0xA2
+ 0xA3 -> 0xA3
+ 0xA4 -> 0xA7
+ 0xA5 -> 0xD7
+ 0xA6 -> 0xB6
+ 0xA7 -> 0xDF
+ 0xA8 -> 0xAE
+ 0xA9 -> 0xA9
+ 0xAA -> 0xB2
+ 0xAB -> 0xB4
+ 0xAC -> 0xA8
+ 0xAD -> 0xB3
+ 0xAE -> 0xC6
+ 0xAF -> 0xD8
+ 0xB0 -> 0xB9
+ 0xB1 -> 0xB1
+ 0xB2 -> 0xBC
+ 0xB3 -> 0xBD
+ 0xB4 -> 0xA5
+ 0xB5 -> 0xB5
+ 0xBA -> 0xBE
+ 0xBB -> 0xAA
+ 0xBC -> 0xBA
+ 0xBE -> 0xE6
+ 0xBF -> 0xF8
+ 0xC0 -> 0xBF
+ 0xC1 -> 0xA1
+ 0xC2 -> 0xAC
+ 0xC3 -> 0x0141
+ 0xC4 -> 0x0192
+ 0xC5 -> 0x02CB
+ 0xC7 -> 0xAB
+ 0xC8 -> 0xBB
+ 0xC9 -> 0xA6
+ 0xCA -> 0xA0
+ 0xCB -> 0xC0
+ 0xCC -> 0xC3
+ 0xCD -> 0xD5
+ 0xCE -> 0x0152
+ 0xCF -> 0x0153
+ 0xD0 -> 0xAD
+ 0xD4 -> 0x0142
+ 0xD6 -> 0xF7
+ 0xD8 -> 0xFF
+ 0xD9 -> 0x0178
+ 0xDB -> 0xA4
+ 0xDC -> 0xD0
+ 0xDD -> 0xF0
+ 0xDE -> 0xDE
+ 0xDF -> 0xFE
+ 0xE0 -> 0xFD
+ 0xE1 -> 0xB7
+ 0xE5 -> 0xC2
+ 0xE6 -> 0xCA
+ 0xE7 -> 0xC1
+ 0xE8 -> 0xCB
+ 0xE9 -> 0xC8
+ 0xEA -> 0xCD
+ 0xEB -> 0xCE
+ 0xEC -> 0xCF
+ 0xED -> 0xCC
+ 0xEE -> 0xD3
+ 0xEF -> 0xD4
+ 0xF1 -> 0xD2
+ 0xF2 -> 0xDA
+ 0xF3 -> 0xDB
+ 0xF4 -> 0xD9
+ 0xF5 -> 0x0131
+ 0xF6 -> 0x02C6
+ 0xF7 -> 0x02DC
+ 0xF8 -> 0xAF
+ 0xF9 -> 0x02D8
+ 0xFA -> 0x02D9
+ 0xFB -> 0x02DA
+ 0xFC -> 0xB8
+ 0xFD -> 0x02DD
+ 0xFE -> 0x02DB
+ 0xFF -> 0x02C7
+ _ -> fromIntegral i
+pcToChar :: Word8 -> Char
+pcToChar i = chr $
+ case i of
+ 0x80 -> 0xc7
+ 0x81 -> 0xfc
+ 0x82 -> 0xe9
+ 0x83 -> 0xe2
+ 0x84 -> 0xe4
+ 0x85 -> 0xe0
+ 0x86 -> 0xe5
+ 0x87 -> 0xe7
+ 0x88 -> 0xea
+ 0x89 -> 0xeb
+ 0x8a -> 0xe8
+ 0x8b -> 0xef
+ 0x8c -> 0xee
+ 0x8d -> 0xec
+ 0x8e -> 0xc4
+ 0x8f -> 0xc5
+ 0x90 -> 0xc9
+ 0x91 -> 0xe6
+ 0x92 -> 0xc6
+ 0x93 -> 0xf4
+ 0x94 -> 0xf6
+ 0x95 -> 0xf2
+ 0x96 -> 0xfb
+ 0x97 -> 0xf9
+ 0x98 -> 0xff
+ 0x99 -> 0xd6
+ 0x9a -> 0xdc
+ 0x9b -> 0xa2
+ 0x9c -> 0xa3
+ 0x9d -> 0xa5
+ 0x9e -> 0x20a7
+ 0x9f -> 0x0192
+ 0xa0 -> 0xe1
+ 0xa1 -> 0xed
+ 0xa2 -> 0xf3
+ 0xa3 -> 0xfa
+ 0xa4 -> 0xf1
+ 0xa5 -> 0xd1
+ 0xa6 -> 0xaa
+ 0xa7 -> 0xba
+ 0xa8 -> 0xbf
+ 0xa9 -> 0x2310
+ 0xaa -> 0xac
+ 0xab -> 0xbd
+ 0xac -> 0xbc
+ 0xad -> 0xa1
+ 0xae -> 0xab
+ 0xaf -> 0xbb
+ 0xb0 -> 0x2591
+ 0xb1 -> 0x2592
+ 0xb2 -> 0x2593
+ 0xb3 -> 0x2502
+ 0xb4 -> 0x2524
+ 0xb5 -> 0x2561
+ 0xb6 -> 0x2562
+ 0xb7 -> 0x2556
+ 0xb8 -> 0x2555
+ 0xb9 -> 0x2563
+ 0xba -> 0x2551
+ 0xbb -> 0x2557
+ 0xbc -> 0x255d
+ 0xbd -> 0x255c
+ 0xbe -> 0x255b
+ 0xbf -> 0x2510
+ 0xc0 -> 0x2514
+ 0xc1 -> 0x2534
+ 0xc2 -> 0x252c
+ 0xc3 -> 0x251c
+ 0xc4 -> 0x2500
+ 0xc5 -> 0x253c
+ 0xc6 -> 0x255e
+ 0xc7 -> 0x255f
+ 0xc8 -> 0x255a
+ 0xc9 -> 0x2554
+ 0xca -> 0x2569
+ 0xcb -> 0x2566
+ 0xcc -> 0x2560
+ 0xcd -> 0x2550
+ 0xce -> 0x256c
+ 0xcf -> 0x2567
+ 0xd0 -> 0x2568
+ 0xd1 -> 0x2564
+ 0xd2 -> 0x2565
+ 0xd3 -> 0x2559
+ 0xd4 -> 0x2558
+ 0xd5 -> 0x2552
+ 0xd6 -> 0x2553
+ 0xd7 -> 0x256b
+ 0xd8 -> 0x256a
+ 0xd9 -> 0x2518
+ 0xda -> 0x250c
+ 0xdb -> 0x2588
+ 0xdc -> 0x2584
+ 0xdd -> 0x258c
+ 0xde -> 0x2590
+ 0xdf -> 0x2580
+ 0xe0 -> 0x03b1
+ 0xe1 -> 0xdf
+ 0xe2 -> 0x0393
+ 0xe3 -> 0x03c0
+ 0xe4 -> 0x03a3
+ 0xe5 -> 0x03c3
+ 0xe6 -> 0xb5
+ 0xe7 -> 0x03c4
+ 0xe8 -> 0x03a6
+ 0xe9 -> 0x0398
+ 0xea -> 0x03a9
+ 0xeb -> 0x03b4
+ 0xec -> 0x221e
+ 0xed -> 0x03c6
+ 0xee -> 0x03b5
+ 0xef -> 0x2229
+ 0xf0 -> 0x2261
+ 0xf1 -> 0xb1
+ 0xf2 -> 0x2265
+ 0xf3 -> 0x2264
+ 0xf4 -> 0x2320
+ 0xf5 -> 0x2321
+ 0xf6 -> 0xf7
+ 0xf7 -> 0x2248
+ 0xf8 -> 0xb0
+ 0xf9 -> 0x2219
+ 0xfa -> 0xb7
+ 0xfb -> 0x221a
+ 0xfc -> 0x207f
+ 0xfd -> 0xb2
+ 0xfe -> 0x25a0
+ 0xff -> 0xa0
+ _ -> fromIntegral i
+pcaToChar :: Word8 -> Char
+pcaToChar i = chr $
+ case i of
+ 0x80 -> 0x00c7
+ 0x81 -> 0x00fc
+ 0x82 -> 0x00e9
+ 0x83 -> 0x00e2
+ 0x84 -> 0x00e4
+ 0x85 -> 0x00e0
+ 0x86 -> 0x00e5
+ 0x87 -> 0x00e7
+ 0x88 -> 0x00ea
+ 0x89 -> 0x00eb
+ 0x8a -> 0x00e8
+ 0x8b -> 0x00ef
+ 0x8c -> 0x00ee
+ 0x8d -> 0x00ec
+ 0x8e -> 0x00c4
+ 0x8f -> 0x00c5
+ 0x90 -> 0x00c9
+ 0x91 -> 0x00e6
+ 0x92 -> 0x00c6
+ 0x93 -> 0x00f4
+ 0x94 -> 0x00f6
+ 0x95 -> 0x00f2
+ 0x96 -> 0x00fb
+ 0x97 -> 0x00f9
+ 0x98 -> 0x00ff
+ 0x99 -> 0x00d6
+ 0x9a -> 0x00dc
+ 0x9b -> 0x00f8
+ 0x9c -> 0x00a3
+ 0x9d -> 0x00d8
+ 0x9e -> 0x00d7
+ 0x9f -> 0x0192
+ 0xa0 -> 0x00e1
+ 0xa1 -> 0x00ed
+ 0xa2 -> 0x00f3
+ 0xa3 -> 0x00fa
+ 0xa4 -> 0x00f1
+ 0xa5 -> 0x00d1
+ 0xa6 -> 0x00aa
+ 0xa7 -> 0x00ba
+ 0xa8 -> 0x00bf
+ 0xa9 -> 0x00ae
+ 0xaa -> 0x00ac
+ 0xab -> 0x00bd
+ 0xac -> 0x00bc
+ 0xad -> 0x00a1
+ 0xae -> 0x00ab
+ 0xaf -> 0x00bb
+ 0xb0 -> 0x2591
+ 0xb1 -> 0x2592
+ 0xb2 -> 0x2593
+ 0xb3 -> 0x2502
+ 0xb4 -> 0x2524
+ 0xb5 -> 0x00c1
+ 0xb6 -> 0x00c2
+ 0xb7 -> 0x00c0
+ 0xb8 -> 0x00a9
+ 0xb9 -> 0x2563
+ 0xba -> 0x2551
+ 0xbb -> 0x2557
+ 0xbc -> 0x255d
+ 0xbd -> 0x00a2
+ 0xbe -> 0x00a5
+ 0xbf -> 0x2510
+ 0xc0 -> 0x2514
+ 0xc1 -> 0x2534
+ 0xc2 -> 0x252c
+ 0xc3 -> 0x251c
+ 0xc4 -> 0x2500
+ 0xc5 -> 0x253c
+ 0xc6 -> 0x00e3
+ 0xc7 -> 0x00c3
+ 0xc8 -> 0x255a
+ 0xc9 -> 0x2554
+ 0xca -> 0x2569
+ 0xcb -> 0x2566
+ 0xcc -> 0x2560
+ 0xcd -> 0x2550
+ 0xce -> 0x256c
+ 0xcf -> 0x00a4
+ 0xd0 -> 0x00f0
+ 0xd1 -> 0x00d0
+ 0xd2 -> 0x00ca
+ 0xd3 -> 0x00cb
+ 0xd4 -> 0x00c8
+ 0xd5 -> 0x0131
+ 0xd6 -> 0x00cd
+ 0xd7 -> 0x00ce
+ 0xd8 -> 0x00cf
+ 0xd9 -> 0x2518
+ 0xda -> 0x250c
+ 0xdb -> 0x2588
+ 0xdc -> 0x2584
+ 0xdd -> 0x00a6
+ 0xde -> 0x00cc
+ 0xdf -> 0x2580
+ 0xe0 -> 0x00d3
+ 0xe1 -> 0x00df
+ 0xe2 -> 0x00d4
+ 0xe3 -> 0x00d2
+ 0xe4 -> 0x00f5
+ 0xe5 -> 0x00d5
+ 0xe6 -> 0x00b5
+ 0xe7 -> 0x00fe
+ 0xe8 -> 0x00de
+ 0xe9 -> 0x00da
+ 0xea -> 0x00db
+ 0xeb -> 0x00d9
+ 0xec -> 0x00fd
+ 0xed -> 0x00dd
+ 0xee -> 0x00af
+ 0xef -> 0x00b4
+ 0xf0 -> 0x00ad
+ 0xf1 -> 0x00b1
+ 0xf2 -> 0x2017
+ 0xf3 -> 0x00be
+ 0xf4 -> 0x00b6
+ 0xf5 -> 0x00a7
+ 0xf6 -> 0x00f7
+ 0xf7 -> 0x00b8
+ 0xf8 -> 0x00b0
+ 0xf9 -> 0x00a8
+ 0xfa -> 0x00b7
+ 0xfb -> 0x00b9
+ 0xfc -> 0x00b3
+ 0xfd -> 0x00b2
+ 0xfe -> 0x25a0
+ 0xff -> 0x00a0
+ _ -> fromIntegral i